Code contributions are welcome. Please read the following sections carefully. In any case, feel free to join us on the [gitter chat]( to ask questions about contributing!
For files not belonging to Spacemacs like local packages and libraries, refer to the header file. Those files should not have an empty header, we may not accept code without a proper header file.
#### Conventions
SpaceVim is based on conventions, mainly for naming functions, keybindings definition and writing documentation. Please read the [conventions]( before your first contribution to get to know them.
#### Pull Request
Submit your contribution against the `dev` branch. You should not use your master branch to modify SpaceVim, this branch is considered to be read-only.
You may want to read our beginner’s guide for Pull Requests.
PR = Pull-Request
##### Ideally for simple PRs (most of them):
- Branch from `dev`
- One topic per PR
- One commit per PR
- If you have several commits on different topics, close the PR and create one PR per topic
- If you still have several commits, squash them into only one commit
- Rebase your PR branch on top of upstream develop before submitting the PR
Those PRs are usually cherry-picked.
##### For complex PRs (big refactoring, etc):
Squash only the commits with uninteresting changes like typos, syntax fixes, etc… and keep the important and isolated steps in different commits.
Those PRs are merged and explicitly not fast-forwarded.
Commit messages
Write commit messages according to adapted [Tim Pope’s guidelines](
- Use present tense and write in the imperative: “Fix bug”, not “fixed bug” or “fixes bug”.
- Start with a capitalized, short (72 characters or less) summary, followed by a blank line.
- If necessary, add one or more paragraphs with details, wrapped at 72 characters.
[Gita] provide vim mode for Git commit messages, which helps you to comply to these guidelines.
#### Contributing a layer
Please read the layers documentation first.
Layer with no associated configuration will be rejected. For instance a layer with just a package and a hook can be easily replaced by the usage of the variable `g:spacevim_custom_plugins`.
##### File header
The file header for vim script should look like the following template:
You should replace FILENAME by the name of the file (e.g. foo.vim) and NAME by the name of the layer you are creating, don’t forget to replace **YOUR NAME** and **YOUR EMAIL** also.
If you are contributing to an already existing layer, you should not modify any header file.
#### Contributing a keybinding
Mappings are an important part of SpaceVim.
First if you want to have some personal mappings, This can be done in your `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` file.
If you think it worth contributing a new mappings then be sure to read the documentation to find the best mappings, then create a Pull-Request with your changes.
ALWAYS document your new mappings or mappings changes inside the relevant documentation file. It should be the the layer file and the [](
SpaceVim provide a lot of public [APIs](, you can create plugins base on this APIs. also you can add a badge to the of your plugin.