mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-24 18:52:22 +08:00

Add post for php layer (#2798)

Change phpcd to phpcomplete, as phpcd does not work in windows
This commit is contained in:
Wang Shidong 2019-05-10 17:24:14 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 101097bf8b
commit 64708d7856
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 263 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
"docs/_posts/2019-02-12-use-vim-as-a-perl-ide.md": {"alternate": "docs/_posts/2019-02-11-use-vim-as-a-perl-ide.md"},
"docs/_posts/2019-02-17-use-vim-as-a-ruby-ide.md": {"alternate": "docs/_posts/2019-02-18-use-vim-as-a-ruby-ide.md"},
"docs/_posts/2019-02-18-use-vim-as-a-ruby-ide.md": {"alternate": "docs/_posts/2019-02-17-use-vim-as-a-ruby-ide.md"},
"docs/_posts/2019-05-08-use-vim-as-a-php-ide.md": {"alternate": "docs/_posts/2019-05-09-use-vim-as-a-php-ide.md"},
"docs/_posts/2019-05-09-use-vim-as-a-php-ide.md": {"alternate": "docs/_posts/2019-05-08-use-vim-as-a-php-ide.md"},
"docs/_posts/2018-09-27-use-vim-as-ide.md": {"alternate": "docs/_posts/2018-09-28-use-vim-as-ide.md"},
"docs/_posts/2018-01-23-grep-on-the-fly-in-spacevim.md": {"alternate": "docs/_posts/2018-01-31-grep-on-the-fly-in-spacevim.md"},
"docs/_posts/2018-01-31-grep-on-the-fly-in-spacevim.md": {"alternate": "docs/_posts/2018-01-23-grep-on-the-fly-in-spacevim.md"},

View File

@ -12,15 +12,6 @@
" @parentsection layers
" This layer is for PHP development. It proides code completion, syntax
" checking, and jump to definition.
" Requirements:
" >
" PHP 5.3+
" PCNTL Extension
" Msgpack 0.5.7+(for NeoVim)Extension: https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-php
" JSON(for Vim 7.4+)Extension
" Composer Project
" <
@ -32,9 +23,8 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#php#plugins() abort
if SpaceVim#layers#lsp#check_filetype('php')
call add(plugins, ['felixfbecker/php-language-server', {'on_ft' : 'php', 'build' : 'composer install && composer run-script parse-stubs'}])
call add(plugins, ['php-vim/phpcd.vim', { 'on_ft' : 'php', 'build' : ['composer', 'install']}])
call add(plugins, ['shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim', { 'on_ft' : 'php'}])
call add(plugins, ['lvht/phpfold.vim', { 'on_ft' : 'php', 'build' : ['composer', 'install']}])
return plugins
@ -46,6 +36,7 @@ endfunction
function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#php#config() abort
call SpaceVim#plugins#runner#reg_runner('php', 'php %s')
call SpaceVim#plugins#repl#reg('php', ['php', '-a'])
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#regesit_lang_mappings('php',
\ function('s:on_ft'))
if SpaceVim#layers#lsp#check_filetype('php')
@ -67,6 +58,17 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#php#config() abort
augroup END
" let g:neomake_php_php_maker = {
" \ 'args': ['-l', '-d', 'error_reporting=E_ALL', '-d', 'display_errors=1', '-d', 'log_errors=0'],
" \ 'errorformat':
" \ '%-GNo syntax errors detected in%.%#,'.
" \ '%EParse error: syntax error\, %m in %f on line %l,'.
" \ '%EParse error: %m in %f on line %l,'.
" \ '%EFatal error: %m in %f on line %l,'.
" \ '%-G\s%#,'.
" \ '%-GErrors parsing %.%#',
" \ 'output_stream': 'stderr',
" \ }
function! s:on_ft() abort
@ -81,6 +83,20 @@ function! s:on_ft() abort
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#langSPC('nmap', ['l','r'],
\ 'call SpaceVim#plugins#runner#open()',
\ 'execute current file', 1)
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.l.s = {'name' : '+Send'}
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#langSPC('nmap', ['l','s', 'i'],
\ 'call SpaceVim#plugins#repl#start("php")',
\ 'start REPL process', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#langSPC('nmap', ['l','s', 'l'],
\ 'call SpaceVim#plugins#repl#send("line")',
\ 'send line and keep code buffer focused', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#langSPC('nmap', ['l','s', 'b'],
\ 'call SpaceVim#plugins#repl#send("buffer")',
\ 'send buffer and keep code buffer focused', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#langSPC('nmap', ['l','s', 's'],
\ 'call SpaceVim#plugins#repl#send("selection")',
\ 'send selection and keep code buffer focused', 1)
function! s:phpBeautify() abort

View File

@ -1271,15 +1271,6 @@ LANG#PHP *SpaceVim-layer-lang-php*
This layer is for PHP development. It proides code completion, syntax
checking, and jump to definition.
PHP 5.3+
PCNTL Extension
Msgpack 0.5.7+(for NeoVim)Extension: https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-php
JSON(for Vim 7.4+)Extension
Composer Project
LANG#PONY *SpaceVim-layer-lang-pony*

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
title: "Use Vim as a PHP IDE"
categories: [tutorials, blog]
image: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13142418/57497567-c6948480-730a-11e9-95ec-e44bf6e79984.png
excerpt: "A general guide for using SpaceVim as PHP IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage."
type: BlogPosting
comments: true
commentsID: "Use Vim as a PHP IDE"
# [Blogs](../blog/) >> Use Vim as a PHP IDE
This is a general guide for using SpaceVim as a PHP IDE, including layer configuration and usage.
Each of the following sections will be covered:
<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
- [Enable language layer](#enable-language-layer)
- [Code completion](#code-completion)
- [Syntax linting](#syntax-linting)
- [Jump to test file](#jump-to-test-file)
- [running code](#running-code)
- [Code formatting](#code-formatting)
- [REPL support](#repl-support)
<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
### Enable language layer
To add PHP language support in SpaceVim, you need to enable the `lang#php` layer. Press `SPC f v d` to open
SpaceVim configuration file, and add the following snippet:
name = "lang#php"
For more info, you can read the [lang#php](../layers/lang/php/) layer documentation.
### Code completion
`lang#php` layer will load the PHP plugin automatically, unless it's overriden in your `init.toml`.
The completion menu will be opened as you type.
### Syntax linting
The checkers layer is enabled by default. This layer provides asynchronous syntax linting via [neomake](https://github.com/neomake/neomake).
It will run [psalm](https://github.com/vimeo/psalm) asynchronously.
To install psalm, you may need to run:
composer require --dev vimeo/psalm
### Jump to test file
To manage the alternate file for a project, you may need to create a `.project_alt.json` file in the root of your
for exmaple, add following content into the `.project_alt.json` file:
"src/*.php": {"alternate": "test/{}.php"},
"test/*.php": {"alternate": "src/{}.php"}
with this configuration, you can jump between the source code and test file via command `:A`
### running code
To run current script, you can press `SPC l r`, and a split window
will be openen, the output of the script will be shown in this window.
It is running asynchronously, and will not block your Vim.
### Code formatting
The format layer is also enabled by default. With this layer you can use key binding `SPC b f` to format current buffer.
Before using this feature, please install php_beautifier:
pear install PHP_Beautifier
### REPL support
Start a `php -a` inferior REPL process with `SPC l s i`. After the REPL process being started, you can
send code to inferior process. All key bindings prefix with `SPC l s`, including sending line, sending selection or even
send whole buffer.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
title: "使用 Vim 搭建 PHP 开发环境"
categories: [tutorials_cn, blog_cn]
image: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13142418/57497567-c6948480-730a-11e9-95ec-e44bf6e79984.png
excerpt: "这篇文章主要介绍如何使用 SpaceVim 搭建 PHP 的开发环境,简介 lang#php 模块所支持的功能特性以及使用技巧"
permalink: /cn/:title/
lang: cn
type: BlogPosting
comments: true
commentsID: "使用 Vim 搭建 PHP 开发环境"
# [Blogs](../blog/) >> 使用 Vim 搭建 PHP 开发环境
SpaceVim 是一个模块化的 Vim IDE针对 PHP 这一语言的支持主要依靠 `lang#php` 模块以及与之相关的其它模块。
的这篇文章主要介绍如何使用 SpaceVim 搭建 PHP 的开发环境,侧重介绍跟 PHP 开发相关使用技巧。
在阅读这篇文章之前,可以先阅读《[使用 Vim 搭建基础的开发环境](../use-vim-as-ide/)》,对语言相关以外的功能有一个大致的了解。
<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
- [安装模块](#安装模块)
- [代码自动补全](#代码自动补全)
- [语法检查](#语法检查)
- [工程文件跳转](#工程文件跳转)
- [代码格式化](#代码格式化)
- [快速运行](#快速运行)
- [交互式编程](#交互式编程)
<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
### 安装模块
SpaceVim 初次安装时默认并未启用相关语言模块。首先需要启用
`lang#php` 模块,通过快捷键 `SPC f v d` 打开配置文件,添加如下片断:
name = "lang#php"
启用 `lang#php` 模块后,在打开 PHP 文件时,就可以使用语言专属快捷键,这些快捷键都是以 `SPC l` 为前缀的。
### 代码自动补全
`autocomplete` 模块为 SpaceVim 提供了自动补全功能,目前针对 PHP 而言,比较好的补全方案是配合使用 lsp 模块:
name = "lsp"
lsp 模块默认使用 `php-language-server` 作为 PHP 的语言服务器后台命令。
在配置文件中添加如下内容即可为 PHP 启用语言服务器:
name = "lsp"
filetypes = [
php = ["php-language-server"]
### 语法检查
`checkers` 模块为 SpaceVim 提供了语法检查的功能,该模块默认已经载入。该模块默认使用 [neomake](https://github.com/neomake/neomake)
这一异步语法检查工具。对于 PHP 的支持,是通过异步调用 [psalm](https://github.com/vimeo/psalm) 命令来完成的。
使用 composer 安装 paslm 命令:
composer require --dev vimeo/psalm
### 工程文件跳转
SpaceVim 自带工程管理插件,可以识别项目根目录,自动跳转 alternate 文件。需要在项目根目录添加工程文件 `.project_alt.json`
"src/*.php": {"alternate": "test/{}.php"},
"test/*.php": {"alternate": "src/{}.php"}
通过以上的配置,就可以使用命令 `:A` 在源文件和测试文件之间进行跳转。
### 代码格式化
PHP 代码格式化,主要依赖 `format` 模块,同时需要安装相关的后台命令 php_beautifier默认快捷键为 `SPC b f`
name = "format"
使用 pear 安装 PHP_Beautifier
pear install PHP_Beautifier
### 快速运行
在编辑 PHP 文件时,可以快速运行当前文件,默认的快捷键是 `SPC l r` 。按下后,
### 交互式编程
在编辑 PHP 文件时,可通过快捷键 `SPC l s i` 启动 `php -a` 交互窗口,
之后使用快捷键将代码发送至解释器。默认快捷键都以 `SPC l s` 为前缀。

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "SpaceVim lang#php layer"
description: "This layer adds PHP language support to SpaceVim"
description: "PHP language support, including code completion, syntax lint and code runner"
# [Available Layers](../../) >> lang#php
@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ description: "This layer adds PHP language support to SpaceVim"
- [Description](#description)
- [Features](#features)
- [Install](#install)
- [Requirement](#requirement)
- [Key bindings](#key-bindings)
- [Jump to definition](#jump-to-definition)
- [Running current script](#running-current-script)
<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
@ -35,10 +37,15 @@ To use this configuration layer, update custom configuration file with:
name = "lang#php"
### Requirement
## Key bindings
1. [PHP 5.3+](http://php.net/)
2. [PCNTL](http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php) Extension
3. [Msgpack 0.5.7+(for NeoVim)](https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-php) Extension or [JSON(for Vim 7.4+)](http://php.net/manual/en/intro.json.php) Extension
4. [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/) Project
### Jump to definition
| Mode | Key Bindings | Description |
| ------ | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------ |
| normal | `g d` | Jump to the definition position of cursor symbol |
### Running current script
To running a php script, you can press `SPC l r` to run current file without loss focus,
and the result will be shown in a runner buffer.