First of all, thank you very much for contributing to `nvim-treesitter`.
If you haven't already, you should really come and reach out to us on our [Zulip]
server, so we can help you with any question you might have!
There is also a [Matrix channel] for tree-sitter support in Neovim.
As you know, `nvim-treesitter` is roughly split in two parts:
- Parser configurations : for various things like `locals`, `highlights`
- What we like to call *modules* : tiny lua modules that provide a given feature, based on parser configurations
Depending on which part of the plugin you want to contribute to, please read the appropriate section.
## Style Checks and Tests
We haven't implemented any functional tests yet. Feel free to contribute.
However, we check code style with `luacheck` and `stylua`!
Please install luacheck and activate our `pre-push` hook to automatically check style before
every push:
luarocks install luacheck
cargo install stylua
ln -s ../../scripts/pre-push .git/hooks/pre-push
## Adding new modules
If you want to see a new functionality added to `nvim-treesitter` feel free to first open an issue
to that we can track our solution!
Thus far, there is basically two types of modules:
- Little modules (like `incremental selection`) that are built in `nvim-treesitter`, we call them
`builtin modules`.
- Bigger modules (like `completion-treesitter`, or `nvim-tree-docs`), or modules that integrate
with other plugins, that we call `remote modules`.
In any case, you can build your own module ! To help you started in the process, we have a template
repository designed to build new modules [here](
Feel free to use it, and contact us over on our
[Zulip] or on the "Neovim tree-sitter" [Matrix channel].
## Parser configurations
Contributing to parser configurations is basically modifying one of the `queries/*/*.scm`.
Each of these `scheme` files contains a *tree-sitter query* for a given purpose.
Before going any further, we highly suggest that you [read more about tree-sitter queries](
Each query has an appropriate name, which is then used by modules to extract data from the syntax tree.
For now these are the types of queries used by `nvim-treesitter`:
-`highlights.scm`: used for syntax highlighting, using the `highlight` module.
-`locals.scm`: used to extract keyword definitions, scopes, references, etc, using the `locals` module.
-`textobjects.scm`: used to define text objects.
-`folds.scm`: used to define folds.
-`injections.scm`: used to define injections.
For these types there is a *norm* you will have to follow so that features work fine.
Here are some global advices :
- If your language is listed [here](,
you can install the [playground plugin](
- If your language is listed [here](,
you can debug and experiment with your queries there.
- If not, you should consider installing the [tree-sitter cli](,
you should then be able to open a local playground using `tree-sitter build-wasm && tree-sitter web-ui` within the
parsers repo.
- Examples of queries can be found in [queries/](queries/)
- Matches in the bottom will override queries that are above of them.
If your language is an extension of a language (TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript for
example), you can include the queries from your base language by adding the following _as the first
line of your file_.
; inherits: lang1,(optionallang)
If you want to inherit a language, but don't want the languages inheriting from yours to inherit it,
you can mark the language as optional (by putting it between parenthesis).
### Highlights
As languages differ quite a lot, here is a set of captures available to you when building a `highlights.scm` query.
One important thing to note is that many of these capture groups are not supported by `neovim` for now, and will not have any
effect on highlighting. We will work on improving highlighting in the near future though.