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2022-10-27 15:44:42 +08:00
*unstack.txt* Extract/Open lines from stack traces
Author: Matthew Boehm <http://github.com/mattboehm>
CONTENTS *unstack_contents*
╓ Introduction ─────────────────────────────── |unstack_intro|
╠ Commands ─────────────────────────────────── |unstack_commands|
║ ├ UnstackFromText.......................... |:UnstackFromText|
║ ├ UnstackFromClipboard..................... |:UnstackFromClipboard|
║ ├ UnstackFromTmux.......................... |:UnstackFromTmux|
║ ├ UnstackFromSelection..................... |:UnstackFromSelection|
╠ Options ──────────────────────────────────── |unstack_options|
║ ├ mapkey................................... |unstack_mapkey|
║ ├ showsigns................................ |unstack_showsigns|
║ ├ layout................................... |unstack_layout|
║ ├ vertical_alignment....................... |unstack_vertical_alignment|
║ ├ scrolloff................................ |unstack_scrolloff|
║ ├ populate_quickfix........................ |unstack_populate_quickfix|
║ ├ open_tab................................. |unstack_open_tab|
║ └ extractors............................... |unstack_extractors|
╠ Extractors ───────────────────────────────── |unstack_extraction_engines|
║ └ Regex Extractors......................... |unstack_regex_extractors|
╙ Limitations ──────────────────────────────── |unstack_limitations|
INTRODUCTION *unstack_intro*
Feed all or part of a stacktrace into this plugin and it will open a new tab
with each level of the stacktrace in a new vsplit. This can be useful for
seeing more context around an exception or to quickly edit offending files.
Unstack also supports opening lines from the quickfix list.
The basic usage is to highlight a block of text and type <leader>s. Not sure
what <leader> is? It defaults to \ but to be sure, run `:echo mapleader`.
You can also copy a stack trace to your system clipboard from any program and
then run |:UnstackFromClipboard|. If you use this a lot, you may want to map
it to a hotkey like this:
nnoremap <F10> :UnstackFromClipboard<CR>
This allows you to copy from an external program and hit <F10> in vim to open
the stack trace.
Tmux users can call |:UnstackFromTmux| instead to load a stack trace from the
tmux paste buffer. That is particularly useful when working on remote machines
that don't have a running x server.
When you launch unstack, it opens the files from the stack trace in a new tab.
When you're done with the stack trace, run `:tabclose` to close the tab and
return vim to the state it was in before you ran Unstack. If you are
unfamiliar with tabs, read `:help |tabpage|` to learn more.
COMMANDS *unstack_commands*
*:UnstackFromText* <text> Call unstack with text as input. Text can be:
:UnstackFromText g:foo "a variable
:UnstackFromText @a "register a
:UnstackFromText "some text" "literal text escaped with quotes
*:UnstackFromClipboard* Call unstack with the contents of the clipboard
Note: this is identical to `:UnstackFromText @+`
*:UnstackFromTmux* Call unstack with the contents of the tmux paste
*:UnstackFromSelection* Call unstack with the contents of the X selection
Note: this is identical to `:UnstackFromText @*`
OPTIONS *unstack_options*
|unstack_mapkey| shortcut to launch unstack default <leader>s
|unstack_showsigns| whether or not to show signs on stacktrace lines
|unstack_extractors| regexes for finding files/lines
let g:unstack_mapkey="<leader>s" *unstack_mapkey*
Press this combination with a visual selection (or in normal mode followed by
a motion) to edit. To not define any key mapping, assign an empty string to
this variable.
let g:unstack_showsigns=1 *unstack_showsigns*
If this is set to 1, unstack will put a |sign| on lines in the stacktrace.
These signs will be visible in any window in the current vim session showing
that file. Set to 0 to disable this.
let g:unstack_layout="landscape" *unstack_layout*
Determines how to layout windows when opening a stack trace
* "landscape": open vsplits
* "portrait": open hsplits
let g:unstack_vertical_alignment="middle" *unstack_vertical_alignment*
Options: "top", "middle", "bottom"
Where the line from the stack trace should be on the screen.
If the line is too close to the beginning or end of the file, its position may
differ slightly.
let g:unstack_scrolloff=0 *unstack_scrolloff*
The value for 'scrolloff' while unstack is opening files. This determines how
many lines above the highlighted line are shown. The benefit of scrolloff is
that it provides more context above the line being called, but the main issue
is that it can cause highlighted lines to be at differing heights if the lines
are near the top of the file.
let g:unstack_populate_quickfix=0 *unstack_populate_quickfix*
If true, puts lines from stack trace in quickfix list
let g:unstack_open_tab=1 *unstack_open_tab*
If true, opens the stack trace in vsplits in a new tab
This is the default behavior, and should remain true unless you only want
unstack to populate the quickfix via |unstack_populate_quickfix|.
let g:unstack_extractors=unstack#extractors#GetDefaults()
Format: [extractor1, extractor2... ]
This is the list of |unstack_extraction_engines| that will be evaluated in order to
extract a stack trace from the selected block of text. Setting this list wipes
out any default extractors. If you want to keep the defaults but add an
extractor to the list:
* get the defaults by calling unstack#extractors#GetDefaults()
* add your extractors to the defaults
* set g:unstack_extractors to the combined list
EXTRACTORS *unstack_extraction_engines*
Extractors are dicts with an extract method that takes in text and returns a
stack trace in the form [[filea, linea], [fileb, lineb]... ] by writing your
own extractors, you can extend Unstack to handle parse stack traces with new
If your extractor does not find any files, it should return an empty list
If you can't extract line numbers, just use 0 for all line numbers
To make an extractor, do something like this:
let my_extractor = {}
function my_extractor.extract(text) dict
"convert text to a "stack" or return empty list if text format invalid
REGEX EXTRACTORS *unstack#extractors#regex*
If you want to write an extractor for a format where file path and line number
can be extracted with regular expressions, there's a built-in factory to help
For instance, in python, stack traces look like this:
File "foo.py", line 10, in my_function
divide(1, 0)
File "math.py", line 6, in divide
return a / b
First we want to form a regex that only matches valid lines with files:
'\v^ *File "([^"]+)", line ([0-9]+).+'
Replacing this with the thing in the first perens (\1) yields the file path.
you can test this by putting your cursor on the first line of the stack trace
and running:
:s/'\v^ *File "([^"]+)", line ([0-9]+).+'/\1/
running this should yield foo.py
repeating the process with \2 should yield the line number (10)
We now have all the necessary pieces. We can make our extractor by calling:
unstack#extractors#Regex('\v^ *File "([^"]+)", line ([0-9]+).+', '\1', '\2')
To use this extractor, you'd do one of the following:
"Use only this extractor
let g:unstack_extractors = [unstack#extractors#Regex('\v^ *File "([^"]+)", line ([0-9]+).+', '\1', '\2')]
"Add this extractor to the list of defaults
let g:unstack_extractors = unstack#extractors#GetDefaults() + [unstack#extractors#Regex('\v^ *File "([^"]+)", line ([0-9]+).+', '\1', '\2')]
unstack#extractors#Regex takes an optional argument that can be set to 1 to
reverse the stack order (the default order is from top to bottom). For example
for valgrind traces (which are in reversed order) you could use:
unstack#extractors#Regex('\v^\=\=\d+\=\=[ \t]*%(at|by).*\((.+):(\d+)\)$', '\1', '\2', 1)
LIMITATIONS *unstack_limitations*
1. Unstack only recognizes stack trace styles listed in README.markdown,
but this can be extended via the |unstack_extractors| setting.
2. If a stack trace contains relative paths, they must be relative to Vim's
current working directory.