mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-24 10:47:07 +08:00

Add SPVersion command

This commit is contained in:
wsdjeg 2017-03-22 00:03:26 +08:00
parent 8477030590
commit 743232f74a
2 changed files with 128 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ function! SpaceVim#commands#load() abort
" of layer names.
command! -nargs=+ SPLayer call SpaceVim#layers#load(<f-args>)
" Print the version of SpaceVim. The following lines contain information
" about which features were enabled. When there is a preceding '+', the
" feature is included, when there is a '-' it is excluded.
command! -nargs=0 SPVersion call SpaceVim#commands#version()
" Set or check SpaceVim option. {opt} should be the option name of
" spacevim, This command will use [value] as the value of option name.
command! -nargs=+ SPSet call SpaceVim#options#set(<f-args>)
@ -42,4 +47,122 @@ function! SpaceVim#commands#config(...) abort
function! SpaceVim#commands#version() abort
echo 'SpaceVim ' . g:spacevim_version . '-' . "\n" .
\ "\n" .
\ 'Optional features included (+) or not (-):' . "\n"
\ s:check_features([
\ 'tui',
\ 'jemalloc',
\ 'acl',
\ 'arabic',
\ 'autocmd',
\ 'browse',
\ 'byte_offset',
\ 'cindent',
\ 'clientserver',
\ 'clipboard',
\ 'cmdline_compl',
\ 'cmdline_hist',
\ 'cmdline_info',
\ 'comments',
\ 'conceal',
\ 'cscope',
\ 'cursorbind',
\ 'cursorshape',
\ 'debug',
\ 'dialog_gui',
\ 'dialog_con',
\ 'dialog_con_gui',
\ 'digraphs',
\ 'eval',
\ 'ex_extra',
\ 'extra_search',
\ 'farsi',
\ 'file_in_path',
\ 'find_in_path',
\ 'folding',
\ 'gettext',
\ 'iconv',
\ 'iconv/dyn',
\ 'insert_expand',
\ 'jumplist',
\ 'keymap',
\ 'langmap',
\ 'libcall',
\ 'linebreak',
\ 'lispindent',
\ 'listcmds',
\ 'localmap',
\ 'menu',
\ 'mksession',
\ 'modify_fname',
\ 'mouse',
\ 'mouseshape',
\ 'multi_byte',
\ 'multi_byte_ime',
\ 'multi_lang',
\ 'path_extra',
\ 'persistent_undo',
\ 'postscript',
\ 'printer',
\ 'profile',
\ 'python',
\ 'python3',
\ 'quickfix',
\ 'reltime',
\ 'rightleft',
\ 'scrollbind',
\ 'shada',
\ 'signs',
\ 'smartindent',
\ 'startuptime',
\ 'statusline',
\ 'syntax',
\ 'tablineat',
\ 'tag_binary',
\ 'tag_old_static',
\ 'tag_any_white',
\ 'termguicolors',
\ 'terminfo',
\ 'termresponse',
\ 'textobjects',
\ 'tgetent',
\ 'timers',
\ 'title',
\ 'toolbar',
\ 'user_commands',
\ 'vertsplit',
\ 'virtualedit',
\ 'visual',
\ 'visualextra',
\ 'vreplace',
\ 'wildignore',
\ 'wildmenu',
\ 'windows',
\ 'writebackup',
\ 'xim',
\ 'xfontset',
\ 'xpm',
\ 'xpm_w32',
\ ])
function! s:check_features(features) abort
let flist = map(a:features, "(has(v:val) ? '+' : '-') . v:val")
let rst = ' '
let id = 1
for f in flist
let rst .= f . repeat(' ', 20 - len(f))
if id == 3
let rst .= "\n "
let id = 1
let id += 1
return substitute(rst, '\n*\s*$', '', 'g')
" vim:set et sw=2 cc=80:

View File

@ -276,6 +276,11 @@ COMMANDS *SpaceVim-commands*
Load exist layer, {layers} can be a string of a layer name, or a list of
layer names.
:SPVersion *:SPVersion*
Print the version of SpaceVim. The following lines contain information
about which features were enabled. When there is a preceding '+', the
feature is included, when there is a '-' it is excluded.
:SPSet {opt} [value] *:SPSet*
Set or check SpaceVim option. {opt} should be the option name of spacevim,
This command will use [value] as the value of option name.