From 3c52663d492ea56c66ff46b65d966ce4949d8c36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wsdjeg Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 22:13:02 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Update colorscheme list --- autoload/SpaceVim/layers/colorscheme.vim | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++++- doc/SpaceVim.txt | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/colorscheme.vim b/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/colorscheme.vim index 5e4ba9c1e..90453c2b1 100644 --- a/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/colorscheme.vim +++ b/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/colorscheme.vim @@ -6,11 +6,126 @@ " let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'solarized' " < " -" colorschemes: +" colorschemes: if the colorscheme you want do not list below, PR welcome. " > " gruvbox " hybrid-material " solarized +" zellner +" yowish +" wombat256mod +" twilight256 +" torte +" solarized +" slate +" shine +" seoul256-light +" seoul256 +" scheakur +" ron +" rdark-terminal2 +" pyte +" peachpuff +" parsec +" pablo +" onedark +" murphy +" morning +" molokayo +" molokai +" lucius +" lightning +" koehler +" jellybeans +" janah +" industry +" hybrid_reverse +" hybrid_material +" hybrid +" gruvbox +" focuspoint +" flattened_light +" flattened_dark +" flatcolor +" evening +" elflord +" desert +" delek +" default +" darkblue +" blue +" base16-woodland +" base16-unikitty-light +" base16-unikitty-dark +" base16-twilight +" base16-tomorrow-night +" base16-tomorrow +" base16-summerfruit-light +" base16-summerfruit-dark +" base16-spacemacs +" base16-solarized-light +" base16-solarized-dark +" base16-solar-flare +" base16-shapeshifter +" base16-seti-ui +" base16-railscasts +" base16-pop +" base16-pico +" base16-phd +" base16-paraiso +" base16-onedark +" base16-oceanicnext +" base16-ocean +" base16-monokai +" base16-mocha +" base16-mexico-light +" base16-materia +" base16-marrakesh +" base16-macintosh +" base16-london-tube +" base16-isotope +" base16-ir-black +" base16-hopscotch +" base16-harmonic16-light +" base16-harmonic16-dark +" base16-green-screen +" base16-grayscale-light +" base16-grayscale-dark +" base16-google-light +" base16-google-dark +" base16-github +" base16-flat +" base16-embers +" base16-eighties +" base16-dracula +" base16-default-light +" base16-default-dark +" base16-darktooth +" base16-cupcake +" base16-codeschool +" base16-chalk +" base16-bright +" base16-brewer +" base16-bespin +" base16-atelier-sulphurpool +" base16-atelier-seaside +" base16-atelier-savanna +" base16-atelier-plateau +" base16-atelier-lakeside +" base16-atelier-heath +" base16-atelier-forest +" base16-atelier-estuary +" base16-atelier-dune +" base16-atelier-cave +" base16-ashes +" base16-apathy +" base16-3024 +" atom +" apprentice +" anderson +" PaperColor +" OceanicNextLight +" OceanicNext " < diff --git a/doc/SpaceVim.txt b/doc/SpaceVim.txt index e73bc4917..07c098c85 100644 --- a/doc/SpaceVim.txt +++ b/doc/SpaceVim.txt @@ -232,11 +232,126 @@ option. add this to your `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'solarized' < -colorschemes: +colorschemes: if the colorscheme you want do not list below, PR welcome. > gruvbox hybrid-material solarized + zellner + yowish + wombat256mod + twilight256 + torte + solarized + slate + shine + seoul256-light + seoul256 + scheakur + ron + rdark-terminal2 + pyte + peachpuff + parsec + pablo + onedark + murphy + morning + molokayo + molokai + lucius + lightning + koehler + jellybeans + janah + industry + hybrid_reverse + hybrid_material + hybrid + gruvbox + focuspoint + flattened_light + flattened_dark + flatcolor + evening + elflord + desert + delek + default + darkblue + blue + base16-woodland + base16-unikitty-light + base16-unikitty-dark + base16-twilight + base16-tomorrow-night + base16-tomorrow + base16-summerfruit-light + base16-summerfruit-dark + base16-spacemacs + base16-solarized-light + base16-solarized-dark + base16-solar-flare + base16-shapeshifter + base16-seti-ui + base16-railscasts + base16-pop + base16-pico + base16-phd + base16-paraiso + base16-onedark + base16-oceanicnext + base16-ocean + base16-monokai + base16-mocha + base16-mexico-light + base16-materia + base16-marrakesh + base16-macintosh + base16-london-tube + base16-isotope + base16-ir-black + base16-hopscotch + base16-harmonic16-light + base16-harmonic16-dark + base16-green-screen + base16-grayscale-light + base16-grayscale-dark + base16-google-light + base16-google-dark + base16-github + base16-flat + base16-embers + base16-eighties + base16-dracula + base16-default-light + base16-default-dark + base16-darktooth + base16-cupcake + base16-codeschool + base16-chalk + base16-bright + base16-brewer + base16-bespin + base16-atelier-sulphurpool + base16-atelier-seaside + base16-atelier-savanna + base16-atelier-plateau + base16-atelier-lakeside + base16-atelier-heath + base16-atelier-forest + base16-atelier-estuary + base16-atelier-dune + base16-atelier-cave + base16-ashes + base16-apathy + base16-3024 + atom + apprentice + anderson + PaperColor + OceanicNextLight + OceanicNext < ==============================================================================