| [VersionControl](VersionControl/) | This layer provides general version control features for vim. It should work with all VC backends such as Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, SVN, etc… |
| [autocomplete](autocomplete/) | Autocomplete code within SpaceVim, fuzzy find the candidates from multiple completion sources, and expand snippets before cursor automatically |
| [chat](chat/) | SpaceVim chatting layer provides chatting with qq and weixin in vim. |
| [checkers](checkers/) | Automatic syntax checking within SpaceVim, displays errors on the sign column and statusline. |
| [chinese](chinese/) | Layer for chinese users, includes chinese docs and runtime messages |
| [colorscheme](colorscheme/) | colorscheme provides a list of colorschemes for SpaceVim, default colorscheme is gruvbox with dark theme. |
| [core#banner](core/banner/) | This layer provides many default banners on the welcome page. |
| [core#statusline](core/statusline/) | This layer provides the default statusline for SpaceVim |
| [lang#asciidoc](lang/asciidoc/) | Edit AsciiDoc within vim, autopreview AsciiDoc in the default browser, with this layer you can also format AsciiDoc files. |
| [lang#aspectj](lang/aspectj/) | AspectJ language support, include syntax highlighting. |
| [lang#batch](lang/batch/) | This layer is for DOS batch files.evelopment, provides syntax highlighting, code runner and repl support for batch files. |
| [lang#c](lang/c/) | C/C++/Object-C language support for SpaceVim, including code completion, jump to definition, and quick runner. |
| [lang#chapel](lang/chapel/) | This layer is for chapel development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for chapel files. |
| [lang#clojure](lang/clojure/) | This layer is for Clojure development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, and code formatting for Clojure files. |
| [lang#coffeescript](lang/coffeescript/) | This layer is for CoffeeScript development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, code formatting for CoffeeScript files. |
| [lang#crystal](lang/crystal/) | This layer is for crystal development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for crystal files. |
| [lang#csharp](lang/csharp/) | csharp language layer, including syntax highlighting, and asynchronous code runner. |
| [lang#d](lang/d/) | This layer is for d development, provides syntax checking, and code runner support for d files. |
| [lang#dart](lang/dart/) | This layer is for Dart development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, and code formatting for Dart files. |
| [lang#dockerfiles.lang/dockerfile/) | DockerFile language support, including syntax highlighting and code formatting. |
| [lang#e](lang/e/) | This layer is for e development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for e files. |
| [lang#eiffel](lang/eiffel/) | This layer is for eiffel development, provides syntax highlighting, and auto-indent for eiffel files. |
| [lang#elixir](lang/elixir/) | This layer is for Elixir development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, and code formatting for Elixir files. |
| [lang#elm](lang/elm/) | This layer is for Elm development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, code formatting for Elm files. |
| [lang#erlang](lang/erlang/) | This layer is for Erlang development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, and code formatting for Erlang files. |
| [lang#extra](lang/extra/) | This layer adds support for extra languages to SpaceVim |
| [lang#fortran](lang/fortran/) | This layer is for fortran development, provides syntax checking, and code runner for fortran files. |
| [lang#foxpro](lang/foxpro/) | This layer is for Visual FoxPro development, provides syntax highlighting for foxpro files. |
| [lang#haskell](lang/haskell/) | Haskell language support for SpaceVim, includes code completion, syntax checking, jumping to definition, also provides language server protocol support for Haskell |
| [lang#html](lang/html/) | Edit html in SpaceVim, with this layer, this layer provides code completion, syntax checking and code formatting for html. |
| [lang#java](lang/java/) | This layer is for Java development. All the features such as code completion, formatting, syntax checking, REPL and debug have be done in this layer. |
| [lang#javascript](lang/javascript/) | This layer provides JavaScript development support for SpaceVim, including code completion, syntax highlighting and syntax checking |
| [lang#latex](lang/latex/) | This layer provides support for writing LaTeX documents, including syntax highlighting, code completion, formatting etc. |
| [lang#lisp](lang/lisp/) | This layer is for Common Lisp development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Common Lisp files. |
| [lang#livescript](lang/livescript/) | This layer is for livescript development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for livescript files. |
| [lang#lua](lang/lua/) | This layer is for Lua development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Lua files. |
| [lang#markdown](lang/markdown/) | Edit markdown within vim, autopreview markdown in the default browser, with this layer you can also format markdown files. |
| [lang#moonscript](lang/moonscript/) | This layer is for moonscript development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for moonscript files. |
| [lang#plantuml](lang/plantuml/) | This layer is for PlantUML development, syntax highlighting for PlantUML files. |
| [lang#pony](lang/pony/) | This layer is for pony development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for pony files. |
| [lang#povray](lang/povray/) | This layer is for povray development, provides syntax highlighting, viewing images. |
| [lang#powershell](lang/powershell/) | This layer is for powershell development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for powershell files. |
| [lang#purescript](lang/purescript/) | This layer is for PureScript development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for PureScript files. |
| [lang#python](lang/python/) | This layer is for Python development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Python files. |
| [lang#r](lang/r/) | This layer is for R development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking and code format. |
| [lang#reason](lang/reason/) | This layer is for reason development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for reason files. |
| [lang#red](lang/red/) | This layer is for Red development, provides autocompletion, syntax checking and code format. |
| [lang#rescript](lang/rescript/) | This layer is for ReScript development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for ReScript files. |
| [lang#ring](lang/ring/) | This layer is for ring development, provides syntax checking, code runner and repl support for ring files. |