`checker` layer provide syntax checking feature, and for python it uses `flake8` package:
pip install --user flake8
### Buffer formatting
The default key binding for formatting buffer is `SPC b f`, and you need to install `yapf`. To enable automatic buffer formatting on save, load this layer with setting `format-on-save` to `1`.
pip install --user yapf
### Format imports
To be able to suppress unused imports easily, install [autoflake](https://github.com/myint/autoflake):
pip install --user autoflake
To be able to sort your imports, install [isort](https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort)
Start a Python or iPython inferior REPL process with `SPC l s i`. If `ipython` is available in system executable search paths, `ipython` will be used to launch python shell; otherwise, default `python` interpreter will be used. You may change your system executable search path by activating a virtual environment.