mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-23 01:09:56 +08:00

Merge branch 'doc' into dev

This commit is contained in:
wsdjeg 2017-05-05 20:37:34 +08:00
commit 42fda05647
15 changed files with 591 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
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SpaceVim is a community-driven vim distribution that seeks to provide layer feature, especially for neovim. It offers a variety of layers to choose from. to create a suitable vim development environment, you just need to select the required layers. SpaceVim is a community-driven vim distribution that seeks to provide layer feature, especially for neovim. It offers a variety of layers to choose from. to create a suitable vim development environment, you just need to select the required layers.
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ to select the layers they need. It got inspired by [spacemacs](https://github.co
please star it on github. It's a great way of getting feedback and gives me the kick to please star it on github. It's a great way of getting feedback and gives me the kick to
put more time into development. put more time into development.
![2017-04-19-00 17 33](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13142418/25141441/220b3a54-2496-11e7-9462-fcfdccb7aad8.png) ![2017-04-29-20 54 49](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13142418/25555650/d7d2c07e-2d1e-11e7-975d-646a07b38a62.png)
If you are new to vim, you should learning about Vim in general, read [vim-galore](https://github.com/mhinz/vim-galore). If you are new to vim, you should learning about Vim in general, read [vim-galore](https://github.com/mhinz/vim-galore).

View File

@ -172,6 +172,9 @@ let g:spacevim_language = ''
" The colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'gruvbox'. " The colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'gruvbox'.
let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'gruvbox' let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'gruvbox'
"" ""
" The background of colorscheme. Default is 'dark'.
let g:spacevim_colorscheme_bg = 'dark'
" The default colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'desert'. " The default colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'desert'.
" This colorscheme will be used if the colorscheme set by " This colorscheme will be used if the colorscheme set by
" `g:spacevim_colorscheme` is not installed. " `g:spacevim_colorscheme` is not installed.
@ -491,6 +494,13 @@ function! SpaceVim#welcome() abort
if exists('g:_spacevim_checking_flag') && g:_spacevim_checking_flag if exists('g:_spacevim_checking_flag') && g:_spacevim_checking_flag
return return
endif endif
let f = ''
if argc()
let f = expand(argv(0))
if isdirectory(f)
exe 'lcd ' . f
if exists(':Startify') == 2 if exists(':Startify') == 2
Startify Startify
endif endif

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
let s:self = {}
function! s:self.group2dict(name) abort
let id = index(map(range(999), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")'), a:name)
if id == -1
return {}
let rst = {
\ 'name' : synIDattr(id, 'name'),
\ 'ctermbg' : synIDattr(id, 'bg'),
\ 'ctermfg' : synIDattr(id, 'fg'),
\ 'bold' : synIDattr(id, 'bold'),
\ 'italic' : synIDattr(id, 'italic'),
\ 'underline' : synIDattr(id, 'underline'),
\ 'guibg' :synIDattr(id, 'bg#'),
\ 'guifg' : synIDattr(id, 'fg#'),
\ }
return rst
function! s:self.unite(base, target, part) abort
let base = self.group2dict(a:base)
let target = self.group2dict(a:target)
if empty(base) || empty(target)
elseif get(base,a:part, '') ==# get(target, a:part, '')
let target[a:part] = base[a:part]
call self.hi(target)
function! s:self.hi(info) abort
if empty(a:info)
let cmd = 'hi! ' . a:info.name
if !empty(a:info.ctermbg)
let cmd .= ' ctermbg=' . a:info.ctermbg
if !empty(a:info.ctermfg)
let cmd .= ' ctermfg=' . a:info.ctermfg
if !empty(a:info.guibg)
let cmd .= ' guibg=' . a:info.guibg
if !empty(a:info.guifg)
let cmd .= ' guifg=' . a:info.guifg
let style = []
for sty in ['hold', 'italic', 'underline']
if get(a:info, sty, '') ==# '1'
call add(style, sty)
if !empty(style)
let cmd .= ' gui=' . join(style, ',') . ' cterm=' . join(style, ',')
exe cmd
function! s:self.hide_in_normal(name) abort
let group = self.group2dict(a:name)
if empty(group)
if &termguicolors || has('gui_running')
let g:wsd = self.group2dict('Normal')
let bg = self.group2dict('Normal').guibg
let group.guifg = bg
let group.guibg = bg
let bg = self.group2dict('Normal').ctermbg
let group.ctermfg = bg
let group.ctermbg = bg
call self.hi(group)
function! SpaceVim#api#vim#highlight#get() abort
return deepcopy(s:self)

View File

@ -64,10 +64,20 @@ function! SpaceVim#autocmds#init() abort
autocmd FocusGained * call s:reload_touchpad_status() autocmd FocusGained * call s:reload_touchpad_status()
endif endif
autocmd BufWritePost *.vim call s:generate_doc() autocmd BufWritePost *.vim call s:generate_doc()
autocmd VimEnter * if !argc() | call SpaceVim#welcome() | endif autocmd VimEnter * if !s:with_file() | call SpaceVim#welcome() | endif
autocmd ColorScheme gruvbox call s:fix_gruvbox() autocmd ColorScheme gruvbox call s:fix_gruvbox()
augroup END augroup END
endfunction endfunction
function! s:with_file() abort
if !argc()
return 0
elseif isdirectory(expand(argv(0)))
return 0
return 1
function! s:reload_touchpad_status() abort function! s:reload_touchpad_status() abort
if s:touchpadoff if s:touchpadoff
call s:disable_touchpad() call s:disable_touchpad()
@ -104,11 +114,12 @@ endfunction
function! s:fix_gruvbox() abort function! s:fix_gruvbox() abort
if &background ==# 'dark' if &background ==# 'dark'
hi VertSplit guibg=#282828 guifg=#181A1F hi VertSplit guibg=#282828 guifg=#181A1F
hi EndOfBuffer guibg=#282828 guifg=#282828 "hi EndOfBuffer guibg=#282828 guifg=#282828
else else
hi VertSplit guibg=#fbf1c7 guifg=#e7e9e1 hi VertSplit guibg=#fbf1c7 guifg=#e7e9e1
hi EndOfBuffer guibg=#fbf1c7 guifg=#fbf1c7 "hi EndOfBuffer guibg=#fbf1c7 guifg=#fbf1c7
endif endif
call SpaceVim#api#import('vim#highlight').hide_in_normal('EndOfBuffer')
hi SpaceVimLeaderGuiderGroupName cterm=bold ctermfg=175 gui=bold guifg=#d3869b hi SpaceVimLeaderGuiderGroupName cterm=bold ctermfg=175 gui=bold guifg=#d3869b
endfunction endfunction

View File

@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ function! SpaceVim#default#SetOptions() abort
set hidden set hidden
set ttimeout set ttimeout
set ttimeoutlen=50 set ttimeoutlen=50
set background=dark
endfunction endfunction
function! SpaceVim#default#SetPlugins() abort function! SpaceVim#default#SetPlugins() abort

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ui#plugins() abort
\ ['majutsushi/tagbar', {'loadconf' : 1}], \ ['majutsushi/tagbar', {'loadconf' : 1}],
\ ['lvht/tagbar-markdown',{'merged' : 0}], \ ['lvht/tagbar-markdown',{'merged' : 0}],
\ ['t9md/vim-choosewin', {'merged' : 0}], \ ['t9md/vim-choosewin', {'merged' : 0}],
\ ['vim-airline/vim-airline', { 'merged' : 0, 'loadconf' : 1}], \ ['vim-airline/vim-airline', { 'merged' : 0,
\ 'loadconf' : 1}],
\ ['vim-airline/vim-airline-themes', { 'merged' : 0}], \ ['vim-airline/vim-airline-themes', { 'merged' : 0}],
\ ['mhinz/vim-startify', {'loadconf' : 1}], \ ['mhinz/vim-startify', {'loadconf' : 1}],
\ ] \ ]
@ -23,22 +24,53 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ui#config() abort
let g:signify_line_highlight = 0 let g:signify_line_highlight = 0
noremap <silent> <F2> :TagbarToggle<CR> noremap <silent> <F2> :TagbarToggle<CR>
" Ui toggles " Ui toggles
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['T', 'F'], '<F11>', 'fullscreen-frame', 0) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', '8'], 'call call('
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['T', 'm'], 'call call(' . string(s:_function('s:toggle_menu_bar')) . ', [])', 'menu-bar', 1) \ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_fill_column')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle-colorcolume', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'b'], 'call ToggleBG()',
\ 'toggle background', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'f'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_colorcolumn')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle-colorcolume', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'h', 'h'], 'set cursorline!',
\ 'toggle highlight of the current line', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'h', 'i'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_indentline')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle highlight indentation levels', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'h', 'c'], 'set cursorcolumn!',
\ 'toggle highlight indentation current column', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'h', 's'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_syntax_hi')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle syntax highlighting', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['T', 'F'], '<F11>',
\ 'fullscreen-frame', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['T', 'm'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_menu_bar')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle-menu-bar', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['T', 'f'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_win_fringe')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle-win-fringe', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['T', 't'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_tool_bar')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle-tool-bar', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['T', '~'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_end_of_buffer')) . ', [])',
\ 'display ~ in the fringe on empty lines', 1)
endfunction endfunction
" function() wrapper " function() wrapper
if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch1170') if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch1170')
function! s:_function(fstr) abort function! s:_function(fstr) abort
return function(a:fstr) return function(a:fstr)
endfunction endfunction
else else
function! s:_SID() abort function! s:_SID() abort
return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze__SID$') return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze__SID$')
endfunction endfunction
let s:_s = '<SNR>' . s:_SID() . '_' let s:_s = '<SNR>' . s:_SID() . '_'
function! s:_function(fstr) abort function! s:_function(fstr) abort
return function(substitute(a:fstr, 's:', s:_s, 'g')) return function(substitute(a:fstr, 's:', s:_s, 'g'))
endfunction endfunction
endif endif
let s:tmflag = 0 let s:tmflag = 0
function! s:toggle_menu_bar() abort function! s:toggle_menu_bar() abort
@ -50,3 +82,92 @@ function! s:toggle_menu_bar() abort
let s:tmflag = 0 let s:tmflag = 0
endif endif
endfunction endfunction
let s:ttflag = 0
function! s:toggle_tool_bar() abort
if !s:ttflag
set go+=T
let s:ttflag = 1
set go-=T
let s:ttflag = 0
let s:ccflag = 0
function! s:toggle_colorcolumn() abort
if !s:ccflag
set cc=80
let s:ccflag = 1
set cc=
let s:ccflag = 0
let s:fcflag = 0
function! s:toggle_fill_column() abort
if !s:fcflag
let &colorcolumn=join(range(80,999),",")
let s:fcflag = 1
set cc=
let s:fcflag = 0
let s:idflag = 0
function! s:toggle_indentline() abort
if !s:idflag
let s:idflag = 1
let s:idflag = 0
let s:shflag = 0
function! s:toggle_syntax_hi() abort
if !s:shflag
syntax off
let s:shflag = 1
syntax on
let s:shflag = 0
let s:ebflag = 0
let s:HI = SpaceVim#api#import('vim#highlight')
function! s:toggle_end_of_buffer() abort
if !s:ebflag
if &background ==# 'dark'
hi EndOfBuffer guifg=white
hi EndOfBuffer guifg=gray
let s:ebflag = 1
if &termguicolors || has('gui_running')
let normalbg = s:HI.group2dict('Normal').guibg
let normalbg = s:HI.group2dict('Normal').ctermbg
exe 'hi! EndOfBuffer guifg=' . normalbg . ' guibg=' . normalbg
let s:ebflag = 0
let s:tfflag = 0
function! s:toggle_win_fringe() abort
if !s:tfflag
set guioptions+=L
set guioptions+=r
let s:tfflag = 1
set guioptions-=L
set guioptions-=r
let s:tfflag = 0

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#space#init() abort
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space = {} let g:_spacevim_mappings_space = {}
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space['?'] = ['Unite menu:CustomKeyMaps -input=[SPC]', 'show mappings'] let g:_spacevim_mappings_space['?'] = ['Unite menu:CustomKeyMaps -input=[SPC]', 'show mappings']
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.t = {'name' : '+Toggles'} let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.t = {'name' : '+Toggles'}
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.t.h = {'name' : '+Toggles highlight'}
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.T = {'name' : '+UI toggles/themes'} let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.T = {'name' : '+UI toggles/themes'}
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.a = {'name' : '+Applications'} let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.a = {'name' : '+Applications'}
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.b = {'name' : '+Buffers'} let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.b = {'name' : '+Buffers'}
@ -46,8 +47,8 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#space#init() abort
call SpaceVim#mapping#menu('Open previous buffer', '[SPC]bN', 'bp') call SpaceVim#mapping#menu('Open previous buffer', '[SPC]bN', 'bp')
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.e = {'name' : '+Errors'} let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.e = {'name' : '+Errors'}
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.B = {'name' : '+Global-uffers'} let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.B = {'name' : '+Global-uffers'}
nnoremap <silent> [SPC]tn :<C-u>set nu!<CR> nnoremap <silent> [SPC]tn :<C-u>setlocal nonumber! norelativenumber!<CR>
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.t.n = ['set nu!', 'toggle line number'] let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.t.n = ['setlocal nonumber! norelativenumber!', 'toggle line number']
call SpaceVim#mapping#menu('toggle line number', '[SPC]tn', 'set nu!') call SpaceVim#mapping#menu('toggle line number', '[SPC]tn', 'set nu!')
endfunction endfunction
@ -70,6 +71,8 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#space#def(m, keys, cmd, desc, is_cmd) abort
exe a:m . ' <silent> [SPC]' . join(a:keys, '') . ' ' . substitute(cmd, '|', '\\|', 'g') exe a:m . ' <silent> [SPC]' . join(a:keys, '') . ' ' . substitute(cmd, '|', '\\|', 'g')
if len(a:keys) == 2 if len(a:keys) == 2
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space[a:keys[0]][a:keys[1]] = [lcmd, a:desc] let g:_spacevim_mappings_space[a:keys[0]][a:keys[1]] = [lcmd, a:desc]
elseif len(a:keys) == 3
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space[a:keys[0]][a:keys[1]][a:keys[2]] = [lcmd, a:desc]
elseif len(a:keys) == 1 elseif len(a:keys) == 1
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space[a:keys[0]] = [lcmd, a:desc] let g:_spacevim_mappings_space[a:keys[0]] = [lcmd, a:desc]
endif endif

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ if has('filterpipe')
endif endif
if count(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'colorscheme') && g:spacevim_colorscheme !=# '' "{{{ if count(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'colorscheme') && g:spacevim_colorscheme !=# '' "{{{
try try
exec 'colorscheme '. g:spacevim_colorscheme exec 'colorscheme ' . g:spacevim_colorscheme
exec 'set background=' . g:spacevim_colorscheme_bg
catch catch
exec 'colorscheme '. g:spacevim_colorscheme_default exec 'colorscheme '. g:spacevim_colorscheme_default
endtry endtry

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ call vimfiler#custom#profile('default', 'context', {
augroup vfinit augroup vfinit
au! au!
autocmd FileType vimfiler call s:vimfilerinit() autocmd FileType vimfiler call s:vimfilerinit()
autocmd BufEnter * if (winnr('$') == 1 && &filetype ==# 'vimfiler') | autocmd BufEnter * if (!has('vim_starting') && winnr('$') == 1 && &filetype ==# 'vimfiler') |
\ q | endif \ q | endif
augroup END augroup END
function! s:vimfilerinit() function! s:vimfilerinit()

View File

@ -198,6 +198,9 @@ Set the message language of vim. Default is 'en_US.UTF-8'.
*g:spacevim_colorscheme* *g:spacevim_colorscheme*
The colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'gruvbox'. The colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'gruvbox'.
The background of colorscheme. Default is 'dark'.
*g:spacevim_colorscheme_default* *g:spacevim_colorscheme_default*
The default colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'desert'. This colorscheme The default colorscheme of SpaceVim. Default is 'desert'. This colorscheme
will be used if the colorscheme set by `g:spacevim_colorscheme` is not will be used if the colorscheme set by `g:spacevim_colorscheme` is not

View File

@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ title: "chinese totur"
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项 目 主 页: [spacevim.org](https://spacevim.org) 项 目 主 页: [spacevim.org](https://spacevim.org)

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@ -6,6 +6,39 @@ title: "Documentation"
--- ---
- [Core Pillars](#core-pillars)
- [Mnemonic](#mnemonic)
- [Discoverable](#discoverable)
- [Consistent](#consistent)
- [Crowd-Configured](#crowd-configured)
- [Highlighted features](#highlighted-features)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [Who can benefit from this?](#who-can-benefit-from-this)
- [Update and Rollback](#update-and-rollback)
- [Update SpaceVim itself](#update-spacevim-itself)
- [Automatic Updates](#automatic-updates)
- [Updating from the SpaceVim Buffer](#updating-from-the-spacevim-buffer)
- [Updating Manually with git](#updating-manually-with-git)
- [Update plugins](#update-plugins)
- [Custom Configuration](#custom-configuration)
- [Automatic Generation](#automatic-generation)
- [Alternative directory](#alternative-directory)
- [Synchronization of dotfile changes](#synchronization-of-dotfile-changes)
- Testing the dotfile
- [Dotfile Contents](#dotfile-contents)
- [Configuration functions](#configuration-functions)
- [Custom variables](#custom-variables)
- [Declaring Configuration layers](#declaring-configuration-layers)
- [Setting configuration layers variables](#setting-configuration-layers-variables)
- [Disabling layer services in other layers](#disabling-layer-services-in-other-layers)
- [Selecting/Ignoring packages of a layer](#selectingignoring-packages-of-a-layer)
- [Excluding packages](#excluding-packages)
- [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui)
- [Colorscheme](#colorscheme)
- [Font](#font)
- [UI Toggles](#ui-toggles)
- [statusline](#statusline)
- Features - Features
- [Modular configuration](#modular-configuration) - [Modular configuration](#modular-configuration)
- [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui) - [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui)
@ -18,6 +51,262 @@ title: "Documentation"
- [Layers](https://spacevim.org/layers) - [Layers](https://spacevim.org/layers)
- [APIs](#apis) - [APIs](#apis)
## Core Pillars
Four core pillars: Mnemonic, Discoverable, Consistent and “Crowd-Configured”.
If any of these core pillars is violated open an issue and well try our best to fix it.
### Mnemonic
Key bindings are organized using mnemonic prefixes like b for buffer, p for project, s for search, h for help, etc…
### Discoverable
Innovative real-time display of available key bindings. Simple query system to quickly find available layers, packages, and more.
### Consistent
Similar functionalities have the same key binding everywhere thanks to a clearly defined set of conventions. Documentation is mandatory for any layer that ships with Spacemacs.
### Crowd-Configured
Community-driven configuration provides curated packages tuned by power users and bugs are fixed quickly.
## Highlighted features
- **Great documentation:** access documentation in Vim with
<kbd>:h SpaceVim</kbd>.
- **Beautiful GUI:** you'll love the awesome UI and its useful features.
- **Mnemonic key bindings:** commands have mnemonic prefixes like
<kbd>[Window]</kbd> for all the window and buffer commands or <kbd>[Unite]</kbd> for the
unite work flow commands.
- **Lazy load plugins:** Lazy-load 90% of plugins with [dein.vim]
- **Batteries included:** discover hundreds of ready-to-use packages nicely
organised in configuration layers following a set of
- **Neovim centric:** Dark powered mode of SpaceVim
## Screenshots
### welcome page
![2017-04-29-20 54 49](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13142418/25555650/d7d2c07e-2d1e-11e7-975d-646a07b38a62.png)
### working flow
![screen shot 2017-04-26 at 4 28 07 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/296716/25455341/6af0b728-2a9d-11e7-9721-d2a694dde1a8.png)
Neovim on iTerm2 using the SpaceVim color scheme _base16-solarized-dark_
Depicts a common frontend development scenario with JavaScript (jQuery), SASS, and PHP buffers.
Non-code buffers show a Neovim terminal, a TagBar window, a Vimfiler window and a TernJS definition window.
to get more screenshots, see: [issue #415](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/issues/415)
## Who can benefit from this?
- the **elementary** vim users.
- Vim users pursuing a beautiful appearance.
- Vim users wanting to lower the [risk of RSI](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repetitive_strain_injury).
- Vim users wanting to learn a different way to edit files.
- Vim users wanting a simple but deep configuration system.
## Update and Rollback
### Update SpaceVim itself
There are several methods of updating the core files of SpaceVim. It is recommended to update the packages first; see the next section.
#### Automatic Updates
NOTE: By default, this feature is disabled, It will slow down the startup of vim/neovim. If you like this feature, add `let g:spacevim_automatic_update = 1` to your custom configuration file.
SpaceVim will automatically check for a new version every startup. You must restart Vim after updating.
#### Updating from the SpaceVim Buffer
Use `:SPUpdate SpaceVim` in SpaceVim buffer, This command will open a buffer to show the process of updating.
#### Updating Manually with git
To update manually close Vim and update the git repository:
`git -C ~/.SpaceVim pull`.
### Update plugins
Use `:SPUpdate` command will update all the plugins and SpaceVim itself. after `:SPUpdate`, you can assign plugins need to be updated. Use <kbd>Tab</kbd> to complete plugin names after `:SPUpdate`.
## Configuration layers
This section is an overview of layers. A more extensive introduction to writing configuration layers can be found in [SpaceVim's layers page](http://spacevim.org/layers/) (recommended reading!).
## Custom Configuration
User configuration can be stored in your ~/.SpaceVim.d directory.
### Automatic Generation
The very first time SpaceVim starts up, it will ask you several questions and then create the `SpaceVim.d/init.vim` in your `HOME` directory.
### Alternative directory
`~/.SpaceVim.d/` will be added to `&runtimepath` of vim. read <kbd>:h rtp</kbd>.
It is also possible to override the location of `~/.SpaceVim.d/` using the environment variable `SPACEVIMDIR`. Of course you can also use symlinks to change the location of this directory.
SpaceVim also support local config file for project, the init file is `.SpaceVim.d/init.vim`
in the root of your project. `.SpaceVim.d/` will also be added into runtimepath.
here is an example config file for SpaceVim:
" Here are some basic customizations, please refer to the ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim
" file for all possible options:
let g:spacevim_default_indent = 3
let g:spacevim_max_column = 80
" Change the default directory where all miscellaneous persistent files go.
" By default it is ~/.cache/vimfiles.
let g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = '~/.cache/vimfiles'
" set SpaceVim colorscheme
let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'jellybeans'
" Set plugin manager, you want to use, default is dein.vim
let g:spacevim_plugin_manager = 'dein' " neobundle or dein or vim-plug
" use space as `<Leader>`
let mapleader = "\<space>"
" Set windows shortcut leader [Window], default is `s`
let g:spacevim_windows_leader = 's'
" Set unite work flow shortcut leader [Unite], default is `f`
let g:spacevim_unite_leader = 'f'
" By default, language specific plugins are not loaded. This can be changed
" with the following, then the plugins for go development will be loaded.
call SpaceVim#layers#load('lang#go')
" loaded ui layer
call SpaceVim#layers#load('ui')
" If there is a particular plugin you don't like, you can define this
" variable to disable them entirely:
let g:spacevim_disabled_plugins=[
\ ['junegunn/fzf.vim'],
\ ]
" If you want to add some custom plugins, use these options:
let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [
\ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', {'on_ft' : 'markdown'}],
\ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'],
\ ]
" set the guifont
let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11'
Comprehensive documentation is available for each layer by <kbd>:h SpaceVim</kbd>.
## Awesome ui
SpaceVim has a minimalistic and distraction free UI:
- custom airline with color feedback according to current check status
- custom icon in sign column and error feedbacks for checker.
### Colorschemes
The default colorscheme of SpaceVim is [gruvbox](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox). There are two variants of this colorscheme, a dark one and a light one. Some aspects of these colorscheme can be customized in the custom configuration file, read <kbd>:h gruvbox</kbd>.
It is possible to define your default themes in your `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` with the variable colorschemes. For instance, to specify [vim-one with dark colorscheme](https://github.com/rakr/vim-one):
let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'one'
let g:spacevim_colorscheme_bg = 'dark'
Mappings | Description
------------- | ----------------------
<kbd>SPC T n</kbd> | switch to next random colorscheme listed in colorscheme layer.
<kbd>SPC T s</kbd> | select a theme using a unite buffer.
all the included colorscheme can be found in [colorscheme layer](http://spacevim.org/layers/colorscheme/).
SpaceVim use true colors by default, so you should make sure your terminal support true colors. for more information see: [Colours in terminal](https://gist.github.com/XVilka/8346728)
### Font
The default font used by SpaceVim is DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline. It is recommended to install it on your system if you wish to use it.
To change the default font set the variable `g:spacevim_guifont` in your `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` file. By default its value is:
let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11'
If the specified font is not found, the fallback one will be used (depends on your system). Also note that changing this value has no effect if you are running Vim/Neovim in terminal.
### UI Toggles
Some UI indicators can be toggled on and off (toggles start with t and T):
Key Binding | Description
----------- | -----------
SPC t 8 | highlight any character past the 80th column
SPC t f | display the fill column (by default the fill column is set to 80)
SPC t h h | toggle highlight of the current line
SPC t h i | toggle highlight indentation levels
SPC t h c | toggle highlight indentation current column
SPC t h s | toggle syntax highlighting
SPC t i | toggle indentation guide at point
SPC t n | toggle line numbers
SPC T ~ | display ~ in the fringe on empty lines
SPC T F | toggle frame fullscreen
SPC T f | toggle display of the fringe
SPC T m | toggle menu bar
SPC T t | toggle tool bar
### Statusline && tabline
The statusline and tabline is a heavily customized [airline](https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline) with the following capabilities:
- tabline index of each buffer or tab.
- vim mode (INSERT/NORMAL etc.)
- git info : diff/branch
- checker info: numbers of errors and warnings.
- trailing line number.
Key Binding | Description
----------- | -----------
`SPC [1-9]` | jump to the index of tabline.
## Manual
### Discovering
#### Mappings
##### Mappings guide
A guide buffer is displayed each time the prefix key is pressed in normal mode. It lists the available key bindings and their short description.
The prefix can be `[SPC]`, `[Window]`, `denite`, `<leader>` and `[unite]`.
The default key of these prefix is:
Prefix name | custom option and default value | description
----------- | ------------------------------- | -----------
`[SPC]` | NONE / `<Space>` | default mapping prefix of SpaceVim
By default the guide buffer will be displayed 1000ms after the key has been pressed. You can change the delay by setting `'timeoutlen'` option to your liking (the value is in milliseconds).
# Features # Features
## Awesome ui ## Awesome ui
@ -496,65 +785,6 @@ Key | Mode | Action
`<leader>`+`W` | Normal | Wiki `<leader>`+`W` | Normal | Wiki
`<leader>`+`K` | Normal | Thesaurus `<leader>`+`K` | Normal | Thesaurus
#### Custom configuration
SpaceVim use `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` as default global init file. you can set
SpaceVim-options or config layers in it. SpaceVim also will add `~/.SpaceVim.d/`
into runtimepath. so you can write your own vim script in it.
SpaceVim also support local config file for project, the init file is `.SpaceVim.d/init.vim`
in the root of your project. `.SpaceVim.d/` will also be added into runtimepath.
here is an example config file for SpaceVim:
" Here are some basic customizations, please refer to the ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim
" file for all possible options:
let g:spacevim_default_indent = 3
let g:spacevim_max_column = 80
" Change the default directory where all miscellaneous persistent files go.
" By default it is ~/.cache/vimfiles.
let g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = '~/.cache/vimfiles'
" set SpaceVim colorscheme
let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'jellybeans'
" Set plugin manager, you want to use, default is dein.vim
let g:spacevim_plugin_manager = 'dein' " neobundle or dein or vim-plug
" use space as `<Leader>`
let mapleader = "\<space>"
" Set windows shortcut leader [Window], default is `s`
let g:spacevim_windows_leader = 's'
" Set unite work flow shortcut leader [Unite], default is `f`
let g:spacevim_unite_leader = 'f'
" By default, language specific plugins are not loaded. This can be changed
" with the following, then the plugins for go development will be loaded.
call SpaceVim#layers#load('lang#go')
" loaded ui layer
call SpaceVim#layers#load('ui')
" If there is a particular plugin you don't like, you can define this
" variable to disable them entirely:
let g:spacevim_disabled_plugins=[
\ ['junegunn/fzf.vim'],
\ ]
" If you want to add some custom plugins, use these options:
let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [
\ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', {'on_ft' : 'markdown'}],
\ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'],
\ ]
" set the guifont
let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11'
Comprehensive documentation is available for each layer by <kbd>:h SpaceVim</kbd>.
<!-- plublic links --> <!-- plublic links -->
[dein.vim]: https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim [dein.vim]: https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# [Layers](https://spacevim.org/layers) > autocomplete
SpaceVim uses neocomplete as the default completion engine if vim has lua
support. If there is no lua support, neocomplcache will be used for the
completion engine. Spacevim uses deoplete as the default completion engine
for neovim. Deoplete requires neovim to be compiled with python support. For
more information about python support in neovim, please read neovim's documentation `:h provider-python`.
SpaceVim includes YouCompleteMe, but it is disabled by default. To enable
ycm, see `:h g:spacevim_enable_ycm`.
SpaceVim use neosnippet as the default snippet engine. The default snippets
are provided by `Shougo/neosnippet-snippets`. For more information, please read
`:h neosnippet`. Neosnippet support custom snippets, and the default snippets
directory is `~/.SpaceVim/snippets/`. If `g:spacevim_force_global_config = 1`,
SpaceVim will not append `./.SpaceVim/snippets` as default snippets directory.
## Key Mappings

docs/layers/chat.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# [Layers](https://spacevim.org/layers) > chat
SpaceVim chatting layer provide chatting feature in vim.
## plugins
Name | Description
----- | ------------------
[vim-chat](https://github.com/vim-chat/vim-chat) | chatting in vim.
## Key Mappings
`Alt + x` : open chatting buffer for qq.
`Alt + w` : open chatting buffer for weixin.
within chatting buffer:
`Alt + Left/Right` : switch between buffer.
`Alt + 1-9` : jump to specified channel.
for more mappings in chatting buffer, please read <kbd>:h vim-chat</kbd>.

View File

@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
Name | Description | Documentation Name | Description | Documentation
----- |:----:| ------------------ ----- |:----:| ------------------
default | better default for vim and neovim | [documentation](https://spacevim.org/layers/default) default | better default for vim and neovim | [documentation](https://spacevim.org/layers/default)
chat | chatting in vim | [documentation](https://spacevim.org/layers/chat)