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docs(help): update doc for editing

This commit is contained in:
Eric Wong 2024-06-27 13:40:47 +08:00
parent 3ce5b24d62
commit 332214f846
3 changed files with 535 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -2401,6 +2401,258 @@ endfunction
" <Leader> q p | jump to previous item in quickfix list " <Leader> q p | jump to previous item in quickfix list
" < " <
" @section Editing, usage-editing
" @parentsection usage
" @subsection Moving text
" >
" Key | Action
" ----------------- | -----------------------------
" > / Tab | Indent to right and re-select
" < / Shift-Tab | Indent to left and re-select
" Ctrl-Shift-Up | move lines up
" Ctrl-Shift-Down | move lines down
" <
" @subsection Code indentation
" The default indentation of code is 2, which is controlled by the option
" @section(options-default_indent).
" If you prefer to use 4 as code indentation. Just add the following snippet
" to the `[options]` section in the SpaceVim's configuration file:
" >
" [options]
" default_indent = 4
" <
" The `default_indent` option will be applied to vim's `&tabstop`,
" `&softtabstop` and `&shiftwidth` options. By default, when the user inserts
" a `<Tab>`, it will be expanded to spaces. This feature can be disabled by
" `expand_tab` option the `[options]` section:
" >
" [options]
" default_indent = 4
" expand_tab = true
" <
" @subsection Text manipulation commands
" Text related commands (start with `x`):
" >
" Key Bindings | Descriptions
" ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------
" SPC x a # | align region at #
" SPC x a % | align region at %
" SPC x a & | align region at &
" SPC x a ( | align region at (
" SPC x a ) | align region at )
" SPC x a [ | align region at [
" SPC x a ] | align region at ]
" SPC x a { | align region at {
" SPC x a } | align region at }
" SPC x a , | align region at ,
" SPC x a . | align region at . (for numeric tables)
" SPC x a : | align region at :
" SPC x a ; | align region at ;
" SPC x a = | align region at =
" SPC x a ¦ | align region at ¦
" SPC x a <Bar> | align region at \|
" SPC x a SPC | align region at [SPC]
" SPC x a r | align region at user-specified regexp
" SPC x a o | align region at operators +-*/ etc
" SPC x c | count the number of chars/words/lines in the region
" SPC x d w | delete trailing whitespace
" SPC x d SPC | Delete all spaces and tabs around point
" SPC x g t | translate current word using Google Translate
" SPC x i c | change symbol style to lowerCamelCase
" SPC x i C | change symbol style to UpperCamelCase
" SPC x i i | cycle symbol naming styles (i to keep cycling)
" SPC x i - | change symbol style to kebab-case
" SPC x i k | change symbol style to kebab-case
" SPC x i _ | change symbol style to under_score
" SPC x i u | change symbol style to under_score
" SPC x i U | change symbol style to UP_CASE
" SPC x j c | set the justification to center
" SPC x j l | set the justification to left
" SPC x j r | set the justification to right
" SPC x J | move down a line of text (enter transient state)
" SPC x K | move up a line of text (enter transient state)
" SPC x l d | duplicate a line or region
" SPC x l r | reverse lines
" SPC x l s | sort lines (ignorecase)
" SPC x l S | sort lines (case-senstive)
" SPC x l u | uniquify lines (ignorecase)
" SPC x l U | uniquify lines (case-senstive)
" SPC x t c | swap (transpose) the current character with previous one
" SPC x t C | swap (transpose) the current character with next one
" SPC x t w | swap (transpose) the current word with previous one
" SPC x t W | swap (transpose) the current word with next one
" SPC x t l | swap (transpose) the current line with previous one
" SPC x t L | swap (transpose) the current line with next one
" SPC x u | lowercase text
" SPC x U | uppercase text
" SPC x ~ | toggle case text
" SPC x w c | count the words in the select region
" <
" @subsection Text insertion commands
" Text insertion commands (start with `i`):
" >
" Key bindings | Descriptions
" ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" SPC i l l | insert lorem-ipsum list
" SPC i l p | insert lorem-ipsum paragraph
" SPC i l s | insert lorem-ipsum sentence
" SPC i p 1 | insert simple password
" SPC i p 2 | insert stronger password
" SPC i p 3 | insert password for paranoids
" SPC i p p | insert a phonetically easy password
" SPC i p n | insert a numerical password
" SPC i u | Search for Unicode characters and insert them into the active buffer.
" SPC i U 1 | insert UUIDv1 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
" SPC i U 4 | insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
" SPC i U U | insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
" >
" NOTE: You can specify the number of password characters using a prefix
" argument (i.e. `10 SPC i p 1` will generate a 10 character simple password).
" @subsection Expand regions of text
" Key bindings available in visual mode:
" >
" Key bindings | Descriptions
" ------------ | -------------------------------------------------
" v | expand visual selection of text to larger region
" V | shrink visual selection of text to smaller region
" <
" @subsection Increase/Decrease numbers
" >
" Key Bindings | Descriptions
" ------------ | ------------------------------------------------
" SPC n + | increase the number and initiate transient state
" SPC n - | decrease the number and initiate transient state
" <
" In transient state:
" >
" Key Bindings | Descriptions
" ------------- | -------------------------------------------
" + | increase the number under the cursor by one
" - | decrease the number under the cursor by one
" Any other key | leave the transient state
" <
" Tip: You can set the step (1 by default) by using a prefix argument
" (i.e. `10 SPC n +` will add 10 to the number under the cursor).
" @subsection Copy and paste
" If `has('unnamedplus')`, the register used by `<Leader> y` is `+`,
" otherwise it is `*`. Read `:h registers` for more info about other registers.
" >
" Key | Descriptions
" ------------ | --------------------------------------------
" <Leader> y | Copy selected text to system clipboard
" <Leader> p | Paste text from system clipboard after here
" <Leader> P | Paste text from system clipboard before here
" <Leader> Y | Copy selected text to pastebin
" <
" To change the command of clipboard, you need to use bootstrap after function:
" >
" " for example, to use tmux clipboard:
" function! myspacevim#after() abort
" call clipboard#set('tmux load-buffer -', 'tmux save-buffer -')
" endfunction
" <
" within the runtime log (`SPC h L`), the clipboard command will be displayed:
" >
" [ clipboard ] [11:00:35] [670.246] [ Info ] yank_cmd is:'tmux load-buffer -'
" [ clipboard ] [11:00:35] [670.246] [ Info ] paste_cmd is:'tmux save-buffer -'
" >
" The `<Leader> Y` key binding will copy selected text to a pastebin server.
" It requires `curl` in your `$PATH`. The default command is:
" >
" curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/
" <
" This command will read stdin and copy it to dpaste server. It is same as:
" >
" echo "selected text" | curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/
" <
" @subsection Commenting
" Comments are handled by nerdcommenter, its bound to the following keys.
" >
" Key Bindings | Descriptions
" ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------
" SPC ; | comment operator
" SPC c a | switch to the alternative set of delimiters
" SPC c h | hide/show comments
" SPC c l | toggle line comments
" SPC c L | comment lines
" SPC c u | uncomment lines
" SPC c p | toggle paragraph comments
" SPC c P | comment paragraphs
" SPC c s | comment with pretty layout
" SPC c t | toggle comment on line
" SPC c T | comment the line under the cursor
" SPC c y | toggle comment and yank
" SPC c Y | yank and comment
" SPC c $ | comment current line from cursor to the end of the line
" <
" Tip: `SPC ;` will start operator mode, in this mode, you can use a motion
" command to comment lines. For example, `SPC ; 4 j` will comment the current
" line and the following 4 lines.
" @subsection Undo tree
" Undo tree visualizes the undo history and makes it easier to browse
" and switch between different undo branches. The default key binding is `F7`.
" If `+python` or `+python3` is enabled, mundo will be loaded,
" otherwise undotree will be loaded.
" Key bindings within undo tree windows:
" >
" key bindings | description
" --------------- | -------------------
" G | move bottom
" J | move older write
" K | move newer write
" N | previous match
" P | play to
" <2-LeftMouse> | mouse click
" / | search
" <CR> | preview
" d | diff
" <down> | move older
" <up> | move newer
" i | toggle inline
" j | move older
" k | move newer
" n | next match
" o | preview
" p | diff current buffer
" q | quit
" r | diff
" gg | move top
" ? | toggle help
" <
" @subsection Multi-Encodings
" SpaceVim uses utf-8 as the default encoding. There are four options for this:
" 1. fileencodings (fencs): ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
" 2. fileencoding (fenc): utf-8
" 3. encoding (enc): utf-8
" 4. termencoding (tenc): utf-8 (only supported in Vim)
" To fix a messy display: `SPC e a` is the mapping to auto detect the file
" encoding. After detecting the file encoding, you can run the command below
" to fix it:
" >
" set enc=utf-8
" write
" <
"" ""
" @section FAQ, faq " @section FAQ, faq
" This is a list of the frequently asked questions about SpaceVim. " This is a list of the frequently asked questions about SpaceVim.

View File

@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#telescope#config() abort
endfunction endfunction
function! s:get_help_with_cursor_symbol() abort function! s:get_help_with_cursor_symbol() abort
call v:lua.require('telescope.builtin').help_tags({ 'default_text' : expand('<cword>')}) exe 'Telescope help_tags default_text=' . expand('<cword>')
endfunction endfunction
function! s:get_help(word) abort function! s:get_help(word) abort
call v:lua.require('telescope.builtin').help_tags({ 'default_text' : a:word}) exe 'Telescope help_tags default_text=' . a:word
endfunction endfunction
function! s:get_menu(menu, input) abort function! s:get_menu(menu, input) abort

View File

@ -248,18 +248,19 @@ CONTENTS *SpaceVim-contents*
147. unite........................................ |SpaceVim-layers-unite| 147. unite........................................ |SpaceVim-layers-unite|
148. xmake........................................ |SpaceVim-layers-xmake| 148. xmake........................................ |SpaceVim-layers-xmake|
7. Usage..................................................... |SpaceVim-usage| 7. Usage..................................................... |SpaceVim-usage|
1. Error handling......................... |SpaceVim-usage-error-handling| 1. Editing....................................... |SpaceVim-usage-editing|
2. File Tree................................... |SpaceVim-usage-file-tree| 2. Error handling......................... |SpaceVim-usage-error-handling|
3. Toggle UI................................... |SpaceVim-usage-toggle-ui| 3. File Tree................................... |SpaceVim-usage-file-tree|
4. alternate file......................... |SpaceVim-usage-alternate-file| 4. Toggle UI................................... |SpaceVim-usage-toggle-ui|
5. buffers-and-files................... |SpaceVim-usage-buffers-and-files| 5. alternate file......................... |SpaceVim-usage-alternate-file|
6. command-line-mode................... |SpaceVim-usage-command-line-mode| 6. buffers-and-files................... |SpaceVim-usage-buffers-and-files|
7. custom_plugins......................... |SpaceVim-usage-custom_plugins| 7. command-line-mode................... |SpaceVim-usage-command-line-mode|
8. repl............................................. |SpaceVim-usage-repl| 8. custom_plugins......................... |SpaceVim-usage-custom_plugins|
9. search-and-replace................. |SpaceVim-usage-search-and-replace| 9. repl............................................. |SpaceVim-usage-repl|
10. tasks.......................................... |SpaceVim-usage-tasks| 10. search-and-replace................ |SpaceVim-usage-search-and-replace|
11. undo-tree................................... |SpaceVim-usage-undotree| 11. tasks.......................................... |SpaceVim-usage-tasks|
12. windows-and-tabs.................... |SpaceVim-usage-windows-and-tabs| 12. undo-tree................................... |SpaceVim-usage-undotree|
13. windows-and-tabs.................... |SpaceVim-usage-windows-and-tabs|
8. Plugins................................................. |SpaceVim-plugins| 8. Plugins................................................. |SpaceVim-plugins|
1. Mapping Guide......................... |SpaceVim-plugins-mapping-guide| 1. Mapping Guide......................... |SpaceVim-plugins-mapping-guide|
2. Symbol highlighter............... |SpaceVim-plugins-symbol-highlighter| 2. Symbol highlighter............... |SpaceVim-plugins-symbol-highlighter|
@ -6201,6 +6202,274 @@ USAGE *SpaceVim-usage*
General guide for using SpaceVim. Including layer configuration, bootstrap General guide for using SpaceVim. Including layer configuration, bootstrap
function. function.
EDITING *SpaceVim-usage-editing*
Key | Action
----------------- | -----------------------------
> / Tab | Indent to right and re-select
< / Shift-Tab | Indent to left and re-select
Ctrl-Shift-Up | move lines up
Ctrl-Shift-Down | move lines down
The default indentation of code is 2, which is controlled by the option
|SpaceVim-options-default_indent|. If you prefer to use 4 as code indentation.
Just add the following snippet to the `[options]` section in the SpaceVim's
configuration file:
default_indent = 4
The `default_indent` option will be applied to vim's `&tabstop`,
`&softtabstop` and `&shiftwidth` options. By default, when the user inserts a
`<Tab>`, it will be expanded to spaces. This feature can be disabled by
`expand_tab` option the `[options]` section:
default_indent = 4
expand_tab = true
Text related commands (start with `x`):
Key Bindings | Descriptions
---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------
SPC x a # | align region at #
SPC x a % | align region at %
SPC x a & | align region at &
SPC x a ( | align region at (
SPC x a ) | align region at )
SPC x a [ | align region at [
SPC x a ] | align region at ]
SPC x a { | align region at {
SPC x a } | align region at }
SPC x a , | align region at ,
SPC x a . | align region at . (for numeric tables)
SPC x a : | align region at :
SPC x a ; | align region at ;
SPC x a = | align region at =
SPC x a ¦ | align region at ¦
SPC x a <Bar> | align region at \|
SPC x a SPC | align region at [SPC]
SPC x a r | align region at user-specified regexp
SPC x a o | align region at operators +-*/ etc
SPC x c | count the number of chars/words/lines in the region
SPC x d w | delete trailing whitespace
SPC x d SPC | Delete all spaces and tabs around point
SPC x g t | translate current word using Google Translate
SPC x i c | change symbol style to lowerCamelCase
SPC x i C | change symbol style to UpperCamelCase
SPC x i i | cycle symbol naming styles (i to keep cycling)
SPC x i - | change symbol style to kebab-case
SPC x i k | change symbol style to kebab-case
SPC x i _ | change symbol style to under_score
SPC x i u | change symbol style to under_score
SPC x i U | change symbol style to UP_CASE
SPC x j c | set the justification to center
SPC x j l | set the justification to left
SPC x j r | set the justification to right
SPC x J | move down a line of text (enter transient state)
SPC x K | move up a line of text (enter transient state)
SPC x l d | duplicate a line or region
SPC x l r | reverse lines
SPC x l s | sort lines (ignorecase)
SPC x l S | sort lines (case-senstive)
SPC x l u | uniquify lines (ignorecase)
SPC x l U | uniquify lines (case-senstive)
SPC x t c | swap (transpose) the current character with previous one
SPC x t C | swap (transpose) the current character with next one
SPC x t w | swap (transpose) the current word with previous one
SPC x t W | swap (transpose) the current word with next one
SPC x t l | swap (transpose) the current line with previous one
SPC x t L | swap (transpose) the current line with next one
SPC x u | lowercase text
SPC x U | uppercase text
SPC x ~ | toggle case text
SPC x w c | count the words in the select region
Text insertion commands (start with `i`):
Key bindings | Descriptions
------------ |
SPC i l l | insert lorem-ipsum list
SPC i l p | insert lorem-ipsum paragraph
SPC i l s | insert lorem-ipsum sentence
SPC i p 1 | insert simple password
SPC i p 2 | insert stronger password
SPC i p 3 | insert password for paranoids
SPC i p p | insert a phonetically easy password
SPC i p n | insert a numerical password
SPC i u | Search for Unicode characters and insert them into the active
SPC i U 1 | insert UUIDv1 (use universal argument to insert with CID
SPC i U 4 | insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID
SPC i U U | insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID
NOTE: You can specify the number of password characters using a prefix
argument (i.e. `10 SPC i p 1` will generate a 10 character simple password).
Key bindings available in visual mode:
Key bindings | Descriptions
------------ | -------------------------------------------------
v | expand visual selection of text to larger region
V | shrink visual selection of text to smaller region
Key Bindings | Descriptions
------------ | ------------------------------------------------
SPC n + | increase the number and initiate transient state
SPC n - | decrease the number and initiate transient state
In transient state:
Key Bindings | Descriptions
------------- | -------------------------------------------
+ | increase the number under the cursor by one
- | decrease the number under the cursor by one
Any other key | leave the transient state
Tip: You can set the step (1 by default) by using a prefix argument (i.e. `10
SPC n +` will add 10 to the number under the cursor).
If `has('unnamedplus')`, the register used by `<Leader> y` is `+`, otherwise
it is `*`. Read `:h registers` for more info about other registers.
Key | Descriptions
------------ | --------------------------------------------
<Leader> y | Copy selected text to system clipboard
<Leader> p | Paste text from system clipboard after here
<Leader> P | Paste text from system clipboard before here
<Leader> Y | Copy selected text to pastebin
To change the command of clipboard, you need to use bootstrap after function:
" for example, to use tmux clipboard:
function! myspacevim#after() abort
call clipboard#set('tmux load-buffer -', 'tmux save-buffer -')
within the runtime log (`SPC h L`), the clipboard command will be displayed:
[ clipboard ] [11:00:35] [670.246] [ Info ] yank_cmd is:'tmux load-buffer
[ clipboard ] [11:00:35] [670.246] [ Info ] paste_cmd is:'tmux save-buffer
The `<Leader> Y` key binding will copy selected text to a pastebin server. It
requires `curl` in your `$PATH`. The default command is:
curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/
This command will read stdin and copy it to dpaste server. It is same as:
echo "selected text" | curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/
Comments are handled by nerdcommenter, its bound to the following keys.
Key Bindings | Descriptions
------------ | -------------------------------------------------------
SPC ; | comment operator
SPC c a | switch to the alternative set of delimiters
SPC c h | hide/show comments
SPC c l | toggle line comments
SPC c L | comment lines
SPC c u | uncomment lines
SPC c p | toggle paragraph comments
SPC c P | comment paragraphs
SPC c s | comment with pretty layout
SPC c t | toggle comment on line
SPC c T | comment the line under the cursor
SPC c y | toggle comment and yank
SPC c Y | yank and comment
SPC c $ | comment current line from cursor to the end of the line
Tip: `SPC ;` will start operator mode, in this mode, you can use a motion
command to comment lines. For example, `SPC ; 4 j` will comment the current
line and the following 4 lines.
Undo tree visualizes the undo history and makes it easier to browse and switch
between different undo branches. The default key binding is `F7`. If `+python`
or `+python3` is enabled, mundo will be loaded, otherwise undotree will be
Key bindings within undo tree windows:
key bindings | description
--------------- | -------------------
G | move bottom
J | move older write
K | move newer write
N | previous match
P | play to
<2-LeftMouse> | mouse click
/ | search
<CR> | preview
d | diff
<down> | move older
<up> | move newer
i | toggle inline
j | move older
k | move newer
n | next match
o | preview
p | diff current buffer
q | quit
r | diff
gg | move top
? | toggle help
SpaceVim uses utf-8 as the default encoding. There are four options for this:
1. fileencodings (fencs): ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
2. fileencoding (fenc): utf-8
3. encoding (enc): utf-8
4. termencoding (tenc): utf-8 (only supported in Vim)
To fix a messy display: `SPC e a` is the mapping to auto detect the file
encoding. After detecting the file encoding, you can run the command below to
fix it:
set enc=utf-8
============================================================================== ==============================================================================
ERROR HANDLING *SpaceVim-usage-error-handling* ERROR HANDLING *SpaceVim-usage-error-handling*