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2020-06-13 14:06:35 +08:00
*textobj-user.txt* Create your own text objects
Version 0.7.6
Script ID: 2100
Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Kana Natsuno <http://whileimautomaton.net/>
License: MIT license {{{
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
CONTENTS *textobj-user-contents*
Introduction |textobj-user-introduction|
Philosophy |textobj-user-philosophy|
Reference |textobj-user-reference|
Obsolete API |textobj-user-obsolete-api|
Known issues |textobj-user-known-issues|
Changelog |textobj-user-changelog|
INTRODUCTION *textobj-user-introduction*
*textobj-user* is a Vim plugin to create your own text objects without pain.
It is hard to create text objects, because there are many pitfalls to deal
with. This plugin hides such details and provides a declarative way to define
text objects. You can use regular expressions to define simple text objects,
or use functions to define complex ones. For example...
(a) Define "ad"/"id" to select a date such as "2013-03-16", and
define "at"/"it" to select a time such as "22:04:21":
call textobj#user#plugin('datetime', {
\ 'date': {
\ 'pattern': '\<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\>',
\ 'select': ['ad', 'id'],
\ },
\ 'time': {
\ 'pattern': '\<\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\>',
\ 'select': ['at', 'it'],
\ },
\ })
(b) Define "aA" to select text from "<<" to the matching ">>", and
define "iA" to select text inside "<<" and ">>":
call textobj#user#plugin('braces', {
\ 'angle': {
\ 'pattern': ['<<', '>>'],
\ 'select-a': 'aA',
\ 'select-i': 'iA',
\ },
\ })
(c) Define "al" to select the current line, and
define "il" to select the current line without indentation:
call textobj#user#plugin('line', {
\ '-': {
\ 'select-a-function': 'CurrentLineA',
\ 'select-a': 'al',
\ 'select-i-function': 'CurrentLineI',
\ 'select-i': 'il',
\ },
\ })
function! CurrentLineA()
normal! 0
let head_pos = getpos('.')
normal! $
let tail_pos = getpos('.')
return ['v', head_pos, tail_pos]
function! CurrentLineI()
normal! ^
let head_pos = getpos('.')
normal! g_
let tail_pos = getpos('.')
let non_blank_char_exists_p = getline('.')[head_pos[2] - 1] !~# '\s'
\ non_blank_char_exists_p
\ ? ['v', head_pos, tail_pos]
\ : 0
(d) Define "a(" to select text from "\left(" to the matching "\right)", and
define "i(" to select text inside "\left(" to the matching "\right)",
but only for tex files:
call textobj#user#plugin('tex', {
\ 'paren-math': {
\ 'pattern': ['\\left(', '\\right)'],
\ 'select-a': [],
\ 'select-i': [],
\ },
\ })
augroup tex_textobjs
autocmd FileType tex call textobj#user#map('tex', {
\ 'paren-math': {
\ 'select-a': '<buffer> a(',
\ 'select-i': '<buffer> i(',
\ },
\ })
augroup END
You can define your own text objects like the above examples.
See also |textobj-user-reference| for more details.
There are many text objects written with textobj-user. If you want to find
useful ones, or to know how they are implemented, see the following page:
- Vim 7.4 or later
Latest version:
PHILOSOPHY *textobj-user-philosophy*
Suppose that you define custom text objects. Why do you define them?
You must believe that they are useful and they boost your productivity.
Such text objects are also useful for other users.
If so, why don't you share them as a plugin?
This is the reason why textobj-user provides just one function
|textobj#user#plugin()|. It defines not only key mappings like aX/iX for
custom text objects, but also everything that is necessary to share as
a plugin. For example, one might prefer aY/iY to aX/iX for custom text
objects. So that it's necessary to provides a way for such cusotmization,
but it's somewhat tedious to define such stuffs by hand.
REFERENCE *textobj-user-reference*
textobj#user#plugin({plugin-name}, {specs})
Define custom text objects according to {specs}, and
define also utilities to easily share custom text objects as a plugin
which name is {plugin-name}.
{plugin-name} is a string which consists of English alphabets.
This name is used various key mappings, Ex commands, and variables.
{specs} is a |Dictionary| for definitions of custom text objects.
See also |textobj-user-specs| for details.
For example,
call textobj#user#plugin('datetime', {
\ 'date': {
\ 'pattern': '\<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\>',
\ 'select': ['ad', 'id'],
\ },
\ 'time': {
\ 'pattern': '\<\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\>',
\ 'select': ['at', 'it'],
\ },
\ })
many stuffs are defined with the above definition:
(a) An Ex command :TextobjDatetimeDefaultKeyMappings is defined.
The Ex command defines default key mappings for custom text objects,
but it doesn't override existing key mappings unless "!" is given.
In this example, the Ex command maps "ad", "id", "at" and "it" to
custom text objects in Operator-pending mode and Visual mode. ({lhs}
is also mapped in Select mode if it starts with a non-printable
character such as <C-d>)
(b) Interface key mappings such as <Plug>(textobj-datetime-date) are
defined in Operator-pending mode, Visual mode and Select mode. These
key mappings are defined for extra customization for users.
For example, one might prefer "aT" and "iT" to select a time, because
|at| and |it| are bound to the extremely useful text objects to select
a tag block by default, and it is usually a bad idea to override them.
In this case, interface key mappings are used as follows:
xmap aT <Plug>(textobj-datetime-time)
omap aT <Plug>(textobj-datetime-time)
xmap iT <Plug>(textobj-datetime-time)
omap iT <Plug>(textobj-datetime-time)
(c) Finally :TextobjDatetimeDefaultKeyMappings is executed by default
to define default key mappings -- "ad", "id", "at" and "it".
As described in (b), sometimes users do not want to use default key
mappings such as "at" and "it". If
g:textobj_datetime_no_default_key_mappings is set to true, default key
mappings will not be defined.
For backward compatibility, if {specs} contains a key
"*no-default-key-mappings*", default key mappings will not be defined.
But this feature will be removed in a future version.
Specification for a text object ~
|textobj#user#plugin()| takes {specs} for custom text objects. {specs} is
a |Dictionary|, and it is treated as a sequence of key-value pairs, where key
is the name of a text object and value is the specification of a text object.
The specification of a text object consists of various properties. Properties
are expressed as a single dictionary. Each key is the name of a property.
The following properties are available:
"move-n" {lhs} or [{lhs}, ...]
The value must be a string or a list of strings. Each string is
treated as a {lhs} of a default key mapping to move the cursor to the
next text object.
A target text object is determined by
- the "pattern" property with a single regular expression, or
- the "move-n-function" property.
"move-p" {lhs} or [{lhs}, ...]
"move-N" {lhs} or [{lhs}, ...]
"move-P" {lhs} or [{lhs}, ...]
Like "move-n", but {lhs} is used as a default key mapping to move the
cursor to
- the previous text object,
- the end of the next text object, or
- the end of the previous text object.
"select" {lhs} or [{lhs}, ...]
Like "move-n", but {lhs} is used as a default key mapping to select
the text object under the cursor. See also |textobj-user-scan|.
A target text object is determined by
- the "pattern" property with a single regular expression, or
- the "select-function" property.
"select-a" {lhs} or [{lhs}, ...]
"select-i" {lhs} or [{lhs}, ...]
Like "select", but {lhs} is used as a default key mapping to select
"a" text object or "inner" text object, like |ab|, |ip| and other
built-in text objects.
A target text object is determined by
- the "pattern" property with a pair of regular expressions,
- the "select-a-function" property, or
- the "select-i-function" property.
"pattern" {regexp} or [{regexp}, {regexp}]
A single regular expression or a list of two regular expressions to
determine a target text object.
With a single regular expression:
A region matched to the regular expression is treated as
a target text object.
With a pair of regular expressions:
A region between two parts is treated as a target text object,
where the 1st part is matched to the 1st regular expression
and the 2nd part is matched to the 2nd regular expression.
"region-type" {char} (default: "v")
A single character string that specifies the type of a region defined
by the "pattern" property. Possible values are as follows:
Value Meaning ~
------------------------------- ~
"v" Characterwise
"V" Linewise
"\<C-v>" Blockwise
"scan" {string} (default: "forward")
A string that specifies how to find a "pattern"-based text object for
"select". Possible values are:
Try to find from text under the cursor.
Try to find from text:
(1) Under the cursor
(2) After the cursor
Try to find from text:
(1) Under the cursor
(2) In the current line and after the cursor
(3) In the current line and before the cursor
Try to find from text:
(1) Under the cursor
(2) In the current line and after the cursor
(3) In the current line and before the cursor
(4) After the current line
(5) Before the current line
"{property}-function" {fname}
If this property is defined, the function named {fname} instead of the
"pattern" property is used to determine a target text object for
a "{property}" operation.
The function...
- Must take no argument, and
- Must return a list to denote the region occupied by a target text
object, or must return 0 to denote that there is no text object.
The format of a list a list to denote the region is as follows:
[region_type, start_position, end_position]
- "region_type" is a single-character string to specify the type of
a region. See |textobj-user-region-type| for valid values.
- "start_position" denotes the start position of a region.
The detail of this value is the same as |getpos()|.
- "end_position" is like "start_position", but it denotes the
end position of a region.
See |textobj-user-example-complex| for an example.
"sfile" {string}
Value must be expand('<sfile>'). This value is used to
calculate <SNR> prefix for script-local functions which are
given to "{property}-function".
Obsolete properties ~
The following properties are now obsolete. They are still available, but they
will be removed from future versions. It is highly recommended to use new
properties instead.
Old property name New property name ~
----------------------------------------------------- ~
"*pattern*" "pattern"
"*{property}-function*" "{property}-function"
"*sfile*" "sfile"
"*no-default-key-mappings*" Unavailable
Note that "*no-default-key-mappings*" is still available, but it will no
longer be supported. Because it seems not to be used by anyone, and its
interface is confusing and not useful.
Use |g:textobj_{plugin}_no_default_key_mappings| instead.
textobj#user#map({plugin-name}, {specs})
Define key mappings to use custom text objects.
Most text object plugins provide default key mappings to use custom
text objects. But sometimes you want to use other key mappings
instead. It is possible to define such key mappings without
textobj#user#map() like:
xmap aT <Plug>(textobj-datetime-time)
omap aT <Plug>(textobj-datetime-time)
xmap iT <Plug>(textobj-datetime-time)
omap iT <Plug>(textobj-datetime-time)
But it is a tedious task. You can define these key mappings in
a declarative way with textobj#user#map(). For example:
call textobj#user#map('datetime', {
\ 'time': {
\ 'select': ['aT', 'iT'],
\ }
\ })
{plugin-name} is the name of a text object plugin.
{specs} is a |Dictionary| which contains definitions of custom text
object. Unlike |textobj#user#plugin()|, only the following properties
are allowed:
move-n move-p move-N move-P
select select-a select-i
See also |textobj-user-specs| for the details.
For ease of customization, a text object plugin specified by
{plugin-name} may be undefined when textobj#user#map() is called.
- textobj#user#map() is mostly used in |vimrc|. Text object plugins
are usually located in plugin/*.vim. And vimrc is loaded before all
of plugin/*.vim.
- textobj#user#map() is sometimes used in |filetype-plugin|.
Filetype-specific text object plugins are located in ftplugin/*.vim.
And generally it is not predictable the loading order of these
filetype plugins.
As a result, textobj#user#map() cannot detect whether {plugin-name} is
correct. So that an error message will be shown when
- A key mapping defined by textobj#user#map() is actually used, and
- The corresponding text object does not exist at that moment.
textobj#user#move({pattern}, {flags}, {previous-mode})
Move the cursor to the appropriate object defined by {pattern}.
{flags} is a string, which can contain the following character flags:
char meaning ~
---- ------- ~
'b' search backward instead of forward.
'e' move to the end of the match.
{previous-mode} is a string representing the "previous" mode,
that is, which mode of mapping causes the calling of this function.
For example, if this function is called via a mapping for
Operator-pending mode, {previous-mode} must be 'o'.
char meaning ~
---- ------- ~
'n' Normal mode
'o' Operator-pending mode
'v' Visual mode
Return value is same as |searchpos()|.
textobj#user#select({pattern}, {flags}, {prevous-mode})
Select an appropriate object defined by {pattern}. The following
places are scaned to find an appropriate object:
(1) Under the cursor
(2) In the current line and after the cursor
(3) In the current line and before the cursor
(4) After the current line
(5) Before the current line
{flags} is a string, which can contain the following character flags:
Character Meaning ~
--------- -------------------------------------------- ~
"b" find an object from (1), (3), (5).
"c" find an object from (1).
"f" find an object from (1), (2), (4). (default)
"l" find an object from (1), (2), (3).
"n" find an object from (1), (2), (3), (4), (5).
"v" select an object characterwise. (default)
"V" select an object linewise.
"\<C-v>" select an object blockwise.
"N" find the range but don't select.
For the detail of {previous-mode}, see |textobj#user#move()|.
This function returns a list of the start position and the end
position for an object. Each position is [{lnum}, {col}].
If there is no appropriate object, 0 is returned instead.
textobj#user#select_pair({pattern1}, {pattern2}, {flags}, {previous-mode})
Select the appropriate object which starts with {pattern1} and ends
with {pattern2}.
{flags} is a string, which can contain the following character flags:
Character Meaning ~
--------- -------------------------------------------- ~
"a" select the range including {pattern1} and
{pattern2}, like |at|.
"i" select the range excluding {pattern1} and
{pattern2}, like |it|. This is the default
behavior unless 'a' is explicitly specified.
If the cursor is not in a text between
{pattern1} and {pattern2}, this function does
"v" select an object characterwise. (default)
"V" select an object linewise.
"\<C-v>" select an object blockwise.
For the detail of {previous-mode}, see |textobj#user#move()|.
Return value is not defined.
OBSOLETE API *textobj-user-obsolete-api*
textobj#user#define({pattern}, {pattern1}, {pattern2}, {guideline})
Note: This function is obsolete. It will be removed in sometime.
Use |textobj#user#plugin()| instead.
Support function to define key mappings for the text object defined by
{pattern}, or {pattern1} and {pattern2}. {guideline} is a dictionary
consists of key-value pairs where key is a string to represent the
name of function and value is a list of strings (each string
represents {lhs} for corresponding key).
function name meaning ~
------------- ------- ~
'move-to-next' textobj#user#move({pattern}, '')
'move-to-prev' textobj#user#move({pattern}, 'b')
'move-to-next-end' textobj#user#move({pattern}, 'e')
'move-to-prev-end' textobj#user#move({pattern}, 'be')
'select' synonym for 'select-next'
'select-next' textobj#user#select({pattern}, '',
'select-prev' textobj#user#select({pattern}, 'b',
'select-pair-all' textobj#user#select_pair({pattern1},
'a', {previous-mode})
'select-pair-inner' textobj#user#select_pair({pattern1},
'i', {previous-mode})
Example: >
call textobj#user#define('foo', '', '',
\ {'move-to-next': 'gj',
\ 'move-to-prev': 'gk',
\ 'select': ['ig', 'ag']})
KNOWN ISSUES *textobj-user-known-issues*
- Count is not supported by vim-textobj-user. Because the meaning of a count
depends on each custom text object. If you want to support count for your
custom text object, define it with "{property}-function" and use |v:count|
and/or |v:count1| to get an actual count.
- For built-in text objects such as |aw|, |ip| and others, visually selected
region is extended by repeating a text object like "vawawaw...". Such
extending is not supported by vim-textobj-user. Because it's not trivial
to support for all of custom text objects. While some text objects like
|aw| simply extends the current selection, other text objects like |ab|
might override the current selection depending on a context.
- Custom text objects with |o_CTRL-V| may not work properly.
- In Vim older than 7.3.918, |.| fails to correctly repeat the last operation
with a custom text object.
- In Vim 7.3.918 or later, |.| shows underlying key sequence in Command line
to repeat the last operation with a custom text object. (The key sequence
seems to be stored in the redo buffer for repeatability. So that it is not
possible to hide the key sequence by |:map-<silent>|.)
- See also: https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user/issues
CHANGELOG *textobj-user-changelog*
0.7.6 2018-11-19T19:06:11+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.7.6*
- Fix "move-n-function" and others in Visual mode not to leave Visual
0.7.5 2017-09-28T20:38:39+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.7.5*
- Revert changes from 0.7.3-0.7.4 for compatibility with custom
operators which use |getchar()|.
0.7.4 2017-09-25T20:42:58+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.7.4*
- Fix a bug that random characters are inserted if custom text objects
are used with |c|.
0.7.3 2017-09-23T11:10:34+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.7.3*
- Fix a bug that |'<| and |'>| are overridden after using any custom
text object in |Operator-pending| mode. For example, '< and '> were
set to the same region as `vaX` after typing `yaX`.
0.7.2 2017-08-22T21:07:30+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.7.2*
- |textobj#user#select()|: Support a new flag 'N'.
- Fix the plugin itself to be easily reloaded.
0.7.1 2015-05-03T01:45:37+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.7.1*
- Fix a bug that count given to "move-n" and others for
"pattern"-based text objects in Visual mode is ignored.
0.7.0 2015-04-27T21:42:27+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.7.0*
- Add "scan" to specify how to find a "pattern"-based text object for
"select". See |textobj-user-scan| for the details.
0.6.4 2014-10-29T20:59:54+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.6.4*
- Fix a bug that text objects are not correctly selected if those
objects match single characters. See also:
- Fix a few typos in the document.
0.6.3 2014-06-22T17:40:07+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.6.3*
- Fix a bug that using script-local functions as "{property}-function"
causes errors if 'verbose' is set to 15 or bigger value when
|textobj#user#plugin()| is being executed. See also:
0.6.2 2014-04-14T23:16:56+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.6.2*
- Fix a bug that "select-function", "select-a-function" and
"select-i-function" cannot get a count typed in Visual mode via
|v:count| and |v:count1|. This fix requires recent versions of Vim.
In Vim version X or older (where X is 7.3.002 <= X < 7.3.353), these
functions still cannot get an actual count.
0.6.1 2014-04-07T21:55:39+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.6.1*
- Fix a bug that "move-n", "move-N", "move-p" and "move-P" for text
objects defined by "pattern" do not work since 0.6.0.
0.6.0 2014-04-06T20:42:29+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.6.0*
- Support "region-type" to specify region types for simple text
objects defined by "pattern". See |textobj-user-region-type| for
the details.
0.5.0 2014-02-15T00:43:05+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.5.0*
- Add |textobj#user#map()| for ease of customization.
0.4.2 2014-02-08T22:57:19+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.4.2*
- Fix to support "move-n-function", "move-p-function", and so on.
The document states that these functions are available, but they
were not actually implemented.
0.4.1 2013-07-09T21:23:56+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.4.1*
- Fix custom text objects to correctly work even if 'selection' is set
to "exclusive".
0.4.0 2013-03-29T18:28:46+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.4.0*
- Unify the style of property names to define text objects with
|textobj#user#plugin()|. Several properties are renamed for this
change. See |textobj-user-obsolete-properties| for the details.
Old properties are still available, so that this version is backward
compatible with existing plugins based on textobj-user.
0.3.13 2013-03-16T22:48:38+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.13*
- Improve the document:
- Add examples for new users. See |textobj-user-introduction|.
- Add notes on |textobj-user-philosophy|.
- Refine the description on |textobj#user#plugin()|.
- Tidy up |textobj-user-known-issues|.
- Make "*no-default-key-mappings*" obsolete.
It will be removed from future version.
0.3.12 2012-01-18T19:34:29+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.12*
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Fix the bug that "*sfile*" is not correctly
interpreted in a Unix-like environment on Microsoft Windows such as
Git for Windows. (Thank sgur for reporting this problem. See also:
0.3.11 2012-01-17T21:02:18+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.11*
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Fix the bug that "move-n" and "move-p"
operations for text objects are not correctly defined if
'ignorecase' is enabled. (Thank h1mesuke for reporting this
problem. See also: https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user/pull/4)
0.3.10 2011-07-20T22:24:42+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.10*
- Update for Vim 7.3.233 or later.
(Thank cehoffman and thinca for reporting this problem.)
0.3.9 2010-04-19T22:02:03+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.9*
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Fix not to define key mappings in Select
mode if appropriate. Now it works smoothly with plugins which
utilize and depend on the default behavior in Select mode.
0.3.8 2009-07-18T10:02:40+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.8*
- Fix a bug that it was not possible to select any range which starts
with the end of a line.
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Fix a bug that it did not accept
any function which is not script-local as a value for
0.3.7 2008-10-24T02:25:59+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.7*
- |textobj#user#select()|: Fix a bug that it didn't select an object
which: (1) matches to multiple lines and (2) contains the cursor.
- |textobj#user#select()|, |textobj#user#select_pair()|,
|textobj#user#plugin()| with "*{spec}-function*":
Support |o_v| and others. To use this feature, you have to apply
the following patch to Vim:
0.3.6 2008-08-31T03:17:55+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.6*
- Remove unnecessary messages for some cases. They were just for
0.3.5 2008-08-24T23:01:45+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.5*
Incompatible changes with 0.3.4 or ealier:
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Change the specification of functions for
Other changes:
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Add missing description of functions for
0.3.4 2008-06-26T14:13:33+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.4*
- |textobj#user#plugin()|:
- Add "*{spec}-function*" to customize the way to move the cursor or
to select a text by the given function instead of regular
expression based selection.
0.3.3 2008-06-11T21:16:53+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.3*
- |textobj#user#plugin()|:
- Rename the spec "*pattern*" instead of "pattern".
- Fix incorrect processing on "*no-default-key-mappings*".
0.3.2 2008-06-11T02:53:41+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.2*
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Change the names of interface mappings for
the text object of which name is '-'.
Old: <Plug>(textobj-{plugin}---a)
New: <Plug>(textobj-{plugin}-a)
0.3.1 2008-06-08T22:05:02+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3.1*
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: Execute :Textobj{Plugin}DefaultKeyMappings
if necessary.
0.3 2008-06-04T21:16:02+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.3*
- |textobj#user#plugin()|: New.
- |textobj#user#define()|: Now obsolete. Use textobj#user#define().
0.2.2 2008-06-02T06:26:12+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.2.2*
- Fix wrong sentences in the document.
0.2.1 2008-05-22T00:17:24+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.2.1*
- textobj#user#select_pair(): Fix the bug that it selects wrong text
in Operator-pending mode.
0.2 2008-01-07T08:44:14+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.2*
- textobj#user#select(): Fix the wrong selecting in Operator-pending
- textobj#user#move(): Modify to be able to use in Visual and
Operator-pending mode.
0.1 2007-11-16T01:17:45+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.1*
- Modify to be autoloaded.
- Change the names of all API.
0.0 2007-10-15T20:41:34+09:00 *textobj-user-changelog-0.0*
- First release.