mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-02-09 08:30:06 +08:00

Naming rules (#3037)

This commit is contained in:
Wang Shidong 2019-09-12 12:24:05 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 748ba30908
commit 64dc68d796
No known key found for this signature in database
15 changed files with 188 additions and 161 deletions

View File

@ -14,8 +14,16 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#core#plugins() abort
call add(plugins, ['scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'merged' : 0,
\ 'loadconf' : 1}])
elseif g:spacevim_filemanager ==# 'vimfiler'
call add(plugins, ['Shougo/vimfiler.vim',{'merged' : 0, 'loadconf' : 1 , 'loadconf_before' : 1, 'on_cmd' : ['VimFiler', 'VimFilerBufferDir']}])
call add(plugins, ['Shougo/unite.vim',{ 'merged' : 0 , 'loadconf' : 1}])
call add(plugins, ['Shougo/vimfiler.vim',{
\ 'merged' : 0,
\ 'loadconf' : 1 ,
\ 'loadconf_before' : 1,
\ 'on_cmd' : ['VimFiler', 'VimFilerBufferDir']
\ }])
call add(plugins, ['Shougo/unite.vim',{
\ 'merged' : 0,
\ 'loadconf' : 1
\ }])
call add(plugins, ['Shougo/vimproc.vim', {'build' : [(executable('gmake') ? 'gmake' : 'make')]}])
elseif g:spacevim_filemanager ==# 'defx'
call add(plugins, ['Shougo/defx.nvim',{'merged' : 0, 'loadconf' : 1 , 'loadconf_before' : 1}])
@ -86,62 +94,63 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#core#config() abort
" Select last paste
nnoremap <silent><expr> gp '`['.strpart(getregtype(), 0, 1).'`]'
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 's'], 'write', 'save buffer', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'S'], 'wall', 'save all buffer', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 's'], 'write', 'save-current-file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'S'], 'wall', 'save-all-files', 1)
" help mappings
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'I'], 'call SpaceVim#issue#report()', 'Report an issue of SpaceVim', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'l'], 'SPLayer -l', 'lists all the layers available in SpaceVim', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'L'], 'SPRuntimeLog', 'view SpaceVim runtime log', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'I'], 'call SpaceVim#issue#report()', 'report-issue-or-bug', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'l'], 'SPLayer -l', 'list-all-layers', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'L'], 'SPRuntimeLog', 'view-runtime-log', 1)
" @todo move this key binding to fuzzy layer
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'm'], 'Unite manpage', 'search available man pages', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'k'], 'LeaderGuide "[KEYs]"', 'show top-level bindings with mapping guide', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', '0'], 'm`^', 'push mark and goto beginning of line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', '$'], 'm`g_', 'push mark and goto end of line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'b'], '<C-o>', 'jump backward', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'f'], '<C-i>', 'jump forward', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'k'], 'LeaderGuide "[KEYs]"', 'show-top-level-bindings', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', '0'], 'm`^', 'jump-to-beginning-of-line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', '$'], 'm`g_', 'jump-to-end-of-line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'b'], '<C-o>', 'jump-backward', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'f'], '<C-i>', 'jump-forward', 0)
" file tree key bindings
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'd'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:explore_current_dir')) . ', [0])',
\ 'Explore current directory', 1)
\ 'explore-current-directory', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'D'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:explore_current_dir')) . ', [1])',
\ 'Explore current directory(other windows)', 1)
\ 'split-explore-current-directory', 1)
" call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'j'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f)', 'jump to a character', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'j'], '<Plug>(better-easymotion-overwin-f)', 'jump or select to a character', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'j'], '<Plug>(better-easymotion-overwin-f)', 'jump-or-select-to-a-character', 0, 1)
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(better-easymotion-overwin-f) :call <SID>better_easymotion_overwin_f(0)<Cr>
xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(better-easymotion-overwin-f) :<C-U>call <SID>better_easymotion_overwin_f(1)<Cr>
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'J'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f2)', 'jump to a suite of two characters', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'k'], 'j==', 'go to next line and indent', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'J'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f2)', 'jump-to-suite-of-two-characters', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'k'], 'j==', 'goto-next-line-and-indent', 0)
" call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'l'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-line)', 'jump to a line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'l'], '<Plug>(better-easymotion-overwin-line)', 'jump or select to a line', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'l'], '<Plug>(better-easymotion-overwin-line)', 'jump-or-select-to-a-line', 0, 1)
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(better-easymotion-overwin-line) :call <SID>better_easymotion_overwin_line(0)<Cr>
xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(better-easymotion-overwin-line) :<C-U>call <SID>better_easymotion_overwin_line(1)<Cr>
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'v'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-line)', 'jump to a line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'w'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-w)', 'jump to a word', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'q'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-line)', 'jump to a line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'v'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-line)', 'jump-to-a-line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'w'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-w)', 'jump-to-a-word', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['j', 'q'], '<Plug>(easymotion-overwin-line)', 'jump-to-a-line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'n'], "i\<cr>\<esc>", 'sp-newline', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'o'], "i\<cr>\<esc>k$", 'open-line', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 's'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:split_string')) . ', [0])',
\ 'split sexp', 1)
\ 'split-sexp', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'S'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:split_string')) . ', [1])',
\ 'split-and-add-newline', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'r'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:next_window')) . ', [])',
\ 'rotate windows forward', 1)
\ 'rotate-windows-forward', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'R'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:previous_window')) . ', [])',
\ 'rotate windows backward', 1)
\ 'rotate-windows-backward', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'u'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:jump_to_url')) . ', [])',
\ 'jump to url', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['<Tab>'], 'try | b# | catch | endtry', 'last buffer', 1)
\ 'jump-to-url', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['<Tab>'], 'try | b# | catch | endtry', 'last-buffer', 1)
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', '.'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:buffer_transient_state')) . ', [])',
\ ['buffer transient state',
\ ['buffer-transient-state',
\ [
\ '[SPC b .] is to open the buffer transient state',
\ '',
@ -149,16 +158,16 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#core#config() abort
\ ]
\ ]
\ , 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'd'], 'call SpaceVim#mapping#close_current_buffer()', 'kill this buffer', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'd'], 'call SpaceVim#mapping#close_current_buffer()', 'delete-this-buffer', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'D'],
\ 'call SpaceVim#mapping#kill_visible_buffer_choosewin()',
\ 'kill the buffer by selecting', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', '<C-d>'], 'call SpaceVim#mapping#clearBuffers()', 'kill-other-buffers', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'c'], 'call SpaceVim#mapping#clear_saved_buffers()', 'clear all saved buffers', 1)
\ 'delete-the-selected-buffer', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', '<C-d>'], 'call SpaceVim#mapping#clear_buffers()', 'kill-other-buffers', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'c'], 'call SpaceVim#mapping#clear_saved_buffers()', 'clear-all-saved-buffers', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'e'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:safe_erase_buffer')) . ', [])',
\ 'safe-erase-buffer', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'h'], 'Startify', 'home', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'h'], 'Startify', 'open-welcome-screen', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'm'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:open_message_buffer')) . ', [])',
\ 'open-message-buffer', 1)
@ -188,29 +197,29 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#core#config() abort
if s:SYS.isWindows
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'd'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:ToggleWinDiskManager')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle Windows disk manager', 1)
\ 'toggle-disk-manager', 1)
" file tree key bindings
if g:spacevim_filemanager ==# 'vimfiler'
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'VimFiler | doautocmd WinEnter', 'toggle_file_tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'T'], 'VimFiler -no-toggle | doautocmd WinEnter', 'show_file_tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'o'], 'VimFiler -find', 'open_file_tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 't'], 'VimFilerBufferDir -no-toggle', 'show_file_tree_at_buffer_dir', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'VimFiler | doautocmd WinEnter', 'toggle-file-tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'T'], 'VimFiler -no-toggle | doautocmd WinEnter', 'open-file-tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'o'], 'VimFiler -find', 'find-file-in-file-tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 't'], 'VimFilerBufferDir -no-toggle', 'open-filetree-in-buffer-dir', 1)
elseif g:spacevim_filemanager ==# 'nerdtree'
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'NERDTreeToggle', 'toggle_file_tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'T'], 'NERDTree', 'show_file_tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'o'], 'NERDTreeFind', 'open_file_tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 't'], 'NERDTree %', 'show_file_tree_at_buffer_dir', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'NERDTreeToggle', 'toggle-file-tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'T'], 'NERDTree', 'show-file-tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'o'], 'NERDTreeFind', 'open-file-tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 't'], 'NERDTree %', 'show-file-tree-at-buffer-dir', 1)
elseif g:spacevim_filemanager ==# 'defx'
" TODO: fix all these command
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'Defx', 'toggle_file_tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'T'], 'Defx -no-toggle', 'show_file_tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'o'], "Defx -no-toggle -search=`expand('%:p')` `stridx(expand('%:p'), getcwd()) < 0? expand('%:p:h'): getcwd()`", 'open_file_tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 't'], 'Defx -no-toggle', 'show_file_tree_at_buffer_dir', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'Defx', 'toggle-file-tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'T'], 'Defx -no-toggle', 'show-file-tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'o'], "Defx -no-toggle -search=`expand('%:p')` `stridx(expand('%:p'), getcwd()) < 0? expand('%:p:h'): getcwd()`", 'open-file-tree', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 't'], 'Defx -no-toggle', 'show-file-tree-at-buffer-dir', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'y'], 'call SpaceVim#util#CopyToClipboard()', 'show-and-copy-buffer-filename', 1)
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.f.v = {'name' : '+Vim(SpaceVim)'}
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.f.v = {'name' : '+Vim/SpaceVim'}
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'v', 'v'], 'let @+=g:spacevim_version | echo g:spacevim_version', 'display-and-copy-version', 1)
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'v', 'd'], 'SPConfig',
@ -225,7 +234,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#core#config() abort
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['n', '-'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:number_transient_state')) . ', ["-"])',
\ ['Decrease number under cursor',
\ ['decrease-number-under-cursor',
\ [
\ '[SPC n -] is to decrease the number under the cursor, and open',
\ 'the number translate state buffer',
@ -237,7 +246,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#core#config() abort
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['n', '+'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:number_transient_state')) . ', ["+"])',
\ ['Increase number under cursor',
\ ['increase-number-under-cursor',
\ [
\ '[SPC n +] is to increase the number under the cursor, and open',
\ 'the number translate state buffer',
@ -270,25 +279,25 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#core#config() abort
" Toggles the comment state of the selected line(s). If the topmost selected
" line is commented, all selected lines are uncommented and vice versa.
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'l'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterInvert', 'toggle comment lines', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'L'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterComment', 'comment lines', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'u'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterUncomment', 'uncomment lines', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'v'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterInvertgv', 'toggle comment lines and keep visual', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 's'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterSexy', 'comment with sexy/pretty layout', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'Y'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterYank', 'yank and comment', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', '$'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterToEOL', 'comment current line from cursor to the end of the line', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'l'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterInvert', 'toggle-comment-lines', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'L'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterComment', 'comment-lines', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'u'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterUncomment', 'uncomment-lines', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'v'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterInvertgv', 'toggle-visual-comment-lines', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 's'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterSexy', 'comment-with-sexy-layout', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'Y'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterYank', 'yank-and-comment', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', '$'], '<Plug>NERDCommenterToEOL', 'comment-from-cursor-to-end-of-line', 0, 1)
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CommentToLine :call <SID>comment_to_line(0)<Cr>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CommentToLineInvert :call <SID>comment_to_line(1)<Cr>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CommentParagraphs :call <SID>comment_paragraphs(0)<Cr>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CommentParagraphsInvert :call <SID>comment_paragraphs(1)<Cr>
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 't'], '<Plug>CommentToLineInvert', 'toggle comment until the line', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'T'], '<Plug>CommentToLine', 'comment until the line', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'p'], '<Plug>CommentParagraphsInvert', 'toggle comment paragraphs', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'P'], '<Plug>CommentParagraphs', 'comment paragraphs', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 't'], '<Plug>CommentToLineInvert', 'toggle-comment-until-line', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'T'], '<Plug>CommentToLine', 'comment-until-the-line', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'p'], '<Plug>CommentParagraphsInvert', 'toggle-comment-paragraphs', 0, 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['c', 'P'], '<Plug>CommentParagraphs', 'comment-paragraphs', 0, 1)
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>CommentOperator :set opfunc=<SID>commentOperator<Cr>g@
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space[';'] = ['call feedkeys("\<Plug>CommentOperator")', 'comment operator']
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space[';'] = ['call feedkeys("\<Plug>CommentOperator")', 'comment-operator']
nmap <silent> [SPC]; <Plug>CommentOperator

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ctrlp#config() abort
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['?'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:get_menu')) . ', ["CustomKeyMaps", "[SPC]"])',
\ ['show mappings',
\ ['show-mappings',
\ [
\ 'SPC ? is to show mappings',
\ '',
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ctrlp#config() abort
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['b', 'b'], 'CtrlPBuffer',
\ ['buffer-list',
\ ['list-buffer',
\ [
\ 'SPC b b is to open buffer list',
\ '',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ctrlp#config() abort
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['j', 'i'], 'CtrlPBufTag',
\ ['jump to a definition in buffer',
\ ['jump-to-definition-in-buffer',
\ [
\ 'SPC j i is to jump to a definition in buffer',
\ '',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ctrlp#config() abort
"@fixme ctrlp colorschemes support
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['T', 's'], 'CtrlPColorscheme',
\ ['fuzzy find colorschemes',
\ ['fuzzy-find-colorschemes',
\ [
\ 'SPC T s is to fuzzy find colorschemes',
\ '',
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ctrlp#config() abort
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['f', 'f'],
\ "exe 'CtrlP ' . fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':h')",
\ ['Find files in the directory of the current buffer',
\ ['find-files-in-buffer-directory',
\ [
\ '[SPC f f] is to find files in the directory of the current buffer',
\ '',
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ctrlp#config() abort
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['p', 'f'],
\ 'CtrlP',
\ ['find files in current project',
\ ['find-files-in-project',
\ [
\ '[SPC p f] is to find files in the root of the current project',
\ '',
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ctrlp#config() abort
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['h', 'i'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:get_help_with_cursor_symbol')) . ', [])',
\ ['get help with the symbol at point',
\ ['get-help-for-cursor-symbol',
\ [
\ '[SPC h i] is to get help with the symbol at point',
\ '',

View File

@ -18,21 +18,21 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#debug#plugins() abort
function! SpaceVim#layers#debug#config() abort
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'l'], 'call SpaceVim#layers#debug#launching(&ft)', 'launching debugger', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'b'], 'VBGtoggleBreakpointThisLine', 'Toggle a breakpoint for the current line', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'B'], 'VBGclearBreakpoints', 'Clear all breakpoints', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'c'], 'VBGcontinue', 'Continue the execution', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'o'], 'VBGstepOver', 'step over', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'i'], 'VBGstepIn', 'step into functions', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'O'], 'VBGstepOut', 'step out of current function', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'k'], 'VBGkill', 'Terminates the debugger', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'l'], 'call SpaceVim#layers#debug#launching(&ft)', 'launching-debugger', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'b'], 'VBGtoggleBreakpointThisLine', 'toggle-line-breakpoint', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'B'], 'VBGclearBreakpoints', 'clear-all-breakpoints', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'c'], 'VBGcontinue', 'continue-the-execution', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'o'], 'VBGstepOver', 'step-over', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'i'], 'VBGstepIn', 'step-into-functions', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'O'], 'VBGstepOut', 'step-out-of-current-function', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'k'], 'VBGkill', 'terminates-the-debugger', 1)
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.d.e = {'name' : '+Evaluate/Execute'}
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('vnoremap', ['d', 'e', 's'], 'VBGevalSelectedText', 'Evaluate and print the selected text', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'e', 'e'], 'VBGevalWordUnderCursor', 'Evaluate the <cword> under the cursor', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('vnoremap', ['d', 'e', 'S'], 'VBGexecuteSelectedText', 'Execute the selected text', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('vnoremap', ['d', 'e', 's'], 'VBGevalSelectedText', 'evaluate-selected-text', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'e', 'e'], 'VBGevalWordUnderCursor', 'evaluate-cursor-symbol', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('vnoremap', ['d', 'e', 'S'], 'VBGexecuteSelectedText', 'execute-selected-text', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', '.'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:debug_transient_state')) . ', [])',
\ 'debug transient state', 1)
\ 'debug-transient-state', 1)
let g:vebugger_breakpoint_text = '->'
let g:vebugger_currentline_text = '++'

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#denite#config() abort
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 1
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['?'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:warp_denite')) . ', ["Denite menu:CustomKeyMaps -input=[SPC]"])',
\ ['show mappings',
\ ['show-mappings',
\ [
\ 'SPC ? is to show mappings',
\ '',

View File

@ -43,32 +43,32 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#git#config() abort
let g:signify_vcs_list = ['hg']
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.g = get(g:_spacevim_mappings_space, 'g', {'name' : '+VersionControl/git'})
if s:git_plugin ==# 'gina'
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 's'], 'Gina status --opener=10split', 'git status', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'S'], 'Gina add %', 'stage current file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'U'], 'Gina reset -q %', 'unstage current file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'c'], 'Gina commit', 'edit git commit', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'p'], 'Gina push', 'git push', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'd'], 'Gina diff', 'view git diff', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'A'], 'Gina add .', 'stage all files', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'b'], 'Gina blame', 'view git blame', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 's'], 'Gina status --opener=10split', 'git-status', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'S'], 'Gina add %', 'stage-current-file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'U'], 'Gina reset -q %', 'unstage-current-file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'c'], 'Gina commit', 'edit-git-commit', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'p'], 'Gina push', 'git-push', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'd'], 'Gina diff', 'view-git-diff', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'A'], 'Gina add .', 'stage-all-files', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'b'], 'Gina blame', 'view-git-blame', 1)
elseif s:git_plugin ==# 'fugitive'
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 's'], 'Gstatus', 'git status', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'S'], 'Git add %', 'stage current file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'U'], 'Git reset -q %', 'unstage current file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'c'], 'Git commit', 'edit git commit', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'p'], 'Gpush', 'git push', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'd'], 'Gdiff', 'view git diff', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'A'], 'Git add .', 'stage all files', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'b'], 'Gblame', 'view git blame', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 's'], 'Gstatus', 'git-status', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'S'], 'Git add %', 'stage-current-file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'U'], 'Git reset -q %', 'unstage-current-file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'c'], 'Git commit', 'edit-git-commit', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'p'], 'Gpush', 'git-push', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'd'], 'Gdiff', 'view-git-diff', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'A'], 'Git add .', 'stage-all-files', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'b'], 'Gblame', 'view-git-blame', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 's'], 'Gita status', 'git status', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'S'], 'Gita add %', 'stage current file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'U'], 'Gita reset %', 'unstage current file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'c'], 'Gita commit', 'edit git commit', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'p'], 'Gita push', 'git push', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'd'], 'Gita diff', 'view git diff', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'A'], 'Gita add .', 'stage all files', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'b'], 'Gina blame', 'view git blame', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 's'], 'Gita status', 'git-status', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'S'], 'Gita add %', 'stage-current-file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'U'], 'Gita reset %', 'unstage-current-file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'c'], 'Gita commit', 'edit-git-commit', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'p'], 'Gita push', 'git-push', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'd'], 'Gita diff', 'view-git-diff', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'A'], 'Gita add .', 'stage-all-files', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'b'], 'Gina blame', 'view-git-blame', 1)
augroup spacevim_layer_git
@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#git#config() abort
augroup END
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'M'], 'call call('
\ . string(function('s:display_last_commit_of_current_line')) . ', [])',
\ 'display the last commit message of the current line', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'V'], 'GV!', 'View git log of current file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'v'], 'GV', 'View git log of current repo', 1)
\ 'commit-message-of-current-line', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'V'], 'GV!', 'git-log-of-current-file', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['g', 'v'], 'GV', 'git-log-of-current-repo', 1)
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.g.h = {'name' : '+Hunks'}
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['g', 'h', 'a'], '<Plug>GitGutterStageHunk', 'stage current hunk', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['g', 'h', 'r'], '<Plug>GitGutterUndoHunk', 'undo cursor hunk', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['g', 'h', 'v'], '<Plug>GitGutterPreviewHunk', 'preview cursor hunk', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['g', 'h', 'a'], '<Plug>GitGutterStageHunk', 'stage-current-hunk', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['g', 'h', 'r'], '<Plug>GitGutterUndoHunk', 'undo-cursor-hunk', 0)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nmap', ['g', 'h', 'v'], '<Plug>GitGutterPreviewHunk', 'preview-cursor-hunk', 0)
function! SpaceVim#layers#git#set_variable(var) abort

View File

@ -29,8 +29,15 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#ruby#config() abort
let s:ruby_file_head = [
\ '#!/usr/bin/ruby -w',
\ '# -*- coding : utf-8 -*-',
\ ''
\ ]
function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#ruby#set_variable(var) abort
let s:ruby_repl_command = get(a:var, 'repl_command', '')
let s:ruby_file_head = get(a:var, 'ruby-file-head', s:ruby_file_head)
function! s:language_specified_mappings() abort
@ -70,3 +77,10 @@ function! s:go_to_def() abort
call SpaceVim#lsp#go_to_def()
function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#ruby#get_options() abort
return [
\ 'repl_command',
\ 'ruby-file-head'
\ ]

View File

@ -54,9 +54,8 @@ endfunction
function! s:eval_cursor() abort
let is_keyword = &iskeyword
set iskeyword+=:
set iskeyword+=(
let cword = expand('<cword>')
if cword =~# '^g:'
if exists(cword)
echo cword . ' is ' eval(cword)
" if is script function
elseif cword =~# '^s:' && cword =~# '('

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let s:lnum = expand('<slnum>') + 2
function! SpaceVim#layers#shell#config() abort
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ["'"], 'call call('
\ . string(function('s:open_default_shell')) . ', [0])',
\ ['open shell',
\ ['open-shell',
\ [
\ "[SPC '] is to open or jump to default shell window",
\ '',
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#shell#config() abort
\ ], 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ["\""], 'call call('
\ . string(function('s:open_default_shell')) . ', [1])',
\ ["open shell in current file's path",
\ ["open-shell-in-buffer-dir",
\ [
\ "[SPC \"] is to open or jump to default shell window with the current file's pwd",
\ '',

View File

@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ endfunction
function! SpaceVim#layers#tools#config() abort
let g:better_whitespace_filetypes_blacklist = ['diff', 'gitcommit', 'unite', 'qf', 'help', 'markdown', 'leaderGuide']
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['a', 'l'], 'Calendar', 'vim calendar', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['a', 'l'], 'Calendar', 'vim-calendar', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['e', 'a'], 'FencAutoDetect',
\ 'Auto detect the file encoding', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['a', 'c'], 'Calc', 'vim calculator', 1)
\ 'auto-detect-file-encoding', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['a', 'c'], 'Calc', 'vim-calculator', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'c'],
\ 'Goyo', 'centered-buffer-mode', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'C'],
\ 'ChooseWin | Goyo', 'centered-buffer-mode(other windows)', 1)
\ 'ChooseWin | Goyo', 'choose-window-centered-buffer-mode', 1)
" bootmark key binding
nnoremap <silent> mm :<C-u>BookmarkToggle<Cr>

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ui#config() abort
if !empty(g:spacevim_windows_smartclose)
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>', g:spacevim_windows_smartclose, ':<C-u>call SpaceVim#mapping#SmartClose()<cr>',
\ 'Smart close windows',
\ 'smart-close-windows',
\ 'call SpaceVim#mapping#SmartClose()')
" Ui toggles
@ -66,29 +66,29 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ui#config() abort
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_conceallevel')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle conceallevel', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 't'], 'call SpaceVim#plugins#tabmanager#open()',
\ 'Open tabs manager', 1)
\ 'open-tabs-manager', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'f'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_colorcolumn')) . ', [])',
\ 'fill-column-indicator', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'h', 'h'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_cursorline')) . ', [])',
\ ['toggle highlight of the current line',
\ ['toggle-highlight-current-line',
\ [
\ 'SPC t h h is to toggle the highlighting of cursorline'
\ ]
\ ], 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'h', 'i'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_indentline')) . ', [])',
\ ['toggle highlight indentation levels',
\ ['toggle-highlight-indentation-levels',
\ [
\ 'SPC t h i is to running :IndentLinesToggle which is definded in indentLine'
\ ]
\ ], 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'h', 'c'], 'set cursorcolumn!',
\ 'toggle highlight indentation current column', 1)
\ 'toggle-highlight-current-column', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'h', 's'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_syntax_hi')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle syntax highlighting', 1)
\ 'toggle-syntax-highlighting', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['T', 'F'], '<F11>',
\ 'fullscreen-frame', 0)
@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#ui#config() abort
\ 'display ~ in the fringe on empty lines', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'S'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_spell_check')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle spell checker', 1)
\ 'toggle-spell-checker', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'l'], 'setlocal list!',
\ 'toggle hidden listchars', 1)
\ 'toggle-hidden-listchars', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'W'], 'setlocal wrap!',
\ 'toggle wrap line', 1)
\ 'toggle-wrap-line', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['t', 'w'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:toggle_whitespace')) . ', [])',
\ 'toggle highlight tail spaces', 1)
\ 'toggle-highlight-tail-spaces', 1)
" download gvimfullscreen.dll from github, copy gvimfullscreen.dll to
" the directory that has gvim.exe

View File

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#gd() abort
function! SpaceVim#mapping#clearBuffers() abort
function! SpaceVim#mapping#clear_buffers() abort
if confirm('Kill all other buffers?', "&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel") == 1
let blisted = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')
for i in blisted

View File

@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#leader#defindWindowsLeader(key) abort
\ ]
\ ]
nnoremap <silent> [Window]c
\ :<C-u>call SpaceVim#mapping#clearBuffers()<CR>
\ :<C-u>call SpaceVim#mapping#clear_buffers()<CR>
let lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:lnum - 4
let g:_spacevim_mappings_windows.c = ['call SpaceVim#mapping#clearBuffers()',
let g:_spacevim_mappings_windows.c = ['call SpaceVim#mapping#clear_buffers()',
\ 'Clear all the buffers',
\ [
\ '[WIN c] is to clear all the buffers',

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#space#init() abort
for i in range(1, 9)
exe "call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ["
\ . i . "], 'call SpaceVim#layers#core#statusline#jump("
\ . i . ")', 'window " . i . "', 1)"
\ . i . ")', 'window-" . i . "', 1)"
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.w['<Tab>'] = ['wincmd w', 'alternate-window']
nnoremap <silent> [SPC]w<tab> :wincmd w<cr>
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#space#init() abort
\ , 1)
let s:lnum = expand('<slnum>') + s:funcbeginline
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'o'], 'tabnext',
\ ['other tabs',
\ ['other-tabs',
\ [
\ '[SPC w o] is to switch to next tabs',
\ '',
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#space#init() abort
\ , 1)
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.e = {'name' : '+Errors/Encoding'}
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.B = {'name' : '+Global-buffers'}
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.B = {'name' : '+Global buffers'}
if g:spacevim_relativenumber
nnoremap <silent> [SPC]tn :<C-u>setlocal nonumber! norelativenumber!<CR>
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.t.n = ['setlocal nonumber! norelativenumber!', 'toggle line number']

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
title: "约定"
title: "基本约定"
description: "描述贡献代码所需遵循的约定俗成的规范,包括 Vim 脚本的代码规范以及 MarkDown 文件的代码规范。"
lang: cn
# Conventions
# 基本约定
<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
@ -268,30 +268,25 @@ autocommand BufEnter <buffer>
#### 命名
- 保持简单易于理解
在 SpaceVim 中,函数、变量以及各自提示的命名应当保持简单易于理解,应遵循以下基本命名规范:
- 总的来说,使用
- 像这样的插件名 `plugin-names-like-this`
- 像这样的函数名 `FunctionNamesLikeThis`
- 像这样的命令名 `CommandNamesLikeThis`
- 像这样的参数组 `augroup_names_like_this`
- 像这样的变量名 `variable_names_like_this`
- 像这样的提示 `hints-like-this`
- 不要编写(create)全局函数,用自动运行函数(autoloaded functions)来替代全局函数。
- 全局及模块选项 `option_name`
- 不要定义全局函数,而使用自动运行函数来替代全局函数。
- 通用命令优先于一般的前缀
- 参数组(augroup)名字像变量一样命名。(Augroup names count as variables for naming purposes.)
- 所有的变量据需要加上它们的范围前缀。
- 自动命令组名像变量一样命名。
- 全局变量的前缀为`g:`
- 本地脚本变量的前缀为`s:`
- 函数的参数前缀为`a:`
- 本地函数的变量前缀为`l:`
- Vim 预定义(Vim-predefinded)变量前缀为`v:`
- 本地缓冲区(Buffer-local)变量的前缀为`b:`
- Vim 预定义变量前缀为`v:`
- 本地缓冲区变量的前缀为`b:`
- `g:`,`s:`,和`a:`前缀必须使用
- `b:`当你想要改变本地缓冲区(buffer-local)的变量的语义时前缀为`b:`
- `l:`and`v:`should be used for consistency, future proofing, and to avoid subtle bugs. They are not strictly required. Add them in new code but dont go out of your way to add them elsewhere.
- 自动运行函数(autoloaded functions)可以没有范围前缀。
- `b:`当你想要改变本地缓冲区的变量的语义时前缀为`b:`
## 按键表示
@ -310,4 +305,3 @@ autocommand BufEnter <buffer>
## Markdown 代码规范
- [Google's Markdown style guide](https://github.com/google/styleguide/blob/3591b2e540cbcb07423e02d20eee482165776603/docguide/style.md)

View File

@ -249,6 +249,17 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#foo#config() abort
let g:foo_option3 = get(g:, 'foo_option3', 3)
" ...
" add layer options:
let s:layer_option = 'default var'
function! SpaceVim#layers#foo#set_variable(var) abort
let s:layer_option = get(a:var, 'layer_option', s:layer_option)
" completion function for layer options:
function! SpaceVim#layers#foo#get_options() abort
return ['layer_option']
4. Add layer document `docs/layers/foo.md` for `foo` layer.