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# 👣 gina.vim
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gina.vim (gina) is a plugin to asynchronously control git repositories.
## Presentation
[![You've been Super Viman. After this talk, you could say you are Super Viman 2 -- Life with gina.vim](https://img.youtube.com/vi/zkANQ9l7YDM/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkANQ9l7YDM)
I've talked about what the gina.vim is in [VimConf2017](http://vimconf.vim-jp.org/2017/) ([Slide](https://lambdalisue.github.io/vimconf2017/assets/player/KeynoteDHTMLPlayer.html)). Check it out if you would like to feel what the gina.vim is.
## Usage
The following is a schematic image of general working-flow with gina.
│ │ │
#DIRTY# │ ▼
▲ │ :Gina status │ << : stage
│ │ │ │ >> : unstage
│ │ │ │ -- : toggle
:write │ #STAGED# │ == : discard
▲ │ │ │ pp : patch
│ ├──────────┤ │ dd : diff
│ │ ▼
#CLEAN# │ :Gina commit │ ! : switch --amend
│ │ │ │ :w : save cache
│ ▼ │ │ :q : commit changes (confirm)
└────────────────┘ │ :wq : commit changes (immediate)
So basically user would
1. Edit contents in a git repository
2. Stage changes with `:Gina status`
3. Commit changes with `:Gina commit`
See `:h gina-usage` for advance usage. Gina provides a lot more features.
## Pros.
- A git detection is fast and accurate
- It does not require `git` process so incredibly fast
- Used in [lambdalisue/vim-gita][], for several years
- Commands are asynchronously performed
- Users don't have to wait `:Gina push` (`git push`)
- Asynchronous feature in Neovim is great. `:Gina log` (`git log`) on **Linux** repository won't freeze Neovim
- Single command. Users do not need to remember tons of commands
- `:Gina {command}` will execute a gina command or a git raw command asynchronously
- `:Gina! {command}` will execute a git raw command asynchronously
- `:Gina!! {command}` will execute a git raw command in a shell (mainly for `:Gina!! add -p` or `:Gina!! rebase -i`)
- Action based. Users do not need to remember tons of mappings
- `?` to see the help
- `a` to select an action to perform (complete with `<Tab>`)
- `.` to repeat previous action
- All action can map to an actual keymap
- Author tried to follow Vim's flavor
- No mapping for `ee` or whatever which conflicts with Vim's native mappings (like vim-gita does...)
- Customizable
- Users can define action aliases and mappings
- Users can define default options and aliases of command
- More
- Tested on all major platforms
- Powered by [vim-jp/vital.vim][], mean that the things are unit tested
- Gina add some behaviour test as well
[lambdalisue/vim-gita]: https://github.com/lambdalisue/vim-gita
[vim-jp/vital.vim]: https://github.com/vim-jp/vital.vim
## Contribution
Any contribution including documentations are welcome.
Contributers should install [thinca/vim-themis][] to run tests before sending a PR if they applied some modification to the code.
PRs which does not pass tests won't be accepted.
[thinca/vim-themis]: https://github.com/thinca/vim-themis
## License
The code in gina.vim follows MIT license texted in [LICENSE](./LICENSE).
Contributors need to agree that any modifications sent in this repository follow the license.