mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-02-03 02:30:03 +08:00

Update markdown layer

This commit is contained in:
wsdjeg 2017-09-03 23:38:24 +00:00
parent f3c114951c
commit 416e18a2d7
3 changed files with 213 additions and 167 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
" markdown.vim --- lang#markdown layer for SpaceVim
" Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Shidong Wang & Contributors
" Author: Shidong Wang < wsdjeg at 163.com >
" URL: https://spacevim.org
" License: MIT license
let s:md_listItemIndent = 1
let s:md_enableWcwidth = 0
function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#markdown#set_variable(var) abort
let s:md_listItemIndent
function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#markdown#plugins() abort
let plugins = []
call add(plugins, ['tpope/vim-markdown',{ 'on_ft' : 'markdown'}])
@ -29,10 +43,10 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#markdown#config() abort
let remarkrc = s:generate_remarkrc()
let g:neoformat_enabled_markdown = ['remark']
let g:neoformat_markdown_remark = {
\ 'exe': 'remark',
\ 'args': ['--no-color', '--silent', '--use', 'remark-frontmatter', "-s '\"listItemIndent\": \"1\"'"],
\ 'stdin': 1,
\ }
\ 'exe': 'remark',
\ 'args': ['--no-color', '--silent'] + (empty(remarkrc) ? [] : ['-r', remarkrc]),
\ 'stdin': 1,
\ }
function! s:mappings() abort
@ -45,5 +59,24 @@ function! s:mappings() abort
function! s:generate_remarkrc() abort
return ''
let conf = [
\ 'module.exports = {',
\ ' settings: {',
\ ]
" TODO add settings
call add(conf, " listItemIndent: '" . s:md_listItemIndent . "'")
if s:md_enableWcwidth
call add(conf, " stringLength: require('wcwidth'),")
call add(conf, ' },')
call add(conf, ' plugins: [')
" TODO add plugins
call add(conf, " require('remark-frontmatter'),")
call add(conf, ' ]')
call add(conf, '};')
let f = tempname()
call writefile(conf, f)
return f

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ SpaceVim 是一个社区驱动的模块化 vim/neovim 配置集合,其中包
| 微信 | 支付宝 |
| 微信 | 支付宝 |
| ------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| ![weixin](img/weixin.png) | ![zhifubao](img/zhifubao.png) |
@ -249,14 +249,14 @@ Windows 下用户如果不方便编译可以在qq群文件里面下载相应
### 显著特性
- **详细的文档:** 在 SpaceVim 通过 <kbd>:h SpaceVim</kbd> 来访问 SpaceVim 帮助文档。
- **优雅简洁的界面:** 你将会喜欢这样的优雅而实用的界面。
- **确保手指不离开主键盘区域:** 使用 Space 作为前缀键,合理组织快捷键,确保手指不离开主键盘区域。
- **快捷键辅助系统:** SpaceVim 所有快捷键无需记忆,当输入出现停顿,会实时提示可用按键及其功能。
- **更快的启动时间:** 得益于 dein.vim, SpaceVim 中90% 的插件都是按需载入的。
- **更少的肌肉损伤:** 频繁使用空格键,取代 `ctrl``shift` 等按键,大大减少了手指的肌肉损伤。
- **更易扩展:** 依照一些[约定](http://spacevim.org/development/),很容易将现有的插件集成到 SpaceVim 中来。
- **完美支持Neovim:** 依赖于 Neovim 的 romote 插件以及 异步 APISpaceVim 运行在 Neovim 下将有更加完美的体验。
- **详细的文档:** 在 SpaceVim 通过 <kbd>:h SpaceVim</kbd> 来访问 SpaceVim 帮助文档。
- **优雅简洁的界面:** 你将会喜欢这样的优雅而实用的界面。
- **确保手指不离开主键盘区域:** 使用 Space 作为前缀键,合理组织快捷键,确保手指不离开主键盘区域。
- **快捷键辅助系统:** SpaceVim 所有快捷键无需记忆,当输入出现停顿,会实时提示可用按键及其功能。
- **更快的启动时间:** 得益于 dein.vim, SpaceVim 中90% 的插件都是按需载入的。
- **更少的肌肉损伤:** 频繁使用空格键,取代 `ctrl``shift` 等按键,大大减少了手指的肌肉损伤。
- **更易扩展:** 依照一些[约定](http://spacevim.org/development/),很容易将现有的插件集成到 SpaceVim 中来。
- **完美支持Neovim:** 依赖于 Neovim 的 romote 插件以及 异步 APISpaceVim 运行在 Neovim 下将有更加完美的体验。
### 快捷键导航
@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ SpaceVim 所有的快捷键都不需要去记忆,有强大的快捷键导航
这一导航提示将所有以空格为前缀的快捷键分组展示,比如 `b` 是所以 buffer 相关的快捷键, `p` 是所有工程管理相关的快捷键。在导航模式下按下 `<C-h>` 你将在状态栏上看见相应的帮助信息,按键介绍如下:
| 按键 | 描述 |
| --- | ------- |
| `u` | 撤销前一按键 |
| `n` | 导航系统下一页 |
| `p` | 导航系统前一页 |
| 按键 | 描述 |
| ---- | -------------- |
| `u` | 撤销前一按键 |
| `n` | 导航系统下一页 |
| `p` | 导航系统前一页 |
### 运行截图
@ -292,11 +292,11 @@ Neovim 运行在 iTerm2 上,采用 SpaceVim配色为_base16-solarized-da
### 谁将从 SpaceVim 中获益?
- **初级** Vim 用户.
- 追求优雅界面的 Vim 用户
- 追求更少[肌肉损伤](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repetitive_strain_injury)的 Vim 用户
- 想要学习一种不一样的编辑文件方式的 Vim 用户
- 追求简单但是可高度配置系统的 Vim 用户
- **初级** Vim 用户.
- 追求优雅界面的 Vim 用户
- 追求更少[肌肉损伤](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repetitive_strain_injury)的 Vim 用户
- 想要学习一种不一样的编辑文件方式的 Vim 用户
- 追求简单但是可高度配置系统的 Vim 用户
### 更新和回滚
@ -422,10 +422,10 @@ let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'one'
let g:spacevim_colorscheme_bg = 'dark'
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ------------------ | ------------- |
| <kbd>SPC T n</kbd> | 切换至下一个随机主题 |
| <kbd>SPC T s</kbd> | 通过 Unite 选择主题 |
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ------------------ | -------------------- |
| <kbd>SPC T n</kbd> | 切换至下一个随机主题 |
| <kbd>SPC T s</kbd> | 通过 Unite 选择主题 |
可以在[主题模块](http://spacevim.org/layers/colorscheme/)中查看 SpaceVim 支持的所有主题。
@ -447,76 +447,76 @@ let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11'
大多数界面元素可以通过快捷键来隐藏或者显示(这一组快捷键以 `t``T` 开头):
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------- | ------------------------ |
| `SPC t 8` | 高亮所有超过80列的字符 |
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------- | ----------------------------------- |
| `SPC t 8` | 高亮所有超过80列的字符 |
| `SPC t f` | 高亮临界列默认是第80列 |
| `SPC t h h` | 高亮当前行 |
| `SPC t h i` | 高亮代码对齐线 |
| `SPC t h c` | 高亮光标所在列 |
| `SPC t h s` | 启用/禁用语法高亮 |
| `SPC t i` | 切换显示当前对齐(TODO) |
| `SPC t n` | 显示/隐藏行号 |
| `SPC t b` | 切换背景色 |
| `SPC t t` | 打开 Tab 管理器 |
| `SPC t h h` | 高亮当前行 |
| `SPC t h i` | 高亮代码对齐线 |
| `SPC t h c` | 高亮光标所在列 |
| `SPC t h s` | 启用/禁用语法高亮 |
| `SPC t i` | 切换显示当前对齐(TODO) |
| `SPC t n` | 显示/隐藏行号 |
| `SPC t b` | 切换背景色 |
| `SPC t t` | 打开 Tab 管理器 |
| `SPC T ~` | 显示/隐藏 buffer 结尾空行行首的 `~` |
| `SPC T F` | 切换全屏(TODO) |
| `SPC T f` | 显示/隐藏 Vim 边框(GUI) |
| `SPC T m` | 显示/隐藏菜单栏 |
| `SPC T t` | 显示/隐藏工具栏 |
| `SPC T F` | 切换全屏(TODO) |
| `SPC T f` | 显示/隐藏 Vim 边框(GUI) |
| `SPC T m` | 显示/隐藏菜单栏 |
| `SPC T t` | 显示/隐藏工具栏 |
#### 状态栏 & 标签栏
- 展示 buffer 或者 Tab 的序列号
- 展示当前模式
- 展示 git 相关信息
- 展示语法检查信息
- 展示 trailing line 的行号
- 展示当前 SpaceVim 已启用的功能
- 展示文件信息
- 展示搜索结果序号
- 展示 buffer 或者 Tab 的序列号
- 展示当前模式
- 展示 git 相关信息
- 展示语法检查信息
- 展示 trailing line 的行号
- 展示当前 SpaceVim 已启用的功能
- 展示文件信息
- 展示搜索结果序号
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------- | --------- |
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------- | ------------------ |
| `SPC [1-9]` | 跳至制定序号的窗口 |
##### 状态栏
`core#statusline` 模块提供了一个高度定制的状态栏,提供如下特性,这一模块的灵感来自于 spacemacs 的状态栏。
- 展示窗口序列号
- 通过不同颜色展示当前模式
- 展示搜索结果序列号
- 显示/隐藏语法检查信息
- 显示/隐藏电池信息
- 显示/隐藏 SpaceVim 功能启用状态
- 展示窗口序列号
- 通过不同颜色展示当前模式
- 展示搜索结果序列号
- 显示/隐藏语法检查信息
- 显示/隐藏电池信息
- 显示/隐藏 SpaceVim 功能启用状态
默认主题 gruvbox 的状态栏颜色和模式对照表:
| 模式 | 颜色 |
| ------- | --- |
| Normal | 灰色 |
| Insert | 蓝色 |
| Visual | 橙色 |
| 模式 | 颜色 |
| ------- | ------ |
| Normal | 灰色 |
| Insert | 蓝色 |
| Visual | 橙色 |
| Replace | 浅绿色 |
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `SPC t m b` | 显示/隐藏电池状态 (需要安装 acpi) |
| `SPC t m b` | 显示/隐藏电池状态 (需要安装 acpi) |
| `SPC t m c` | toggle the org task clock (available in org layer)(TODO) |
| `SPC t m m` | 显示/隐藏 SpaceVim 已启用功能 |
| `SPC t m M` | 显示/隐藏文件类型 |
| `SPC t m m` | 显示/隐藏 SpaceVim 已启用功能 |
| `SPC t m M` | 显示/隐藏文件类型 |
| `SPC t m n` | toggle the cat! (if colors layer is declared in your dotfile)(TODO) |
| `SPC t m p` | 显示/隐藏鼠标位置信息 |
| `SPC t m t` | 显示/隐藏时间 |
| `SPC t m T` | 显示/隐藏状态栏 |
| `SPC t m v` | 显示/隐藏版本控制信息 |
| `SPC t m p` | 显示/隐藏鼠标位置信息 |
| `SPC t m t` | 显示/隐藏时间 |
| `SPC t m T` | 显示/隐藏状态栏 |
| `SPC t m v` | 显示/隐藏版本控制信息 |
**Powerline 字体安装:**
@ -544,11 +544,11 @@ _acpi_ 可展示电池电量剩余百分比.
| 电池状态 | 颜色 |
| ---------- | --- |
| 75% - 100% | 绿色 |
| 30% - 75% | 黄色 |
| 0 - 30% | 红色 |
| 电池状态 | 颜色 |
| ---------- | ---- |
| 75% - 100% | 绿色 |
| 30% - 75% | 黄色 |
| 0 - 30% | 红色 |
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ let g:spacevim_statusline_separator = 'arrow'
SpaceVim 所支持的分割符以及截图如下:
| 分割符 | 截图 |
| 分割符 | 截图 |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `arrow` | ![separator-arrow](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13142418/26234639/b28bdc04-3c98-11e7-937e-641c9d85c493.png) |
| `curve` | ![separator-curve](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13142418/26248272/42bbf6e8-3cd4-11e7-8792-665447040f49.png) |
@ -576,20 +576,20 @@ SpaceVim 所支持的分割符以及截图如下:
| 快捷键 | Unicode | ASCII | 功能 |
| --------- | ------- | ----- | --------- |
| 快捷键 | Unicode | ASCII | 功能 |
| --------- | ------- | ----- | ---------------- |
| `SPC t 8` | ⑧ | 8 | 高亮80列之后信息 |
| `SPC t f` | ⓕ | f | 高亮第80列 |
| `SPC t s` | ⓢ | s | 语法检查 |
| `SPC t S` | Ⓢ | S | 拼写检查 |
| `SPC t w` | ⓦ | w | 行尾空格检查 |
| `SPC t f` | ⓕ | f | 高亮第80列 |
| `SPC t s` | ⓢ | s | 语法检查 |
| `SPC t S` | Ⓢ | S | 拼写检查 |
| `SPC t w` | ⓦ | w | 行尾空格检查 |
##### 标签栏
如果只有一个Tab, Buffers 将被罗列在标签栏上,每一个包含:序号、文件类型图标、文件名。如果有不止一个 Tab, 那么所有 Tab 将被罗列在标签栏上。标签栏上每一个 Tab 或者 Baffer 可通过快捷键 `<Leader> number` 进行快速访问,默认的 `<Leader>``\`
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ------------ | --------- |
| 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ------------ | ---------------- |
| `<Leader> 1` | 跳至标签栏序号 1 |
| `<Leader> 2` | 跳至标签栏序号 2 |
| `<Leader> 3` | 跳至标签栏序号 3 |
@ -610,23 +610,23 @@ SpaceVim 所支持的分割符以及截图如下:
##### Unite/Denite buffer 中的快捷键
| 快捷键 | 模式 | 功能描述 |
| ---------------- | ------------- | --------------- |
| `Ctrl`+`h/k/l/r` | Normal | 无效 |
| `Ctrl`+`l` | Normal | 刷新界面 |
| `Tab` | Insert | 下一结果 |
| `Tab` | Normal | 选择操作 |
| `Shift` + `Tab` | Insert | 上一结果 |
| `Space` | Normal | 标记当前结果 |
| `Enter` | Normal | 执行默认操作 |
| `Ctrl`+`v` | Normal | 在分割窗口中打开 |
| `Ctrl`+`s` | Normal | 在垂直分割窗口打开 |
| `Ctrl`+`t` | Normal | 在新 Tab 中打开 |
| `Ctrl` + `g` | Normal | 推出 Unite/Denite |
| `jk` | Insert | 离开 Insert 模式 |
| `r` | Normal | 重命名或者替换搜索内容 |
| `Ctrl`+`z` | Normal/insert | 切换窗口布局 |
| `Ctrl`+`w` | Insert | 删除前一单词 |
| 快捷键 | 模式 | 功能描述 |
| ---------------- | ------------- | ---------------------- |
| `Ctrl`+`h/k/l/r` | Normal | 无效 |
| `Ctrl`+`l` | Normal | 刷新界面 |
| `Tab` | Insert | 下一结果 |
| `Tab` | Normal | 选择操作 |
| `Shift` + `Tab` | Insert | 上一结果 |
| `Space` | Normal | 标记当前结果 |
| `Enter` | Normal | 执行默认操作 |
| `Ctrl`+`v` | Normal | 在分割窗口中打开 |
| `Ctrl`+`s` | Normal | 在垂直分割窗口打开 |
| `Ctrl`+`t` | Normal | 在新 Tab 中打开 |
| `Ctrl` + `g` | Normal | 推出 Unite/Denite |
| `jk` | Insert | 离开 Insert 模式 |
| `r` | Normal | 重命名或者替换搜索内容 |
| `Ctrl`+`z` | Normal/insert | 切换窗口布局 |
| `Ctrl`+`w` | Insert | 删除前一单词 |
#### 交互
@ -638,13 +638,13 @@ SpaceVim 所支持的分割符以及截图如下:
| 前缀名称 | 用户选项以及默认值 | 描述 |
| ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- |
| `[SPC]` | 空格键 | SpaceVim 默认前缀键 |
| `[Window]` | `g:spacevim_windows_leader` / `s` | SpaceVim 默认窗口前缀键 |
| `[denite]` | `g:spacevim_denite_leader` / `F` | SpaceVim 默认 Denite 前缀键 |
| `[unite]` | `g:spacevim_unite_leader` / `f` | SpaceVim 默认 Unite 前缀键 |
| `<leader>` | `mapleader` / `\` \| Vim/neovim 默认前缀键 | |
| 前缀名称 | 用户选项以及默认值 | 描述 |
| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| `[SPC]` | 空格键 | SpaceVim 默认前缀键 |
| `[Window]` | `g:spacevim_windows_leader` / `s` | SpaceVim 默认窗口前缀键 |
| `[denite]` | `g:spacevim_denite_leader` / `F` | SpaceVim 默认 Denite 前缀键 |
| `[unite]` | `g:spacevim_unite_leader` / `f` | SpaceVim 默认 Unite 前缀键 |
| `<leader>` | `mapleader` / `\` \| Vim/neovim 默认前缀键 | |
By default the guide buffer will be displayed 1000ms after the key has been pressed. You can change the delay by setting `'timeoutlen'` option to your liking (the value is in milliseconds).
@ -1092,11 +1092,11 @@ after pressing prefix `z` in normal mode, if you do not remember the mappings, y
SpaceVim can be interfaced with different searching tools like:
- [rg - ripgrep](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep)
- [ag - the silver searcher](https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher)
- [pt - the platinum searcher](https://github.com/monochromegane/the_platinum_searcher)
- [ack](https://beyondgrep.com/)
- grep
- [rg - ripgrep](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep)
- [ag - the silver searcher](https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher)
- [pt - the platinum searcher](https://github.com/monochromegane/the_platinum_searcher)
- [ack](https://beyondgrep.com/)
- grep
The search commands in SpaceVim are organized under the `SPC s` prefix with the next key is the tool to use and the last key is the scope. For instance `SPC s a b` will search in all opened buffers using `ag`.
@ -1126,8 +1126,8 @@ It is possible to search in the current file by double pressing the second key o
- `rg`, `ag` and `pt` are optimized to be used in a source control repository but they can be used in an arbitrary directory as well.
- It is also possible to search in several directories at once by marking them in the unite buffer.
- `rg`, `ag` and `pt` are optimized to be used in a source control repository but they can be used in an arbitrary directory as well.
- It is also possible to search in several directories at once by marking them in the unite buffer.
**Beware** if you use `pt`, [TCL parser tools](https://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/www/tcllib/files/apps/pt.html) also install a command line tool called `pt`.
@ -1369,10 +1369,10 @@ Comments are handled by [nerdcommenter](https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdcommen
SpaceVim use utf-8 as default encoding. there are four options for these case:
- fileencodings (fencs): ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
- fileencoding (fenc): utf-8
- encoding (enc): utf-8
- termencoding (tenc): utf-8 (only supported in vim)
- fileencodings (fencs): ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
- fileencoding (fenc): utf-8
- encoding (enc): utf-8
- termencoding (tenc): utf-8 (only supported in vim)
to fix messy display: `SPC e a` is the mapping for auto detect the file encoding. after detecting file encoding, you can run the command below to fix the encoding:
@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ project manager commands start with `p`:
### Awesome ui
- outline + filemanager + checker
- outline + filemanager + checker
![awesome ui](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13142418/22506638/84705532-e8bc-11e6-8b72-edbdaf08426b.png)
@ -1468,37 +1468,37 @@ Key bindings are organized using mnemonic prefixes like b for buffer, p for proj
### c/c++ support
1. code completion: autocompletion and fuzzy match.
2. syntax check: Asynchronous linting and make framework.
1. code completion: autocompletion and fuzzy match.
2. syntax check: Asynchronous linting and make framework.
### go support
1. code completion:
2. syntax check:
1. code completion:
2. syntax check:
### python support
1. code completion:
2. syntax check:
1. code completion:
2. syntax check:
## Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim.
By default, SpaceVim use these dark powered plugins:
1. [deoplete.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim) - Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim
2. [dein.vim](https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim) - Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager
1. [deoplete.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim) - Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim
2. [dein.vim](https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim) - Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager
1. [defx.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/defx.nvim) - Dark powered file explorer
2. [deoppet.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/deoppet.nvim) - Dark powered snippet plugin
3. [denite.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/denite.nvim) - Dark powered asynchronous unite all interfaces for Neovim/Vim8
1. [defx.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/defx.nvim) - Dark powered file explorer
2. [deoppet.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/deoppet.nvim) - Dark powered snippet plugin
3. [denite.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/denite.nvim) - Dark powered asynchronous unite all interfaces for Neovim/Vim8
## Modular configuration
@ -1525,31 +1525,31 @@ Unite work flow leader can only be used in normal mode. Unite leader need unite
- List all the plugins has been installed, fuzzy find what you want, default action is open the github website of current plugin. default key is `<leader>lp`
- List all the plugins has been installed, fuzzy find what you want, default action is open the github website of current plugin. default key is `<leader>lp`
- List all the mappings and description: `f<space>`
- List all the mappings and description: `f<space>`
- List all the starred repos in github.com, fuzzy find and open the website of the repo. default key is `<leader>ls`
- List all the starred repos in github.com, fuzzy find and open the website of the repo. default key is `<leader>ls`
#### Plugin Highlights
- Package management with caching enabled and lazy loading
- Project-aware tabs and label
- Vimfiler as file-manager + SSH connections
- Go completion via vim-go and gocode
- Javascript completion via Tern
- PHP completion, indent, folds, syntax
- Python jedi completion, pep8 convention
- Languages: Ansible, css3, csv, json, less, markdown, mustache
- Helpers: Undo tree, bookmarks, git, tmux navigation,
hex editor, sessions, and much more.
- Package management with caching enabled and lazy loading
- Project-aware tabs and label
- Vimfiler as file-manager + SSH connections
- Go completion via vim-go and gocode
- Javascript completion via Tern
- PHP completion, indent, folds, syntax
- Python jedi completion, pep8 convention
- Languages: Ansible, css3, csv, json, less, markdown, mustache
- Helpers: Undo tree, bookmarks, git, tmux navigation,
hex editor, sessions, and much more.
_Note_ that 90% of the plugins are **[lazy-loaded]**.
_Note_ that 90% of the plugins are **[lazy-loaded]**.
[lazy-loaded]&#x3A; ./config/plugins.vim
[lazy-loaded]&#x3A; ./config/plugins.vim
#### Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins
@ -2124,17 +2124,17 @@ let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11'
### SpaceVim选项
| 选项名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| ---------------------------------- | :-----------------: | --------------- |
| `g:spacevim_default_indent` | 2 | 对齐空格 |
| `g:spacevim_enable_guicolors` | 1 | 启用/禁用终端使用真色彩 |
| `g:spacevim_windows_leader` | `s` | 窗口管理快捷键前缀 |
| `g:spacevim_unite_leader` | `f` | Unite快捷键前缀 |
| `g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir` | `~/.cache/vimfiles` | 默认插件缓存位置 |
| `g:spacevim_realtime_leader_guide` | 0 | 启用/禁用实时快捷键提示 |
| `g:spacevim_guifont` | '' | 设置SpaceVim字体 |
| 选项名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| ---------------------------------- | :-----------------: | ------------------------------ |
| `g:spacevim_default_indent` | 2 | 对齐空格 |
| `g:spacevim_enable_guicolors` | 1 | 启用/禁用终端使用真色彩 |
| `g:spacevim_windows_leader` | `s` | 窗口管理快捷键前缀 |
| `g:spacevim_unite_leader` | `f` | Unite快捷键前缀 |
| `g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir` | `~/.cache/vimfiles` | 默认插件缓存位置 |
| `g:spacevim_realtime_leader_guide` | 0 | 启用/禁用实时快捷键提示 |
| `g:spacevim_guifont` | '' | 设置SpaceVim字体 |
| `g:spacevim_sidebar_width` | 30 | 设置边栏宽度,文件树以及语法树 |
| `g:spacevim_custom_plugins` | `[]` | 设置自定义插件 |
| `g:spacevim_custom_plugins` | `[]` | 设置自定义插件 |
### 延伸阅读

View File

@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ title: "SpaceVim lang#markdown layer"
# [SpaceVim Layers:](https://spacevim.org/layers) lang#markdown
<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
* [Description](#description)
* [Layer Installation](#layer-installation)
* [formatting](#formatting)
* [options](#options)
* [Key bindings](#key-bindings)
<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
@ -30,6 +32,17 @@ npm -g install remark-cli
npm -g install remark-stringify
### options
How to indent the content from list items (`tab`, `mixed` or 1 , default: 1).
Enable/Disable wcwidth for detecting the length of a table cell
## Key bindings
| Key | mode | description |