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2022-05-16 22:20:10 +08:00
local extensions = {}
extensions._loaded = {}
extensions._config = {}
extensions._health = {}
local load_extension = function(name)
local ok, ext = pcall(require, "telescope._extensions." .. name)
if not ok then
error(string.format("'%s' extension doesn't exist or isn't installed: %s", name, ext))
return ext
extensions.manager = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(t, k)
local ext = load_extension(k)
t[k] = ext.exports or {}
if ext.setup then
ext.setup(extensions._config[k] or {}, require("telescope.config").values)
extensions._health[k] = ext.health
return t[k]
--- Register an extension module.
--- Extensions have several important keys.
--- - setup:
--- function(ext_config, config) -> nil
--- Called when first loading the extension.
--- The first parameter is the config passed by the user
--- in telescope setup. The second parameter is the resulting
--- config.values after applying the users setup defaults.
--- It is acceptable for a plugin to override values in config,
--- as some plugins will be installed simply to manage some setup,
--- install some sorter, etc.
--- - exports:
--- table
--- Only the items in `exports` will be exposed on the resulting
--- module that users can access via require('telescope').extensions.foo
--- Also, any top-level key-value pairs in exports where the value is a function and the
--- key doesn't start with an underscore will be included when calling the `builtin` picker
--- with the `include_extensions` option enabled.
--- Other things in the module will not be accessible. This is the public API
--- for your extension. Consider not breaking it a lot :laugh:
--- TODO:
--- - actions
extensions.register = function(mod)
return mod
extensions.load = function(name)
local ext = load_extension(name)
if ext.setup then
ext.setup(extensions._config[name] or {}, require("telescope.config").values)
return extensions.manager[name]
extensions.set_config = function(extensions_config)
extensions._config = extensions_config or {}
return extensions