mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-25 03:02:21 +08:00

Update doc for getting help

This commit is contained in:
wsdjeg 2017-09-05 21:04:52 +00:00
parent 8157e53b3d
commit 3e5305b171

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@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ SpaceVim 是一个社区驱动的模块化 vim/neovim 配置集合,其中包
* [交互](#交互)
* [快捷键](#快捷键)
* [快捷键导航](#快捷键导航-1)
* [Unide/Denite describe key bindings](#unidedenite-describe-key-bindings)
* [Getting help](#getting-help)
* [Available layers](#available-layers)
* [Available plugins in SpaceVim](#available-plugins-in-spacevim)
* [New packages from ELPA repositories](#new-packages-from-elpa-repositories)
* [通过 Unite/Denite 浏览快捷键](#通过-unitedenite-浏览快捷键)
* [获取帮助信息](#获取帮助信息)
* [可用模块](#可用模块)
* [可用的插件](#可用的插件)
* [添加用户自定义插件](#添加用户自定义插件)
* [Toggles](#toggles)
* [Navigating](#navigating)
* [Point/Cursor](#pointcursor)
@ -646,62 +646,69 @@ SpaceVim 所支持的分割符以及截图如下:
| `[unite]` | `g:spacevim_unite_leader` / `f` | SpaceVim 默认 Unite 前缀键 |
| `<leader>` | `mapleader` / `\` \| Vim/neovim 默认前缀键 | |
By default the guide buffer will be displayed 1000ms after the key has been pressed. You can change the delay by setting `'timeoutlen'` option to your liking (the value is in milliseconds).
默认情况下,快捷键导航将在输入延迟超过 1000ms 后打开,你可以通过修改 vim 的 `'timeoutlen'` 选项来修改成适合自己的延迟时间长度。
for example, after pressing `<Space>` in normal mode, you will see :
例如Normal 模式下按下空格键,你将会看到:
this guide show you all the available key bindings begin with `[SPC]`, you can type `b` for all the buffer mappings, `p` for project mappings, etc. after pressing `<C-h>` in guide buffer, you will get paging and help info in the statusline.
这一导航窗口将提示所有以空格键为前缀的快捷键,并且根据功能将这些快捷键进行了分组,例如 buffer 相关的快捷键都是 `b`,工程相关的快捷键都是 `p`。在代码导航窗口内,按下 `<C-h>` 键,可以获取一些帮助信息,这些信息将被显示在状态栏上,提示的是一些翻页和撤销按键的快捷键。
| key | description |
| --- | ----------------------------- |
| `u` | undo pressing |
| `n` | next page of guide buffer |
| `p` | previous page of guide buffer |
| 按键 | 描述 |
| ---- | -------- |
| `u` | 撤销按键 |
| `n` | 向下翻页 |
| `p` | 向上翻页 |
to defined custom SPC mappings, use `SpaceVim#custom#SPC()`. here is an example:
如果要自定义以 `[SPC]` 为前缀的快捷键,可以使用 `SpaceVim#custom#SPC()`,示例如下:
call SpaceVim#custom#SPC('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'echom "hello world"', 'test custom SPC', 1)
##### Unide/Denite describe key bindings
###### 通过 Unite/Denite 浏览快捷键
It is possible to search for specific key bindings by pressing `?` in the root of guide buffer.
To narrow the list, just insert the mapping keys or description of what mapping you want, Unite/Denite will fuzzy find the mappings, to find buffer related mappings:
可以通过 `SPC ` 使用 Unite 将当前快捷键罗列出来。然后可以输入快捷键按键字母或者描述Unite 可以通过模糊匹配,并展示结果。
then use `<Tab>` or `<Up>` and `<Down>` to select the mapping, press `<Enter>` will execute that command.
使用 `<Tab>` 键或者上下方向键选择你需要的快捷键,回车将执行这一快捷键。
#### Getting help
##### 获取帮助信息
Denite/Unite is powerful tool to unite all interfaces. it was meant to be like [Helm](https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm) for Vim. These mappings is for getting help info about functions, variables etc:
Denite/Unite 是一个强大的信息筛选浏览器,这类似于 emacs 中的 [Helm](https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm)。以下这些快捷键将帮助你快速获取需要的帮助信息:
| Mappings | Description |
| --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| SPC h SPC | discover SpaceVim documentation, layers and packages using unite |
| SPC h i | get help with the symbol at point |
| SPC h k | show top-level bindings with which-key |
| SPC h m | search available man pages |
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| `SPC h SPC` | 使用 Unite 展示 SpaceVim 帮助文档章节目录 |
| `SPC h i` | 获取光标下单词的帮助信息 |
| `SPC h k` | 使用快捷键导航,展示 SpaceVim 所支持的前缀键 |
| `SPC h m` | 使用 Unite 浏览所有 man 文档 |
Reporting an issue:
| Mappings | Description |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| SPC h I | Open SpaceVim GitHub issue page with pre-filled information |
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| --------- | ------------------------------- |
| `SPC h I` | 根据模板展示 Issue 所必须的信息 |
#### Available layers
##### 可用模块
All layers can be easily discovered via `:SPLayer -l` accessible with `SPC h l`.
所有可用模块可以通过命令 `SPLayer -l` 或者快捷键 `SPC h l` 来展示。
##### Available plugins in SpaceVim
###### 可用的插件
All plugins can be easily discovered via `<leader> l p`.
可通过快捷键 `<leader> l p` 列出所有已安装的插件,支持模糊搜索,回车将使用浏览器打开该插件的官网。
##### New packages from ELPA repositories
###### 添加用户自定义插件
如果添加来自于 github.com 的插件,可以 `用户名/仓库名` 这一格式,将该插件添加到 `g:spacevim_custom_plugins`,示例如下:
let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [
\ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', {'on_ft' : 'markdown'}],
\ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'],
\ ]
#### Toggles