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2016-12-26 21:11:19 +08:00
scriptencoding utf-8
nnoremap <silent><leader><space> @=((foldclosed(line('.')) < 0) ? 'zc' : 'zo')<CR>
"Super paste it does not work
"ino <C-v> <esc>:set paste<cr>mui<C-R>+<esc>mv'uV'v=:set nopaste<cr>
"对于没有权限的文件使用 :w!!来保存
cnoremap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null %
" cmap W!! w !sudo tee % >/dev/null " I can not understand
" Save a file with sudo
" http://forrst.com/posts/Use_w_to_sudo_write_a_file_with_Vim-uAN
" 映射Ctrl+上下左右来切换窗口
nnoremap <silent><C-Right> :<C-u>wincmd l<CR>
nnoremap <silent><C-Left> :<C-u>wincmd h<CR>
nnoremap <silent><C-Up> :<C-u>wincmd k<CR>
nnoremap <silent><C-Down> :<C-u>wincmd j<CR>
if has('nvim')
exe 'tnoremap <silent><C-Right> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>wincmd l<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><C-Left> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>wincmd h<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><C-Up> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>wincmd k<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><C-Down> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>wincmd j<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><esc> <C-\><C-n>'
"for buftabs
noremap <silent><Leader>bp :bprev<CR>
noremap <silent><Leader>bn :bnext<CR>
"Quickly add empty lines
nnoremap <silent>[<space> :<c-u>put! =repeat(nr2char(10), v:count1)<cr>
nnoremap <silent>]<space> :<c-u>put =repeat(nr2char(10), v:count1)<cr>
"Use jk switch to normal model
inoremap jk <esc>
"]e or [e move current line ,count can be useed
nnoremap <silent>[e :<c-u>execute 'move -1-'. v:count1<cr>
nnoremap <silent>]e :<c-u>execute 'move +'. v:count1<cr>
"]<End> or ]<Home> move current line to the end or the begin of current buffer
nnoremap <silent>]<End> ddGp``
nnoremap <silent>]<Home> ddggP``
vnoremap <silent>]<End> dGp``
vnoremap <silent>]<Home> dggP``
nnoremap <silent><C-S-Down> :m .+1<CR>==
nnoremap <silent><C-S-Up> :m .-2<CR>==
inoremap <silent><C-S-Down> <Esc>:m .+1<CR>==gi
inoremap <silent><C-S-Up> <Esc>:m .-2<CR>==gi
vnoremap <silent><C-S-Down> :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
vnoremap <silent><C-S-Up> :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv
noremap <silent><leader>bg :call ToggleBG()<CR>
noremap <silent><leader>nu :call ToggleNumber()<CR>
" download gvimfullscreen.dll from github, copy gvimfullscreen.dll to
" the directory that has gvim.exe
nnoremap <F11> :call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)<cr>
" yark and paste
vmap <Leader>y "+y
vmap <Leader>d "+d
nmap <Leader>p "+p
nmap <Leader>P "+P
vmap <Leader>p "+p
vmap <Leader>P "+P
" Start new line
inoremap <S-Return> <C-o>o
" Improve scroll, credits: https://github.com/Shougo
nnoremap <expr> zz (winline() == (winheight(0)+1) / 2) ?
\ 'zt' : (winline() == 1) ? 'zb' : 'zz'
noremap <expr> <C-f> max([winheight(0) - 2, 1])
\ ."\<C-d>".(line('w$') >= line('$') ? "L" : "H")
noremap <expr> <C-b> max([winheight(0) - 2, 1])
\ ."\<C-u>".(line('w0') <= 1 ? "H" : "L")
noremap <expr> <C-e> (line("w$") >= line('$') ? "j" : "3\<C-e>")
noremap <expr> <C-y> (line("w0") <= 1 ? "k" : "3\<C-y>")
" Select blocks after indenting
xnoremap < <gv
xnoremap > >gv|
" Use tab for indenting in visual mode
xnoremap <Tab> >gv|
xnoremap <S-Tab> <gv
nnoremap > >>_
nnoremap < <<_
" smart up and down
nnoremap <silent><Down> gj
nnoremap <silent><Up> gk
" Select last paste
nnoremap <silent><expr> gp '`['.strpart(getregtype(), 0, 1).'`]'
" Disable Q and gQ
nnoremap Q <Nop>
nnoremap gQ <Nop>
" Navigate window
nnoremap <silent><C-q> <C-w>
nnoremap <silent><C-x> <C-w>x
" Navigation in command line
cnoremap <C-a> <Home>
cnoremap <C-b> <Left>
cnoremap <C-f> <Right>
" When pressing <leader>cd switch to the directory of the open buffer
" map <Leader>cd :cd %:p:h<CR>:pwd<CR> "I use <Plug>RooterChangeToRootDirectory
" Fast saving
nnoremap <Leader>w :w<CR>
vnoremap <Leader>w <Esc>:w<CR>
nnoremap <C-s> :<C-u>w<CR>
vnoremap <C-s> :<C-u>w<CR>
cnoremap <C-s> <C-u>w<CR>
" Toggle editor visuals
nmap <Leader>ts :setlocal spell!<cr>
nmap <Leader>tn :setlocal nonumber! norelativenumber!<CR>
nmap <Leader>tl :setlocal nolist!<CR>
nmap <Leader>th :nohlsearch<CR>
nmap <Leader>tw :setlocal wrap! breakindent!<CR>
" Tabs
nnoremap <silent>g0 :<C-u>tabfirst<CR>
nnoremap <silent>g$ :<C-u>tablast<CR>
nnoremap <silent>gr :<C-u>tabprevious<CR>
" Remove spaces at the end of lines
nnoremap <silent> ,<Space> :<C-u>silent! keeppatterns %substitute/\s\+$//e<CR>
" C-r: Easier search and replace
xnoremap <C-r> :<C-u>call VSetSearch('/')<CR>:%s/\V<C-R>=@/<CR>//gc<Left><Left><Left>
" Location list movement
nmap <silent><Leader>lj :lnext<CR>
nmap <silent><Leader>lk :lprev<CR>
nmap <silent><Leader>lq :lclose<CR>
" quickfix list movement
nmap <silent><Leader>qj :cnext<CR>
nmap <silent><Leader>qk :cprev<CR>
nmap <silent><Leader>qq :cclose<CR>
" Duplicate lines
nnoremap <Leader>d m`YP``
vnoremap <Leader>d YPgv
fu! s:tobur(num)
2016-12-31 19:40:08 +08:00
if index(get(g:,'spacevim_altmoveignoreft',[]), &filetype) == -1
2016-12-26 21:11:19 +08:00
if a:num ==# 'bnext'
elseif a:num ==# 'bprev'
let ls = split(execute(':ls'), "\n")
let buffers = []
for b in ls
let nr = matchstr(b, '\d\+')
call add(buffers, nr)
if len(buffers) >= a:num
exec 'buffer ' . buffers[a:num - 1]
"irssi like hot key
nnoremap <silent><M-1> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(1)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-2> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(2)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-3> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(3)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-4> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(4)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-5> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(5)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-Right> :<C-U>call <SID>tobur("bnext")<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-Left> :<C-U>call <SID>tobur("bprev")<CR>
"qqmsg hot key
nnoremap <silent><M-x> :call chat#qq#OpenMsgWin()<CR>
"weixin hot key
nnoremap <silent><M-w> :call chat#weixin#OpenMsgWin()<CR>
"chatting hot key
nnoremap <silent><M-c> :call chat#chatting#OpenMsgWin()<CR>
"format current buffer
nnoremap <silent> g= :call zvim#format()<cr>
call zvim#util#defineMap('vnoremap', '<Leader>S', "y:execute @@<CR>:echo 'Sourced selection.'<CR>",
\ 'Sourced selection.',
\ "echo 'Use <leader>S to sourced selection.'")
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap','<Leader>S',"^vg_y:execute @@<CR>:echo 'Sourced line.'<CR>",'Source line',
\ "echo 'Use <leader>S to sourced line.'")
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '<C-c>', ':<c-u>call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard()<cr>',
\ 'Copy buffer absolute path to X11 clipboard','call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard()')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '<Leader><C-c>',
\ ':<c-u>call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(1)<cr>',
\ 'Yank the github link of current file to X11 clipboard',
\ 'call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(1)')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '<Leader><C-l>',
\ ':<c-u>call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(2)<cr>',
\ 'Yank the github link of current line to X11 clipboard',
\ 'call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(2)')
call zvim#util#defineMap('vnoremap <silent>', '<Leader><C-l>',
\ ':<c-u>call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(3)<cr>',
\ 'Yank the github link of current selection to X11 clipboard',
\ 'call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(3)')
" Window prefix
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap', '[Window]', '<Nop>' , 'Defind window prefix' ,'normal [Window]')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nmap' , 's' , '[Window]', 'Use s as window prefix' ,'normal s')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '<Tab>', ':wincmd w<CR>', 'Switch to next window or tab','wincmd w')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '<S-Tab>', ':wincmd p<CR>', 'Switch to previous window or tab','wincmd p')
2016-12-26 21:11:19 +08:00
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]p', ':<C-u>vsplit<CR>:wincmd w<CR>',
\'vsplit vertically,switch to next window','vsplit | wincmd w')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]v', ':<C-u>split<CR>', 'split window','split')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]g', ':<C-u>vsplit<CR>', 'vsplit window','vsplit')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]t', ':<C-u>tabnew<CR>', 'Create new tab','tabnew')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]o', ':<C-u>only<CR>', 'Close other windows','only')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]x', ':<C-u>call zvim#util#BufferEmpty()<CR>',
\'Empty current buffer','call zvim#util#BufferEmpty()')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]\', ':<C-u>b#<CR>', 'Switch to the last buffer','b#')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]q', ':<C-u>close<CR>', 'Close current windows','close')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', 'q', ':<C-u>call zvim#util#SmartClose()<cr>',
\ 'Smart close windows',
\ 'call zvim#util#SmartClose()')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '<Leader>qr', 'q', 'Toggle recording','')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '<Leader>sv', ':split<CR>:wincmd p<CR>:e#<CR>',
\'Open previous buffer in split window' , 'split|wincmd p|e#')
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', '<Leader>sg', ':vsplit<CR>:wincmd p<CR>:e#<CR>',
\'Open previous buffer in vsplit window' , 'vsplit|wincmd p|e#')
2016-12-27 22:52:31 +08:00
call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap <silent>', 'gf', ':call zvim#gf()<CR>', 'Jump to a file under cursor', '')