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2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
*deoplete.txt* Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for Neovim/Vim8
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Version: 6.2
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Author: Shougo <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com>
License: MIT license
CONTENTS *deoplete-contents*
Introduction |deoplete-introduction|
Install |deoplete-install|
Interface |deoplete-interface|
Options |deoplete-options|
Variables |deoplete-variables|
Key mappings |deoplete-key-mappings|
Functions |deoplete-functions|
Custom Functions |deoplete-custom-functions|
Examples |deoplete-examples|
Sources |deoplete-sources|
Create source |deoplete-create-source|
Source attributes |deoplete-source-attributes|
Candidate attributes |deoplete-candidate-attributes|
Create filter |deoplete-create-filter|
FILTERS |deoplete-filters|
External sources |deoplete-external-sources|
External plugins |deoplete-external-plugins|
FAQ |deoplete-faq|
Compatibility |deoplete-compatibility|
INTRODUCTION *deoplete-introduction*
*deoplete* is the abbreviation of "dark powered neo-completion". It
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provides an asynchronous keyword completion system in the
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
current buffer.
Note: deoplete may consume more memory than other plugins do.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Improvements in deoplete in comparison to neocomplete:
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
1. Real asynchronous completion behavior like YouCompleteMe by default.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
2. Uses Python3 to implement sources.
3. Removes legacy interface.
4. Requires |+python3|.
INSTALL *deoplete-install*
Note: deoplete requires Neovim (0.3.0+) or Vim8.2.1978+ (latest is
recommended) with Python 3.6.1+ and |+timers| enabled.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Please install/upgrade msgpack package (1.0.0+).
Please install nvim-yarp plugin for Vim8.
Please install vim-hug-neovim-rpc plugin for Vim8.
1. Extract the files and put them in your Neovim or .vim directory
(usually `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/`).
2. Call |deoplete#enable()| or set "let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1" in
your `init.vim`/`vimrc`
3. Execute the ":UpdateRemotePlugins" if Neovim.
If ":echo has('python3')" returns `1`, then you're done; otherwise, see below.
You can enable Python3 interface with pip: >
pip3 install --user pynvim
Note: deoplete needs pynvim ver.0.3.0+.
You need update pynvim module.
pip3 install --user --upgrade pynvim
If you want to read for Neovim-python/python3 interface install documentation,
you should read |provider-python|.
You can check the Python3 installation by using the |:checkhealth| command.
INTERFACE *deoplete-interface*
OPTIONS *deoplete-options*
Options can be toggled through the use of |deoplete#custom#option()|.
For example:
" Set a single option
call deoplete#custom#option('auto_complete_delay', 200)
" Pass a dictionary to set multiple options
call deoplete#custom#option({
\ 'auto_complete_delay': 200,
\ 'smart_case': v:true,
\ })
The set of available options follows.
If it is False, automatic completion becomes invalid, but can
use the manual completion by |deoplete#manual_complete()|.
Default value: v:true
Delay the completion after input in milliseconds.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Default value: 20 (milliseconds)
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Change auto completion popup behavior.
"auto": popup is displayed automatically.
"manual": popup is displayed by |deoplete#complete()|.
Default value: "auto"
Delay the refresh when asynchronous.
If it is less than equal 0, the feature is disabled.
Default value: 100 (milliseconds)
The candidate additional marks.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If set, this will be used to display an additional mark next
to the the first {N} candidates. The first mark is used for
the top ranked candidate, the second for the second candidate
and so forth.
In the example below, the first 5 candidates are marked A..G,
which serve as mnemonics for commands to insert that
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default value: []
call deoplete#custom#option('candidate_marks',
\ ['A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G'])
inoremap <expr>A pumvisible() ?
\ deoplete#insert_candidate(0) : 'A'
inoremap <expr>S pumvisible() ?
\ deoplete#insert_candidate(1) : 'S'
inoremap <expr>D pumvisible() ?
\ deoplete#insert_candidate(2) : 'D'
inoremap <expr>F pumvisible() ?
\ deoplete#insert_candidate(3) : 'F'
inoremap <expr>G pumvisible() ?
\ deoplete#insert_candidate(4) : 'G'
If it is True, deoplete check stderr output.
Default value: v:true
If it is True, deoplete inserts the suffix of the completion
for supported sources. It is useful for deoplete-tabnine.
Default value: v:true
It is a dictionary to decide ignore source names.
The key is filetype and the value is source names list.
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Note: It is disabled in |deoplete#manual_complete()|.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default value: {}
It defines the keyword patterns for completion.
This is appointed in regular expression string or list every
file type.
Note: It is Python3 regexp. But "\k" is converted to
'iskeyword' pattern.
call deoplete#custom#option('keyword_patterns', {
\ '_': '[a-zA-Z_]\k*',
\ 'tex': '\\?[a-zA-Z_]\w*',
\ 'ruby': '[a-zA-Z_]\w*[!?]?',
Default value: {}
Show up to this limit candidates.
Default value: 500
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If 'buftype' is "nofile", deoplete completion is disabled
automatically except the filetype list.
Default value: ["denite-filter"]
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
The number of processes used for the deoplete parallel
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
completion feature.
The parallel completion increases the completion speed, but it
increases the screen flicker.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
If it is 1, this feature is disabled.
If it is less than or equal to 0, the number of processes is
equal to that of sources.
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Default value: 1
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
If omni_patterns is set, deoplete will call 'omnifunc'
directly as soon as a pattern is matched.
Note: This will disable deoplete filtering and combination of
sources for those matches. Suggested use is only for legacy
omnifunc plugins which do not return all results when provided
an empty base argument or moves the cursor in omnifunc. See
Note: You need to set "noselect" in 'completeopt' option to
If this pattern is not defined or empty for a filetype,
deoplete does not call 'omnifunc'.
Note: It is a Vim regexp.
set completeopt+=noselect
call deoplete#custom#option('omni_patterns', {
\ 'ruby': ['[^. *\t]\.\w*', '[a-zA-Z_]\w*::'],
\ 'java': '[^. *\t]\.\w*',
\ 'html': ['<', '</', '<[^>]*\s[[:alnum:]-]*'],
\ 'xhtml': ['<', '</', '<[^>]*\s[[:alnum:]-]*'],
\ 'xml': ['<', '</', '<[^>]*\s[[:alnum:]-]*'],
Default value: {}
Deoplete enables the auto completion on |InsertEnter| autocmd
if this value is True.
Default value: v:true
Deoplete enables the auto completion on |TextChangedI| autocmd
if this value is True.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Default value: v:true
Deoplete overwrites 'completeopt' option.
You can disable the feature but if you change it, deoplete may
not work.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default value: v:true
If it is True, deoplete will print the time information to
|deoplete#enable_logging()| logfile.
Must be set in init.vim/vimrc before starting Neovim/Vim.
Does not support command line.
Default value: v:false
It changes previous completion behavior.
It reduces popup flicker.
"filter": Filter previous completion
"length": Filter previous completion like
"mirror": Displays previous completion. It is useful for
otherwise: Disable previous completion feature.
Default value: "filter"
Deoplete refreshes the candidates automatically if this value
is True.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Note: It increases the screen flicker when
|deoplete-options-num_processes| != 0.
Default value: v:true
Deoplete refreshes the candidates automatically when you
press <BS> or <C-h> key.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default value: v:true
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Deoplete skips multibyte text completion automatically if this
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
value is True.
Default value: v:false
The list of skip characters in the auto completion.
Default value: ['(', ')']
It is a dictionary to specify source names. The key is
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
filetype and the value is a list of source names. If the key
is "_", the value will be used for default filetypes. For
example, you can load some sources in C++ filetype. If the
value is [], it will load all sources.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default value: {}
" Example:
call deoplete#custom#option('sources', {
\ '_': ['buffer'],
\ 'cpp': ['buffer', 'tag'],
The default number of the input completion at the time of key
input automatically.
Note: You should change
Default: 2
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Use nvim-yarp library instead of neovim remote plugin feature.
Note: nvim-yarp plugin is needed.
Default value: v:false
VARIABLES *deoplete-variables*
Deoplete gets started automatically when Neovim/Vim starts if
this value is 1.
Default: 0
Note: It means you cannot use deoplete unless you start it
FUNCTIONS *deoplete-functions*
Disable deoplete auto completion.
Note: It changes the global state.
Enable deoplete auto completion.
Note: It changes the global state.
Note: It does not work in lazy loading. You should use
|g:deoplete#enable_at_startup| instead.
deoplete#enable_logging({level}, {logfile})
Enable logging for debugging purposes.
Set {level} to "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", or
{logfile} is the file where log messages are written.
Messages are appended to this file. Each log session will
start with "--- Deoplete Log Start ---".
Note: You must enable
|deoplete-source-attribute-is_debug_enabled| to debug the
Initialize deoplete and sources.
Note: You should call it in |VimEnter| autocmd.
User customization for deoplete must be set before
initialization of deoplete.
deoplete#send_event({event}, [{sources}])
Call |deoplete-source-attribute-on_event| manually.
{event} is event name. {sources} are sources list.
Toggle deoplete auto completion.
Note: It changes the global state.
CUSTOM FUNCTIONS *deoplete-custom-functions*
deoplete#custom#buffer_filter({option-name}, {value})
The buffer local version of |deoplete#custom#filter()|.
deoplete#custom#buffer_option({option-name}, {value})
The buffer local version of |deoplete#custom#option()|.
deoplete#custom#buffer_var({source-name}, {var-name}, {value})
deoplete#custom#buffer_var({source-name}, {dict})
The buffer local version of |deoplete#custom#var()|.
deoplete#custom#filter({filter-name}, {var-name}, {value})
deoplete#custom#filter({filter-name}, {dict})
Set {filter-name} source specialized variable {variable-name}
to {value}. You may specify multiple sources with the
separator "," in {filter-name}.
If {dict} is available, the key is {option-name} and the value
is {value}.
deoplete#custom#option({option-name}, {value})
Set {option-name} option to {value}.
If {dict} is available, the key is {option-name} and the value
is {value}.
deoplete#custom#source({source-name}, {option-name}, {value})
deoplete#custom#source({source-name}, {dict})
Set {source-name} source specialized {option-name}
to {value}. You may specify multiple sources with
separating "," in {source-name}.
If {source-name} is "_", sources default option will be
If {dict} is available, the key is {option-name} and the value
is {value}.
Note: You must call it before using deoplete.
" Examples:
" Use head matcher instead of fuzzy matcher
call deoplete#custom#source('_',
\ 'matchers', ['matcher_head'])
" Use auto delimiter feature
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'converters',
\ ['converter_auto_delimiter', 'remove_overlap'])
call deoplete#custom#source('buffer',
\ 'min_pattern_length', 9999)
" Change the source rank
call deoplete#custom#source('buffer', 'rank', 9999)
" Enable buffer source in C/C++ files only.
call deoplete#custom#source('buffer',
\ 'filetypes', ['c', 'cpp'])
" Disable the candidates in Comment/String syntaxes.
call deoplete#custom#source('_',
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
\ 'disabled_syntaxes', ['Comment', 'String', 'Constant'])
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
" Change the truncate width.
call deoplete#custom#source('javacomplete2',
\ 'max_abbr_width', 20)
call deoplete#custom#source('javacomplete2',
\ 'max_menu_width', 80)
" Disable the truncate feature.
call deoplete#custom#source('javacomplete2',
\ 'max_abbr_width', 0)
call deoplete#custom#source('javacomplete2',
\ 'max_menu_width', 0)
" Change the source mark.
call deoplete#custom#source('buffer', 'mark', '*')
" Disable the source mark.
call deoplete#custom#source('omni', 'mark', '')
" Enable jedi source debug messages
" call deoplete#custom#option('profile', v:true)
" call deoplete#enable_logging('DEBUG', 'deoplete.log')
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
" call deoplete#custom#source('jedi',
\ 'is_debug_enabled', v:true)
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
deoplete#custom#var({source-name}, {var-name}, {value})
deoplete#custom#var({source-name}, {dict})
Set {source-name} source specialized variable {variable-name}
to {value}. You may specify multiple sources with the
separator "," in {source-name}.
If {dict} is available, the key is {option-name} and the value
is {value}.
KEY MAPPINGS *deoplete-key-mappings*
It calls the auto completion of deoplete. You can use it to
call auto completion again.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
{event} is autocmd event name. If it is omitted, "Async" is
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Return v:true if current word completion is available.
Note: |deoplete-options-auto_complete_popup| must be "manual".
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Insert candidate and close popup menu for deoplete.
Note: It must be in |:map-<expr>|.
Open current completion popup menu.
Note: It must be in |:map-<expr>|.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
complete common string in candidates.
This can be useful when candidates have a long common prefix.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Note: It must be in |:map-<expr>|.
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Insert the candidate at index {index}. Indices start at 0.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Note: It must be in |:map-<expr>|.
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Trigger deoplete completion. You can use it with
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
custom completion setups.
You can provide a list of {sources}: It can be the name of a
source or a list of sources name.
Note: It blocks your Neovim/Vim.
Note: It must be in |:map-<expr>|.
If you want to trigger deoplete manually, see also
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
|deoplete-options-auto_complete|, which should typically then
be 1.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
inoremap <silent><expr> <TAB>
\ pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" :
\ <SID>check_back_space() ? "\<TAB>" :
\ deoplete#manual_complete()
function! s:check_back_space() abort "{{{
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
let col = col('.') - 1
return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~ '\s'
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Insert candidate and re-generate popup menu for deoplete.
Note: It must be in |:map-<expr>|.
inoremap <expr><C-h>
\ deoplete#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
inoremap <expr><BS>
\ deoplete#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Note: This mapping conflicts with SuperTab or endwise plugins.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Note: This key mapping is for <C-h> or <BS> keymappings.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Undo inserted candidate.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Note: It must be in |:map-<expr>|.
inoremap <expr><C-g> deoplete#undo_completion()
EXAMPLES *deoplete-examples*
" Use deoplete.
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
" Use smartcase.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'smart_case', v:true)
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
" <CR>: close popup and save indent.
inoremap <silent> <CR> <Cmd>call <SID>my_cr_function()<CR>
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
function! s:my_cr_function() abort
return deoplete#close_popup() . "\<CR>"
SOURCES *deoplete-sources*
around *deoplete-source-around*
This source collects candidates around the cursor, namely
inside current buffer. Plus, it searches keywords in
|:changes| command output. Therefore, this source provides
the words that are in sight or the ones you've just typed
somewhere else.
By default, around has a fixed range of looking for words
20 lines above and below your cursor position. You are able
to customize its settings through custom source variables.
Note: There are no events for changing this. Configuration
should be done before the source initializes.
" Using custom variables to configure values
" - range_above = Search for words N lines above.
" - range_below = Search for words N lines below.
" - mark_above = Mark shown for words N lines above.
" - mark_below = Mark shown for words N lines below.
" - mark_changes = Mark shown for words in the changelist.
call deoplete#custom#var('around', {
\ 'range_above': 15,
\ 'range_below': 15,
\ 'mark_above': '[↑]',
\ 'mark_below': '[↓]',
\ 'mark_changes': '[*]',
rank: 300
buffer *deoplete-source-buffer*
This source collects keywords from current buffer and the
current tabpage windows buffers and the opened buffers which
have same 'filetype'.
Note: It does not collect keywords from not loaded buffer.
For example, if you open file by "nvim A B". A is already
loaded, but B is not loaded. So buffer source cannot collect
the keywords in B until you switch to buffer B.
Note: It takes time to get the candidates in the first time if
you want to edit the large files (like Vim 22000 lines
rank: 100
Source custom variables:
If it is False, deoplete collects keywords
from buffers of any filetype
(default: v:true)
file *deoplete-source-file*
This source collects keywords from local files. Specifically,
it completes file and directory names and paths, e.g.
rank: 150
Source custom variables:
If it is True, file source completes the files
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from the buffer directory instead of the
current directory.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
(default: v:true)
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If it is True, file source completes the files
when user input "/".
(default: v:false)
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
The completion length if the input does not
contain "/".
If it is less than 0, it is disabled.
(default: -1)
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2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
member *deoplete-source-member*
This source collects members from current buffer.
rank: 100
Source custom variables:
This dictionary records prefix patterns to
member completion. This is appointed in
regular expression string or list every file
type. If this pattern is not defined or
empty, deoplete does not complete member
Note: It is Python3 regexp.
(default: See in member.py)
omni *deoplete-source-omni*
This source collects keywords from 'omnifunc'.
Note: It is not asynchronous.
rank: 500
Source custom variables:
It defines a dictionary for omni completion
with deoplete:
- `keys` consist of filetypes;
- `values` consist of either a string
containing a single omnifunc or a list with
omnifuncs to be used for each filetype.
In case there is no omnifunc setting for the
current filetype in the dictionary, deoplete
will use the 'omnifunc' setting.
Note: It supports context filetype feature
instead of 'omnifunc'. You can call the
omnifunc in the embedded language.
Note: For omnifunctions to work with deoplete,
it's necessary to setup the "input_patterns"
(default: {})
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'functions', {
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
\ 'javascript': ['tern#Complete', 'jspc#omni']
This dictionary records keyword patterns to
Omni completion. This is appointed in regular
expression string or list every file type. If
this pattern is not defined or empty, deoplete
does not call 'omnifunc'.
Note: Some omnifuncs which moves the cursor is
not worked. For example, htmlcomplete,
phpcomplete, etc...
Note: It is Python3 regexp.
(default: See in omni.py)
call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'input_patterns', {
\ 'java': '[^. *\t]\.\w*',
\ 'php': '\w+|[^. \t]->\w*|\w+::\w*',
FILTERS *deoplete-filters*
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Once candidates have been supplied by one or more sources, they are passed
through the filters, which are matchers, converters or sorters. Sources can
have specific filters.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default matchers: ['matcher_fuzzy']
You can change it by |deoplete#custom#source()|.
Default sorters: ['sorter_rank'].
You can change it by |deoplete#custom#source()|.
Default converters: ['converter_remove_overlap', 'converter_truncate_abbr',
'converter_truncate_kind', 'converter_truncate_info',
You can change it by |deoplete#custom#source()|.
A matcher which filters the candidates using cpsm.
It is like |deoplete-filter-matcher_full_fuzzy| but faster.
It also sorts the candidates using cpsm.
Note: cpsm plugin build/install is needed in 'runtimepath'.
Note: You must use Python3 support enabled cpsm. >
$ PY3=ON ./install.sh
Configuration example: >
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'matchers', ['matcher_cpsm'])
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'sorters', [])
Full fuzzy matching matcher.
It accepts partial fuzzy matches like YouCompleteMe.
matcher_fuzzy Fuzzy matching matcher.
matcher_head Head matching matcher.
Length matching matcher.
It removes candidates shorter than or equal to the user input.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
|matchfuzzy()| matcher.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
sorter_rank Matched rank order sorter. The higher the head matched word
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
or already typed or inserted word.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
The locality bonus feature is implemented like VSCode.
sorter_word Word order sorter.
It adds "delimiters" variable characters in a candidate's
word if the candidate's abbr contains the delimiters.
Filter custom variables:
Delimiters list.
(default: ['/'])
Reorder candidates by their attributes in the order specified.
See `:help complete-items` for the structure of candidate
For instance, you can choose which types of candidates appear
first in the suggestion according to their attributes.
call deoplete#custom#filter('converter_reorder_attr',
\ 'attrs_order', {
\ 'javascript': {
\ 'kind': [
\ 'Function',
\ 'Property'
\ ]
\ },
This says: For Javascript files, I want to reorder candidates:
1. Candidates which have a "kind" attribute containing
'Function' should appear first.
2. Candidates which have a "kind" attribute containing
'Property' should appear second.
3. Any other candidates appear at the bottom, if there is
Complete menu - before:
__constructor__ [Constructor]
length [Property]
from [Function]
toString [Function]
Complete menu - after:
from [Function]
toString [Function]
length [Property]
__constructor__ [Constructor]
Note: Attribute values are compiled to python regex
expressions, so you can match 'Function' with "Func" or
'static void* callback(unsigned *int number)' with "call".
You can specify multiple attributes and they will be processed
in order.
Additionally, you can filter out unwanted candidates by
prefixing an attribute value with '!'. This character is only
a flag and will be stripped out before compiling the
call deoplete#custom#filter('converter_reorder_attr',
\ 'attrs_order', {
\ 'ruby': {
\ 'kind': [
\ '!Class',
\ ],
\ 'abbr': [
\ 'ExtensionClass'
\ ]
\ },
The example above says: For Ruby files, I want to reorder the
1. Candidates which have a "kind" attribute containing 'Class'
will be filtered out of the list.
After they have been removed, proceed to the next attribute.
2. Candidates which have a "abbr" attribute containing
'ExtensionClass' will be moved to the top of the list.
3. Any other candidates appear at the bottom, if there is
Filter custom variables:
It should received a dictionary with mappings
from filetypes to attributes, following the
attribute expression syntax explained above.
(default: {})
It adds parentheses character in a candidate's word.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
It is useful if you use neopairs or neosnippet plugins.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
It converts case like 'infercase'.
It removes overlapped text in a candidate's word.
It removes parentheses character in a candidate's word.
It truncates a candidate's abbr by the current window width.
It truncates a candidate's kind by the current window width.
It truncates a candidate's info by the current window width.
It truncates a candidate's menu by the current window width.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Convert candidate word to abbr.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
CREATE SOURCE *deoplete-create-source*
To create source, you should read default sources implementation in
The files are automatically loaded and deoplete creates new Source class
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Source class must extend the Base class in ".base".
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Note: The sources must be written in Python3 language.
Note: If you call Vim functions in your source, it is not asynchronous.
SOURCE ATTRIBUTES *deoplete-source-attributes*
__init__ (Function)
Source constructor. It is always called in initializing. It
must call super() constructor. This function takes {self} and
{vim} as its parameters.
__{name} (Unspecified) (Optional)
Additional source information.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Note: Sources should save variables instead of
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
global variables.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If it is True, lowercase letters are also matched with the
corresponding uppercase ones.
Ex: "foB" is matched with "FooBar" but not with "foobar".
Note: This feature is only available in
|deoplete-filter-matcher_fuzzy| or
Default value: v:false
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
converters (List[str]) (Optional)
Source default converters list.
Default: |deoplete-filter-converter_default|
description (String) (Optional)
The description of a source.
(List[str]) (Optional)
Source disabled syntaxes list.
Default: []
Note: It means this feature is ignored.
(Bool) (Optional)
The candidates will be added even when the same word is
already present.
Default: v:true if |deoplete-source-attribute-filetypes| is
events (List[str]) (Optional)
List of events for which |deoplete-source-attribute-on_event|
should get called.
Default: `None`
Note: It means that `on_event` gets called for all events.
filetypes (List[str]) (Optional)
Available filetype list.
Default: []
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Note: It means this source is available for all filetypes.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
(Function) (Required)
It is called to gather candidates.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
It takes {self} and {context} as parameters and returns a
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
list of {candidate}.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If an error occurrs, it must return None.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
{candidate} must be String or Dictionary contains
Here, {context} is the context information when the source is
called (|deoplete-notation-{context}|).
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Note: The source must not filter the candidates by user input.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Instead, let the |deoplete-filters| match and sort the
results. If the source filters the candidates, the user
cannot then filter the candidates by fuzzy match.
Instead, let the |deoplete-filters| match and sort the
results. If the source filters the candidates, the user
cannot then filter the candidates by fuzzy match.
candidates, the user cannot then filter the candidates by
fuzzy match.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
(Function) (Optional)
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
It is called to get the position of the current completion.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter and returns
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
a number representing the starting position of the completion
in the current line.
Here, {context} is the context information from when the
source is called (|deoplete-notation-{context}|).
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
called (|deoplete-notation-{context}|).
Default: position using |deoplete-options-keyword_patterns|.
Note: If |deoplete-source-attribute-is_bytepos| is True, it
must return byte position.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
This is useful if you want to complete terms that are more.
If it is True, deoplete ignores case.
Default value: v:false
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
(String) (Optional)
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If it matches the input, deoplete ignores
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
It is useful for omni function sources.
Note: It is Python3 regexp.
Default: ''
Note: It means this feature is ignored.
(Dictionary) (Optional)
The dictionary version of
A key is filetype and a value is input pattern.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Note: Values are Python3 regexps.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
(Bool) (Optional)
If it is True,
returns byteposition instead of character position.
It is useful for Vim script to create sources because Vim
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
script string uses byte position. Python strings use
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
character position.
Default: False
(Bool) (Optional)
If it is True, the debug log feature is enabled in the source.
Default: False
(Bool) (Optional)
If it is True, the source messages are disabled.
Default: False
(Bool) (Optional)
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If it is True, the source skips the 'langmap' completion.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default: True
(Bool) (Optional)
If it is True, the source depends on the user input. It means
that if this flag is set to False, deoplete will cache
gather_candidates results and will not call gather_candidates
on each input change. Only on_post_filter method will be
called on each input change (if implemented).
Note: If you create asynchronous source, you need to set
"is_volatile" to True.
Default: False
mark (String) (Optional)
The mark of a source.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Note: If the source set candidate menu, the source must set
it. If the attribute is empty string, the candidate menu will
be disabled.
Default: ''
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
matchers (List[str]) (Optional)
Source default matchers list.
Default: |deoplete-filter-matcher_default|
matcher_key (String) (Optional)
Matcher compare key instead of "word".
If it is empty string, the feature is disabled.
Default: ''
(Integer) (Optional)
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If the candidate abbr length exceeds this value, it will be
cut down.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
If it is less than or equal to 0, it will be disabled.
Default: 80
(Integer) (Optional)
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If there are more candidates than this value, deoplete will
ignore the filtering.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default: 500
(Integer) (Optional)
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If the candidate kind length exceeds this value it will be
trimmed. If this value is less than or equal to 0, it will be
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default: 40
(Integer) (Optional)
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If the candidate info length exceeds this value it is trimmed.
If this value is less than or equal to 0, it will be disabled.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default: 200
(Integer) (Optional)
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If the candidate menu length exceeds this value it is trimmed.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
If this value is less than or equal to 0, it will be disabled.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Default: 40
(Integer) (Optional)
Ignored pattern length for completion.
It is useful to edit BASE64 files.
Default: 80
(Integer) (Optional)
Length of pattern required for completion.
Default: 2
name (String) (Required)
The unique name of a source.
on_event (Function) (Optional)
Called for |InsertEnter|, |BufWritePost|, |BufReadPost| and
|VimLeavePre| autocommands, through |deoplete#send_event()|.
It is useful to make cache.
It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter.
" Example:
def on_event(self, context):
if context['event'] == 'BufWritePost':
# BufWritePost
on_init (Function) (Optional)
It will be called before the source attribute is called.
It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter.
It should be used to initialize the internal variables.
(Function) (Optional)
It is called after the candidates are filtered.
It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter and returns a
list of {candidate}.
rank (Integer) (Optional)
Source priority. Higher values imply higher priority.
Note: It is high priority than match position.
Default: 100
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
When a capital letter is included in input, deoplete does
not ignore the upper- and lowercase.
Default value: v:false
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
sorters (List[str]) (Optional)
Source default sorters list.
If you omit it, |deoplete-filter-sorter_default| is
vars (Dictionary) (Optional)
List of source customization variables.
{context} *deoplete-notation-{context}*
A dictionary to give context information.
The followings are the primary information.
bufnr (Integer)
The current effective buffer number in event.
Note: It may not be same with current buffer.
candidates (List[dict])
The current candidates.
complete_position (Integer)
The complete position of current source.
" Example:
pattern : r'fruits\.'
input : fruits.
complete_position : 7
complete_str (String)
The complete string of current source.
event (String)
The current event name.
filetype (String)
Current 'filetype'.
filetypes (List[str])
It contains current 'filetype', same
filetypes and composite filetypes.
input (String)
The input string of the current line, namely the part
before the cursor.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
is_refresh (Bool)
If the input is changed, it will be "True".
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
is_async (Bool)
If the gather is asynchronous, the source must set
it to "True". A typical strategy for an asynchronous
gather_candidates method to use this flag is to
set is_async flag to True while results are being
produced in the background (optionally, returning them
as they become ready). Once background processing
has completed, is_async flag should be set to False
indicating that this is the last portion of the
Note: The feature is deprecated and not recommended.
You should use callback system by
|deoplete#auto_complete()| instead.
The below is an example of async deoplete source.
While "context['is_async']" is True, the gather_candidates is called
from deoplete.base.source import Base
class Source(Base):
def __init__(self, vim):
self.name = 'async'
self.mark = '[async]'
self.rank = 1000
self._count = 0
def gather_candidates(self, context):
if not context['input']:
return []
if self._count >= 10:
self._count = 0
self._count += 1
context['is_async'] = self._count < 10
return [context['input'].split()[-1] + str(self._count)]
CANDIDATE ATTRIBUTES *deoplete-candidate-attributes*
word (String) (Required)
The completion word of a candidate. It is used for matching
abbr (String) (Optional)
The abbreviation of a candidate. It is displayed in popup
kind (String) (Optional)
The kind of a candidate. It is displayed in popup window.
menu (String) (Optional)
The menu information of a candidate. It is displayed in popup
info (String) (Optional)
The preview information of a candidate. If 'completeopt'
contains "preview", it will be displayed in |preview-window|.
dup (Integer) (Optional)
If it is non zero, the item will be displayed in the popup
menu when an item with the same word is already present.
CREATE FILTER *deoplete-create-filter*
To create filter, you should read default filters implementation in
The files are automatically loaded and deoplete creates new Filter class
Filter class must extend Base class in ".base".
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Matchers, sorters and converters are all kinds of filters, and should all
be placed in the same filter directory.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Note: The filters must be written in Python3 language.
FILTER ATTRIBUTES *deoplete-filter-attributes*
__init__ (Function)
Filter constructor. It will be called in initializing. It
must call Base constructor. This function takes {self} and
{vim} as its parameters.
name (String) (Required)
The unique name of a filter.
(Function) (Required)
It is called to filter candidates.
It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter and returns a
list of {candidate}.
{candidate} must be Dictionary which contains
Here, {context} is the context information when the source is
called (|deoplete-notation-{context}|).
EXTERNAL SOURCES *deoplete-external-sources*
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Please see https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim/wiki/Completion-Sources
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
neco-vim: "vim" source for Vim script
neosnippet: "neosnippet" source
neoinclude: "include" and "file/include" sources
neco-syntax: "syntax" source
deoplete-zsh: "zsh" source for Zsh
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
deoplete-lsp source for neovim builtin LSP features
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
deoplete-tags: "tag" source for tag files
deoplete-dictionary: "dictionary" source for dictionary files
EXTERNAL PLUGINS *deoplete-external-plugins*
These are my recommended plugins for deoplete.
It adds the context filetype feature.
It inserts the parentheses pairs automatically.
It prints the documentation you have completed.
You can completes the candidates from the included files and included path.
Speed up the updating folds when you use auto completion plugins.
These are my recommended omnifuncs for deoplete.
phpcomplete: PHP omnifunc
phpcd.vim: another PHP omnifunc. Faster.
1. Troubleshooting~
Q: deoplete does not work.
A: 1. Please update neovim to the latest version.
2. Please update neovim python3 module to the latest version. >
$ pip3 install --user pynvim --upgrade
3. Please execute ":UpdateRemotePlugins" command manually if Neovim.
4. Please install nvim-yarp plugin for Vim8.
5. Please install vim-hug-neovim-rpc plugin for Vim8.
6. Please check if Python3 interface works. You can check it by the command
`:echo has('python3')` .
7. You can test |deoplete-options-yarp| option for neovim.
8. Please enable debug mode from command line and upload the log file. >
$ export NVIM_PYTHON_LOG_FILE=/tmp/log
$ nvim
... Use deoplete
$ cat /tmp/log_{PID}
Q: deoplete is slow.
A: Please change |deoplete-options-auto_complete_delay| value. It is a huge
delay value intentionally. And some sources are slow. You should check
which one is slow and consider disabling them.
Q: Deoplete popup is not displayed immediately.
A: Deoplete is initialized asynchronously. So it is a feature.
Q: Neovim startup is slow when |g:deoplete#enable_at_startup| is enabled.
A: If it is enabled, Neovim will enable and load deoplete in startup. It
may be slow. You should use lazy load feature in plugin manager or use
|:autocmd| to call |deoplete#enable()|. >
" Enable deoplete when InsertEnter.
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 0
autocmd InsertEnter * call deoplete#enable()
And you should set |g:python3_host_prog| variable. It reduces startuptime
by almost 20 ms.
Q: deoplete cannot complete filename after "=".
A: 'isfname' contains "=". You should remove it. >
set isfname-==
Q: Deoplete does not work with vim-multiple-cursors.
A: You must disable deoplete when using vim-multiple-cursors. >
function g:Multiple_cursors_before()
call deoplete#custom#buffer_option('auto_complete', v:false)
function g:Multiple_cursors_after()
call deoplete#custom#buffer_option('auto_complete', v:true)
Q: I want to debug the sources.
A: Please enable logging feature like this. >
call deoplete#custom#option('profile', v:true)
call deoplete#enable_logging('DEBUG', 'deoplete.log')
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
call deoplete#custom#source('jedi', 'is_debug_enabled', v:true)
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Q: "Channel id must be a positive integer" error.
A: Your neovim or pynvim module is too old.
Please update them to the latest version.
Q: "Broken pipe" error.
A: Please test _main.py.
Please test pynvim module.
Q: "Cannot add child handler, the child watcher does not have a loop attached"
A: It is pynvim package problem.
Note: You can disable parallel feature by |deoplete-options-num_processes|.
It is workaround. >
call deoplete#custom#option('num_processes', 1)
Q: "[deoplete] pynvim 0.3.0+ is required." error
A: You must upgrade pynvim client. >
$ pip3 install --user pynvim --upgrade
Q: deoplete now automatically completes without permission
A: some sources(nvim-typescript, LanguageClient-neovim etc) use "is_async"
feature. It is affected with the problem.
The feature is deprecated and not recommended.
Q: deoplete conflicts with lexima.vim
A: >
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Q: Vim's build-in completion behavior(|i_CTRL-P| etc) is changed after
deoplete is enabled. The first entry is not inserted.
A: It is the feature of deoplete. The default insertion is disabled to enable
completion asynchronously. If you don't like the behavior, you should use
other auto completion plugin.
Q: deoplete does not work on macVim environment.
The homebrew version of macVim is distributed with python included. Thus, when
you try to install "pynvim" from the command line it will likely be installed
in the wrong library location. This results in the headline error. The
solution is to set the python path in the .vimrc file and use homebrew to link
to the python version installed by macVim.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
2. Configuration~
Q: I want to silence the |ins-completion-menu| messages in the command line
such as "-- XXX completion (YYY)", "match 1 of 2", "The only match",
"Pattern not found", "Back at original", etc.
A: You can disable the messages through the 'shortmess' option. >
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
set shortmess+=c
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Q: I want to use the auto select feature like neocomplete.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
A: You can use it by the 'completeopt' option. >
set completeopt+=noinsert
Q: How do I select one of the responses from the pop up? I assume this is
really obvious, but I have not figured it out.
A: Please press <C-y> on the candidate.
Q: I want to close the preview window after completion is done.
A: >
autocmd CompleteDone * silent! pclose!
autocmd InsertLeave * silent! pclose!
Note: It conflicts with delimitMate.
Q: I want to disable the preview window feature.
A: >
set completeopt-=preview
Q: I want to look selected function's arguments in deoplete. But I don't
like preview window feature.
A: You can do it by |echodoc|.
Q: When I press enter, neovim closes the popup instead of inserting new line.
A: It is Vim/neovim's default behavior (feature.) If you want to insert the
new line, you should map <CR>. >
inoremap <silent> <CR> <Cmd>call <SID>my_cr_function()<CR>
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
function! s:my_cr_function() abort
return deoplete#close_popup() . "\<CR>"
Q: I don't want to see the typed word in the completion menu.
A: You should add |deoplete-filter-matcher_length| to the matchers. >
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'matchers', ['matcher_fuzzy',
\ 'matcher_length'])
Note: Replace `'_'` with a specific source such as `"around"` if you want to
keep seeing certain sources, e.g. snippets.
Q: How can I change the order of sources?
A: Change the rank of the sources as following, here illustrated for
UltiSnips >
call deoplete#custom#source('ultisnips', 'rank', 1000)
Q: How can I sort all entries alphabetically?
A: >
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'sorters', ['sorter_word'])
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Q: I want to disable all sources marks.
A: >
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'mark', '')
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Q: I want to use head matcher instead of fuzzy matcher.
A: You can achieve this by following >
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'matchers', ['matcher_head'])
Q: I want to disable the buffer source.
A: You can use |deoplete-options-ignore_sources|. >
call deoplete#custom#option('ignore_sources', {'_': ['buffer']})
Q: How to prevent auto bracket completion?
A: >
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'converters',
\ ['converter_remove_paren'])
Q: The candidates are filtered by first character.
A: >
call deoplete#custom#source('_', 'matchers', ['matcher_full_fuzzy'])
Q: I want to use the syntax files as a completion source
A: Please install "neco-syntax" plugin.
Q: I want to complete the candidates from other files.
A: You must install |context_filetype| plugin.
And you must set |g:context_filetype#same_filetypes| variable.
Q: What is the difference of |deoplete-options-omni_patterns| and
"input_patterns" in omni source?
A: |deoplete-options-omni_patterns| offers:
- can call all omni functions
- called by Vim
- Vim regexp
"input_patterns" offers:
- cannot call some omni functions
- can use deoplete features
- called by deoplete
- Python3 regexp
You should use "input_patterns" if possible.
Q: Is there a way to control the colors used for popup menu using highlight
A: Like this:
highlight Pmenu ctermbg=8 guibg=#606060
highlight PmenuSel ctermbg=1 guifg=#dddd00 guibg=#1f82cd
highlight PmenuSbar ctermbg=0 guibg=#d6d6d6
Q: What does each part of a line on the pop up mean? For example I see:
Bree pops up Breed [A]. What do [A] stands for?
A: It is the source mark. [A] is from around source. A is from
Q: I want to use floating preview window feature with deoplete.
A: Please install float-preview.nvim plugin.
Note: You need to use sources with description like "deoplete-lsp".
set runtimepath+=~/src/deoplete.nvim/
set runtimepath+=~/src/deoplete-lsp
set runtimepath+=~/src/nvim-lspconfig
set runtimepath+=~/src/float-preview.nvim
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
let g:float_preview#docked = 0
lua <<END
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Q: I want to complete from 'tags'.
Q: I want to complete from 'dictionary'.
Q: Greek words do not trigger autocompletion. But <C-n> completion works.
A: Please change |deoplete-options-keyword_patterns|.
The default keyword pattern is "[a-zA-Z_]\k*".
It does not includes Greek words.
You can change it to "\k+". It is same with <C-n> behavior.
Q: Please provide a way to complete asynchronous without popup menu.
A: >
call deoplete#custom#option({
\ 'auto_complete_popup': 'manual',
\ })
inoremap <silent><expr> <TAB>
\ pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" :
\ <SID>check_back_space() ? "\<Tab>" :
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
\ deoplete#can_complete() ? deoplete#complete() : ''
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
function! s:check_back_space() abort
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
let col = col('.') - 1
return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s'
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Q: Why I have to trigger |deoplete#complete()| at least twice for the popup to
show (sometimes three times but the behaviour is not consistent), when I use
slow completion sources.
A: You should know what is |deoplete#complete()| behavior. It only displays
current finished completion candidates. If the sources are slow, the
candidates may not be generated. If you need to wait to finish the
completion, you should use |deoplete#manual_complete()| instead.
Q: Auto-refreshing behaviour doesn't work when you try to delete characters.
It just closes the popup. (when auto completion feature is disabled)
A: Auto-refreshing is auto completion related feature. You should know
deoplete is not for manual completion plugin.
If you really need the feature, it works for me. >
set completeopt+=noselect
inoremap <expr> <C-h> pumvisible() ?
\ "\<C-h>" . deoplete#complete() : "\<C-h>"
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Q: deoplete has the flicker issue when parallel completion feature is enabled.
A: I recommend for you to disable |deoplete-options-refresh_always|option when
you enable deoplete parallel completion. >
call deoplete#custom#option('num_processes', 4)
call deoplete#custom#option('refresh_always', v:false)
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
3. Filetype Specific Questions~
Q: I want to disable the auto completion for certain filetypes.
A: Please use |deoplete-options-auto_complete|. >
autocmd FileType tex
\ call deoplete#custom#buffer_option('auto_complete', v:false)
Q: I want to use C/C++ omni completion with deoplete.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
A: You should use deoplete-clangx.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
or use omnifunc instead. >
set completeopt+=noselect
call deoplete#custom#option('omni_patterns', {
\ 'c': ['[^. *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\w*',
\ 'cpp': ['[^. *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\w*', '[a-zA-Z_]\w*::'],
Q: I want to use jedi-vim omni completion with deoplete.
A: You should install deoplete-jedi instead of jedi-vim.
Q: I want to use JavaScript omnifunc.
A: Please set "input_patterns" manually. >
call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'input_patterns', {
\ 'javascript': '[^. *\t]\.\w*',
\ })
Q: I want to use "vim-lua-ftplugin".
A: Please set the config as below. >
let g:lua_check_syntax = 0
let g:lua_complete_omni = 1
let g:lua_complete_dynamic = 0
let g:lua_define_completion_mappings = 0
call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'functions', {
\ 'lua': 'xolox#lua#omnifunc',
\ })
call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'input_patterns', {
\ 'lua': '\w+|\w+[.:]\w*',
\ })
Q: I want to complete AAA using deoplete.
A: You can create the source for it. Why don't create the source if you need?
Q: I want to use CSS omnifunc with context_filetype.vim.
A: >
if !exists('g:context_filetype#same_filetypes')
let g:context_filetype#filetypes = {}
let g:context_filetype#filetypes.svelte = [
\ {'filetype' : 'css', 'start' : '<style>', 'end' : '</style>'},
\ ]
call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'functions', {
\ 'css': ['csscomplete#CompleteCSS']
Q: I want to use JavaScript omnifunc with context_filetype.vim.
A: >
call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'input_patterns', {
\ 'javascript': '[^. *\t]\.\w*',
\ })
call deoplete#custom#var('omni', 'functions', {
\ 'javascript': ['javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS']
4. General Questions~
Q: How to donate money to you?
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
A: I have started github sponsorship to spend more time for Vim/neovim
plugins. You can donate money to help me!
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
Q: What means "dark powered"?
A: I think text editor is everything in the world. I want to do everything in
Vim(neovim) like Emacs. It is not allowed by |design-not| in Vim. It is not
the light way to use Vim. So I have defined it as the dark way. I am the
dark Vimmer. My plugins are dark powered.
Q: Is deoplete faster than neocomplete?
A: No. Deoplete is an asynchronous completion plugin. But it does not mean
that it is faster than neocomplete. It can skip the completion if you input
the characters too fast. I think it is great than the speed. You should use
faster machine for deoplete.
Q: Are there any plans to support GotoDefinition feature like YouCompleteMe?
A: It should be implemented by LSP side. It is not auto completion plugin's
Q: How is deoplete different from similar plugins?
A: deoplete is:
* Python3 based auto completion plugin
* Supports both neovim and Vim8(but neovim is recommended)
* More configurable than other completion plugins
For example, asyncomplete is Vim script based plugin.
So if you don't like Python based plugin, you should not use Python based
auto completion plugin(deoplete, ncm2).
coc.nvim is node.js based huge plugin.
It is not just completion plugin, it is all in one IDE system.
It is similar with YouCompleteMe.
If you don't like node.js based plugin or huge plugin base system, you
should not choose coc.nvim.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
completion-nvim is Lua based plugin for neovim.
You cannot use it in Vim8.
If you like Lua, you don't use Vim8, and you don't like external
dependency, it is a better choice.
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
And the important view is the author.
If you like the author or the author created plugins, you should choose the
auto completion plugin.
For example, if you use denite.nvim, deoplete will be better than other
If you use vim-lsp plugin, you should use asyncomplete.vim instead.
Because asyncomplete is created for vim-lsp and it maintained as well.
deoplete is not easy to use plugin and most configurable. If you don't
like to study plugin's usage and configuration, deoplete is not better
I don't think deoplete is the best for everyone. Please choose auto
completion plugin.
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
Q: deoplete with coc.nvim does not work.
A: Unfortunately, both deoplete and coc.nvim provide auto completion feature.
So deoplete conflicts with coc.nvim.
You cannot use both. You need to choose coc.nvim or deoplete.
Note: But to change |deoplete-options-overwrite_completeopt| may work for
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
COMPATIBILITY *deoplete-compatibility*
2022-04-23 12:09:55 +08:00
* "smart_case" and "ignore_case" and "camel_case" are source specific options
* Disable nofile buffers completion except
2020-06-18 23:07:37 +08:00
* Add deprecated variables warnings.
* Add completeopt check when deoplete-options-omni_patterns.
* msgpack 1.0.0+ is required
* Remove deoplete#refresh(). It does not work. You should use
deoplete#manual_complete() instead.
* Remove old deoplete#mappings# mappings. You need to use new mappings.
* Split tag source to https://github.com/deoplete-plugins/deoplete-tag.
* Split dictionary source to
* Python 3.6.1+ is required.
* deoplete-options-delimiters is removed. Please use "delimiters" var in
* neovim-python 0.3.0+ is needed for asyncio feature.
* Change deoplete-options-num_processes default value in Windows.
* Remove "complete_method" option.
* Remove async_timeout option.
* Remove the default value of "deoplete-options-omni_patterns".
* neovim 0.3.0+ is required.
* Remove "deoplete-source-attribute-keyword_patterns".
* Python 3.5+ is required.
* Remove "g:deoplete#auto_complete_start_length" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#skip_chars" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#disable_auto_complete" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#complete_method" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#sources" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#keyword_patterns" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#omni_patterns" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#ignore_sources" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#ignore_case" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#smart_case" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#camel_case" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#enable_yarp" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#enable_refresh_always" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#enable_on_insert_enter" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#enable_profile" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#delimiters" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#max_list" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#auto_complete_delay" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#auto_refresh_delay" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#num_processes" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#file#enable_buffer_path" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#max_abbr_width" and "g:deoplete#max_menu_width".
* Remove "g:deoplete#tag#cache_limit_size" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#buffer#require_same_filetype" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#member#prefix_patterns" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#omni#input_patterns" variable.
* Remove "g:deoplete#omni#functions" variable.
* limit attribute in source is removed.
* neovim-python 0.2.4+ is needed for asyncio feature.
* "debug_enabled" is deprecated. Please use "is_debug_enabled" instead.
* "deoplete#custom#set()" is deprecated.