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A script to find bugs in the diff parser.
This script is extremely useful if changes are made to the diff parser. By
running a few thousand iterations, we can assure that the diff parser is in
good shape.
fuzz_diff_parser.py [--pdb|--ipdb] [-l] [-n=<nr>] [-x=<nr>] random [<path>]
fuzz_diff_parser.py [--pdb|--ipdb] [-l] redo [-o=<nr>] [-p]
fuzz_diff_parser.py -h | --help
-h --help Show this screen
-n, --maxtries=<nr> Maximum of random tries [default: 1000]
-x, --changes=<nr> Amount of changes to be done to a file per try [default: 5]
-l, --logging Prints all the logs
-o, --only-last=<nr> Only runs the last n iterations; Defaults to running all
-p, --print-code Print all test diffs
--pdb Launch pdb when error is raised
--ipdb Launch ipdb when error is raised
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import sys
import os
import random
import pickle
import parso
from parso.utils import split_lines
from test.test_diff_parser import _check_error_leaves_nodes
_latest_grammar = parso.load_grammar(version='3.8')
_python_reserved_strings = tuple(
# Keywords are ususally only interesting in combination with spaces after
# them. We don't put a space before keywords, to avoid indentation errors.
s + (' ' if s.isalpha() else '')
for s in _latest_grammar._pgen_grammar.reserved_syntax_strings.keys()
_random_python_fragments = _python_reserved_strings + (
' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\f', 'f"', 'F"""', "fr'", "RF'''", '"', '"""', "'",
"'''", ';', ' some_random_word ', '\\', '#',
def find_python_files_in_tree(file_path):
if not os.path.isdir(file_path):
yield file_path
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(file_path):
if 'chardet' in root:
# Stuff like chardet/langcyrillicmodel.py is just very slow to
# parse and machine generated, so ignore those.
for name in filenames:
if name.endswith('.py'):
yield os.path.join(root, name)
def _print_copyable_lines(lines):
for line in lines:
line = repr(line)[1:-1]
if line.endswith(r'\n'):
line = line[:-2] + '\n'
print(line, end='')
def _get_first_error_start_pos_or_none(module):
error_leaf = _check_error_leaves_nodes(module)
return None if error_leaf is None else error_leaf.start_pos
class LineReplacement:
def __init__(self, line_nr, new_line):
self._line_nr = line_nr
self._new_line = new_line
def apply(self, code_lines):
# print(repr(self._new_line))
code_lines[self._line_nr] = self._new_line
class LineDeletion:
def __init__(self, line_nr):
self.line_nr = line_nr
def apply(self, code_lines):
del code_lines[self.line_nr]
class LineCopy:
def __init__(self, copy_line, insertion_line):
self._copy_line = copy_line
self._insertion_line = insertion_line
def apply(self, code_lines):
# Use some line from the file. This doesn't feel totally
# random, but for the diff parser it will feel like it.
class FileModification:
def generate(cls, code_lines, change_count, previous_file_modification=None):
if previous_file_modification is not None and random.random() > 0.5:
# We want to keep the previous modifications in some cases to make
# more complex parser issues visible.
code_lines = previous_file_modification.apply(code_lines)
added_modifications = previous_file_modification.modification_list
added_modifications = []
return cls(
+ list(cls._generate_line_modifications(code_lines, change_count)),
# work with changed trees more than with normal ones.
check_original=random.random() > 0.8,
def _generate_line_modifications(lines, change_count):
def random_line(include_end=False):
return random.randint(0, len(lines) - (not include_end))
lines = list(lines)
for _ in range(change_count):
rand = random.randint(1, 4)
if rand == 1:
if len(lines) == 1:
# We cannot delete every line, that doesn't make sense to
# fuzz and it would be annoying to rewrite everything here.
ld = LineDeletion(random_line())
elif rand == 2:
# Copy / Insertion
# Make it possible to insert into the first and the last line
ld = LineCopy(random_line(), random_line(include_end=True))
elif rand in (3, 4):
# Modify a line in some weird random ways.
line_nr = random_line()
line = lines[line_nr]
column = random.randint(0, len(line))
random_string = ''
for _ in range(random.randint(1, 3)):
if random.random() > 0.8:
# The lower characters cause way more issues.
unicode_range = 0x1f if random.randint(0, 1) else 0x3000
random_string += chr(random.randint(0, unicode_range))
# These insertions let us understand how random
# keyword/operator insertions work. Theoretically this
# could also be done with unicode insertions, but the
# fuzzer is just way more effective here.
random_string += random.choice(_random_python_fragments)
if random.random() > 0.5:
# In this case we insert at a very random place that
# probably breaks syntax.
line = line[:column] + random_string + line[column:]
# Here we have better chances to not break syntax, because
# we really replace the line with something that has
# indentation.
line = ' ' * random.randint(0, 12) + random_string + '\n'
ld = LineReplacement(line_nr, line)
yield ld
def __init__(self, modification_list, check_original):
self.modification_list = modification_list
self._check_original = check_original
def apply(self, code_lines):
changed_lines = list(code_lines)
for modification in self.modification_list:
return changed_lines
def run(self, grammar, code_lines, print_code):
code = ''.join(code_lines)
modified_lines = self.apply(code_lines)
modified_code = ''.join(modified_lines)
if print_code:
if self._check_original:
if self._check_original:
m = grammar.parse(code, diff_cache=True)
start1 = _get_first_error_start_pos_or_none(m)
grammar.parse(modified_code, diff_cache=True)
if self._check_original:
# Also check if it's possible to "revert" the changes.
m = grammar.parse(code, diff_cache=True)
start2 = _get_first_error_start_pos_or_none(m)
assert start1 == start2, (start1, start2)
class FileTests:
def __init__(self, file_path, test_count, change_count):
self._path = file_path
with open(file_path, errors='replace') as f:
code = f.read()
self._code_lines = split_lines(code, keepends=True)
self._test_count = test_count
self._code_lines = self._code_lines
self._change_count = change_count
self._file_modifications = []
def _run(self, grammar, file_modifications, debugger, print_code=False):
for i, fm in enumerate(file_modifications, 1):
fm.run(grammar, self._code_lines, print_code=print_code)
print('.', end='')
except Exception:
print("Issue in file: %s" % self._path)
if debugger:
einfo = sys.exc_info()
pdb = __import__(debugger)
def redo(self, grammar, debugger, only_last, print_code):
mods = self._file_modifications
if only_last is not None:
mods = mods[-only_last:]
self._run(grammar, mods, debugger, print_code=print_code)
def run(self, grammar, debugger):
def iterate():
fm = None
for _ in range(self._test_count):
fm = FileModification.generate(
self._code_lines, self._change_count,
yield fm
self._run(grammar, iterate(), debugger)
def main(arguments):
debugger = 'pdb' if arguments['--pdb'] else \
'ipdb' if arguments['--ipdb'] else None
redo_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fuzz-redo.pickle')
if arguments['--logging']:
root = logging.getLogger()
ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
grammar = parso.load_grammar()
parso.python.diff.DEBUG_DIFF_PARSER = True
if arguments['redo']:
with open(redo_file, 'rb') as f:
file_tests_obj = pickle.load(f)
only_last = arguments['--only-last'] and int(arguments['--only-last'])
elif arguments['random']:
# A random file is used to do diff parser checks if no file is given.
# This helps us to find errors in a lot of different files.
file_paths = list(find_python_files_in_tree(arguments['<path>'] or '.'))
max_tries = int(arguments['--maxtries'])
tries = 0
while tries < max_tries:
path = random.choice(file_paths)
print("Checking %s: %s tries" % (path, tries))
now_tries = min(1000, max_tries - tries)
file_tests_obj = FileTests(path, now_tries, int(arguments['--changes']))
file_tests_obj.run(grammar, debugger)
tries += now_tries
except Exception:
with open(redo_file, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(file_tests_obj, f)
raise NotImplementedError('Command is not implemented')
if __name__ == '__main__':
from docopt import docopt
arguments = docopt(__doc__)