diff --git a/autoload/SpaceVim/custom.vim b/autoload/SpaceVim/custom.vim index 7122d8733..51540c744 100644 --- a/autoload/SpaceVim/custom.vim +++ b/autoload/SpaceVim/custom.vim @@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ function! s:write_to_config(config) abort let g:_spacevim_global_config_path = global_dir . 'init.toml' let cf = global_dir . 'init.toml' if filereadable(cf) - call SpaceVim#logger#warn("Failed to generate config file, It is not readable: " . cf) + call SpaceVim#logger#warn('Failed to generate config file, It is not readable: ' . cf) return endif let dir = expand(fnamemodify(cf, ':p:h')) if !isdirectory(dir) - call mkdir(dir), 'p') + call mkdir(dir, 'p') endif call writefile(a:config, cf, '') endfunction @@ -84,9 +84,12 @@ endfunction function! SpaceVim#custom#apply(config, type) abort + " the type can be local or global + " local config can override global config if type(a:config) != type({}) call SpaceVim#logger#info('config type is wrong!') else + call SpaceVim#logger#info('start to apply config [' . a:type . ']') let options = get(a:config, 'options', {}) for [name, value] in items(options) exe 'let g:spacevim_' . name . ' = value' @@ -119,7 +122,8 @@ function! SpaceVim#custom#apply(config, type) abort endfunction function! SpaceVim#custom#write(force) abort - + if a:force + endif endfunction function! s:path_to_fname(path) abort @@ -127,7 +131,7 @@ function! s:path_to_fname(path) abort endfunction function! SpaceVim#custom#load() abort - " if file .SpaceVim.d/init.toml exist + " if file .SpaceVim.d/init.toml exist if filereadable('.SpaceVim.d/init.toml') let g:_spacevim_config_path = fnamemodify('.SpaceVim.d/init.toml', ':p') let &rtp = fnamemodify('.SpaceVim.d', ':p:h') . ',' . &rtp @@ -206,7 +210,10 @@ endfunction " FIXME: the type should match the toml's type function! s:opt_type(opt) abort - let var = get(g:, 'spacevim_' . a:opt, '') + " autoload/SpaceVim/custom.vim:221:31:Error: EVL103: unused argument `a:opt` + " @bugupstream viml-parser seem do not think this is used argument + let opt = a:opt + let var = get(g:, 'spacevim_' . opt, '') if type(var) == type('') return '[string]' elseif type(var) == 5 @@ -219,7 +226,9 @@ function! s:opt_type(opt) abort endfunction function! s:short_desc_of_opt(opt) abort - " TODO: add short desc for each options + if a:opt =~# '^enable_' + else + endif return '' endfunction diff --git a/autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/mkdir.vim b/autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/mkdir.vim index c9d480761..64ae3a4c7 100644 --- a/autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/mkdir.vim +++ b/autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/mkdir.vim @@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ endfunction fun! s:Mkdirp(dir) abort if exists('*mkdir') - call mkdir(a:dir, 'p') + try + call mkdir(a:dir, 'p') + catch + call SpaceVim#logger#error('failed to create dir:' . a:dir) + endtry else " @todo mkdir only exist in *nix os call system('mkdir -p '.shellescape(a:dir)) diff --git a/codecov.yml b/codecov.yml index cd6ba3544..d5c183601 100644 --- a/codecov.yml +++ b/codecov.yml @@ -1,9 +1,14 @@ -coverage: - range: 30..60 - round: down - precision: 2 comment: layout: "header, diff, changes, uncovered" behavior: default # update if exists else create new codecov: - branch: dev + branch: master +coverage: + status: + project: + default: false # disable the default status that measures entire project + tests: # declare a new status context "tests" + target: 100% # we always want 100% coverage here + paths: "tests/" # only include coverage in "tests/" folder + app: # declare a new status context "app" + paths: "!tests/" # remove all files in "tests/"