mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 02:05:40 +08:00
479 lines
14 KiB
479 lines
14 KiB
local buf_storage = require("nui.utils.buf_storage")
local is_type = require("nui.utils").is_type
local feature = require("nui.utils")._.feature
local autocmd = {
event = {
-- after adding a buffer to the buffer list
BufAdd = "BufAdd",
-- deleting a buffer from the buffer list
BufDelete = "BufDelete",
-- after entering a buffer
BufEnter = "BufEnter",
-- after renaming a buffer
BufFilePost = "BufFilePost",
-- before renaming a buffer
BufFilePre = "BufFilePre",
-- just after buffer becomes hidden
BufHidden = "BufHidden",
-- before leaving a buffer
BufLeave = "BufLeave",
-- after the 'modified' state of a buffer changes
BufModifiedSet = "BufModifiedSet",
-- after creating any buffer
BufNew = "BufNew",
-- when creating a buffer for a new file
BufNewFile = "BufNewFile",
-- read buffer using command
BufReadCmd = "BufReadCmd",
-- after reading a buffer
BufReadPost = "BufReadPost",
-- before reading a buffer
BufReadPre = "BufReadPre",
-- just before unloading a buffer
BufUnload = "BufUnload",
-- after showing a buffer in a window
BufWinEnter = "BufWinEnter",
-- just after buffer removed from window
BufWinLeave = "BufWinLeave",
-- just before really deleting a buffer
BufWipeout = "BufWipeout",
-- write buffer using command
BufWriteCmd = "BufWriteCmd",
-- after writing a buffer
BufWritePost = "BufWritePost",
-- before writing a buffer
BufWritePre = "BufWritePre",
-- info was received about channel
ChanInfo = "ChanInfo",
-- channel was opened
ChanOpen = "ChanOpen",
-- command undefined
CmdUndefined = "CmdUndefined",
-- command line was modified
CmdlineChanged = "CmdlineChanged",
-- after entering cmdline mode
CmdlineEnter = "CmdlineEnter",
-- before leaving cmdline mode
CmdlineLeave = "CmdlineLeave",
-- after entering the cmdline window
CmdWinEnter = "CmdwinEnter",
-- before leaving the cmdline window
CmdWinLeave = "CmdwinLeave",
-- after loading a colorscheme
ColorScheme = "ColorScheme",
-- before loading a colorscheme
ColorSchemePre = "ColorSchemePre",
-- after popup menu changed
CompleteChanged = "CompleteChanged",
-- after finishing insert complete
CompleteDone = "CompleteDone",
-- idem, before clearing info
CompleteDonePre = "CompleteDonePre",
-- cursor in same position for a while
CursorHold = "CursorHold",
-- idem, in Insert mode
CursorHoldI = "CursorHoldI",
-- cursor was moved
CursorMoved = "CursorMoved",
-- cursor was moved in Insert mode
CursorMovedI = "CursorMovedI",
-- diffs have been updated
DiffUpdated = "DiffUpdated",
-- directory changed
DirChanged = "DirChanged",
-- after changing the 'encoding' option
EncodingChanged = "EncodingChanged",
-- before exiting
ExitPre = "ExitPre",
-- append to a file using command
FileAppendCmd = "FileAppendCmd",
-- after appending to a file
FileAppendPost = "FileAppendPost",
-- before appending to a file
FileAppendPre = "FileAppendPre",
-- before first change to read-only file
FileChangedRO = "FileChangedRO",
-- after shell command that changed file
FileChangedShell = "FileChangedShell",
-- after (not) reloading changed file
FileChangedShellPost = "FileChangedShellPost",
-- read from a file using command
FileReadCmd = "FileReadCmd",
-- after reading a file
FileReadPost = "FileReadPost",
-- before reading a file
FileReadPre = "FileReadPre",
-- new file type detected (user defined)
FileType = "FileType",
-- write to a file using command
FileWriteCmd = "FileWriteCmd",
-- after writing a file
FileWritePost = "FileWritePost",
-- before writing a file
FileWritePre = "FileWritePre",
-- after reading from a filter
FilterReadPost = "FilterReadPost",
-- before reading from a filter
FilterReadPre = "FilterReadPre",
-- after writing to a filter
FilterWritePost = "FilterWritePost",
-- before writing to a filter
FilterWritePre = "FilterWritePre",
-- got the focus
FocusGained = "FocusGained",
-- lost the focus to another app
FocusLost = "FocusLost",
-- if calling a function which doesn't exist
FuncUndefined = "FuncUndefined",
-- after starting the GUI
GUIEnter = "GUIEnter",
-- after starting the GUI failed
GUIFailed = "GUIFailed",
-- when changing Insert/Replace mode
InsertChange = "InsertChange",
-- before inserting a char
InsertCharPre = "InsertCharPre",
-- when entering Insert mode
InsertEnter = "InsertEnter",
-- just after leaving Insert mode
InsertLeave = "InsertLeave",
-- just before leaving Insert mode
InsertLeavePre = "InsertLeavePre",
-- just before popup menu is displayed
MenuPopup = "MenuPopup",
-- after changing the mode
ModeChanged = "ModeChanged",
-- after setting any option
OptionSet = "OptionSet",
-- after :make, :grep etc.
QuickFixCmdPost = "QuickFixCmdPost",
-- before :make, :grep etc.
QuickFixCmdPre = "QuickFixCmdPre",
-- before :quit
QuitPre = "QuitPre",
-- upon string reception from a remote vim
RemoteReply = "RemoteReply",
-- when the search wraps around the document
SearchWrapped = "SearchWrapped",
-- after loading a session file
SessionLoadPost = "SessionLoadPost",
-- after ":!cmd"
ShellCmdPost = "ShellCmdPost",
-- after ":1,2!cmd", ":w !cmd", ":r !cmd".
ShellFilterPost = "ShellFilterPost",
-- after nvim process received a signal
Signal = "Signal",
-- sourcing a Vim script using command
SourceCmd = "SourceCmd",
-- after sourcing a Vim script
SourcePost = "SourcePost",
-- before sourcing a Vim script
SourcePre = "SourcePre",
-- spell file missing
SpellFileMissing = "SpellFileMissing",
-- after reading from stdin
StdinReadPost = "StdinReadPost",
-- before reading from stdin
StdinReadPre = "StdinReadPre",
-- found existing swap file
SwapExists = "SwapExists",
-- syntax selected
Syntax = "Syntax",
-- a tab has closed
TabClosed = "TabClosed",
-- after entering a tab page
TabEnter = "TabEnter",
-- before leaving a tab page
TabLeave = "TabLeave",
-- when creating a new tab
TabNew = "TabNew",
-- after entering a new tab
TabNewEntered = "TabNewEntered",
-- after changing 'term'
TermChanged = "TermChanged",
-- after the process exits
TermClose = "TermClose",
-- after entering Terminal mode
TermEnter = "TermEnter",
-- after leaving Terminal mode
TermLeave = "TermLeave",
-- after opening a terminal buffer
TermOpen = "TermOpen",
-- after setting "v:termresponse"
TermResponse = "TermResponse",
-- text was modified
TextChanged = "TextChanged",
-- text was modified in Insert mode(no popup)
TextChangedI = "TextChangedI",
-- text was modified in Insert mode(popup)
TextChangedP = "TextChangedP",
-- after a yank or delete was done (y, d, c)
TextYankPost = "TextYankPost",
-- after UI attaches
UIEnter = "UIEnter",
-- after UI detaches
UILeave = "UILeave",
-- user defined autocommand
User = "User",
-- whenthe user presses the same key 42 times
UserGettingBored = "UserGettingBored",
-- after starting Vim
VimEnter = "VimEnter",
-- before exiting Vim
VimLeave = "VimLeave",
-- before exiting Vim and writing ShaDa file
VimLeavePre = "VimLeavePre",
-- after Vim window was resized
VimResized = "VimResized",
-- after Nvim is resumed
VimResume = "VimResume",
-- before Nvim is suspended
VimSuspend = "VimSuspend",
-- after closing a window
WinClosed = "WinClosed",
-- after entering a window
WinEnter = "WinEnter",
-- before leaving a window
WinLeave = "WinLeave",
-- when entering a new window
WinNew = "WinNew",
-- after scrolling a window
WinScrolled = "WinScrolled",
-- alias for `BufAdd`
BufCreate = "BufAdd",
-- alias for `BufReadPost`
BufRead = "BufReadPost",
-- alias for `BufWritePre`
BufWrite = "BufWritePre",
-- alias for `EncodingChanged`
FileEncoding = "EncodingChanged",
buf = {
storage = buf_storage.create("nui.utils.autocmd", { _next_handler_id = 1 }),
---@param callback fun(event: table): nil
---@param bufnr integer
local function to_stored_handler(callback, bufnr)
local handler_id = autocmd.buf.storage[bufnr]._next_handler_id
autocmd.buf.storage[bufnr]._next_handler_id = handler_id + 1
autocmd.buf.storage[bufnr][handler_id] = callback
local command = string.format(":lua require('nui.utils.autocmd').execute_stored_handler(%s, %s)", bufnr, handler_id)
return command
---@param bufnr integer
---@param handler_id number
function autocmd.execute_stored_handler(bufnr, handler_id)
local handler = autocmd.buf.storage[bufnr][handler_id]
if is_type("function", handler) then
---@param name string
---@param opts { clear?: boolean }
function autocmd.create_group(name, opts)
if feature.lua_autocmd then
return vim.api.nvim_create_augroup(name, opts)
augroup %s
augroup end
opts.clear and "autocmd!" or ""
---@param name string
function autocmd.delete_group(name)
if feature.lua_autocmd then
return vim.api.nvim_del_augroup_by_name(name)
autocmd! %s
augroup! %s
---@param event string|string[]
---@param opts table
---@param bufnr? integer # to store callback if lua autocmd is not available
function autocmd.create(event, opts, bufnr)
if feature.lua_autocmd then
return vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd(event, opts)
event = is_type("table", event) and table.concat(event, ",") or event
local pattern = is_type("table", opts.pattern) and table.concat(opts.pattern, ",") or opts.pattern
if opts.buffer then
pattern = string.format("<buffer=%s>", opts.buffer)
if opts.callback then
local buffer = opts.buffer or bufnr
if not buffer then
error("[nui.utils.autocmd] missing param: bufnr")
opts.command = to_stored_handler(opts.callback, buffer)
"autocmd %s %s %s %s %s %s",
opts.group or "",
opts.once and "++once" or "",
opts.nested and "++nested" or "",
---@param opts table
function autocmd.delete(opts)
if feature.lua_autocmd then
for _, item in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_get_autocmds(opts)) do
if item.id then
local event = is_type("table", opts.event) and table.concat(opts.event, ",") or opts.event
local pattern = is_type("table", opts.pattern) and table.concat(opts.pattern, ",") or opts.pattern
if opts.buffer then
pattern = string.format("<buffer=%s>", opts.buffer)
vim.cmd(string.format("autocmd! %s %s %s", opts.group or "", event or "*", pattern or ""))
---@param event string|string[]
---@param opts table
function autocmd.exec(event, opts)
local events = is_type("table", event) and event or { event }
if feature.lua_autocmd then
vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds(events, {
group = opts.group,
pattern = opts.pattern,
buffer = opts.buffer,
modeline = opts.modeline,
data = opts.data,
for _, event_name in ipairs(events) do
local command = string.format(
[[doautocmd %s %s %s %s]],
opts.modeline == false and "<nomodeline>" or "",
opts.group or "",
opts.pattern or ""
if opts.buffer then
vim.api.nvim_buf_call(opts.buffer, function()
-- @deprecated
---@param event string | string[]
---@param pattern string | string[]
---@param cmd string
---@param options nil | table<"'once'" | "'nested'", boolean>
function autocmd.define(event, pattern, cmd, options)
local opts = options or {}
opts.pattern = pattern
opts.command = cmd
autocmd.create(event, opts)
-- @deprecated
---@param group_name string
---@param auto_clear boolean
---@param definitions table<"'event'" | "'pattern'" | "'cmd'" | "'options'", any>
function autocmd.define_grouped(group_name, auto_clear, definitions)
if not is_type("boolean", auto_clear) then
error("invalid param type: auto_clear, expected boolean")
autocmd.create_group(group_name, { clear = auto_clear })
for _, definition in ipairs(definitions) do
autocmd.define(definition.event, definition.pattern, definition.cmd, definition.options)
-- @deprecated
---@param group_name nil | string
---@param event nil | string | string[]
---@param pattern nil | string | string[]
function autocmd.remove(group_name, event, pattern)
event = event,
group = group_name,
pattern = pattern,
---@param bufnr number
---@param event string | string[]
---@param handler string | function
---@param options nil | table<"'once'" | "'nested'", boolean>
function autocmd.buf.define(bufnr, event, handler, options)
local opts = options or {}
opts.buffer = bufnr
if is_type("function", handler) then
opts.callback = handler
opts.command = handler
autocmd.create(event, opts, bufnr)
---@param bufnr number
---@param group_name nil | string
---@param event nil | string | string[]
function autocmd.buf.remove(bufnr, group_name, event)
buffer = bufnr,
event = event,
group = group_name,
return autocmd