mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-14 10:45:42 +08:00

470 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

fun! SetUp()
" disable built-in classes
let g:php_builtin_classnames = {}
" disable built-in interfaces
let g:php_builtin_interfacenames = {}
" disable built-in functions
let g:php_builtin_functions = {}
" disable built-in constants
let g:php_constants = {}
" disable php keywords
let g:php_keywords = {}
" disable tags
exe ':set tags='
" set related options to it's default
let g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion = 1
fun! TestCase_completes_functions_from_local_file() " {{{
call SetUp()
" load fixture with methods and functions in it
let path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/functions.php'
below 1new
exe ":silent! edit ".path
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('common_', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'common_plain_old_function(' , 'info': 'common_plain_old_function()' , 'menu': ')', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_plain_old_function_with_arguments(', 'info': "common_plain_old_function_with_arguments($a, $b='')" , 'menu': "$a, $b='')", 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_private_method(' , 'info': 'common_private_method($foo)' , 'menu': '$foo)', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_private_static_method(' , 'info': 'common_private_static_method($foo)' , 'menu': '$foo)', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_protected_method(' , 'info': 'common_protected_method($foo)' , 'menu': '$foo)', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_protected_static_method(' , 'info': 'common_protected_static_method($foo)' , 'menu': '$foo)', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_public_method(' , 'info': 'common_public_method($foo)' , 'menu': '$foo)', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_public_static_method(' , 'info': 'common_public_static_method($foo)' , 'menu': '$foo)', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_static_public_method(' , 'info': 'common_static_public_method($foo)' , 'menu': '$foo)', 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
silent! bw! %
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_functions_classes_constants_constants_from_tags() " {{{
call SetUp()
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/tags'
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('common', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'COMMON_FOO', 'info': 'COMMON_FOO - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'd'},
\ {'word': 'CommonFoo', 'info': 'CommonFoo - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'c'},
\ {'word': 'CommonTrait', 'info': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 't'},
\ {'word': 'common_plain_old_function(', 'info': 'common_plain_old_function() - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': ') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_plain_old_function_with_arguments(', 'info': "common_plain_old_function_with_arguments($a, $b='') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php", 'menu': "$a, $b='') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php", 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_private_method(', 'info': 'common_private_method($foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': '$foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_private_static_method(', 'info': 'common_private_static_method($foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': '$foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_protected_method(', 'info': 'common_protected_method($foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': '$foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_protected_static_method(', 'info': 'common_protected_static_method($foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': '$foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_public_method(', 'info': 'common_public_method($foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': '$foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_public_static_method(', 'info': 'common_public_static_method($foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': '$foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'common_static_public_method(', 'info': 'common_static_public_method($foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'menu': '$foo) - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/foo.php', 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_function_signature_from_tags_if_field_available() " {{{
call SetUp()
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/patched_tags'
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('common_plain_old_function_with_', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'common_plain_old_function_with_arguments(', 'info': "common_plain_old_function_with_arguments($a, $b = '') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/functions.php", 'menu': "$a, $b = '') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/functions.php", 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_constants_from_local_file() " {{{
call SetUp()
" load fixture with methods and functions in it
let path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/constants.php'
below 1new
exe ":silent! edit ".path
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('FIND', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'FINDME_FOO', 'kind': 'd', 'menu': '', 'info': 'FINDME_FOO'}],
\ res)
silent! bw! %
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_builtin_functions() " {{{
call SetUp()
" the filter_* one should not be picked up
let g:php_builtin_functions = {
\ 'array_flip(': 'array $trans | array',
\ 'array_product(': 'array $array | number',
\ 'filter_var(': 'mixed $variable [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT [, mixed $options]] | mixed',
\ }
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('array_', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'array_flip(', 'info': 'array_flip(array $trans | array', 'menu': 'array $trans | array', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'array_product(', 'info': 'array_product(array $array | number', 'menu': 'array $array | number', 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_builtin_constants() " {{{
call SetUp()
" the FILE_* ones should not be picked up
let g:php_constants = {
\ 'FILE_TEXT': '',
\ }
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('FILTER_', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'FILTER_CALLBACK', 'kind': 'd', 'menu': ' - builtin', 'info': 'FILTER_CALLBACK - builtin'},
\ {'word': 'FILTER_DEFAULT', 'kind': 'd', 'menu': ' - builtin', 'info': 'FILTER_DEFAULT - builtin'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_builtin_keywords() " {{{
call SetUp()
let g:php_keywords = {
\ 'argv':'',
\ 'argc':'',
\ 'and':'',
\ }
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('a', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'and'},
\ {'word': 'argc'},
\ {'word': 'argv'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_builtin_class_names() " {{{
call SetUp()
" PDO should not be picked up
let g:php_builtin_classnames = {
\ 'datetime':'',
\ 'pdo':'',
\ }
let g:php_builtin_classes = {
\ 'datetime':{
\ 'name': 'DateTime',
\ },
\ 'pdo':{
\ 'name': 'PDO',
\ }
\ }
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('date', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'DateTime', 'kind': 'c', 'menu': ' - builtin', 'info': 'DateTime - builtin'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_builtin_interface_names() " {{{
call SetUp()
" PDO should not be picked up
let g:php_builtin_interfacenames = {
\ 'traversable':'',
\ }
let g:php_builtin_interfaces = {
\ 'traversable':{
\ 'name': 'Traversable',
\ }
\ }
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('Tr', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'Traversable', 'kind': 'i', 'menu': ' - builtin', 'info': 'Traversable - builtin'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_builtin_functions_when_in_namespace() " {{{
call SetUp()
" the filter_* one should not be picked up
let g:php_builtin_functions = {
\ 'array_flip(': 'array $trans | array',
\ 'array_product(': 'array $array | number',
\ 'filter_var(': 'mixed $variable [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT [, mixed $options]] | mixed',
\ }
" should find completions when base prefixed with \
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\array_', 'SomeNameSpace', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': '\array_flip(', 'info': '\array_flip(array $trans | array', 'menu': 'array $trans | array', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': '\array_product(', 'info': '\array_product(array $array | number', 'menu': 'array $array | number', 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
" should find completions even without \ in the beginning of base
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('array_', 'SomeNameSpace', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'array_flip(', 'info': 'array_flip(array $trans | array', 'menu': 'array $trans | array', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'array_product(', 'info': 'array_product(array $array | number', 'menu': 'array $array | number', 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_builtin_constants_when_in_namespace() " {{{
call SetUp()
" the FILE_* ones should not be picked up
let g:php_constants = {
\ 'FILE_TEXT': '',
\ }
" should find completions when base prefixed with \
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\FILTER_', 'SomeNameSpace', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': '\FILTER_CALLBACK', 'kind': 'd', 'info': '\FILTER_CALLBACK - builtin', 'menu': ' - builtin'},
\ {'word': '\FILTER_DEFAULT', 'kind': 'd', 'info': '\FILTER_DEFAULT - builtin', 'menu': ' - builtin'}],
\ res)
" should find completions even without \ in the beginning of base
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('FILTER_', 'SomeNameSpace', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'FILTER_CALLBACK', 'kind': 'd', 'info': 'FILTER_CALLBACK - builtin', 'menu': ' - builtin'},
\ {'word': 'FILTER_DEFAULT', 'kind': 'd', 'info': 'FILTER_DEFAULT - builtin', 'menu': ' - builtin'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_doesnt_complete_keywords_when_theres_a_leading_slash() " {{{
call SetUp()
let g:php_keywords = {
\ 'argv':'',
\ 'argc':'',
\ 'and':'',
\ }
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\a', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([], res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_builtin_class_names_when_in_namespace_and_base_starts_with_slash() " {{{
call SetUp()
" PDO should not be picked up
let g:php_builtin_classnames = {
\ 'datetime':'',
\ 'pdo':'',
\ }
let g:php_builtin_classes = {
\ 'datetime':{
\ 'name': 'DateTime',
\ },
\ 'pdo':{
\ 'name': 'PDO',
\ }
\ }
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\date', 'SomeNameSpace', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': '\DateTime', 'kind': 'c', 'info': '\DateTime - builtin', 'menu': ' - builtin'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_namespace_names_from_tags() " {{{
call SetUp()
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_tags'
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('NS', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'NS1\', 'menu': 'NS1 - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1 - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'n'},
\ {'word': 'NS1\SUBNS\', 'menu': 'NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'n'},
\ {'word': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB\', 'menu': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'n'}],
\ res)
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\NS', 'SomeNameSpace', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': '\NS1\', 'kind': 'n', 'menu': 'NS1 - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1 - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php'},
\ {'word': '\NS1\SUBNS\', 'kind': 'n', 'menu': 'NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php'},
\ {'word': '\NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB\', 'kind': 'n', 'menu': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php'}],
\ res)
" leaves leading slash if you have typed that in
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\NS', '\', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': '\NS1\', 'menu': 'NS1 - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1 - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'n'},
\ {'word': '\NS1\SUBNS\', 'menu': 'NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'n'},
\ {'word': '\NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB\', 'menu': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'n'}],
\ res)
" completes namespaces relative to the current namespace
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SUB', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'SUBNS\', 'kind': 'n', 'menu': 'NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php'},
\ {'word': 'SUBNS\SUBSUB\', 'kind': 'n', 'menu': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_class_names_from_tags_matching_namespaces() " {{{
call SetUp()
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_tags'
" this is where class name part must have at least the configured amount
" of letters to start matching
let g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion = 1
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('F', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([{'word': 'Foo', 'kind': 'c', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'Foo - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php'}], res)
" leaves typed in namespace even when its the same we are in
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\NS1\F', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([{'word': '\NS1\Foo', 'kind': 'c', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': '\NS1\Foo - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php'}], res)
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\NS1\SUBNS\F', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([{'word': '\NS1\SUBNS\FooSub', 'kind': 'c', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': '\NS1\SUBNS\FooSub - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php'}], res)
" completes classnames from subnamespaces
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SUBNS\F', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([{'word': 'SUBNS\FooSub', 'kind': 'c', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'SUBNS\FooSub - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php'}], res)
" stable ctags branch with no actual namespace information
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/old_style_namespaced_tags'
" class names should be completed regardless of the namespaces,
" simply matching the word after the last \ segment
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\NS1\F', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'Foo', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'Foo - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'},
\ {'word': 'FooSub', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'FooSub - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'},
\ {'word': 'FooSubSub', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'FooSubSub - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_top_level_functions_from_tags_in_matching_namespaces() " {{{
call SetUp()
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_tags'
" this is where function name part must have at least the configured amount
" of letters to start matching
let g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion = 1
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('b', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'bar(', 'info': 'bar() - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'menu': ') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
" leaves leading slash in
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\NS1\b', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': '\NS1\bar(', 'info': '\NS1\bar() - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'menu': ') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
" returns functions from subnamespace
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SUBNS\b', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'SUBNS\barsub(', 'info': 'SUBNS\barsub() - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'menu': ') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
" stable ctags branch with no actual namespace information
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/old_style_namespaced_tags'
" functions should be completed regardless of the namespaces,
" simply matching the word after the last \ segment
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\NS1\ba', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'bar(', 'info': 'bar() - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'menu': ') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'barsub(', 'info': 'barsub() - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'menu': ') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'f'},
\ {'word': 'barsubsub(', 'info': 'barsubsub() - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'menu': ') - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'f'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_completes_constants_from_tags_in_matching_namespaces() " {{{
call SetUp()
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_tags'
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('Z', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'ZAP', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'ZAP - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'd'}],
\ res)
" leaves leading slash in
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\NS1\Z', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': '\NS1\ZAP', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': '\NS1\ZAP - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'd'}],
\ res)
" returns constants from subnamespace
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SUBNS\Z', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'SUBNS\ZAPSUB', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'SUBNS\ZAPSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'd'}],
\ res)
" stable ctags branch with no actual namespace information
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteGeneral/old_style_namespaced_tags'
" constants should be completed regardless of the namespaces,
" simply matching the word after the last \ segment
" leaves leading slash in
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('\NS1\Z', 'NS1', {})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'ZAP', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_constants.php', 'info': 'ZAP - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_constants.php', 'kind': 'd'},
\ {'word': 'ZAPSUB', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_constants.php', 'info': 'ZAPSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_constants.php', 'kind': 'd'},
\ {'word': 'ZAPSUBSUB', 'menu': ' - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_constants.php', 'info': 'ZAPSUBSUB - fixtures/CompleteGeneral/fixtures/CompleteGeneral/namespaced_constants.php', 'kind': 'd'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_returns_completions_from_imported_names() " {{{
call SetUp()
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('A', '', {'AO': {'name': 'ArrayObject', 'kind': 'c', 'builtin': 1,}})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'AO', 'menu': ' ArrayObject - builtin', 'info': 'AO ArrayObject - builtin', 'kind': 'c'}],
\ res)
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('NS', '', {'NS1': {'name': 'NS1', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0, 'filename': 'some_file.php'}})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'NS1\', 'menu': ' NS1 - some_file.php', 'info': ' NS1 - some_file.php', 'kind': 'n'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
fun! TestCase_returns_tags_from_imported_namespaces() " {{{
call SetUp()
exe ':set tags='.expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo_tags'
" class in imported namespace without renaming
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SUBNS\F', '\', {'SUBNS': {'name': 'NS1\SUBNS', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0, 'filename': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php'}})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'SUBNS\FooSub', 'menu': ' - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'SUBNS\FooSub - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}],
\ res)
" class in imported namespace when the import is renamed
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SUB\F', '\', {'SUB': {'name': 'NS1\SUBNS', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0, 'filename': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php'}})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'SUB\FooSub', 'menu': ' - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'SUB\FooSub - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}],
\ res)
" class in sub-namespace of the imported namespace when the import is renamed
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SUB\SUBSUB\F', '\', {'SUB': {'name': 'NS1\SUBNS', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0, 'filename': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php'}})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'SUB\SUBSUB\FooSubSub', 'menu': ' - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'SUB\SUBSUB\FooSubSub - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}],
\ res)
" imported namespace name
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SUB', '\', {'SUBNS': {'name': 'NS1\SUBNS', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0, 'filename': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php'}})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'SUBNS\', 'menu': ' NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': ' NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'n'}],
\ res)
" imported and renamed namespace name
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SU', '\', {'SUB': {'name': 'NS1\SUBNS', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0, 'filename': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php'}})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'SUB\', 'menu': ' NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': ' NS1\SUBNS - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'n'}],
\ res)
" sub namespace of imported and renamed namespace name
let res = phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral('SUB\SUB', '\', {'SUB': {'name': 'NS1\SUBNS', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0, 'filename': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php'}})
call VUAssertEquals([
\ {'word': 'SUB\SUBSUB\', 'menu': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB - fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'n'}],
\ res)
endf " }}}
" vim: foldmethod=marker:expandtab:ts=4:sts=4