From e80bed3e42400eb5dcdf8ca49cfeb7f3add0c69d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Seong Yong-ju Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2017 11:32:59 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Add a new variable Add a new variable * Add a new variable `g:spacevim_info_symbol` * Update configurations of some plugins to read `g:spacevim_info_symbol` --- autoload/SpaceVim.vim | 6 + config/plugins/neomake.vim | 4 + config/plugins/syntastic.vim | 1 + config/plugins_before/ale.vim | 1 + doc/SpaceVim.txt | 6 + docs/ | 277 +++++++++++++++++----------------- docs/ | 261 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 7 files changed, 288 insertions(+), 268 deletions(-) diff --git a/autoload/SpaceVim.vim b/autoload/SpaceVim.vim index c928f14a7..07882a866 100644 --- a/autoload/SpaceVim.vim +++ b/autoload/SpaceVim.vim @@ -202,6 +202,12 @@ let g:spacevim_error_symbol = '✖' " < let g:spacevim_warning_symbol = '⚠' "" +" Set the information symbol for SpaceVim's syntax maker. Default is '🛈'. +" > +" let g:spacevim_info_symbol = 'i' +" < +let g:spacevim_info_symbol = '🛈' +"" " Set the SpaceVim cursor shape in the terminal. Set to 0 to prevent Nvim from " changing the cursor shape. Set to 1 to enable non-blinking mode-sensitive " cursor (this is the default). Set to 2 to enable blinking mode-sensitive diff --git a/config/plugins/neomake.vim b/config/plugins/neomake.vim index 0b522b7db..f7a229020 100644 --- a/config/plugins/neomake.vim +++ b/config/plugins/neomake.vim @@ -27,4 +27,8 @@ let g:neomake_warning_sign = get(g:, 'neomake_warning_sign', { \ 'text': get(g:,'spacevim_warning_symbol', '➤'), \ 'texthl': (g:spacevim_colorscheme ==# 'gruvbox' ? 'GruvboxYellowSign' : 'todo'), \ }) +let g:neomake_info_sign = get(g:, 'neomake_info_sign', { + \ 'text': get(g:,'spacevim_info_symbol', '🛈'), + \ 'texthl': (g:spacevim_colorscheme ==# 'gruvbox' ? 'GruvboxYellowSign' : 'todo'), + \ }) " vim:set et sw=2: diff --git a/config/plugins/syntastic.vim b/config/plugins/syntastic.vim index 565001b6f..ff4eae293 100644 --- a/config/plugins/syntastic.vim +++ b/config/plugins/syntastic.vim @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ let g:syntastic_check_on_open = get(g:, 'syntastic_check_on_open', 0) let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = get(g:, 'syntastic_check_on_wq', 0) let g:syntastic_error_symbol = get(g:, 'spacevim_error_symbol', '✖') let g:syntastic_warning_symbol = get(g:, 'spacevim_warning_symbol', '➤') +let g:syntastic_info_symbol = get(g:, 'spacevim_info_symbol', '🛈') let g:syntastic_vimlint_options = get(g:, 'syntastic_vimlint_options', { \'EVL102': 1 , \'EVL103': 1 , diff --git a/config/plugins_before/ale.vim b/config/plugins_before/ale.vim index 990fc57cb..4311df672 100644 --- a/config/plugins_before/ale.vim +++ b/config/plugins_before/ale.vim @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ scriptencoding utf-8 let g:ale_sign_error = get(g:, 'spacevim_error_symbol', '✖') let g:ale_sign_warning = get(g:,'spacevim_warning_symbol', '➤') +let g:ale_sign_info = get(g:,'spacevim_info_symbol', '🛈') let g:ale_echo_msg_format = get(g:, 'ale_echo_msg_format', '%severity%: %linter%: %s') if g:spacevim_colorscheme == 'gruvbox' diff --git a/doc/SpaceVim.txt b/doc/SpaceVim.txt index f88763022..9e472dcb0 100644 --- a/doc/SpaceVim.txt +++ b/doc/SpaceVim.txt @@ -239,6 +239,12 @@ Set the warning symbol for SpaceVim's syntax maker. Default is '⚠'. let g:spacevim_warning_symbol = '!' < + *g:spacevim_info_symbol* +Set the information symbol for SpaceVim's syntax maker. Default is '🛈'. +> + let g:spacevim_info_symbol = 'i' +< + *g:spacevim_terminal_cursor_shape* Set the SpaceVim cursor shape in the terminal. Set to 0 to prevent Nvim from changing the cursor shape. Set to 1 to enable non-blinking mode-sensitive diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 75bc7e4ed..027edd3a0 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -43,144 +43,144 @@ SpaceVim 是一个社区驱动的模块化 vim/neovim 配置集合,其中包 -- [安装](#安装) -- [更新](#更新) -- [文档](#文档) - - [核心思想](#核心思想) - - [记忆辅助](#记忆辅助) - - [可视化交互](#可视化交互) - - [一致性](#一致性) - - [社区驱动](#社区驱动) - - [显著特性](#显著特性) - - [快捷键导航](#快捷键导航) - - [运行截图](#运行截图) - - [欢迎页面](#欢迎页面) - - [工作界面](#工作界面) - - [谁将从 SpaceVim 中获益?](#谁将从-spacevim-中获益) - - [更新和回滚](#更新和回滚) - - [SpaceVim 自身更新](#spacevim-自身更新) - - [自动更新](#自动更新) - - [通过插件管理器更新](#通过插件管理器更新) - - [通过 git 进行更新](#通过-git-进行更新) - - [更新插件](#更新插件) - - [配置模块](#配置模块) - - [用户配置](#用户配置) - - [自动生成用户配置](#自动生成用户配置) - - [用户配置目录](#用户配置目录) - - [概念](#概念) - - [临时快捷键](#临时快捷键) - - [优雅的界面](#优雅的界面) - - [主题](#主题) - - [字体](#字体) - - [界面元素切换](#界面元素切换) - - [状态栏 & 标签栏](#状态栏--标签栏) - - [状态栏](#状态栏) - - [标签栏](#标签栏) - - [手册](#手册) - - [自动补全](#自动补全) - - [Unite/Denite](#unitedenite) - - [Unite/Denite buffer 中的快捷键](#unitedenite-buffer-中的快捷键) - - [交互](#交互) - - 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current file](#searching-in-current-file) - - [Searching in all loaded buffers](#searching-in-all-loaded-buffers) - - [Searching in an arbitrary directory](#searching-in-an-arbitrary-directory) - - [Searching in a project](#searching-in-a-project) - - [Background searching in a project](#background-searching-in-a-project) - - [Searching the web](#searching-the-web) - - [Searching on the fly](#searching-on-the-fly) - - [Persistent highlighting](#persistent-highlighting) - - [Editing](#editing) - - [Paste text](#paste-text) - - [Auto-indent pasted text](#auto-indent-pasted-text) - - [Text manipulation commands](#text-manipulation-commands) - - [Text insertion commands](#text-insertion-commands) - - [Commenting](#commenting) - - [Multi-Encodings](#multi-encodings) - - [Errors handling](#errors-handling) - - [Managing projects](#managing-projects) -- [Achievements](#achievements) - - [issues](#issues) - - [Stars, forks and watchers](#stars-forks-and-watchers) -- [Features](#features) - - [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui) - - [Mnemonic key bindings](#mnemonic-key-bindings) -- [Language specific mode](#language-specific-mode) -- [Key Mapping](#key-mapping) - - [c/c++ support](#cc-support) - - [go support](#go-support) - - [python support](#python-support) -- [Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim.](#neovim-centric---dark-powered-mode-of-spacevim) -- [Modular configuration](#modular-configuration) -- [Multiple leader mode](#multiple-leader-mode) - - [Global origin vim leader](#global-origin-vim-leader) - - [Local origin vim leader](#local-origin-vim-leader) - - [Windows function leader](#windows-function-leader) - - [Unite work flow leader](#unite-work-flow-leader) -- [Unite centric work-flow](#unite-centric-work-flow) - - [Plugin Highlights](#plugin-highlights) - - [Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#non-lazy-loaded-plugins) - - [Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#lazy-loaded-plugins) - - [Language](#language) - - [Commands](#commands) - - [Commands](#commands-1) - - [Completion](#completion) - - [Unite](#unite) - - [Operators & Text Objects](#operators--text-objects) - - [Custom Key bindings](#custom-key-bindings) - - [File Operations](#file-operations) - - [Editor UI](#editor-ui) - - [Window Management](#window-management) - - [Native functions](#native-functions) - - [Plugin: Unite](#plugin-unite) - - [Plugin: neocomplete](#plugin-neocomplete) - - [Plugin: NERD Commenter](#plugin-nerd-commenter) - - [Plugin: Goyo and Limelight](#plugin-goyo-and-limelight) - - [Plugin: ChooseWin](#plugin-choosewin) - - [Plugin: Bookmarks](#plugin-bookmarks) - - [Plugin: Gina/Gita](#plugin-ginagita) - - [Plugin: vim-signify](#plugin-vim-signify) - - [Misc Plugins](#misc-plugins) - - [模块化配置](#模块化配置) - - [Denite/Unite为主的工作平台](#deniteunite为主的工作平台) - - [自动补全](#自动补全-1) - - [细致的tags管理](#细致的tags管理) -- [快速](#快速) - - [SpaceVim选项](#spacevim选项) - - [延伸阅读](#延伸阅读) - - [Vim 8 新特新之旅](#vim-8-新特新之旅) +* [安装](#安装) +* [更新](#更新) +* [文档](#文档) + * [核心思想](#核心思想) + * [记忆辅助](#记忆辅助) + * [可视化交互](#可视化交互) + * [一致性](#一致性) + * [社区驱动](#社区驱动) + * [显著特性](#显著特性) + * [快捷键导航](#快捷键导航) + * [运行截图](#运行截图) + * [欢迎页面](#欢迎页面) + * [工作界面](#工作界面) + * [谁将从 SpaceVim 中获益?](#谁将从-spacevim-中获益) + * [更新和回滚](#更新和回滚) + * [SpaceVim 自身更新](#spacevim-自身更新) + * [自动更新](#自动更新) + * [通过插件管理器更新](#通过插件管理器更新) + * [通过 git 进行更新](#通过-git-进行更新) + * [更新插件](#更新插件) + * [配置模块](#配置模块) + * [用户配置](#用户配置) + * [自动生成用户配置](#自动生成用户配置) + * [用户配置目录](#用户配置目录) + * [概念](#概念) + * [临时快捷键](#临时快捷键) + * [优雅的界面](#优雅的界面) + * [主题](#主题) + * [字体](#字体) + * [界面元素切换](#界面元素切换) + * [状态栏 & 标签栏](#状态栏--标签栏) + * [状态栏](#状态栏) + * [标签栏](#标签栏) + * [手册](#手册) + * [自动补全](#自动补全) + * [Unite/Denite](#unitedenite) + * [Unite/Denite buffer 中的快捷键](#unitedenite-buffer-中的快捷键) + * [交互](#交互) + * [快捷键](#快捷键) + * [快捷键导航](#快捷键导航-1) + * [通过 Unite/Denite 浏览快捷键](#通过-unitedenite-浏览快捷键) + * [获取帮助信息](#获取帮助信息) + * [可用模块](#可用模块) + * [可用的插件](#可用的插件) + * [添加用户自定义插件](#添加用户自定义插件) + * [界面元素显示切换](#界面元素显示切换) + * [常规操作](#常规操作) + * [光标移动](#光标移动) + * [快速跳转](#快速跳转) + * [快速跳到网址 (TODO)](#快速跳到网址-todo) + * [常用的成对快捷键](#常用的成对快捷键) + * [跳转,合并,拆分](#跳转合并拆分) + * [跳转](#跳转) + * [合并,拆分](#合并拆分) + * [窗口操作](#窗口操作) + * [窗口操作常用快捷键](#窗口操作常用快捷键) + * [文件和 Buffer 操作](#文件和-buffer-操作) + * [Buffer 操作相关快捷键](#buffer-操作相关快捷键) + * [新建空白 buffer](#新建空白-buffer) + * [特殊 buffer](#特殊-buffer) + * [文件操作相关快捷键](#文件操作相关快捷键) + * [Vim 和 SpaceVim 相关文件](#vim-和-spacevim-相关文件) + * [文件树](#文件树) + * [文件树中的常用操作](#文件树中的常用操作) + * [文件树中打开文件](#文件树中打开文件) + * [Commands starting with `g`](#commands-starting-with-g) + * [Commands starting with `z`](#commands-starting-with-z) + * [Auto-saving](#auto-saving) + * [Searching](#searching) + * [With an external tool](#with-an-external-tool) + * [Useful key bindings](#useful-key-bindings) + * [Searching in current file](#searching-in-current-file) + * [Searching in all loaded buffers](#searching-in-all-loaded-buffers) + * [Searching in an arbitrary directory](#searching-in-an-arbitrary-directory) + * [Searching in a project](#searching-in-a-project) + * [Background searching in a project](#background-searching-in-a-project) + * [Searching the web](#searching-the-web) + * [Searching on the fly](#searching-on-the-fly) + * [Persistent highlighting](#persistent-highlighting) + * [Editing](#editing) + * [Paste text](#paste-text) + * [Auto-indent pasted text](#auto-indent-pasted-text) + * [Text manipulation commands](#text-manipulation-commands) + * [Text insertion commands](#text-insertion-commands) + * [Commenting](#commenting) + * [Multi-Encodings](#multi-encodings) + * [Errors handling](#errors-handling) + * [Managing projects](#managing-projects) +* [Achievements](#achievements) + * [issues](#issues) + * [Stars, forks and watchers](#stars-forks-and-watchers) +* [Features](#features) + * [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui) + * [Mnemonic key bindings](#mnemonic-key-bindings) +* [Language specific mode](#language-specific-mode) +* [Key Mapping](#key-mapping) + * [c/c++ support](#cc-support) + * [go support](#go-support) + * [python support](#python-support) +* [Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim.](#neovim-centric---dark-powered-mode-of-spacevim) +* [Modular configuration](#modular-configuration) +* [Multiple leader mode](#multiple-leader-mode) + * [Global origin vim leader](#global-origin-vim-leader) + * [Local origin vim leader](#local-origin-vim-leader) + * [Windows function leader](#windows-function-leader) + * [Unite work flow leader](#unite-work-flow-leader) +* [Unite centric work-flow](#unite-centric-work-flow) + * [Plugin Highlights](#plugin-highlights) + * [Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#non-lazy-loaded-plugins) + * [Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#lazy-loaded-plugins) + * [Language](#language) + * [Commands](#commands) + * [Commands](#commands-1) + * [Completion](#completion) + * [Unite](#unite) + * [Operators & Text Objects](#operators--text-objects) + * [Custom Key bindings](#custom-key-bindings) + * [File Operations](#file-operations) + * [Editor UI](#editor-ui) + * [Window Management](#window-management) + * [Native functions](#native-functions) + * [Plugin: Unite](#plugin-unite) + * [Plugin: neocomplete](#plugin-neocomplete) + * [Plugin: NERD Commenter](#plugin-nerd-commenter) + * [Plugin: Goyo and Limelight](#plugin-goyo-and-limelight) + * [Plugin: ChooseWin](#plugin-choosewin) + * [Plugin: Bookmarks](#plugin-bookmarks) + * [Plugin: Gina/Gita](#plugin-ginagita) + * [Plugin: vim-signify](#plugin-vim-signify) + * [Misc Plugins](#misc-plugins) + * [模块化配置](#模块化配置) + * [Denite/Unite为主的工作平台](#deniteunite为主的工作平台) + * [自动补全](#自动补全-1) + * [细致的tags管理](#细致的tags管理) +* [快速](#快速) + * [SpaceVim选项](#spacevim选项) + * [延伸阅读](#延伸阅读) + * [Vim 8 新特新之旅](#vim-8-新特新之旅) @@ -1415,6 +1415,7 @@ Custom sign symbol: | ------ | ----------- | --------------------------- | | `✖` | Error | `g:spacevim_error_symbol` | | `➤` | warning | `g:spacevim_warning_symbol` | +| `🛈` | Info | `g:spacevim_info_symbol` | ### Managing projects diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index a618e13e7..7fba07530 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -7,136 +7,136 @@ description: "General documentation about how to using SpaceVim, including the q -- [Core Pillars](#core-pillars) - - [Mnemonic](#mnemonic) - - [Discoverable](#discoverable) - - [Consistent](#consistent) - - [Crowd-Configured](#crowd-configured) -- [Highlighted features](#highlighted-features) -- [Screenshots](#screenshots) - - [welcome page](#welcome-page) - - [working flow](#working-flow) -- [Who can benefit from this?](#who-can-benefit-from-this) -- [Update and Rollback](#update-and-rollback) - - [Update SpaceVim itself](#update-spacevim-itself) - - [Automatic Updates](#automatic-updates) - - [Updating from the SpaceVim Buffer](#updating-from-the-spacevim-buffer) - - [Updating Manually with git](#updating-manually-with-git) - - [Update plugins](#update-plugins) - - [Get SpaceVim log](#get-spacevim-log) -- [Configuration layers](#configuration-layers) -- [Custom Configuration](#custom-configuration) - - [Automatic Generation](#automatic-generation) - - [Alternative directory](#alternative-directory) -- [Concepts](#concepts) - - [Transient-states](#transient-states) -- [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui) - - [Colorschemes](#colorschemes) - - [Font](#font) - - [UI Toggles](#ui-toggles) - - [Statusline && tabline](#statusline--tabline) - - [statusline](#statusline) - - [tabline](#tabline) -- [Manual](#manual) - - [Completion](#completion) - - [Unite/Denite](#unitedenite) - - [Mappings within unite/denite buffer](#mappings-within-unitedenite-buffer) - - [Discovering](#discovering) - - [Mappings](#mappings) - - [Mappings guide](#mappings-guide) - - [Unide/Denite describe key bindings](#unidedenite-describe-key-bindings) - - [Getting help](#getting-help) - - [Available layers](#available-layers) - - [Available plugins in SpaceVim](#available-plugins-in-spacevim) - - [New packages from ELPA repositories](#new-packages-from-elpa-repositories) - - [Toggles](#toggles) - - [Navigating](#navigating) - - [Point/Cursor](#pointcursor) - - [Vim motions with vim-easymotion](#vim-motions-with-vim-easymotion) - - [quick-jump-link mode (TODO)](#quick-jump-link-mode-todo) - - [Unimpaired bindings](#unimpaired-bindings) - - [Jumping, Joining and Splitting](#jumping-joining-and-splitting) - - [Jumping](#jumping) - - [Joining and splitting](#joining-and-splitting) - - [Window manipulation](#window-manipulation) - - [Window manipulation key bindings](#window-manipulation-key-bindings) - - [Buffers and Files](#buffers-and-files) - - [Buffers manipulation key bindings](#buffers-manipulation-key-bindings) - - [Create a new empty buffer](#create-a-new-empty-buffer) - - [Special Buffers](#special-buffers) - - [Files manipulations key bindings](#files-manipulations-key-bindings) - - [Vim and SpaceVim files](#vim-and-spacevim-files) - - [File tree](#file-tree) - - [File tree navigation](#file-tree-navigation) - - [Open file with file tree.](#open-file-with-file-tree) - - [Commands starting with `g`](#commands-starting-with-g) - - [Commands starting with `z`](#commands-starting-with-z) - - [Auto-saving](#auto-saving) - - [Searching](#searching) - - [With an external tool](#with-an-external-tool) - - [Useful key bindings](#useful-key-bindings) - - [Searching in current file](#searching-in-current-file) - - [Searching in all loaded buffers](#searching-in-all-loaded-buffers) - - [Searching in an arbitrary directory](#searching-in-an-arbitrary-directory) - - [Searching in a project](#searching-in-a-project) - - [Background searching in a project](#background-searching-in-a-project) - - [Searching the web](#searching-the-web) - - [Searching on the fly](#searching-on-the-fly) - - [Persistent highlighting](#persistent-highlighting) - - [Editing](#editing) - - [Paste text](#paste-text) - - [Auto-indent pasted text](#auto-indent-pasted-text) - - [Text manipulation commands](#text-manipulation-commands) - - [Text insertion commands](#text-insertion-commands) - - [Commenting](#commenting) - - [Multi-Encodings](#multi-encodings) - - [Errors handling](#errors-handling) - - [Managing projects](#managing-projects) -- [EditorConfig](#editorconfig) -- [Vim Server](#vim-server) - - [Connecting to the Vim server](#connecting-to-the-vim-server) -- [Achievements](#achievements) - - [issues](#issues) - - [Stars, forks and watchers](#stars-forks-and-watchers) -- [Features](#features) - - [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui-1) - - [Mnemonic key bindings](#mnemonic-key-bindings) -- [Language specific mode](#language-specific-mode) -- [Key Mapping](#key-mapping) - - [c/c++ support](#cc-support) - - [go support](#go-support) - - [python support](#python-support) -- [Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim.](#neovim-centric---dark-powered-mode-of-spacevim) -- [Modular configuration](#modular-configuration) -- [Multiple leader mode](#multiple-leader-mode) - - [Global origin vim leader](#global-origin-vim-leader) - - [Local origin vim leader](#local-origin-vim-leader) - - [Windows function leader](#windows-function-leader) - - [Unite work flow leader](#unite-work-flow-leader) -- [Unite centric work-flow](#unite-centric-work-flow) - - [Plugin Highlights](#plugin-highlights) - - [Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#non-lazy-loaded-plugins) - - [Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#lazy-loaded-plugins) - - [Language](#language) - - [Commands](#commands) - - [Commands](#commands-1) - - [Completion](#completion-1) - - [Unite](#unite) - - [Operators & Text Objects](#operators--text-objects) - - [Custom Key bindings](#custom-key-bindings) - - [File Operations](#file-operations) - - [Editor UI](#editor-ui) - - [Window Management](#window-management) - - [Native functions](#native-functions) - - [Plugin: Unite](#plugin-unite) - - [Plugin: neocomplete](#plugin-neocomplete) - - [Plugin: NERD Commenter](#plugin-nerd-commenter) - - [Plugin: Goyo and Limelight](#plugin-goyo-and-limelight) - - [Plugin: ChooseWin](#plugin-choosewin) - - [Plugin: Bookmarks](#plugin-bookmarks) - - [Plugin: Gina/Gita](#plugin-ginagita) - - [Plugin: vim-signify](#plugin-vim-signify) - - [Misc Plugins](#misc-plugins) +* [Core Pillars](#core-pillars) + * [Mnemonic](#mnemonic) + * [Discoverable](#discoverable) + * [Consistent](#consistent) + * [Crowd-Configured](#crowd-configured) +* [Highlighted features](#highlighted-features) +* [Screenshots](#screenshots) + * [welcome page](#welcome-page) + * [working flow](#working-flow) +* [Who can benefit from this?](#who-can-benefit-from-this) +* [Update and Rollback](#update-and-rollback) + * [Update SpaceVim itself](#update-spacevim-itself) + * [Automatic Updates](#automatic-updates) + * [Updating from the SpaceVim Buffer](#updating-from-the-spacevim-buffer) + * [Updating Manually with git](#updating-manually-with-git) + * [Update plugins](#update-plugins) + * [Get SpaceVim log](#get-spacevim-log) +* [Configuration layers](#configuration-layers) +* [Custom Configuration](#custom-configuration) + * [Automatic Generation](#automatic-generation) + * [Alternative directory](#alternative-directory) +* [Concepts](#concepts) + * [Transient-states](#transient-states) +* [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui) + * [Colorschemes](#colorschemes) + * [Font](#font) + * [UI Toggles](#ui-toggles) + * [Statusline && tabline](#statusline--tabline) + * [statusline](#statusline) + * [tabline](#tabline) +* [Manual](#manual) + * [Completion](#completion) + * [Unite/Denite](#unitedenite) + * [Mappings within unite/denite buffer](#mappings-within-unitedenite-buffer) + * [Discovering](#discovering) + * [Mappings](#mappings) + * [Mappings guide](#mappings-guide) + * [Unide/Denite describe key bindings](#unidedenite-describe-key-bindings) + * [Getting help](#getting-help) + * [Available layers](#available-layers) + * [Available plugins in SpaceVim](#available-plugins-in-spacevim) + * [New packages from ELPA repositories](#new-packages-from-elpa-repositories) + * [Toggles](#toggles) + * [Navigating](#navigating) + * [Point/Cursor](#pointcursor) + * [Vim motions with vim-easymotion](#vim-motions-with-vim-easymotion) + * [quick-jump-link mode (TODO)](#quick-jump-link-mode-todo) + * [Unimpaired bindings](#unimpaired-bindings) + * [Jumping, Joining and Splitting](#jumping-joining-and-splitting) + * [Jumping](#jumping) + * [Joining and splitting](#joining-and-splitting) + * [Window manipulation](#window-manipulation) + * [Window manipulation key bindings](#window-manipulation-key-bindings) + * [Buffers and Files](#buffers-and-files) + * [Buffers manipulation key bindings](#buffers-manipulation-key-bindings) + * [Create a new empty buffer](#create-a-new-empty-buffer) + * [Special Buffers](#special-buffers) + * [Files manipulations key bindings](#files-manipulations-key-bindings) + * [Vim and SpaceVim files](#vim-and-spacevim-files) + * [File tree](#file-tree) + * [File tree navigation](#file-tree-navigation) + * [Open file with file tree.](#open-file-with-file-tree) + * [Commands starting with `g`](#commands-starting-with-g) + * [Commands starting with `z`](#commands-starting-with-z) + * [Auto-saving](#auto-saving) + * [Searching](#searching) + * [With an external tool](#with-an-external-tool) + * [Useful key bindings](#useful-key-bindings) + * [Searching in current file](#searching-in-current-file) + * [Searching in all loaded buffers](#searching-in-all-loaded-buffers) + * [Searching in an arbitrary directory](#searching-in-an-arbitrary-directory) + * [Searching in a project](#searching-in-a-project) + * [Background searching in a project](#background-searching-in-a-project) + * [Searching the web](#searching-the-web) + * [Searching on the fly](#searching-on-the-fly) + * [Persistent highlighting](#persistent-highlighting) + * [Editing](#editing) + * [Paste text](#paste-text) + * [Auto-indent pasted text](#auto-indent-pasted-text) + * [Text manipulation commands](#text-manipulation-commands) + * [Text insertion commands](#text-insertion-commands) + * [Commenting](#commenting) + * [Multi-Encodings](#multi-encodings) + * [Errors handling](#errors-handling) + * [Managing projects](#managing-projects) +* [EditorConfig](#editorconfig) +* [Vim Server](#vim-server) + * [Connecting to the Vim server](#connecting-to-the-vim-server) +* [Achievements](#achievements) + * [issues](#issues) + * [Stars, forks and watchers](#stars-forks-and-watchers) +* [Features](#features) + * [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui-1) + * [Mnemonic key bindings](#mnemonic-key-bindings) +* [Language specific mode](#language-specific-mode) +* [Key Mapping](#key-mapping) + * [c/c++ support](#cc-support) + * [go support](#go-support) + * [python support](#python-support) +* [Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim.](#neovim-centric---dark-powered-mode-of-spacevim) +* [Modular configuration](#modular-configuration) +* [Multiple leader mode](#multiple-leader-mode) + * [Global origin vim leader](#global-origin-vim-leader) + * [Local origin vim leader](#local-origin-vim-leader) + * [Windows function leader](#windows-function-leader) + * [Unite work flow leader](#unite-work-flow-leader) +* [Unite centric work-flow](#unite-centric-work-flow) + * [Plugin Highlights](#plugin-highlights) + * [Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#non-lazy-loaded-plugins) + * [Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#lazy-loaded-plugins) + * [Language](#language) + * [Commands](#commands) + * [Commands](#commands-1) + * [Completion](#completion-1) + * [Unite](#unite) + * [Operators & Text Objects](#operators--text-objects) + * [Custom Key bindings](#custom-key-bindings) + * [File Operations](#file-operations) + * [Editor UI](#editor-ui) + * [Window Management](#window-management) + * [Native functions](#native-functions) + * [Plugin: Unite](#plugin-unite) + * [Plugin: neocomplete](#plugin-neocomplete) + * [Plugin: NERD Commenter](#plugin-nerd-commenter) + * [Plugin: Goyo and Limelight](#plugin-goyo-and-limelight) + * [Plugin: ChooseWin](#plugin-choosewin) + * [Plugin: Bookmarks](#plugin-bookmarks) + * [Plugin: Gina/Gita](#plugin-ginagita) + * [Plugin: vim-signify](#plugin-vim-signify) + * [Misc Plugins](#misc-plugins) @@ -1334,6 +1334,7 @@ Custom sign symbol: | ------ | ----------- | --------------------------- | | `✖` | Error | `g:spacevim_error_symbol` | | `➤` | warning | `g:spacevim_warning_symbol` | +| `🛈` | Info | `g:spacevim_info_symbol` | ### Managing projects From 3e5a80723c6a42a9e1b14e586574a448e6dbd734 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Seong Yong-ju Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2017 23:35:28 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Add a new layer lsp Add a new layer lsp * Add a new layer lsp * Move `LanguageClient-neovim` from autocomplete layer to lsp * Add configurations for LSP syntax checking --- autoload/SpaceVim.vim | 5 ++ autoload/SpaceVim/layers/autocomplete.vim | 1 - autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim diff --git a/autoload/SpaceVim.vim b/autoload/SpaceVim.vim index 07882a866..d857d1329 100644 --- a/autoload/SpaceVim.vim +++ b/autoload/SpaceVim.vim @@ -455,6 +455,11 @@ endif let g:spacevim_leader_guide_submode_mappings = {'': "win_close"} +" SpaceVim/LanguageClient-neovim {{{ +if !exists('g:LanguageClient_serverCommands') + let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {} +endif +" }}} command -nargs=1 LeaderGuide call SpaceVim#mapping#guide#start_by_prefix('0', ) diff --git a/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/autocomplete.vim b/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/autocomplete.vim index b482fbf7b..25ff80efb 100644 --- a/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/autocomplete.vim +++ b/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/autocomplete.vim @@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#autocomplete#plugins() abort \ }]) endif call add(plugins, ['tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim', {'merged': 0}]) - call add(plugins, ['SpaceVim/LanguageClient-neovim', {'merged': 0}]) return plugins endfunction diff --git a/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim b/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acee77316 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +function! SpaceVim#layers#lsp#plugins() abort + let plugins = [] + + if has('nvim') + let plugins = add(plugins, ['SpaceVim/LanguageClient-neovim', + \ { 'merged': 0 }]) + endif + + return plugins +endfunction + +function! SpaceVim#layers#lsp#config() abort + " SpaceVim/LanguageClient-neovim {{{ + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay = { + \ 1: { + \ 'name': 'Error', + \ 'signText': g:spacevim_error_symbol, + \ }, + \ 2: { + \ 'name': 'Warning', + \ 'signText': g:spacevim_warning_symbol, + \ }, + \ 3: { + \ 'name': 'Information', + \ 'signText': g:spacevim_info_symbol, + \ }, + \ 4: { + \ 'name': 'Hint', + \ 'signText': g:spacevim_info_symbol, + \ }, + \ } + + if g:spacevim_enable_neomake + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[1].texthl = 'NeomakeError' + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[1].signTexthl = 'NeomakeErrorSign' + + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[2].texthl = 'NeomakeWarning' + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[2].signTexthl = + \ 'NeomakeWarningSign' + + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[3].texthl = 'NeomakeInfo' + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[3].signTexthl = 'NeomakeInfoSign' + + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[4].texthl = 'NeomakeMessage' + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[4].signTexthl = + \ 'NeomakeMessageSign' + elseif g:spacevim_enable_ale + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[1].texthl = 'ALEError' + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[1].signTexthl = 'ALEErrorSign' + + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[2].texthl = 'ALEWarning' + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[2].signTexthl = 'ALEWarningSign' + + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[3].texthl = 'ALEInfo' + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[3].signTexthl = 'ALEInfoSign' + + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[4].texthl = 'ALEInfo' + let g:LanguageClient_diagnosticsDisplay[4].signTexthl = 'ALEInfoSign' + endif + + let g:LanguageClient_autoStart = 0 + " }}} +endfunction + From dcdbc1759300e9f9cfc225984fd9fa30777355f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Seong Yong-ju Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2017 23:47:01 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Add a condition to load LSP plugin * Add Python3 requirement to `LanguageClient-neovim` --- autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim b/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim index acee77316..88c6e15e0 100644 --- a/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim +++ b/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/lsp.vim @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#lsp#plugins() abort if has('nvim') let plugins = add(plugins, ['SpaceVim/LanguageClient-neovim', - \ { 'merged': 0 }]) + \ { 'merged': 0, 'if': has('python3') }]) endif return plugins