2017-02-07 00:45:57 +08:00
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2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
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2018-01-21 22:03:53 +08:00
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2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
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2017-09-22 22:35:43 +08:00
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
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2018-01-21 21:24:29 +08:00
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2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
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2017-09-22 22:35:43 +08:00
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
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2018-01-27 01:07:02 +08:00
{% if page.lang == "cn" %}
< div id = "title" >
< p > {{ site.description | default: site.github.project_tagline }}< / p >
< hr >
< p align = "center" >
< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}/cn/" > 主页< / a > < / b > |
2018-05-12 19:01:00 +08:00
< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}/cn/about/" > 关于我们< / a > < / b > |
< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}/cn/documentation/" > 使用文档< / a > < / b > |
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< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}/cn/sponsors/" > 赞助< / a > < / b >
2018-01-27 01:07:02 +08:00
< / p >
< hr >
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{% else %}
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
< div id = "title" >
< p > {{ site.description | default: site.github.project_tagline }}< / p >
< hr >
< p align = "center" >
< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}" > Home< / a > < / b > |
2018-05-12 19:01:00 +08:00
< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}/about/" > About< / a > < / b > |
< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}/documentation/" > Documentation< / a > < / b > |
< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}/development/" > Development< / a > < / b > |
< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}/community/" > Community< / a > < / b > |
< b > < a href = "{{ site.url }}/sponsors/" > Sponsors< / a > < / b >
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
< / p >
< hr >
< / div >
2018-01-27 01:07:02 +08:00
{% endif %}
2017-02-07 00:45:57 +08:00
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
{{ content }}
2018-01-25 19:54:08 +08:00
2018-01-25 14:45:33 +08:00
{% if page.comments %}
2018-01-25 19:54:08 +08:00
2018-01-25 14:45:33 +08:00
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2018-01-25 19:54:08 +08:00
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2018-02-01 20:56:53 +08:00
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s.src = 'https://spacevim.disqus.com/embed.js';
s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());
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2018-01-25 19:54:08 +08:00
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< noscript > Please enable JavaScript to view the < a href = "https://disqus.com/?ref_noscript" > comments powered by Disqus.< / a > < / noscript >
2018-01-25 14:45:33 +08:00
{% endif %}
2017-02-07 00:45:57 +08:00
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
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2017-02-07 00:45:57 +08:00
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
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2017-02-07 00:45:57 +08:00
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
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2018-01-27 01:07:02 +08:00
{% if page.lang == "cn" %}
< p align = "center" >
< span class = "credits right" > 网站源码位于 Github, < a href = "https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/edit/master/docs/{{ page.path }}" > 帮助改进本页面< / a > — 网站主题: < a href = "https://twitter.com/michigangraham" > mattgraham< / a > ,
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< / p >
{% else %}
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
< p align = "center" >
< span class = "credits right" > Hosted on GitHub, < a href = "https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/edit/master/docs/{{ page.path }}" > Help improve this page< / a > — Theme by < a href = "https://twitter.com/michigangraham" > mattgraham< / a > ,
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< / p >
2018-01-27 01:07:02 +08:00
{% endif %}
2018-01-21 00:36:12 +08:00
< / root >
2017-02-07 00:45:57 +08:00
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2018-01-27 01:07:02 +08:00
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