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synced 2025-03-19 22:35:42 +08:00
139 lines
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139 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import subprocess
from os import listdir
from shutil import copyfile
def run_vim_cmd(cmd, filename=''):
cmd = f'nvim -u vimrc -c "set verbose=1 | {cmd} | wq " --headless {filename}'
return run_cmd(cmd)
def run_cmd(cmd):
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
def readlines(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
return f.readlines()
def test_formatters():
run formatters on entire buffer
for filename in listdir('before'):
output_file = '/tmp/neoformat_' + filename
formatter = filename.split('.')[0]
cmd = f'nvim -u vimrc -c "set verbose=1 | Neoformat {formatter} | w! {output_file} | q! " --headless ./before/{filename}'
before = readlines(output_file)
after = readlines('./after/' + filename)
assert before == after
def test_visual_selection_multi_filetype():
Format different filetypes in one file
filename_before = 'visual_selection_before.txt'
output_file = '/tmp/neoformat_' + filename_before
copyfile(filename_before, output_file)
for test in [('python', 4, 7), ('css', 9, 9), ('css', 14, 15)]:
(filetype, start_line, end_line) = test
vim_cmd = f'{start_line},{end_line}Neoformat! {filetype}'
cmd = f'nvim -u vimrc -c "set verbose=1 | {vim_cmd} | wq " --headless {output_file}'
before = readlines(output_file)
after = readlines('visual_selection_after.txt')
assert before == after
def test_visual_selection_with_filetype_and_formatter():
Test that passing filetype and formatter to Neoformat! works
dir_before = 'visual_before/'
dir_after = 'visual_after/'
for filename in listdir(dir_before):
(filetype, formatter, start_line, end_line) = filename.split('_')
output_file = '/tmp/neoformat_' + filename
cmd = f'nvim -u vimrc -c "set verbose=1 | {start_line},{end_line}Neoformat! {filetype} {formatter} | w! {output_file} | q! " --headless {dir_before + filename}'
before = readlines(output_file)
after = readlines(dir_after + filename)
assert before == after
def test_formatprg_with_neoformat():
Test that formatprg is processed by neoformat
dir_before = 'before/'
filename = 'cssbeautify.css'
output_file = '/tmp/neoformat_fmt_prg_' + filename
viml = '''
let &formatprg = 'css-beautify -s 6 -n'
let g:neoformat_try_formatprg = 1
cmd = f'nvim -u vimrc -c "set verbose=1 | {viml} | Neoformat | w! {output_file} | q! " --headless {dir_before + filename}'
before = readlines(output_file)
after = readlines('./after/cssbeautify-indent-6.css')
assert before == after
def test_formatprg_without_enable():
Test that formatprg isn't use when not enabled
dir_before = 'before/'
filename = 'cssbeautify.css'
output_file = '/tmp/neoformat_fmtprg_not_enabled' + filename
viml = '''
let &formatprg = 'css-beautify -s 6 -n'
cmd = f'nvim -u vimrc -c "set verbose=1 | {viml} | Neoformat | w! {output_file} | q! " --headless {dir_before + filename}'
before = readlines(output_file)
after = readlines('./after/cssbeautify.css')
assert before == after
def test_vader():
run *.vader tests
cmd = f'nvim -u vimrc -c "Vader! *.vader" --headless'
exit_code = run_cmd(cmd)
assert exit_code == 0
def test_autocompletion():
run the vim autocompletion tests
cmd = f'nvim -u vimrc -c "source autocomplete_test.vim" --headless'
exit_code = run_cmd(cmd)
assert exit_code == 0
def test_viml_syntax():
run vint to check vim syntax
exit_code = run_cmd('vint ../')
assert exit_code == 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# run all functions with names in the form of 'test_...'
[func() for func in (val for key, val in vars().items()
if key.startswith('test_'))]