2023-07-05 11:50:23 +08:00
title: SpaceVim release v1.8.0
categories: [changelog, blog]
description: "SpaceVim release v1.8.0 with lua plugins enabled and better experience."
type: article
image: https://img.spacevim.org/135842225-addb0f53-7520-4a8b-bdd2-c4f7e98b3253.png
commentsID: "SpaceVim release v1.8.0"
comments: true
# [Changelogs](../development#changelog) > SpaceVim release v1.8.0
<!-- vim - markdown - toc GFM -->
- [What's New ](#whats-new )
- [New Features ](#new-features )
- [Improvements ](#improvements )
- [Feature Changes ](#feature-changes )
- [Bug Fixs ](#bug-fixs )
- [Doc&&Wiki ](#docwiki )
<!-- vim - markdown - toc -->
The last release is v1.7.0, After three months development.
The v1.8.0 has been released. So let's take a look at what happened since last relase.

- [Quick start guide ](../quick-start-guide/ ): installation, configuration, and resources of learning SpaceVim
- [documentation ](../documentation/ ): the primary official document of SpaceVim
- [available layers ](../layers/ ): a list of available layers which can be used in SpaceVim
## What's New
### New Features
- [`81e58fdd` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/81e58fdd ) Rewrite plugin `a.vim` in lua (#4390 )
- [`b518b77e` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/b518b77e ) Add lua projectmanager (#4401 )
- [`7b4ae22d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/7b4ae22d ) Add lua evn (#4400 )
- [`b80606ae` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/b80606ae ) Add `SPC j c` key binding (#4443 )
- [`ca70bd8e` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/ca70bd8e ) Add key binding `SPC p F` (#4309 )
- [`38496452` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/38496452 ) Add lua logger api (#4395 )
- [`5fe3d09b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/5fe3d09b ) Add lua file api (#4391 )
- [`66f3306a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/66f3306a ) Add lua `system` api & test (#4392 )
- [`c7eb99d6` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/c7eb99d6 ) Add wrap_line option (#4291 )
- [`487f4fa5` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/487f4fa5 ) Add Git mv command (#4350 )
- [`697fec62` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/697fec62 ) Add `Git rm` command (#4347 )
- [`c151563b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/c151563b ) Add Git remote command (#4371 )
- [`8f742f30` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/8f742f30 ) Add spacevim lua logger (#4398 )
- [`3b455c1b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/3b455c1b ) Add option for disable smooth scrolling & fix css (#4387 )
- [`061de45b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/061de45b ) Add smooth scrolling key bindings (#4386 )
- [`bb7a5480` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/bb7a5480 ) Use indent-blankline for neovim (#4325 )
- [`8dc62173` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/8dc62173 ) Add option to hilight cursorword (#4385 )
### Improvements
- [`2d6bfd39` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/2d6bfd39 ) Improve notify api (#4355 )
- [`5c8e9ac7` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/5c8e9ac7 ) Improve cscope layer (#4418 )
- [`bcb92d75` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/bcb92d75 ) Use cc instead of cnext (#4416 )
- [`5ed892fe` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/5ed892fe ) Add --no-fonts option (#4415 )
- [`a45a8242` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/a45a8242 ) feat(layer): add julia code formattor
- [`553749f5` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/553749f5 ) feat(layer): use notify api in `lang#vim` layer
- [`e098ae34` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/e098ae34 ) feat(core): add `code_runner_focus` option
- [`71d78fae` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/71d78fae ) feat(layer): add `enable_tmux_clipboard` option
- [`a3197351` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/a3197351 ) add(core): add key binding to toggle auto parens mode
- [`65816f22` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/65816f22 ) feat(unite): improve `unite` layer
- [`03b62e1a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/03b62e1a ) feat(layer): add `open_quickfix` layer option
- [`6a1437f4` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/6a1437f4 ) feat(layer): add layer option for filetree columns
- [`5866f07b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/5866f07b ) feat: use relative path for `SPC f s`
- [`68e12344` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/68e12344 ) Update `core` layer (#4467 )
- [`654cfc88` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/654cfc88 ) feat(core): add `SPC h g/G` to run helpgrep asynchronously
- [`bdc0101b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/bdc0101b ) feat(core): Add `SPC f a` key binding to save as new file
- [`1bbc24ea` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/1bbc24ea ) feat(plugins): Do not open quickfix list when only one entry
- [`dd6c9db1` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/dd6c9db1 ) Add -f flag (#4459 )
- [`05e45fc0` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/05e45fc0 ) Improve `ui` layer (#4455 )
- [`943d34a1` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/943d34a1 ) Add option for emmet (#4451 )
- [`cd295362` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/cd295362 ) Fork neoformat (#4290 )
- [`f4dd68db` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/f4dd68db ) Update lang#html layer to install emmet for ERB (#4287 )
- [`46869748` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/46869748 ) Use splitjoin to open line (#4442 )
- [`12e19d8d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/12e19d8d ) Tabmanager name (#4427 )
- [`15f1765a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/15f1765a ) feat(dev): add tesk to generate vim doc
## Feature Changes
- [`39bf31c4` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/39bf31c4 ) Change default filetree to nerdtree (#4464 )
- [`caa54d32` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/caa54d32 ) Change filetree gitstatus option name (#4465 )
- [`483e3c0e` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/483e3c0e ) change(core): deprecate `statusline_unicode_symbols` option
- [`72349e4d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/72349e4d ) change(core): deprecate `project_rooter_automatically` option
## Bug Fixs
- [`48e701e0` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/48e701e0 ) fix todo manager with rg 13.0 (#4383 )
- [`fd4b7a6e` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/fd4b7a6e ) Add test for windows (#4412 )
- [`8f76047c` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/8f76047c ) Fix cache directory (#4414 )
- [`33fd230c` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/33fd230c ) fix(docker): disables package verification (#4411 )
- [`d9524d5d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/d9524d5d ) fix(flygrep): use current directory when none specified for ripgrep. (#4410 )
- [`1e4cb1f2` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/1e4cb1f2 ) Fix data dir (#4409 )
- [`420f861d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/420f861d ) Hot Fix (#4430 )
- [`f286e5a8` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/f286e5a8 ) Fix typescript eslint maker (#4441 )
- [`ee07874b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/ee07874b ) fix notify api (#4438 )
- [`84c2d69e` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/84c2d69e ) Fix cached project (#4403 )
- [`2bad1033` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/2bad1033 ) Fix job api (#4463 )
- [`e33aeb1b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/e33aeb1b ) fix(layer): add `:h SpaceVim-layers-lang-vue`
- [`892b18fe` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/892b18fe ) fix(plugin): Allow `:A` to switch between `*.h` and `{}.c`
- [`458b9729` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/458b9729 ) Fix g d in lang#typescript layer (#4454 )
- [`2253f54b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/2253f54b ) fix(layer): fix `rustfmt_cmd` option in `lang#rust` layer
- [`14d75c04` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/14d75c04 ) fix(lsp): replace javascript lsp command
- [`36896f7d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/36896f7d ) Fix buffer_id in flygrep (#4288 )
- [`38955b7d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/38955b7d ) Fix flygrep (#4361 )
- [`b834a494` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/b834a494 ) Fix vim support (#4359 )
- [`eb1d0780` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/eb1d0780 ) Fix notify scratch buffer (#4358 )
- [`fd96c4ea` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/fd96c4ea ) fix(nerdtree): fix key binding `h` in filetree
- [`ba588581` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/ba588581 ) fix(nerdtree): fix key binding `Home` and `End`
- [`3aecd6c3` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/3aecd6c3 ) fix(nerdtree): key binding `d` does not work
- [`3354f6e6` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/3354f6e6 ) fix(nerdtree): Fix `.` key binding in nerdtree
- [`534c2bf8` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/534c2bf8 ) fix(nerdtree): Fix `N` key binding in nerdtree
- [`513a6829` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/513a6829 ) Fix type in elixir article
- [`7093d3aa` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/7093d3aa ) fix link (#4471 )
- [`8c3dae57` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/8c3dae57 ) fix(nerdtree): arrow key does not work
- [`218f16e4` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/218f16e4 ) fix(lsp): specify cmd for typescriptreact
- [`25bf4a1b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/25bf4a1b ) fix(core): fix `Enter` key in filetree(nerdtree)
- [`492209fe` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/492209fe ) fix(core): filetree key binding `ctrl-home` does not work
- [`db1ed720` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/db1ed720 ) Fix statusline (#4370 )
- [`d23c6e18` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/d23c6e18 ) Fix `SPC x d SPC` key binding (#4369 )
- [`8cf5519c` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/8cf5519c ) Fix docker image building (#4367 )
- [`dcb669ee` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/dcb669ee ) Fix broken link (#4363 )
- [`b8eae5e4` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/b8eae5e4 ) fix(plugin): Fix key binding error E225
- [`41c981e9` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/41c981e9 ) Fix Git mv options (#4353 )
- [`e6cb9e90` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/e6cb9e90 ) Fix coffeescript api sys dependency (#4343 )
- [`3f3a4912` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/3f3a4912 ) Fix statusline can't response to custom config (#4328 )
- [`d5020d81` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/d5020d81 ) Fix layer lang::markdown install (#4327 )
- [`a00ca02d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/a00ca02d ) Fix list style (#4324 )
## Doc&&Wiki
- [`2f4a8054` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/2f4a8054 ) doc(layer): add `:h SpaceVim-layers-tools-mpv`
- [`a2734a9e` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/a2734a9e ) doc(layer): add `:h SpaceVim-layers-lang-smalltalk`
- [`247b1550` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/247b1550 ) doc(layer): update `:h SpaceVim-layers-lang-typescript`
- [`87937800` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/87937800 ) doc(layer): add `:h SpaceVim-layers-lang-zig`
- [`3b6ad7f7` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/3b6ad7f7 ) doc(layer): add `:h SpaceVim-layers-lang-fennel`
- [`3a68e6ad` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/3a68e6ad ) doc(core): add `:h SpaceVim-options-bootstrap_after/before`
- [`859753d4` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/859753d4 ) doc(wiki): update following HEAD page
- [`bc0bc6e3` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/bc0bc6e3 ) doc(core): update doc of `<Enter>` key in filetree
- [`7de44bde` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/7de44bde ) doc(layer): add `:h SpaceVim-layers-lang-autoit`
- [`f544542a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/f544542a ) doc(layer): update `:h SpaceVim-layers-lang-agda`
- [`a08746ff` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/a08746ff ) doc(layer): update `:h SpaceVim-layers-lang-java`
- [`0147cd8f` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/0147cd8f ) doc(wiki): update labels info
- [`5cfd0e6a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/5cfd0e6a ) chore(core): remove `.vim-bookmarks`
- [`4ea483fd` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/4ea483fd ) doc(layer): use `go install` replace `go get`
- [`f48b6a9a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/f48b6a9a ) doc(core): add `:h SpaceVim-dev`
- [`d604674a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/d604674a ) doc(layer): update `:h SpaceVim-layers-git`
- [`77d57270` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/77d57270 ) doc(layer): update `:h SpaceVim-layers-leaderf`
- [`e1dfadee` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/e1dfadee ) doc(core): add commit type `change`
- [`c85c47fa` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/c85c47fa ) doc(core): update development page
- [`4b4e80e7` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/4b4e80e7 ) ci(test): disable test for nvim nightly
- [`c9e22897` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/c9e22897 ) doc(layer): update doc about fuzzy finder layer
- [`8a8f5f41` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/8a8f5f41 ) doc(bundle): update plugins bundle readme
- [`eca21273` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/eca21273 ) doc(layer): add `:h SpaceVim-layers-cscope`
- [`6d44ea47` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/6d44ea47 ) doc(layer): fix layer tags prefix
- [`5f434d28` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/5f434d28 ) doc: update doc of `checkers` layer
- [`3fc49916` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/3fc49916 ) chore: update copyright
- [`7280ce8b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/7280ce8b ) chore: delete appveyor.yml
- [`c143ae07` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/c143ae07 ) doc: fix layer link
- [`7e613e11` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/7e613e11 ) docs: update `:h SpaceVim-changelog`
- [`7e33b5e3` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/7e33b5e3 ) Add doc for custom spc func (#4472 )
- [`4bad7427` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/4bad7427 ) Fetch all history (#4460 )
- [`2a3981ac` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/2a3981ac ) Update documentation.md (#4456 )
- [`8146051d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/8146051d ) Fixed typo in layers/lang/go.md (#4452 )
- [`aa026288` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/aa026288 ) Update README.md (#4449 )
- [`dc93c46f` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/dc93c46f ) Update issue template (#4446 )
- [`0c290681` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/0c290681 ) Use mirror (#4444 )
- [`4006e9b9` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/4006e9b9 ) add language mapping test (#4431 )
- [`d807b9bf` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/d807b9bf ) Update doc (#4425 )
- [`a3551972` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/a3551972 ) Use bot token (#4429 )
- [`9646f700` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/9646f700 ) Update followHEAD (#4428 )
- [`d7ccf937` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/d7ccf937 ) Escape space in rtp (#4423 )
- [`6b633d9d` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/6b633d9d ) Change title margin (#4422 )
- [`8f349d0a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/8f349d0a ) Update website (#4421 )
- [`938ad166` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/938ad166 ) Fix list-style (#4417 )
- [`fbe1c12a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/fbe1c12a ) Update cn pages (#4384 )
- [`be155d6f` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/be155d6f ) Enable neovim test (#4382 )
- [`c2dc72b5` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/c2dc72b5 ) Change li icon (#4379 )
- [`e047354a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/e047354a ) Change comment border color (#4378 )
- [`ec1ff581` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/ec1ff581 ) doc: Update development page (#4376 )
- [`a7e9465a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/a7e9465a ) Update community & development page (#4373 )
- [`9be4885a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/9be4885a ) Update docker readme (#4368 )
- [`6387f595` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/6387f595 ) Update (#4365 )
- [`225e417f` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/225e417f ) Update layer page list (#4364 )
- [`3e9b52af` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/3e9b52af ) Add codecov.yml (#4381 )
- [`6377357a` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/6377357a ) Add codecov (#4380 )
- [`4740d021` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/4740d021 ) Add issue template (#4360 )
- [`dd46a88b` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/dd46a88b ) Add doc for notify api (#4357 )
- [`95e235ab` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/95e235ab ) add bookmarks (#4346 )
- [`7a6b6ff6` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/7a6b6ff6 ) Update irc channel (#4356 )
- [`46346dd7` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/46346dd7 ) update default go-lsp to gopls (#4338 )
- [`21398fcf` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/21398fcf ) refactor layer: Update deprecated fugitive calls in git layer (#4340 )
- [`af8e26af` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/af8e26af ) update make_tasks example to support Makefiles with multiple .PHONY options (#4337 )
- [`ceff70e6` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/ceff70e6 ) Update website (#4305 )
- [`5b7535bf` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/5b7535bf ) Fixed typescript installation issue (#4314 )
- [`cad43708` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/cad43708 ) Update doc for todo manager (#4304 )
- [`7fc00c9c` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/7fc00c9c ) Update documentation (#4253 )
- [`8558514f` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/8558514f ) Update version to v1.8.0-dev (#4286 )
- [`4a584be2` ](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/4a584be2 ) Hotfix: version