mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-24 10:47:07 +08:00

fix(haxe): fix haxe code runner

This commit is contained in:
wsdjeg 2022-04-23 23:06:02 +08:00
parent 9d627870d8
commit 8390ab101b
38 changed files with 3348 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ let s:haxe_interpreter = 'haxe'
function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#haxe#plugins() abort function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#haxe#plugins() abort
let plugins = [] let plugins = []
call add(plugins, ['jdonaldson/vaxe', { 'merged' : 0}]) call add(plugins, [g:_spacevim_root_dir . 'bundle/vim-haxe', {'merged' : 0}])
return plugins return plugins
endfunction endfunction
function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#haxe#config() abort function! SpaceVim#layers#lang#haxe#config() abort
call SpaceVim#plugins#repl#reg('haxe', s:haxe_interpreter) call SpaceVim#plugins#repl#reg('haxe', s:haxe_interpreter)
call SpaceVim#plugins#runner#reg_runner('haxe', s:haxe_interpreter . ' %s') call SpaceVim#plugins#runner#reg_runner('haxe', s:haxe_interpreter . ' --main %s --interp')
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#regesit_lang_mappings('haxe', function('s:language_specified_mappings')) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#regesit_lang_mappings('haxe', function('s:language_specified_mappings'))
endfunction endfunction

bundle/vim-haxe/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

bundle/vim-haxe/README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
Vaxe is a vim bundle for [Haxe][haxe] and [Hss][ncannasse]. It provides support
for syntax highlighting, indenting, compiling, and many more options. Vaxe has
[vimdoc][github], accessible using `:help vaxe` within vim.
Vaxe requires additional vim features in order to work fully:
1. Vim version >= 7 : (Vim versions prior to this may work,
but are not tested)
2. Vim with python scripting support : Many default vim environments do not have
python support, but it's typically very easy to get an appropriate version
via a package manager like brew or apt-get.
This page will describe some of the special or optional features that vaxe
supports, in addition to recommended configuration settings.
![Vaxe Screenshot][imgur] (screenshot shows
neocomplcache completion mode, vim-airline, tagbar, and monokai color theme)
The recommended way to install vaxe is using a bundle management system such
as [pathogen][], [vundle][], [vam][], or [vim-plug][].
# Install with Pathogen
1. Install pathogen using the [instructions][pathogen].
2. Create/cd into `~/.vim/bundle/`
3. Make a clone of the vaxe repo:
`git clone https://github.com/jdonaldson/vaxe.git`
To update:
1. cd into `~/.vim/bundle/vaxe/`
2. git pull
# Install with Vundle
1. Install vundle using the [instructions][vundle]
2. Add vaxe to your plugin list in `.vimrc` and re-source it:
`Plugin 'jdonaldson/vaxe'`
3. Run `:PluginInstall`
To update, just run `:PluginUpdate`
# Install with VAM
1. Install VAM using the [instructions][vam]
2. Add vaxe to the list of your activated bundles and re-source it:
`call vam#ActivateAddons(['github:jdonaldson/vaxe'])`
# Install with vim-plug
1. Install vim-plug using the [instructions][vim-plug]
2. Add vaxe to your plugin list in `.vimrc` and re-source it:
insert vaxe
'' Haxe Plugin
Plug 'jdonaldson/vaxe'
`call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')`
`call plug#end()`
3. Run `:PlugInstall`
# Compiling Haxe Projects with vaxe
## HXML File Support
Vaxe supports [hxml build files][haxe 2], which provide
all of the arguments for the compiler, similar to a [make
Vaxe will automatically try to determine the appropriate hxml file you are
using. It will also let you easily override this with a specific file
(see vim docs for more details).
Vaxe will specify a custom
[makeprg][sourceforge] using
the given hxml file. The makeprg will cd to the directory containing the hxml,
execute the haxe compiler with the hxml file, and pipe output to stdout.
If vaxe has found your build file, you can just run the make command:
Vaxe will also specify an
[errorformat][sourceforge 2],
so that errors and trace messages show up in the
[quickfix][sourceforge 3]
## Lime Project Support
![Lime][imgur 2]
Vaxe supports [Lime][github 2]
workflows. If a Lime project is found, Vaxe will use it for builds and
completions. You can specify a default target if you only work with one
## Flow Project Support
Vaxe supports [Flow][github 13]
workflows. If a flow project is found, Vaxe will use it for builds and
completions. You can specify a default target if you only work with one
## Omni-completions
Vaxe provides an
[omnicompletion][sourceforge 4]
function that can use the haxe compiler in order to [display field
completions][haxe 3]. Visual Studio users will
recognize this as being similar to "intellisense".
You can trigger an omnicompletion (C-X C-O in Insert Mode) after the period at
the start of a field, submodule, or class access, or after the first
parentheses of a function invocation. See the [haxe
documentation][haxe 3] for more details.
### Active Targets: Dealing with --next
In some cases, an hxml file may specify multiple targets via a `--next`
directive. Vaxe will use the first target it finds in order to generate
completions. It is possible to specify a different target by
inserting a line like this into your hxml:
# display completions
If Vaxe finds that line, it will use that target to generate completions and
perform other miscellaneous tasks. The target that Vaxe uses is called the
"active" target here.
# HSS Support
Vaxe will also support the [hss][ncannasse] language,
with support for syntax highlighting, and compilation to css.
# Recommended Plugins/Additions/Config
Vaxe will work fine on its own, but it is designed to integrate cleanly with
a number of other bundles and plugins. Once again, it is recommended to use
pathogen, vundle, or vam to manage installation and updates.
## Misc Config
Vaxe provides a full completion specification for vim, which includes providing
function documentation via the [preview
window]( http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/windows.html#preview-window ).
This can be turned off with:
set completeopt=menu
This will only use the menu, and not the preview window. See ```:help
preview-window``` for more details.
Also, it is recommended that ```autowrite``` is set for haxe/hxml files.
Otherwise, completions will not be available as you type. See ```help
autowrite``` for more details. If autowrite is not set, Vaxe will return an
error message when completions are requested. It is possible to turn this off,
see the help for g:vaxe_completion_require_autowrite.
## Airline
Airline ( [by Bailey Ling][github 3]) is a handy
[status line][sourceforge 5]
replacement. I think it looks better, and provides a good deal more
functionality over a normal status line setting. Airline support is provided by
default in vaxe. Current support enables the display of the current hxml build
file. The hxml name has an empty star if it's in default mode (☆ ), and a
filled star if it's in project mode (★ ). You can disable all of this by
changing ```g:vaxe_enable_airline_defaults``` to 0.
Personally, I'm perfectly happy using airline, but If you're looking for support
for the original [powerline][github 4], you can
check [my repo][github 5]. The original
powerline version is more powerful, but much more difficult to install and
configure. Copy the configuration information from my linepower repo instead of
the configuration information from the main powerline repo in order to enable
the vaxe plugin.
## Tags
Vim has great support for
[ctags][sourceforge 6], which are really
useful for navigating a large code base.
You'll need to define some patterns for ctags in order for it to work with
Haxe. Put these lines in your `.ctags` file in your home directory:
--regex-haxe=/^[ \t]*((@:?[a-zA-Z]+)[ \t]+)*((inline|macro|override|private|public|static)[ \t]+)*function[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/\5/f,function/
--regex-haxe=/^[ \t]*((@:?[a-zA-Z]+)[ \t]+)*((inline|private|public|static)[ \t]+)*var[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/\5/v,variable/
--regex-haxe=/^[ \t]*package[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_\.]+)/\1/p,package/
--regex-haxe=/^[ \t]*((@:?[a-zA-Z]+)[ \t]+)*((extern|private)[ \t]+)?abstract[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)[ \t]*[^\{]*/\5/a,abstract/
--regex-haxe=/^[ \t]*((@:?[a-zA-Z]+)[ \t]+)*((extern|private)[ \t]+)?class[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)[ \t]*[^\{]*/\5/c,class/
--regex-haxe=/^[ \t]*((@:?[a-zA-Z]+)[ \t]+)*((extern|private)[ \t]+)?interface[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/\5/i,interface/
--regex-haxe=/^[ \t]*((private)[ \t]+)?typedef[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/\3/t,typedef/
--regex-haxe=/^[ \t]*enum[ \t]+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/\1/e,enum/
Vaxe can generate a set of tags specific to the given build by running:
This will feed the paths used by the compiler into ctags. Only the relevant
paths for the current target will be used.
Other utilities, like vaxe#ImportClass() can then use this tag information in
order to programmatically import classes. E.g. calling vaxe#ImportClass on
this line:
var l = new haxe.ds.StringMap<Int>();
will generate:
import haxe.ds.StringMap;
var l = new StringMap<Int>();
Keep in mind that jumping to files defined by ctags may jump to a location
outside of the current working directory. If you want to keep the reference
to you current hxml file when doing so, it is advised that you select a project
mode hxml with ```:ProjectHxml```.
## Tagbar
Using the ctags lines above, the
[Tagbar][github 6] bundle can display a nice
overview of the classes, methods, and variables in your current haxe file. You
do not need to call `vaxe#Ctags()` in order to use Tagbar, it works
automatically, but only for the current vaxe buffer.
## Syntastic
[Syntastic][github 7] is a popular bundle that
enables syntax errors to be displayed in a small gutter on the left of the
editor buffer. I've patched Syntastic to use vaxe compilation information for
haxe and hss, including errors and traces. All that is necessary is to install
the bundle.
## YouCompleteMe
[YouCompleteMe][github 8] (YCM) is a bundle that
provides completions for c-style languages. However, it has the ability to
provide support for other languages as well, such as the completion methods
provided through vaxe. Vaxe will let YCM use its completion methods
automatically, all that is required is that YCM (and its libraries) be compiled
and installed.
## Autocomplpop
[AutoComplPop][vim] is an
older vim script that automatically pops up a completion menu when an
omnicompletion is available. It should offer good basic completions using
pure vimscript. Vaxe will let ACP use its completion methods automatically.
## Neocomplcache
[Neocomplcache][github 9] is a plugin for vim
that can manage virtually any type of completion (omni, keyword, file, etc). It
can be tricky to set up, so follow their documentation carefully.
# Acknowledgements
* [Marc Weber][github 14] : Most of the early work for the bundle was
based off of his [vim-haxe bundle][github 10].
Some of the hss functionality comes from his work on
[scss-vim][github 11].
* [Ganesh Gunasegaran][github 15] : I based my hxml syntax file off of [his
* [Laurence Taylor][github 16] : I based my ctags description of of [his mailing list post]
[haxe 4]
* [Luca Deltodesco][github 17] : The main Haxe syntax file is based
off of [his version][github 12].
* [Roger Duran][github 18] : Provided suport for
[flow][github 19]
[github]: https://raw.github.com/jdonaldson/vaxe/master/doc/vaxe.txt
[github 10]: https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-haxe
[github 11]: https://github.com/cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim
[github 12]: https://gist.github.com/deltaluca/6330630
[github 13]: https://underscorediscovery.github.io/flow/
[github 14]: https://github.com/MarcWeber
[github 15]: https://github.com/itsgg
[github 16]: https://github.com/0b1kn00b
[github 17]: https://github.com/deltaluca
[github 18]: https://github.com/Roger
[github 19]: https://github.com/underscorediscovery/flow
[github 2]: https://github.com/openfl/lime
[github 3]: https://github.com/bling/vim-airline
[github 4]: https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline
[github 5]: https://github.com/jdonaldson/linepower.vim
[github 6]: http://majutsushi.github.com/tagbar/
[github 7]: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic
[github 8]: https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe
[github 9]: https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplcache
[haxe]: http://www.haxe.org
[haxe 2]: http://haxe.org/doc/compiler
[haxe 3]: http://haxe.org/manual/completion
[haxe 4]: http://haxe.org/forum/thread/3395#nabble-td3443583
[imgur]: http://i.imgur.com/JFvze.png
[imgur 2]: http://i.imgur.com/rc8vLi2.png
[motion-twin]: http://lists.motion-twin.com/pipermail/haxe/2008-July/018220.html
[ncannasse]: http://ncannasse.fr/projects/hss
[sourceforge]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'makeprg'
[sourceforge 2]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#'errorformat'
[sourceforge 3]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/quickfix.html#quickfix
[sourceforge 4]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/version7.html#new-omni-completion
[sourceforge 5]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/windows.html#status-line
[sourceforge 6]: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/tagsrch.html
[vim]: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1879
[wikipedia]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_(software)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
let unsupported_msg = 'Unsupported platform, send a note to the maintainer about adding support'
function! vaxe#SetWorkingDir()
exe 'cd "'.g:vaxe_working_directory.'"'
" Utility logging function
function! vaxe#Log(str)
if g:vaxe_logging
echomsg a:str
function! vaxe#CurrentTarget()
if exists("g:vaxe_lime_target")
return "g:vaxe_lime_target"
elseif exists("g:vaxe_flow_target")
return "g:vaxe_flow_target"
return ''
" Utility function to open the hxml file that vaxe is using.
function! vaxe#OpenHxml()
let vaxe_hxml = vaxe#CurrentBuild()
if filereadable(vaxe_hxml)
exe ':edit '.fnameescape(vaxe_hxml)
echoerr 'build not readable: '.vaxe_hxml
" Generate a nicely formatted build file name for powerline, etc.
function! vaxe#CurrentBuildPowerline()
let short_name = fnamemodify(vaxe#CurrentBuild(), ":.")
if len(short_name) > 0
let short_name = "☢ " . short_name
return short_name
function! vaxe#KillCacheServer()
if has('unix')
call system("kill ". g:vaxe_cache_server_pid)
unlet g:vaxe_cache_server_pid
echoerr unsupported_msg
function! vaxe#StartCacheServer()
if has('unix')
let haxe_version = vaxe#util#HaxeServerVersion()
if haxe_version != '0'
echomsg "Compilation server is already running on port "
\ . g:vaxe_cache_server_port
let pid = vaxe#util#SimpleSystem(g:vaxe_haxe_binary . " --wait "
\. g:vaxe_cache_server_port . "& echo $!")
if pid =~ '\v[0-9]+'
let g:vaxe_cache_server_pid = pid
echomsg "Started a haxe compilation cache server on port "
\ . g:vaxe_cache_server_port
\ . " with pid " . g:vaxe_cache_server_pid
autocmd VimLeavePre * call vaxe#KillCacheServer()
echoerr "Could not start haxe cache server."
\. "See docs for more details."
\. "(help vaxe-cache-server)"
echoerr unsupported_msg
" Utility function that tries to 'do the right thing' in order to import a
" given class. Call it on a given line in order to import a class definition
" at that line. E.g.
" var l = new haxe.FastList<Int>()
" becomes
" import haxe.FastList;
" ...
" var l = new FastList();
" You can also call this without a package prefix, and vaxe will try to look
" up packages that contain the (e.g. FastList) class name.
function! vaxe#ImportClass()
let match_parts = matchlist(getline('.'), '\(\(\l\+\.\)\+\)*\(\u\w*\)')
if len(match_parts)
let package = match_parts[1]
" get rid of the period at the end of the package declaration.
let package = substitute(package, "\.$",'','g')
let class = match_parts[3]
if search("^\\s*import\\s*\\(\\a\\+\\.\\)*".class, 's') > 0
echomsg "Class has already been imported"
let file_packages = {}
let file_classes = {}
if package == ''
for val in taglist(".")
if val['kind'] == 'p'
let file_packages[val['filename']] = val['name']
elseif val['kind'] == 'c' || val['kind'] == 't' || val['kind'] == 'i'
if val['name'] == class
let file_classes[val['filename']] = val['name']
let packages = []
for file in keys(file_classes)
if has_key(file_packages, file)
let packages = packages + [file_packages[file]]
if len(packages) == 0
echomsg "No packages found in ctags"
let package = packages[0]
if len(packages) > 1
let package = vaxe#util#InputList("Select package", packages)
if package == ''
echomsg "No package found for class"
let oldpos = getpos('.')
let importline = search("^\\s*import")
if importline == 0
let importline = search("^\\s*package")
call cursor(oldpos[1], oldpos[2])
let fixed = substitute(getline('.'), package.'\.', '','g')
call setline(line('.'), fixed)
call append(importline,['import '.package.'.'.class.';'])
call cursor(oldpos[1]+1, oldpos[2])
" A function suitable for omnifunc
function! vaxe#HaxeComplete(findstart, base)
" ERROR: no python
if !has("python") && !has("python3")
echoerr 'Vaxe requires python for completions'
return []
" EXIT: trace does not have function argument completion
let linepart = strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.'))
if match(linepart, "trace($") > 0
return []
" EXIT: comments/constants shouldn't be completed
let syntax_type = synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name")
if syntax_type == 'Comment' || syntax_type == 'Constant'
return []
call s:HandleWriteEvent()
if a:findstart
let line = getline('.')
let period = strridx(line, '.')
let paren = strridx(line, '(')
if (period == paren)
return -1
let basecol = max([period,paren]) + 1
return basecol
return s:FormatDisplayCompletion(a:base)
" A function that will search for valid hxml in the current working directory
" and allow the user to select the right candidate. The selection will
" enable 'project mode' for vaxe.
function! vaxe#ProjectHxml(...)
if exists('g:vaxe_hxml')
unlet g:vaxe_hxml
let g:vaxe_working_directory = getcwd()
if a:0 > 0 && a:1 != ''
let g:vaxe_hxml = expand(a:1,':p')
let hxmls = split(glob("**/*.hxml"),'\n')
if len(hxmls) == 0
echoerr "No hxml files found in current working directory"
let base_hxml = vaxe#util#InputList("Select Hxml", hxmls)
if base_hxml !~ "^\([a-zA-Z]:\)\=[/\\]"
let base_hxml = getcwd() . '/' . base_hxml
let g:vaxe_hxml = base_hxml
if !filereadable(g:vaxe_hxml)
echoerr "Project build file not valid, please create one."
call vaxe#SetCompiler()
return g:vaxe_hxml
" A function that runs on a hx filetype load. It will set the default hxml
" path if the project hxml or lime are not set.
function! vaxe#AutomaticHxml()
if exists ("g:vaxe_lime")
call vaxe#lime#ProjectLime(g:vaxe_lime)
elseif exists ("g:vaxe_flow")
call vaxe#flow#ProjectFlow(g:vaxe_flow)
elseif exists('g:vaxe_hxml')
call vaxe#ProjectHxml(g:vaxe_hxml)
elseif exists('g:vaxe_skip_hxml')
call vaxe#DefaultHxml()
" A function that sets the default hxml located in the parent directories of
" the current buffer.
function! vaxe#DefaultHxml(...)
" unlet any existing hxml variables
if exists('b:vaxe_hxml')
unlet b:vaxe_hxml
"First check if an hxml/lime/flow was passed explicitly
if a:0 > 0 && a:1 != ''
if match(a:1,'\.hxml$')
let b:vaxe_hxml = a:1
elseif match(a:1,'\.xml$')
let g:vaxe_lime = a:1
elseif match(a:1,'\.lime$' )
let g:vaxe_lime = a:1
elseif match(a:1,'\.flow$' )
let g:vaxe_flow = a:1
else " check if there's a lime/flow in the parent roots...
let base_build = vaxe#util#ParentSearch(
\ g:vaxe_default_parent_search_patterns
\ , fnamemodify(expand("%"),":p:h"))
if (base_build != '')
let base_builds = split(base_build,'\n')
if g:vaxe_prefer_first_in_directory
let base_build = base_builds[0]
let base_build = vaxe#util#InputList("Select build file", base_builds)
if base_build !~ '^\([a-zA-Z]:\)\=[/\\]'
let base_build = getcwd() . '/' . base_build
if base_build =~ '\.lime' || base_build =~ '\.xml'
let b:vaxe_lime = base_build
call vaxe#lime#BuildLimeHxml(b:vaxe_lime)
elseif base_build =~ '\.xml'
let b:vaxe_lime = base_build
call vaxe#lime#BuildLimeHxml(b:vaxe_lime)
elseif base_build =~ '\.flow'
let b:vaxe_flow = base_build
call vaxe#flow#BuildFlowHxml(b:vaxe_flow)
let b:vaxe_hxml = base_build
if !exists('b:vaxe_hxml')
let b:vaxe_hxml = ''
if !filereadable(b:vaxe_hxml)
if b:vaxe_hxml == expand("%")
" hxml has been opened, but not written yet
" Set an autocmd to set the hxml after the buffer is written
augroup temp_hxml
autocmd BufWritePost <buffer> call vaxe#DefaultHxml(expand("%"))| autocmd! temp_hxml
augroup END
echomsg "Default build file not valid: " . b:vaxe_hxml
let g:vaxe_working_directory = fnamemodify(b:vaxe_hxml, ":p:h")
" set quickfix to jump to working directory before populating list
" this is necessary since use may cd to different directories during
" session
autocmd QuickFixCmdPre <buffer> exe 'cd ' . fnameescape(g:vaxe_working_directory)
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost <buffer> cd -
call vaxe#SetCompiler()
" Returns the hxml file that should be used for compilation or completion
function! vaxe#CurrentBuild()
let vaxe_hxml = ''
if exists('g:vaxe_hxml')
let vaxe_hxml = g:vaxe_hxml
elseif exists('b:vaxe_hxml')
let vaxe_hxml = b:vaxe_hxml
return vaxe_hxml
" Sets the makeprg
function! vaxe#SetCompiler()
if !g:vaxe_set_makeprg
let abspath = []
let escaped_wd = fnameescape(g:vaxe_working_directory)
let dirs = split(&tags, ",")
if !match(dirs, g:vaxe_working_directory)
let &tags = &tags . ',' . g:vaxe_working_directory
if exists("g:vaxe_lime") || exists("b:vaxe_lime")
let build_verb = "build"
if g:vaxe_lime_test_on_build
let build_verb = "test"
let build_command = "cd " . escaped_wd . " && "
\."lime ".build_verb." ". g:vaxe_lime_target . " 2>&1"
elseif exists("g:vaxe_flow") || exists("b:vaxe_flow")
let build_command = "cd " . escaped_wd . " && "
\."haxelib run flow build " . g:vaxe_flow_target . " 2>&1"
let vaxe_hxml = vaxe#CurrentBuild()
let escaped_hxml = fnameescape(vaxe_hxml)
call vaxe#Log("vaxe_hxml: " . vaxe_hxml)
let build_command = "cd " . escaped_wd ." &&"
\. g:vaxe_haxe_binary . " " . escaped_hxml . " 2>&1"
if filereadable(vaxe_hxml)
let lines = readfile(vaxe_hxml)
let &l:makeprg = build_command
let &l:errorformat="%W%f:%l: characters %c-%*[0-9] : Warning : %m
\,%E%f:%l: characters %c-%*[0-9] : %m
\,%E%f:%l: lines %*[0-9]-%*[0-9] : %m"
" if g:vaxe_trace_absolute_path is specified, then traces contain useful
" path information, and errorfmt can use it to jump to the file/folder
" location
if (g:vaxe_trace_absolute_path)
let &l:errorformat .= ",%I%f:%l: %m"
" generic catch-all regex that will grab misc stdout
let &l:errorformat .= ",%I%m"
" returns a list of compiler class paths
function! vaxe#CompilerClassPaths()
let output_phrase = "\n--no-output"
if g:vaxe_completion_write_compiler_output
let output_phrase = ""
let complete_args = vaxe#CurrentBlockHxml()
let complete_args.= "\n"."-v".output_phrase
let complete_args = join(split(complete_args,"\n"),' ')
let vaxe_hxml = vaxe#CurrentBuild()
let hxml_cd = fnameescape(fnamemodify(vaxe_hxml,":p:h"))
let hxml_sys = "cd\ ".hxml_cd."; " . g:vaxe_haxe_binary . " ".complete_args."\ 2>&1"
let voutput = system(hxml_sys)
let raw_path = split(voutput,"\n")[0]
let raw_path = substitute(raw_path, "Classpath :", "","")
let paths = split(raw_path,';')
let paths = filter(paths,'v:val != "/" && v:val != ""')
if len(paths) == 1
echoerr "The compiler exited with an error: ". paths[0]
return []
let unique_paths = vaxe#util#UniqueList(paths)
return unique_paths
" Calls ctags on the list of compiler class paths
function! vaxe#Ctags()
let paths = vaxe#CompilerClassPaths()
if (len(paths) > 0)
let fixed_paths = []
for p in paths
" escape spaces in paths
let p = fnameescape(p)
if p =~ "/std/$"
"this is the target std dir. We need to alter use it to add some
"global std utility paths, and avoid the target paths.
let fixed_paths = fixed_paths + [p.'haxe/', p.'sys/', p.'tools/', p.'*.hx']
elseif p =~ "/_std/$"
"this is the selected target paths, we can exclude the _std path
"that includes target specific implementations of std classes.
let p = substitute(p, "_std/$", "","g")
let fixed_paths = fixed_paths + [p]
elseif p =~ "^\./$"
"this is an alt representation of the working dir, we don't
"need it
"this is a normal path (haxelib, or via -cp)
let fixed_paths = fixed_paths + [p]
let pathstr = join( fixed_paths,' ')
let vaxe_hxml = vaxe#CurrentBuild()
" get the hxml name so we can cd to its directory
" TODO: this probably needs to be user specified
let hxml_cd = fnamemodify(vaxe_hxml,":p:h")
let hxml_cd = substitute(hxml_cd, " ", "\\\\ ", "g")
" call ctags recursively on the directories
let hxml_sys = " cd " . hxml_cd . ";"
\." ctags --languages=haxe --exclude=_std -R " . pathstr. ";"
call vaxe#Log(hxml_sys)
call system(hxml_sys)
" Generate inline compiler declarations for the given target from the relevant
" build hxml string. Remove any flags that generate unnecessary output or activity.
function! s:CurrentBlockHxml(hxml_str)
let parts = split(a:hxml_str, '--next')
if len(parts) == 0
let parts = [a:hxml_str]
let complete = filter(copy(parts), 'v:val =~ "#\\s*display completions"')
if len(complete) == 0
let complete = parts
let result = complete[0]
" add some optional hxml commands that are useful for vaxe
if (g:vaxe_trace_absolute_path)
let result = result . "\n-D absolute_path"
if (g:vaxe_completion_disable_optimizations)
let result = result . "\n-D no-copt"
let result = result . "\n-D --no-output"
return s:SanitizeHxml(result)
" clean up hxml in string form by removing -(cmd|v|xml) directives
" also escape spaces in arguments
function! s:SanitizeHxml(complete_string)
let parts = split(a:complete_string,"\n")
let fixed = []
for p in parts
let p = substitute(p, '#.*','','') " strip comments
let p = substitute(p, '\s*$', '', '') " strip trailing ws
" strip cmd\xml\verbose\times directives
let p = substitute(p, '^\s*-\(cmd\|xml\|v\|-times\)\s*.*', '', '')
" fnameescape directives
let p = substitute(p, '^\s*\(--\?[a-z0-9\-]\+\)\s*\(.*\)$', '\=submatch(1)." ".escape(fnameescape(submatch(2)), "()")', '')
call add(fixed, p)
return join(fixed,"\n")
function! vaxe#CurrentBuildPlatform()
let block = vaxe#CurrentBlockHxml()
if (block =~ "-as3")
return "as3"
elseif (block =~ "-cpp")
return "cpp"
elseif (block =~ "-cs")
return "cs"
elseif (block =~ "-js")
return "js"
elseif (block =~ "-java")
return "java"
elseif (block =~ "-swf")
return "swf"
elseif (block =~ "-php")
return "php"
elseif (block =~ "-py")
return "python"
elseif (block =~ "-lua")
return "lua"
elseif (block =~ "-hl")
return "hashlink"
elseif (block =~ "-neko" || block =~ "-x ")
return "neko"
return "unknown"
function! vaxe#CurrentBlockHxml()
let vaxe_hxml = vaxe#CurrentBuild()
if (!filereadable(vaxe_hxml))
return ''
let hxml_str = join(readfile(vaxe_hxml),"\n")
return s:CurrentBlockHxml(hxml_str)
" Returns hxml that is suitable for making a --display completion call
function! s:CompletionHxml(file_name, byte_count)
" the stripped down haxe compiler command (no -cmd, etc.)
let stripped = vaxe#CurrentBlockHxml()
if (g:vaxe_cache_server)
" let stripped \. stripped " the stripped hxml
let stripped = "--cwd " . fnameescape(g:vaxe_working_directory)
\. " \n--connect "
\. g:vaxe_cache_server_port
\. " \n" . stripped
return stripped."\n--display ".fnameescape(a:file_name).'@'.a:byte_count
if g:vaxe_haxe_version >=3
function! vaxe#JumpToDefinition()
let output = []
let extra = "\n-D display-mode=position"
let complete_output = s:RawCompletion(b:vaxe_hxml, extra)
" execute the python completion script in autoload/vaxe.py
call vaxe#Log(complete_output)
exec g:vaxe_py . "locations('complete_output','output')"
let output_str = join(output, '\n')
" ignore the write requests generated by completions
function! s:HandleWriteEvent()
let events = ''
let old_ignore = &l:eventignore
if (g:vaxe_completion_prevent_bufwrite_events)
let events = "BufWritePost,BufWritePre,BufWriteCmd"
if (&l:eventignore)
let &l:eventignore = &l:eventignore . ',' . events
let &l:eventignore = events
if (&autowriteall)
exe ":silent wall"
elseif (&autowrite)
exe ":silent update"
let &l:eventignore = old_ignore
" a 'raw completion' function that will just return unformatted output
" pass extra string options to append to the current hxml
function! s:RawCompletion(vaxe_hxml, extra_string)
let offset = line2byte('.') + col('.') -2
" handle the BOM
if &bomb
let offset += 3
let complete_args = s:CompletionHxml(expand("%:p"), offset)
let complete_args = complete_args . ' ' . a:extra_string
let hxml_cd = "cd\ \"".fnamemodify(a:vaxe_hxml,":p:h"). "\""
if has('win32')
let hxml_cd = hxml_cd. "&"
let hxml_cd = hxml_cd. ";"
if exists("g:vaxe_hxml")
let hxml_cd = ''
let hxml_sys = hxml_cd." " . g:vaxe_haxe_binary ." ".complete_args."\ 2>&1"
let hxml_sys = join(split(hxml_sys,"\n")," ")
call vaxe#Log(hxml_sys)
let complete_output = system(hxml_sys)
return complete_output
" Shows an error result in the completion list. Or, if this isn't possible,
" shows a normal error
function! s:ShowCompletionError(title, msg)
if(&cot =~ 'menuone')
return [{"word" : "", "abbr" : a:title, "menu" : a:msg, "empty" : 1}]
echoerr a:title.' '.a:msg
return []
" The main completion function that invokes the compiler, etc.
function! s:FormatDisplayCompletion(base)
if g:vaxe_completion_require_autowrite && !(&autowrite || &autowriteall)
return s:ShowCompletionError("Vim configuration error: ", "Please ':set autowrite' for haxe completion to work properly ")
let vaxe_hxml = vaxe#CurrentBuild()
if !filereadable(vaxe_hxml)
return s:ShowCompletionError("Compiler error: ", "No valid build file")
let complete_output = s:RawCompletion(vaxe_hxml, '')
" quick and dirty check for error
let tag = complete_output[1:4]
if tag != "type" && tag != "list" && tag != "pos>"
let error = complete_output[:len(complete_output)-2]
if type(error) != type("")
return s:ShowCompletionError("Compiler error: ", "No valid output was received from completion request")
cgete error
return s:ShowCompletionError( "Compiler error: ", error)
let output = []
call vaxe#Log('compiler output: ' . complete_output)
" execute the python completion script in autoload/vaxe.py
execute g:vaxepy . "complete('complete_output','output'
\, 'a:base', 'g:vaxe_completion_alter_signature'
\, 'g:vaxe_completion_collapse_overload')"
call vaxe#Log("display elements: " . len(output))
for o in output
let tag = ''
if has_key(o,'info')
let o['info'] = join(o['info'],"\n")
if has_key(o,'menu')
let o['info'] = o['info'] . "\n " . o['menu']
return output

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
function! vaxe#flow#Targets(...)
return s:flow_targets
function! vaxe#flow#ProjectFlow(...)
if exists('g:vaxe_flow')
unlet g:vaxe_flow
let g:vaxe_working_directory = getcwd()
if a:0 > 0 && a:1 != ''
let g:vaxe_flow = expand(a:1,':p')
let flows = split(glob("**/*.flow"),'\n')
if len(flows) == 0
echoerr "No flow/openfl project files found in current working directory"
let base_flow = vaxe#util#InputList("Select flow", flows)
if base_flow !~ "^\([a-zA-Z]:\)\=[/\\]"
let base_flow = getcwd() . '/' . base_flow
echomsg 'Project flow selected: ' . base_flow
let g:vaxe_flow = base_flow
if !filereadable(g:vaxe_flow)
echoerr "Project flow file not valid, please create one."
call vaxe#flow#BuildFlowHxml(g:vaxe_flow)
call vaxe#SetCompiler()
return g:vaxe_flow
function! vaxe#flow#Clean(...)
if (a:0 && a:1 != '')
let target = split(a:1)[0]
let target = g:vaxe_flow_target
let command = "flow clean ".target
call vaxe#Log(command)
call s:Sys(command)
function! vaxe#flow#RebuildHxml()
if exists("b:vaxe_flow")
call vaxe#flow#BuildFlowHxml(b:vaxe_flow)
"A simple system function that first changes directory to the current vaxe
"working directory
function! s:Sys(cmd)
call system("cd ".g:vaxe_working_directory." && ".a:cmd)
function! vaxe#flow#BuildFlowHxml(flow)
let base_hxml = a:flow.".hxml"
if !strlen(g:vaxe_flow_target)
call vaxe#flow#Target(a:flow)
let g:vaxe_working_directory = fnamemodify(a:flow, ":p:h")
let cdcmd = 'cd "'.fnameescape(g:vaxe_working_directory).'" && '
"create the flow.hxml if not present
if !filereadable(base_hxml)
" pipe flow display to an hxml for completions
let escape_base = fnameescape(base_hxml)
call s:Sys(" echo '# THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED BY VAXE, ANY EDITS ARE DISCARDED' " . " > " . escape_base)
call s:Sys(" haxelib run flow info " . g:vaxe_flow_target . " --hxml "
\. " >> " . escape_base )
let b:vaxe_hxml = base_hxml
" let g:vaxe_hxml = b:vaxe_hxml " don't set a global projet var by default
"Sets the target. If target is missing it asks the user. Also updates the
"makeprg compiler command
function! vaxe#flow#Target(flow, ...)
let g:vaxe_flow_target = ''
if a:0 > 1 && a:2 != ''
let g:vaxe_flow_target = a:2
let g:vaxe_flow_target = vaxe#util#InputList("Select flow Target", s:flow_targets)
let g:vaxe_flow_target = split(g:vaxe_flow_target, ":")[0]
call vaxe#flow#BuildFlowHxml(a:flow)
call vaxe#SetCompiler()
" A list of all the flow targets
let s:flow_targets = [ "android : Create Google Android applications"
\, "web : Create HTML5 webgl applications"
\, "ios : Create Apple iOS applications"
\, "linux --arch 32 : Create Linux 32-bit applications"
\, "linux --arch 64 : Create Linux 64-bit applications"
\, "mac --arch 32 : Create Apple Mac OS X 32-bit applications"
\, "mac --arch 64 : Create Apple Mac OS X 64-bit applications"
\, "windows --arch 32 : Create Microsoft Windows 32-bit applications"
\, "windows --arch 64 : Create Microsoft Windows 64-bit applications"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
" Taken from Marc Weber's scss indent script:
" https://github.com/cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim/blob/master/autoload/scss_indent.vim
" usage:
" set indentexpr=scss_indent#GetIndent(v:lnum)
fun! vaxe#hss#GetIndent(lnum)
" { -> increase indent
" } -> decrease indent
if a:lnum == 1
" start at 0 indentation
return 0
" try to find last line ending with { or }
" ignoring // comments
let regex = '\([{}]\)\%(\/\/.*\)\?$'
let nr = search(regex, 'bnW')
if nr > 0
let last = indent(nr)
let m = matchlist(getline(nr), regex)
let m_curr = matchlist(getline(a:lnum), regex)
echoe string(m).string(m_curr)
if !empty(m_curr) && m_curr[1] == '}' && m[1] == '{'
" last was open, current is close, use same indent
return last
elseif !empty(m_curr) && m_curr[1] == '}' && m[1] == '}'
" } line and last line was }: decrease
return last - &sw
if m[1] == '{'
" line after {: increase indent
return last + &sw
" line after } or { - same indent
return last
return 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
function! vaxe#lime#Targets(...)
return s:lime_targets
function! vaxe#lime#Update(...)
if (a:0 && a:1 != '')
let target = split(a:1)[0]
let target = g:vaxe_lime_target
let command = "lime update ".target
call vaxe#Log(command)
call s:Sys(command)
function! vaxe#lime#ProjectLime(...)
if exists('g:vaxe_lime')
unlet g:vaxe_lime
let g:vaxe_working_directory = getcwd()
if a:0 > 0 && a:1 != ''
let g:vaxe_lime = expand(a:1,':p')
let limes = split(glob("**/*.lime"),'\n')
if len(limes) == 0
" look for legacy xml files as well...
let limes = split(glob("**/*.xml"),'\n')
if len(limes) == 0
echoerr "No lime/openfl project files found in current working directory"
let base_lime = vaxe#util#InputList("Select Lime", limes)
if base_lime !~ "^\([a-zA-Z]:\)\=[/\\]"
let base_lime = getcwd() . '/' . base_lime
echomsg 'Project lime selected: ' . base_lime
let g:vaxe_lime = base_lime
if !filereadable(g:vaxe_lime)
echoerr "Project lime file not valid, please create one."
call vaxe#lime#BuildLimeHxml(g:vaxe_lime)
call vaxe#SetCompiler()
return g:vaxe_lime
function! vaxe#lime#Clean(...)
if (a:0 && a:1 != '')
let target = split(a:1)[0]
let target = g:vaxe_lime_target
let command = "lime clean ".target
call vaxe#Log(command)
call s:Sys(command)
function! vaxe#lime#RebuildHxml()
if exists("b:vaxe_lime")
call vaxe#lime#BuildLimeHxml(b:vaxe_lime)
"A simple system function that first changes directory to the current vaxe
"working directory
function! s:Sys(cmd)
call system("cd ".g:vaxe_working_directory." && ".a:cmd)
function! vaxe#lime#BuildLimeHxml(lime)
let base_hxml = a:lime.".hxml"
if !strlen(g:vaxe_lime_target)
call vaxe#lime#Target(a:lime)
let g:vaxe_working_directory = fnamemodify(a:lime, ":p:h")
let cdcmd = 'cd "'.fnameescape(g:vaxe_working_directory).'" && '
"create the lime.hxml if not present
if !filereadable(base_hxml)
" pipe lime display to an hxml for completions
let escape_base = fnameescape(base_hxml)
call s:Sys(" echo '# THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED BY VAXE, ANY EDITS ARE DISCARDED' " . " > " . escape_base)
call s:Sys(" lime display " . g:vaxe_lime_target
\. " >> " . escape_base )
" create the boilerplate code if missing
let simple_target = split(g:vaxe_lime_target)[0]
let output_dir = g:vaxe_working_directory."/Export/".simple_target.'/bin/'
if (!isdirectory(g:vaxe_working_directory."/Export/".simple_target.'/bin'))
" build the assets dependencies
call system(cdcmd . " lime update " . g:vaxe_lime_target)
let b:vaxe_hxml = base_hxml
" let g:vaxe_hxml = b:vaxe_hxml " don't set a global projet var by default
"Sets the target. If target is missing it asks the user. Also updates the
"makeprg compiler command
function! vaxe#lime#Target(lime, ...)
let g:vaxe_lime_target = ''
if a:0 > 1 && a:2 != ''
let g:vaxe_lime_target = a:2
let g:vaxe_lime_target = vaxe#util#InputList("Select Lime Target", s:lime_targets)
let g:vaxe_lime_target = split(g:vaxe_lime_target, ":")[0]
call vaxe#lime#BuildLimeHxml(a:lime)
call vaxe#SetCompiler()
" A list of all the lime targets
let s:lime_targets = [ "android : Create Google Android applications"
\, "android -arm7 : Compile for arm-7a and arm5"
\, "android -arm7-only : Compile for arm-7a for testing"
\, "blackberry : Create BlackBerry applications"
\, "blackberry -simulator : Build/test for the device simulator"
\, "flash : Create SWF applications for Adobe Flash Player"
\, "html5 : Create HTML5 canvas applications"
\, "html5 -minify : Minify output using the Google Closure compiler"
\, "html5 -minify -yui : Minify output using the YUI compressor"
\, "ios : Create Apple iOS applications"
\, "ios -simulator : Build/test for the device simulator"
\, "ios -simulator -ipad : Build/test for the iPad Simulator"
\, "linux : Create Linux applications"
\, "linux -64 : Compile for 64-bit instead of 32-bit"
\, "linux -neko : Build with Neko instead of C++"
\, "linux -neko -64 : Build with Neko 64-bit instead of C++"
\, "mac : Create Apple Mac OS X applications"
\, "mac -neko : Build with Neko instead of C++"
\, "mac -neko -64 : Build with Neko 64-bit instead of C++"
\, "webos : Create HP webOS applications"
\, "windows : Create Microsoft Windows applications"
\, "windows -neko : Build with Neko instead of C++"
\, "windows -neko -64 : Build with Neko 64-bit instead of C++" ]
" -D : Specify a define to use when processing other commands
" -debug : Use debug configuration instead of release
" -verbose : Print additional information (when available)
" -clean : Add a "clean" action before running the current command
" (display) -hxml : Print HXML information for the project
" (display) -lime : Print lime information for the project

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
"Vaxe utility functions (vutil)
" Utility function that recursively searches parent directories for 'dir'
" until a file matching "pattern" is found.
function! vaxe#util#ParentSearch(patterns, dir)
let current_dir = fnamemodify(a:dir,":p:h")
let last_dir = ''
while(current_dir != last_dir)
let last_dir = current_dir
for p in a:patterns
let match = globpath(current_dir, p)
if match != ''
return match
let current_dir = fnamemodify(current_dir, ":p:h:h")
return ''
" returns the current running haxe version on the cache server
function! vaxe#util#HaxeServerVersion()
let response = vaxe#util#SimpleSystem("haxe --connect "
\ . g:vaxe_cache_server_port . ' -version' )
if response =~ '\v^([0-9]\.)*[0-9]$'
return response
return '0'
function! vaxe#util#Strip(str)
return substitute(a:str, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '')
function! vaxe#util#SimpleSystem(cmd)
let lines = system(a:cmd)
let firstline = split(lines,'\n')[0]
return vaxe#util#Strip(firstline)
" ye olde default config setter
function! vaxe#util#Config(name, default)
if !exists(a:name)
return a:default
return eval(a:name)
" Utility function that lets users select from a list. If list is length 1,
" then that item is returned. Uses tlib#inpu#List if available.
function! vaxe#util#InputList(label, items)
if len(a:items) == 1
return a:items[0]
if exists("g:loaded_tlib")
return tlib#input#List("s", a:label, a:items)
let items_list = map(range(len(a:items)),'(v:val+1)." ".a:items[v:val]')
let items_list = [a:label] + items_list
let sel = inputlist(items_list)
" 0 is the label. If that is returned, just use the first item in the
" list instead
if sel == 0
let sel = 1
return a:items[sel-1]
" Utility function that returns a list of unique values in the list argument.
function! vaxe#util#UniqueList(items)
let d = {}
for v in a:items
let d[v] = 1
return keys(d)

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
" Vim compiler file
" Compiler: haxe
" Maintainer: Justin Donaldson <jdonaldson@gmail.com>
" select a build file if none is available
" this function sets the makeprg and errorformat
if !exists("b:vaxe_hxml")
call vaxe#AutomaticHxml()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
*vaxe.txt* A plugin for working with the Haxe language. For Vim version 7.3
Author: Justin Donaldson <jdonaldson@gmail.com> *vaxe-author*
License: WTFPL (see |vaxe-license|)
CONTENTS *vaxe-contents*
|vaxe-introduction| Introduction and Feature Summary
|vaxe-commands| Commands
|vaxe-functions| Functions
|vaxe-settings| Settings
|compiler-vaxe| Compiler
{Incompatible with Vi}
This plugin adds basic support for Haxe syntax, indenting, and compiling. In
addition, it provides functions and features for advanced vim features such as
|omnifunc|, |makeprg|, and |ctags|, as well as supporting useful bundles such
as |tagbar|, |neocomplcache|, |snipmate|, and |powerline|. Also included is
syntax and support for Hxml.
Vaxe uses the Haxe compiler extensively to determine code completions, and
generate various metadata. The compiler, in turn, uses sequences of compiler
directives in "hxml" files in order to specify build and output options,
similar to gnu makefiles. To trigger completions manually, use CTRL-X CTRL-O
after the period following a field or module. This will trigger the |omnifunc|.
Vaxe has two different "build modes" that designate how to find the hxml
file, as well as how to set up the |makeprg|. If you're working with simple
projects, then the default mode will work just fine. If you have a complex
project structure with many different sub-builds, then you may want to consider
using |vaxe-project-mode|. You can set up an autocommand to set the project
:autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /project/* vaxe#ProjectHxml("/project/project.hxml")
Keep in mind that the project mode will persist throughout your entire session.
If you wish to exit project mode, use the DefaultHxml command, or
vaxe#DefaultHxml function. Also, the quickfix list and related compiler
information will always be in relation to the working directory at compilation
time. It is a good idea to keep an hxml file in the root of your working
directory, and use vaxe to invoke the compiler there.
If you need to change the name of the hxml file often, it may be a good idea
to print the name of the build file in your statusline, to remind you which
file is being used for "make" and completions:
:autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.hx set statusline+=\ build:\ %{vaxe#CurrentBuild()}
BUILD MODES *vaxe-build*
Default *vaxe-default-mode*
This mode is used automatically any time a *.hx file
is opened. It can be retriggered by calling
|vaxe#DefaultHxml|. Vaxe will search the project
path for the preferred file indicated by
If it finds a preferred build file in the parent
directories of the currently edited file, it will set
a b:vaxe_hxml variable for the current buffer.
It sets a |makeprg| that has the following behavior:
It will cd to the discovered hxml directory, call the
compiler with the hxml, and redirect errors to
standard out.
Project *vaxe-project-mode*
This mode is used when |vaxe#ProjectHxml| is called.
It will set a g:vaxe_hxml variable that will
override any b:vaxe_hxml variables set by the default
method. It also sets a |makeprg| that simply executes
the haxe compiler in the working directory,
and redirects errors to standard out. Project mode
assumes that you will keep the same working directory
throughout your vim session.
Lime Project *vaxe-lime-mode*
This mode is used when |vaxe#lime#ProjectLime| is
called, or if an lime file is detected on startup. it
will set a g:vaxe_lime variable that will override any
b:vaxe_lime variables set by the default method. it
also sets a |makeprg| that simply executes the lime
command in the working directory, and redirects errors
to standard out. Lime mode assumes that you will keep
the same working directory throughout your vim session.
when this mode is active, an hxml file is generated
that contains information used for completions. it
will be named the same as the selectd lime file, and be
located in the same directory, but will have an hxml
Flow Project *vaxe-flow-mode*
This mode is used when |vaxe#flow#ProjectFlow| is
called, or if an flow file is detected on startup. it
will set a g:vaxe_flow variable that will override any
b:vaxe_flow variables set by the default method. it
also sets a |makeprg| that simply executes the flow
command in the working directory, and redirects errors
to standard out. Flow mode assumes that you will keep
the same working directory throughout your vim session.
when this mode is active, an hxml file is generated
that contains information used for completions. it
will be named the same as the selectd flow file, and be
located in the same directory, but will have an hxml
Set |g:vaxe_cache_server| to 1 in order to enable a cache server for
compilation. The haxe compiler will cache unchanged modules, which will
greatly speed up the compilation of larger projects. It is currently only
supported on unix/darwin targets.
Currently, it only supports unix-based systems, and is only used during
compiler-based completion requests (not for builds).
The server will be killed upon exiting vim. You can also kill it with
|KillHaxeCompletionServer|, and start it again with |StartHaxeCompletionServer|.
HAXE COMMANDS *vaxe-commands*
|DefaultHXML| Call the |vaxe#DefaultHxml| function. Accepts an
optional single argument that will specify the hxml,
lime or flow project file to use.
|ProjectHXML| Call the |vaxe#ProjectHxml| function. Accepts an
optional single argument that will specify the hxml to
|VaxeCtags| Call the |vaxe#Ctags| function
|VaxeToggleLogging| Turns vaxe logging on/off (logs to :message)
Starts the Haxe completion server
Stops the Haxe completion server
LIME COMMANDS *vaxe-lime-commands*
There's a number of lime-specific commands that closely match the command
line counterparts. LimeTarget,Clean,Update all accept an optional target
argument. The argument can be tab-completed. If a target is not specified
with LimeTarget, one will be chosen from an input list.
|ProjectLime| Call the |vaxe#ProjectLime| function. Accepts an
optional single argument that will specify the lime to
|LimeTarget| Call the |vaxe#lime#Target| function.
|LimeClean| Call the |vaxe#lime#Clean| function.
|LimeUpdate| Call the |vaxe#lime#Update| function.
|LimeRebuildHxml| Call the |vaxe#lime#RebuildHxml| function.
FLOW COMMANDS *vaxe-flow-commands*
There's a number of flow-specific commands that closely match the command
line counterparts. FlowTarget,Clean all accept an optional target
argument. The argument can be tab-completed. If a target is not specified
with FlowTarget, one will be chosen from an input list.
|ProjectFlow| Call the |vaxe#ProjectFlow| function. Accepts an
optional single argument that will specify the flow to
|FlowTarget| Call the |vaxe#flow#Target| function.
|FlowClean| Call the |vaxe#flow#Clean| function.
|FlowRebuildHxml| Call the |vaxe#flow#RebuildHxml| function.
VAXE COMPLETION SERVER COMMANDS *vaxe-completion-server-commands*
These are commands for starting and stopping the completion server. If you
wish to set defaults for the completion server, check |cache server settings|.
|VaxeStartServer| Starts the completion server
|VaxeStopServer| Stops the completion server
FUNCTIONS *vaxe-functions*
Retrieve the class paths for the current build target.
*vaxe#Ctags* Generate a ctags file for the current build target.
This function will use the compiler class paths for the
current build, which will include all standard
libraries, as well as libraries from included haxelibs.
vaxe also provides a tag description file that can
be used with |tagbar| if it is installed.
*vaxe#CurrentBuild* Returns the current active project build file if it
is specified, else it will return the default build
file name if it exists. Accepts a single argument that
will specify the hxml to use.
*vaxe#DefaultHxml* Find the preferred build file recursively in the
parents of the working directory. This function is
called automatically whenever any hx file is opened.
Accepts a single optional argument that will specify
the hxml (or lime/flow project) to use.
*vaxe#HaxeComplete* The |omnifunc| provided for vaxe.
*vaxe#OpenHxml* Open the current build file specified with
|vaxe#DefaultHxml|, or |vaxe#ProjectHxml|. You can
easily add this function to a trigger:
map <leader>oh :call vaxe#OpenHxml()<CR>
*vaxe#ProjectHxml* Find and select hxml files in the working directory.
Selecting a file with this method will enter
|vaxe-project-mode|. If you have installed |tlib|,
then it will use |tlib#input#List| to select hxml
candidates. If you call this often, it makes sense to
map it to a leader action:
map <leader>ph : call vaxe#ProjectHxml()<CR>
*vaxe#ImportClass* Calling this function on a given line will try to
import any classes that are given for the line. E.g.
for this line:
var l = new haxe.FastList<Int>();
vaxe#ImportClass() will try to find the FastList
definition, and import it:
import haxe.FastList;
var l = new FastList<Int>();
If you're missing the initial package prefix, vaxe
will try to find package definitions for the given
class name using ctags. So, if ctags are generated,
it is also possible to resolve the import for this
var l = new FastList<Int>();
*vaxe#lime#Target* Calling this function will select a new lime target to
use for builds and completions.
*vaxe#lime#Targets* Calling this function will return a list of all lime
targets supported by vaxe.
*vaxe#lime#Update* Calling this function will update the boilerplate code
for the current target, or the target specified by the
(optional) argument.
*vaxe#lime#Clean* Calling this function will clean the boilerplate code
for the current target, or the target specified by the
(optional) argument.
*vaxe#lime#RebuildHxml* Calling this function rebuilds the associated hxml
used for completions, etc.
*vaxe#flow#Target* Calling this function will select a new flow target to
use for builds and completions.
*vaxe#flow#Targets* Calling this function will return a list of all flow
targets supported by vaxe.
*vaxe#flow#Clean* Calling this function will clean the boilerplate code
for the current target, or the target specified by the
(optional) argument.
*vaxe#flow#RebuildHxml* Calling this function rebuilds the associated hxml
used for completions, etc.
ACTIVE TARGET *omnifunc-active-target*
In some cases, an hxml file may specify multiple targets via a "--next"
directive. The specified behavior for the compiler may be very different
betwen --next sections.
vaxe will use the first section it finds in order to generate completions.
It is possible to specify a different target by inserting a line like this into
your hxml:
# display completions
The target that vaxe uses is called the "active" target. This target is used
for generating completions, as well as for determining current compiler class
paths, and for generating ctags.
SETTINGS *vaxe-settings*
*g:vaxe_prefer_hxml* The name of the hxml file/glob to search for and use
automatically. The default is "build.hxml".
*g:vaxe_prefer_lime* The name of the lime file/glob to search for and use
automatically. The default is "*.lime".
*g:vaxe_prefer_flow* The name of the flow file/glob to search for and use
automatically. The default is "*.flow".
*g:vaxe_prefer_openfl* The name of the openfl file/glob to search for and use
automatically. The default is "project.xml".
NOTE: this is a legacy file type that lime can still
handle, it is recommended to use a *.lime file where
When vaxe finds more than one build file in a directory,
setting this variable to 1 will make vaxe always choose
the first one. If it is set to 0, then it will present
a list of options. The default is 1.
*g:vaxe_lime_target* If you commonly work with a single target, this option
allows you to set a default target for lime to use when
*g:vaxe_flow_target* If you commonly work with a single target, this option
allows you to set a default target for flow to use when
This is a list of |glob| patterns that vaxe uses to
determine which hxml (or lime/flow) file to use on startup.
The default is:
[g:vaxe_prefer_lime, g:vaxe_prefer_flow, g:vaxe_prefer_hxml, '*.hxml']
Note that vaxe will search recursively through
each parent directory, and stop at the first file that
matches the pattern. E.g., by default, vaxe will
recursively look for *any* lime file, or one called
'build.hxml'. It will give precedence to the lime file,
since it occurs before the hxml file in the search
pattern list. Finally, if none of those options are
available, it will fall back to using any hxml file
it can find.
*g:vaxe_hxml* A variable that indicates the |vaxe-project-mode|
build file. It will override the |vaxe-default-mode|
setting if present.
*g:vaxe_skip_hxml* Setting this variable will skip checks for a valid hxml
file. Use this if you wish to use an alternative build
system and are willing to forgo completion support.
Changes the method signatures in autocompletions to a
syntax form, instead of a type signature. This is
enabled by default
# type signature:
some_method [f] arg1 : Int -> arg2 : String -> Bool
# syntax form:
some_method [f] (arg1 : Int, arg2 : String) : Bool
Determines whether or not vaxe should let the compiler
write the output generated from a completion request.
Defaults to 0 (equivalent to always adding --no-output
in the hxml).
Vaxe uses the compiler to make completions. This can
happen frequently, and causes the buffer to be written.
This can in turn interfere with other scripts that
handle bufwrite events, triggering them excessively.
The default is "1" which prevents events that happen
as the result of completion activity.
It's nice if Vaxe can use "simple" completions for
haxe, since these can be used for contextual info
messages. The default here is to add "menuone"
to the list of completeopts. However, this option
is global, so it may cause a conflict. If this
causes a problem then set this variable to 0.
*g:vaxe_cache_server* *cache server settings*
Vaxe will enable the usage of a haxe compilation cache
server, which currently is used only for completions,
and defaults to 0.
The port that the cache server will use (defaults to
Whether the server should be autostarted with vim
(defaults to 1).
This setting requires autowrite to be enabled for
completions. It defaults to 1. If |autowrite| or
|autowriteall| is not set, then Vaxe will display an
error message instead of any completion results. If
set to 0, the completion will be tried normally, and
the user will be expected to save each time before
triggering a completion.
This setting adds "-D no-copt" to hxml, which will
disable certain optimizations the haxe compiler uses
to determine completions. There's still a few cases
where optimization causes problems, so optimizations are
disabled by default.
This setting adds "-D absolute_path" to hxml, which
will enable the output of absolute path in trace
messages, etc. This enables the quickfix list to jump
to files more easily, so by default, this is 1.
*third party settings*
Vaxe provides support for vim-airline by changing the
filename display to also include the current hxml build
file (defaults to 1).
Vaxe provides support for YouCompleteMe by providing a
filetype and completion trigger character configuration
(defaults to 1). Note: It is recommended to use only
one autocompletion plugin.
Vaxe provides support for AutoComplPop by providing a
filetype and completion trigger character configuration
(defaults to 1). Note: It is recommended to use only
one autocompletion plugin.
MISC *vaxe-misc*
Vaxe will change the errrorformat syntax if it finds "-D absolute_path" in the
current hxml. This -D compiler switch adds the full path for files in trace
output, making it possible to jump to trace declarations in the quickfix
LICENSE *vaxe-license*
Copyright (C) 2012 Justin Donaldson <jdonaldson@gmail.com>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.flow set filetype=flow.javascript

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.hx set filetype=haxe

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.hss set filetype=hss

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.hxml set filetype=hxml

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.lime set filetype=lime.xml

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.nmml set filetype=nmml.xml

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
compiler haxe
setlocal omnifunc=vaxe#HaxeComplete
let run_once = 0
if (!run_once)
" Start a server the first time a hx file is edited
if g:vaxe_cache_server && ! exists('g:vaxe_cache_server_pid')
call vaxe#StartCacheServer()
" Utility variable that stores the directory that this script resides in
"Load the first time a haxe file is opened
let s:plugin_path = escape(expand('<sfile>:p:h') . '/../python/', '\')
if has("python3")
exe 'py3file '.s:plugin_path.'/vaxe.py'
elseif has("python")
exe 'pyfile '.s:plugin_path.'/vaxe.py'
" load special configuration for vim-airline if it exists
if (exists("g:loaded_airline") && g:vaxe_enable_airline_defaults )
function! AirlineBuild(...)
if &filetype == 'haxe'
let w:airline_section_c =
\ '%{VaxeAirlineProject()}'
\. ' %{pathshorten(fnamemodify(vaxe#CurrentBuild(), ":."))}'
\. ' [%{vaxe#CurrentBuildPlatform()}] '
\. g:airline_left_alt_sep
\. ' %f%m'
call add(g:airline_statusline_funcrefs, function('AirlineBuild'))
function! VaxeAirlineProject()
return exists("g:vaxe_hxml") ? '★ ' : '☆ '
" we need to show single entry completions for haxe, because I use those for
" info messages on occasion
if (g:vaxe_completeopt_menuone)
setlocal completeopt+=menuone

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
setlocal indentexpr=vaxe#hss#GetIndent(v:lnum)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
call vaxe#DefaultHxml(expand("%"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
" Language: Haxe
" Maintainer: None! Wanna improve this?
" Last Change: 2007 Jan 22
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
" C indenting is not too bad.
setlocal cindent
setlocal cinoptions+=j1,J1
setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],!^F,o,O,e
let b:undo_indent = "setl cin<"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
if exists("g:loaded_vaxe_plugin")
let g:loaded_vaxe_plugin = 1
if has("python3")
let g:vaxepy = ":python3 "
elseif has("python")
let g:vaxepy = ":python "
command -nargs=? -complete=file DefaultHxml call vaxe#DefaultHxml(<q-args>)
command -nargs=? -complete=file ProjectHxml call vaxe#ProjectHxml(<q-args>)
command VaxeToggleLogging let g:vaxe_logging = !g:vaxe_logging
" Lime commands
command -nargs=? -complete=file ProjectLime
\ call vaxe#lime#ProjectLime(<q-args>)
command -nargs=? -complete=customlist,vaxe#lime#Targets LimeTarget
\ call vaxe#lime#Target(<q-args>)
command -nargs=? LimeClean
\ call vaxe#lime#Clean(<q-args>)
command -nargs=? LimeUpdate
\ call vaxe#lime#Update(<q-args>)
command -nargs=? LimeRebuildHxml
\ call vaxe#lime#RebuildHxml()
" Flow commands
command -nargs=? -complete=file ProjectFlow
\ call vaxe#flow#ProjectFlow(<q-args>)
command -nargs=? -complete=customlist,vaxe#flow#Targets FlowTarget
\ call vaxe#flow#Target(<q-args>)
command -nargs=? FlowClean
\ call vaxe#flow#Clean(<q-args>)
command -nargs=? FlowRebuildHxml
\ call vaxe#flow#RebuildHxml()
" Completion Server Commands
command VaxeStopCompletionServer call vaxe#KillCacheServer()
command VaxeStartCompletionServer call vaxe#StartCacheServer()
command VaxeCtags call vaxe#Ctags()
autocmd FileType haxe setlocal commentstring=//%s
let g:tagbar_type_haxe = {
\ 'ctagstype' : 'haxe',
\ 'kinds' : [
\ 'a:abstracts',
\ 'c:classes',
\ 'e:enums',
\ 'i:interfaces',
\ 't:typedefs',
\ 'v:variables',
\ 'f:functions',
\ ]
\ }
" a short alias, since I use this all over the place
let Default = function("vaxe#util#Config")
" misc options
let g:vaxe_haxe_version = Default('g:vaxe_haxe_version', 3)
let g:vaxe_logging = Default('g:vaxe_logging', 0)
let g:vaxe_trace_absolute_path = Default('g:vaxe_trace_absolute_path', 1)
" completion options
let g:vaxe_completion_require_autowrite
\=Default('g:vaxe_completion_require_autowrite', 1)
let g:vaxe_completion_disable_optimizations
\= Default('g:vaxe_completion_disable_optimizations', 1)
let g:vaxe_completion_alter_signature
\= Default('g:vaxe_completion_alter_signature', 1)
let g:vaxe_completion_collapse_overload
\= Default('g:vaxe_completion_collapse_overload', 0)
let g:vaxe_completion_write_compiler_output
\= Default('g:vaxe_completion_write_compiler_output', 0)
let g:vaxe_completion_prevent_bufwrite_events
\= Default('g:vaxe_completion_prevent_bufwrite_events',1)
let g:vaxe_completeopt_menuone
\= Default('g:vaxe_completeopt_menuone', 1)
" cache server options
let g:vaxe_cache_server = Default('g:vaxe_cache_server', 0)
let g:vaxe_cache_server_port = Default('g:vaxe_cache_server_port', 6878)
let g:vaxe_cache_server_autostart = Default('g:vaxe_cache_server_autostart', 1)
" lime options
let g:vaxe_lime_test_on_build = Default('g:vaxe_lime_test_on_build', 1)
let g:vaxe_lime_target = Default('g:vaxe_lime_target',"")
let g:vaxe_lime_completion_target = Default('g:vaxe_lime_completion_target', 'flash')
" flow options
let g:vaxe_flow_target = Default('g:vaxe_flow_target', "")
let g:vaxe_flow_completion_target = Default('g:vaxe_flow_completion_target', 'web')
" default build options
let g:vaxe_prefer_hxml = Default('g:vaxe_prefer_hxml', "build.hxml")
let g:vaxe_prefer_lime = Default('g:vaxe_prefer_lime', "*.lime")
let g:vaxe_prefer_flow = Default('g:vaxe_prefer_flow', "*.flow")
let g:vaxe_prefer_openfl = Default('g:vaxe_prefer_openfl', "project.xml")
let g:vaxe_prefer_first_in_directory = Default('g:vaxe_prefer_first_in_directory', 1)
let g:vaxe_default_parent_search_patterns
\= Default('g:vaxe_default_parent_search_patterns'
\, [g:vaxe_prefer_lime, g:vaxe_prefer_flow, g:vaxe_prefer_openfl, g:vaxe_prefer_hxml, "*.hxml"])
let g:vaxe_set_makeprg = Default('g:vaxe_set_makeprg', 1)
" Supported 3rd party plugin options
let g:vaxe_enable_airline_defaults = Default('g:vaxe_enable_airline_defaults', 1)
let g:vaxe_enable_ycm_defaults = Default('g:vaxe_enable_ycm_defaults', 1)
let g:vaxe_enable_acp_defaults = Default('g:vaxe_enable_acp_defaults', 1)
if !exists('g:vaxe_haxe_binary')
let g:vaxe_haxe_binary = 'haxe'
if (g:vaxe_enable_ycm_defaults)
if ( exists("g:ycm_semantic_triggers") )
let g:ycm_semantic_triggers['haxe'] = ['.', '(']
let g:ycm_semantic_triggers = { 'haxe' : ['.', '('] }
if (g:vaxe_enable_acp_defaults)
if !exists('g:acp_behavior')
let g:acp_behavior = {}
function! haxe#meetsForFile(context)
return a:context =~ '\(\.\|(\)$'
if !has_key(g:acp_behavior, 'haxe')
let g:acp_behavior['haxe'] = []
let vaxe_entry = {
\ "meets" : "haxe#meetsForFile",
\ "command": "\<C-X>\<C-O>",
\ "completefunc" : "vaxe#HaxeComplete"}
call add(g:acp_behavior['haxe'] , vaxe_entry)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
autocmd FileType hxml setlocal commentstring=#%s

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
import vim, re
import string
import HTMLParser
from html.parser import HTMLParser
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import json
# This is the python portion of the completion script. Call it with the *name*
# of the input vimscript variable, "complete_output_var". This should contain
# the output from the --display compiler directive. base_var is an optional
# partial word to use for filtering completions.
# The output is given in "output_var", which is likewise the name of the
# vimscript variable to write. This variable contains a dictionary formatted
# appropriately for an omnifunc. "base_var" contains an optional partial word
# to filter for
def complete(complete_output_var, output_var, base_var , alter_var, collapse_var):
complete_output = vim.eval(complete_output_var)
base = vim.eval(base_var)
alter_sig = vim.eval(alter_var) != '0'
collapse_overload = vim.eval(collapse_var) != '0'
if complete_output is None: complete_output = ''
completes = []
# get rid of non-printable characters that would be
# in the embedded doc (e.g. ANSI escape characters)
# thus preventing ET.XML to work
complete_output = re.sub(f'[^{re.escape(string.printable)}]', '', complete_output )
# wrap in a tag to prevent parsing errors
root = ET.XML("<output>" + complete_output + "</output>")
fields = root.findall("list/i")
types = root.findall("type")
completes = []
if len(fields) > 0: # field completion
def fieldxml2completion(x):
word = x.attrib["n"]
menu = x.find("t").text
info = x.find("d").text
menu = '' if menu is None else menu
if info is None:
info = ['']
# get rid of leading/trailing ws/nl
info = info.strip()
# strip html
info = remove_html_markup(info)
# split and collapse extra whitespace
info = [re.sub(r'\s+',' ',s.strip()) for s in info.split('\n')]
abbr = word
kind = 'v'
if menu == '': kind = 'm'
elif re.search("\->", menu):
kind = 'f' # if it has a ->
if alter_sig:
menu = alter_signature(menu)
word += "("
return { 'word': word, 'info': info, 'kind': kind
,'menu': menu, 'abbr': abbr, 'dup':1 }
completes = [fieldxml2completion(f) for f in fields]
elif len(types) > 0: # function type completion
otype = types[0].text.strip()
h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
word = ' '
info = [h.unescape(otype)]
abbr = info[0]
if otype == "Dynamic":
completes = [{'word': word,'info':info
, 'abbr': "Dynamic (Will likely cause compiler error.)"
, 'dup':1}
elif alter_sig:
abbr = alter_signature(abbr)
completes= [{'word': word,'info':info, 'abbr':abbr, 'dup':1}]
if base != '' and base is not None:
completes = [c for c in completes if re.search("^" + base, c['word'])]
if collapse_overload:
dict_complete = dict()
def complete_exists(c):
if c in dict_complete:
dict_complete[c] += 1
return True
dict_complete[c] = 1
return False
completes = [c for c in completes if not complete_exists(c['abbr'])]
for c in completes:
if dict_complete[c['abbr']] > 1:
c['menu'] = "@:overload " + c['menu']
vim.command("let " + output_var + " = " + json.dumps(completes))
# simple script to grab lists of locations from display-mode completions
def locations(complete_output_var, output_var):
complete_output = vim.eval(complete_output_var)
# wrap in a tag to prevent parsing errors
root = ET.XML("<output>" + complete_output + "</output>")
pos = root.findall("pos")
completes = []
if len(pos) > 0:
completes = [p.text for p in pos]
completes = []
vim.command("let " + output_var + " = " + json.dumps(completes))
def alter_signature(sig):
paren = 0
last_string = ''
final_expr = ''
for i in range(len(sig)):
c = sig[i]
if c == "(":
paren += 1
final_expr += re.sub('->',",", last_string)
last_string = c
elif c == ")":
last_string += c
paren -=1
if paren == 0:
final_expr += last_string
last_string = ''
last_string += c
final_expr = final_expr + re.sub('\s*->\s*', ",", last_string)
parts = final_expr.split(',')
ret_val = parts.pop()
if ret_val == "Void":
ret_val = ''
ret_val = " : " + ret_val
if len(parts) ==1 and parts[0] == "Void":
parts[0] = ''
final_expr = '(' + ", ".join(parts) + ')' + ret_val
return final_expr
# simple script to strip html markup
def remove_html_markup(s):
tag = False
quote = False
out = ""
for c in s:
if c == '<' and not quote:
tag = True
elif c == '>' and not quote:
tag = False
elif (c == '"' or c == "'") and tag:
quote = not quote
elif not tag:
out = out + c
return out

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Vim snippets file
# Author : Justin Donaldson (jdonaldson@gmail.com)
# Based extensively on a version by Marc Weber (marco-oweber@gmx.de)
# Language : haxe
snippet doc
snippet switch
case ${2}: ${3}
snippet case
case ${1}: ${2}
snippet try
${3:// Ignore any errors.}
snippet for
for( ${1:var} in ${2:itr} ){
snippet class HAXE
class `expand('%:t:r')` {
public function new(${1}) {
${2://initialize variables}
static function main() {
${3:trace("hello world");}
snippet main
static function main() {
${1:trace("hello world");}
snippet new
public function new(${1:arg}) {
snippet fn func
function(${1:arg}) {
snippet fu function
function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet prifu private function
private function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet pufu public function
public function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet pustafu public static function
public static function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet pristafu private static function
private static function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet trace
snippet desc function
trace(${1} + " is the value for $1");
snippet cast
cast(${1:cast_this}, ${2:type})
snippet interface
interface ${1:name}${2: implements this}${3:, implements other}{
snippet #if
#if js, php, cpp, flash
snippet typedef
typedef ${1}${2:<T>} = {
var ${3}:$2;
snippet untyped
untyped{ ${1} }${2}
snippet enum
enum ${1:Name} {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Vim snippets file
# Author : Justin Donaldson (jdonaldson@gmail.com)
# Based extensively on a version by Marc Weber (marco-oweber@gmx.de)
# Language : hxml
snippet resource
-resource ${1:file}${2:@name(optional)}
snippet neko
-main ${1:Main}
-neko ${2:bin/}$1.n
snippet flash9
-main ${1:Main}
-swf9 ${2:bin/}$1.v9.swf
snippet flash
-main ${1:Main}
-swf ${2:bin/}$1.swf
snippet php
-main ${1:Main}
-php php
snippet js
-main ${1:Main}
-js $2$1.js
snippet cpp
-main ${1:Main}
-cpp cpp
snippet remap
--remap ${1:neko}:$2
snippet all
-main ${1:Main}
-neko ${2:bin/}$1.n
-main $1
-swf9 $2$1.v9.swf
-main $1
-swf $2$1.v8.swf
-main $1
-php php
-main $1
-js $2$1.js
-main $1
-cpp cpp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
snippet meta
<meta title="${1:NmeProject}" package="${2:com.example.app}" version="${3:1.0.0}" company="${4}" />
snippet app
<app file="${1:Main}" main="${2:Main}" path="${3:bin}" />
snippet assets
<assets path="${1}" rename="${2}" include="${3}" exclude="${4}"/>
snippet graphics
<assets path="${1:assets/graphics}" rename="${2:gfx}" include="${3:*.png|*.jpg}" />
snippet audio
<assets path="${1:assets/audio}" rename="${2:sfx}" include="${3:*.mp3} if="flash" />
<assets path="${1}" rename="${2}" include="${4:*.wav|*.ogg}" unless="flash" />
snippet font
<assets path="${1:assets/font}" rename="${2:font}" include="${3:*.ttf}" />
snippet source
<source path="${1:src}" />
snippet lib
<haxelib name="${1:nme}" />
snippet fps
<window fps="${1:30}" orientation="${2:portrait}" background="${3:0x333333}" />
snippet fullscren
<window fullscreen="${1:true}" ${2:if="mobile"} />
snippet window
<window width="${1:640}" height="${2:480}" resizable="${3:true}" ${4:unless="mobile"} />
snippet haxeflag
<haxeflag name="${1:--dead-code-elimination}" if="${2:html5}" />
snippet ndll
<ndll name="${1:nme}" ${2:haxelib="nme"} />
snippet icon
<icon path="${1:assets/nme.svg}" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
There are a few vim plugins for Haxe:
1) [vaxe](https://github.com/jdonaldson/vaxe)
2) [vim-haxe](https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-haxe)
This syntax file serves as a common form for syntax highlighting.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Haxe
" Maintainer: Luca Deltodesco <luca@deltaluca.me.uk>
" Last Change: 2013 August 26
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" provide fallback HiLink command
if version < 508
command! -nargs=+ HaxeHiLink hi link <args>
command! -nargs=+ HaxeHiLink hi def link <args>
" characters that cannot be in a haxe program (outside a string)
syn match haxeError "[\\`]"
" keywords
" --------
syn keyword haxeTypedef typedef extends implements
syn keyword haxeTypeDecl class enum abstract interface import using package from to
syn keyword haxeStorageClass static inline public private macro dynamic extern override final
syn match haxeTypedef "\.\s*\<class\>"ms=s+1
syn match haxeTypeDecl "^class\>"
syn match haxeTypeDecl "[^.]\s*\<class\>"ms=s+1
syn keyword haxeException try catch throw
syn keyword haxeRepeat for do while in
syn keyword haxeLabel case
syn keyword haxeConditional switch
syn match haxeConditional "\<\#\@<!\(if\|else\)\>"
syn keyword haxeConstant null never super this default get set
syn keyword haxeFunction function __dollar__new new
syn match haxeFunction "\<__[^_]\+__\>"
syn keyword haxeKeyword untyped cast continue break return trace var
syn match haxeKeyword "\$type"
syn match haxeError "\<#\@<!elseif\>"
" type identifiers
" ----------------
syn match haxeType "\<[A-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\>"
" operators
" ---------
" Did a lot of work here to ensure a lot of invalid operators are highlighted as errors.
" put ,; in seperate highlight group to .: to avoid mistakes.
syn match haxeOperator "[:?]"
syn match haxeOperator2 "[;,]"
" match . and ... as operators, and .. and more than 4 . as errors
syn match haxeOperator "\.\@<!\(\.\|\.\.\.\)\.\@!"
syn match haxeError "\.\@<!\.\.\.\@!"
syn match haxeError "\.\{4,\}"
" match <,>,<<,>>,>>> as operators
syn match haxeOperator ">\@<!\(>\|>>\|>>>\)>\@!"
syn match haxeOperator "<\@<!\(<\|<<\)<\@!"
" match &| in 1 or 2 as operator, and more than 2 as error
" match &&= and ||= as errors
syn match haxeOperator "&\@<!&&\?&\@!"
syn match haxeOperator "|\@<!||\?|\@!"
syn match haxeError "&\{3,\}\||\{3,}\|&&=\|||="
" match = in 1 or 2 as operator, and more than 2 as error
" match !== as an error
syn match haxeOperator "=\@<!==\?=\@!"
syn match haxeError "=\{3,\}\|!=="
" match (+-*/%&!<>)=? as operators
" have to match &!<> seperate to avoid highlighting things like &&= &&& <<< as okay
syn match haxeOperator "[+\-*/%^!]=\?=\@!"
syn match haxeOperator "<\@<!<=\?[=<]\@!"
syn match haxeOperator ">\@<![>]=\?[=>]\@!"
syn match haxeOperator "&\@<!&=\?[=&]\@!"
syn match haxeOperator "|\@<!|=\?[=|]\@!"
" string literals
" ---------------
" Did a lot of work to ensure that string interpolations are handled nicely
syn match haxeErrorCharacter contained "\\\(x.\{0,2}\|u.\{0,4\}\|[^"'\\/nrt]\)"
syn match haxeSpecialCharacter contained "\\\(x[a-fA-F0-9]\{2\}\|[0-7]\{3\}\|["'\\/nrt]\)"
syn match haxeIntSpecialChar contained "\$\@<!\(\$\$\)\+\(\(\$\$\)\+\)\@!"
syn match haxeInterpolatedIdent contained "\((\$\$)\+\)\@<!\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*"
syn region haxeInterpolated contained start=+\(\$\(\$\$\)\+\)\@<!${+ end=+}+ contains=@Spell
syn region haxeDString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=haxeSpecialCharacter,haxeErrorCharacter,@Spell
syn region haxeSString start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=haxeSpecialCharacter,haxeErrorCharacter,haxeIntSpecialChar,haxeInterpolatedIdent,haxeInterpolated,@Spell
" int/float/bool literal
" ----------------------
syn match haxeInt "\<\([0-9]\+\|0x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\)\>"
syn match haxeFloat "\<\([\-+]\?[0-9]*\.\?[0-9]\+([eE][\-+]\?[0-9]\+)\?\)\>"
syn keyword haxeBool true false
" comments
" --------
syn keyword haxeTODO contained TODO FIXME XXX
syn match haxeComment "//.*" contains=haxeTODO,@Spell
syn region haxeComment2 start=+/\*+ end=+\*/+ contains=haxeTODO,@Spell
" preprocessing
" -------------
syn match haxePre "\(#if\|#elseif\|#else\|#end\)"
syn match haxePreError "#error"
" regex
" -----
syn region haxeRegex start=+\~\/+ end=+\/+ contains=haxeRegexEscape,haxeRegexError,@Spell
syn match haxeRegexError contained "\\[^0-9bdnrstwxBDSW(){}\[\]\\$^*\-+|./?]"
syn match haxeRegexEscape contained "\\[0-9bdnrstwxBDSW(){}\[\]\\$^*\-+|./?]"
" meta
" ----
syn match haxeMeta "@:\?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\>"
syn match haxeCompilerMeta "@:\(
syn sync ccomment haxeComment2 minlines=10
HaxeHiLink haxeMeta Macro
HaxeHiLink haxeCompilerMeta Identifier
HaxeHiLink haxeRegex String
HaxeHiLink haxeDString String
HaxeHiLink haxeSString Character
HaxeHiLink haxeSpecialCharacter SpecialChar
HaxeHiLink haxeIntSpecialChar SpecialChar
HaxeHiLink haxeRegexEscape SpecialChar
HaxeHiLink haxeErrorCharacter Error
HaxeHiLink haxeRegexError Error
HaxeHiLink haxeInterpolatedIdent Normal
HaxeHiLink haxeInterpolated Normal
HaxeHiLink haxeError Error
HaxeHiLink haxeOperator Operator
HaxeHiLink haxeOperator2 Identifier
HaxeHiLink haxeSpecial SpecialChar
HaxeHiLink haxeInt Number
HaxeHiLink haxeFloat Float
HaxeHiLink haxeBool Boolean
HaxeHiLink haxeComment Comment
HaxeHiLink haxeComment2 Comment
HaxeHiLink haxeTODO Todo
HaxeHiLink haxePre PreCondit
HaxeHiLink haxePreError PreProc
HaxeHiLink haxeType Type
HaxeHiLink haxeTypedef Typedef
HaxeHiLink haxeTypeDecl Keyword " Structure just gives me same colour as Type and looks bad.
HaxeHiLink haxeStorageClass StorageClass
HaxeHiLink haxeException Exception
HaxeHiLink haxeRepeat Repeat
HaxeHiLink haxeLabel Label
HaxeHiLink haxeConditional Conditional
HaxeHiLink haxeConstant Constant
HaxeHiLink haxeFunction Function
HaxeHiLink haxeKeyword Keyword
delcommand HaxeHiLink
let b:current_syntax = "haxe"
let b:spell_options = "contained"
" vim: ts=8

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
" Haxedoc
if exists("haxe_haxedoc") || (exists("main_syntax") && main_syntax == 'jsp')
syntax case ignore
" syntax coloring for haxedoc comments (HTML)
" syntax include @haxeHtml <sfile>:p:h/html.vim
" unlet b:current_syntax
syn region haxeDocComment start="/\*\*" end="\*/" keepend contains=haxeCommentTitle,@haxeHtml,haxeDocTags,haxeTodo,@Spell
syn region haxeCommentTitle contained matchgroup=haxeDocComment start="/\*\*" matchgroup=haxeCommentTitle keepend end="\.$" end="\.[ \t\r<&]"me=e-1 end="[^{]@"me=s-2,he=s-1 end="\*/"me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=@haxeHtml,haxeCommentStar,haxeTodo,@Spell,haxeDocTags
syn region haxeDocTags contained start="{@\(link\|linkplain\|inherit[Dd]oc\|doc[rR]oot\|value\)" end="}"
syn match haxeDocTags contained "@\(see\|param\|exception\|throws\|since\)\s\+\S\+" contains=haxeDocParam
syn match haxeDocParam contained "\s\S\+"
syn match haxeDocTags contained "@\(version\|author\|return\|deprecated\|serial\|serialField\|serialData\)\>"
syntax case match
HaxeHiLink haxeDocComment Comment
HaxeHiLink haxeDocTags Special
HaxeHiLink haxeDocParam Function
" Haxe comment strings
if exists("haxe_comment_strings")
syn region haxeCommentString contained start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ end=+\*/+me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=haxeSpecial,haxeCommentStar,haxeSpecialChar,@Spell
syn region haxeComment2String contained start=+"+ end=+$\|"+ contains=haxeSpecial,haxeSpecialChar,@Spell
syn match haxeCommentCharacter contained "'\\[^']\{1,6\}'" contains=haxeSpecialChar
syn match haxeCommentCharacter contained "'\\''" contains=haxeSpecialChar
syn match haxeCommentCharacter contained "'[^\\]'"
syn cluster haxeCommentSpecial add=haxeCommentString,haxeCommentCharacter,haxeNumber
syn cluster haxeCommentSpecial2 add=haxeComment2String,haxeCommentCharacter,haxeNumber
HaxeHiLink haxeCommentString haxeString
HaxeHiLink haxeComment2String haxeString
" Haxe concealed text
if exists('g:haxe_conceal') && has("conceal")
syn match Ignore 'urn' transparent conceal containedin=haxeStatement
syn match Ignore 'ction' transparent conceal containedin=haxeStorageClass,haxeStatement
syn match Ignore 'ati' transparent conceal containedin=haxeStorageClass
syn match Ignore 'nline\|tati\|ubli' transparent conceal containedin=haxeScopeDecl
" Haxe space errors
if exists("haxe_space_errors")
if !exists("haxe_no_trail_space_error")
syn match haxeSpaceError "\s\+$"
if !exists("haxe_no_tab_space_error")
syn match haxeSpaceError " \+\t"me=e-1
HaxeHiLink haxeSpaceError Error
" Haxe minline comments
if !exists("haxe_minlines")
let haxe_minlines = 10
exec "syn sync ccomment haxeComment minlines=" . haxe_minlines
" Mark braces in parens as errors
if exists("haxe_mark_braces_in_parens_as_errors")
syn match haxeInParen contained "[{}]"
HaxeHiLink haxeInParen haxeError
syn cluster haxeTop add=haxeInParen
" Highlight Functions
if exists("haxe_highlight_functions")
if haxe_highlight_functions == "indent"
syn match haxeFuncDef "^\(\t\| \{8\}\)[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*)" contains=haxeScopeDecl,haxeType,haxeStorageClass,@haxeClasses
syn region haxeFuncDef start=+^\(\t\| \{8\}\)[$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*,\s*+ end=+)+ contains=haxeScopeDecl,haxeType,haxeStorageClass,@haxeClasses
syn match haxeFuncDef "^ [$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*)" contains=haxeScopeDecl,haxeType,haxeStorageClass,@haxeClasses
syn region haxeFuncDef start=+^ [$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*,\s*+ end=+)+ contains=haxeScopeDecl,haxeType,haxeStorageClass,@haxeClasses
" This line catches method declarations at any indentation>0, but it assumes
" two things:
" 1. class names are always capitalized (ie: Button)
" 2. method names are never capitalized (except constructors, of course)
syn region haxeFuncDef start=+^\s\+\(\(public\|protected\|private\|static\|abstract\|override\|final\|native\|synchronized\)\s\+\)*\(\(void\|boolean\|char\|byte\|short\|int\|long\|float\|double\|\([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\.\)*[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\)\(\[\]\)*\s\+[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\|[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\)\s*(+ end=+)+ contains=haxeScopeDecl,haxeType,haxeStorageClass,haxeComment,haxeLineComment,@haxeClasses
syn match haxeBraces "[{}]"
syn cluster haxeTop add=haxeFuncDef,haxeBraces
" Add special handling for haxecc.vim
" use separate name so that it can be deleted in haxecc.vim
syn match haxeError2 "#\|=<"
HaxeHiLink haxeError2 haxeError
" Catch extra paren errors
" catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis
syn region haxeParenT transparent matchgroup=haxeParen start="(" end=")" contains=@haxeTop,haxeParenT1,haxeString,haxeSingleString
syn region haxeParenT1 transparent matchgroup=haxeParen1 start="(" end=")" contains=@haxeTop,haxeParenT2 contained
syn region haxeParenT2 transparent matchgroup=haxeParen2 start="(" end=")" contains=@haxeTop,haxeParenT contained
syn match haxeParenError ")"
HaxeHiLink haxeParenError haxeError
" load a spearte haxeid.vim file
if filereadable(expand("<sfile>:p:h")."/haxeid.vim")
source <sfile>:p:h/haxeid.vim

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: hss (Haxe css)
" Author: Justin Donaldson (jdonaldson@gmail.com)
" Based heavily on work by Daniel Hofstetter (daniel.hofstetter@42dh.com)
if !exists("main_syntax")
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let main_syntax = 'hss'
runtime! syntax/css.vim
runtime! syntax/css/*.vim
syn case ignore
syn region hssDefinition transparent matchgroup=cssBraces start='{' end='}' contains=css.*Attr,css.*Prop,cssComment,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssUrl,cssImportant,cssError,cssStringQ,cssStringQQ,cssFunction,cssUnicodeEscape,hssDefinition,hssComment,hssIdChar,hssClassChar,hssAmpersand,hssVariable,hssInclude,hssExtend,hssDebug,hssWarn,@hssControl,hssInterpolation,hssNestedSelector,hssReturn
syn region hssInterpolation start="#{" end="}" contains=hssVariable
syn match hssVariable "$[[:alnum:]_-]\+" nextgroup=hssVariableAssignment
syn match hssVariableAssignment ":" contained nextgroup=hssVariableValue
syn match hssVariableValue ".*;"me=e-1 contained contains=hssVariable,hssOperator,hssDefault "me=e-1 means that the last char of the pattern is not highlighted
" syn match hssMixin "^@mixin" nextgroup=hssMixinName
syn match hssMixinName " [[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained nextgroup=hssDefinition
syn match hssFunction "^@function" nextgroup=hssFunctionName
syn match hssFunctionName " [[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained nextgroup=hssDefinition
" syn match hssReturn "@return" contained
" syn match hssInclude "@include" nextgroup=hssMixinName
" syn match hssExtend "@extend .*[;}]"me=e-1 contains=cssTagName,hssIdChar,hssClassChar
syn keyword hssTodo TODO FIXME NOTE OPTIMIZE XXX contained containedIn=hssComment,cssComment
syn match hssColor "#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{3\}\>" contained
syn match hssColor "#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\>" contained
syn match hssIdChar "#[[:alnum:]_-]\@=" nextgroup=hssId contains=hssColor
syn match hssId "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained
syn match hssClassChar "\.[[:alnum:]_-]\@=" nextgroup=hssClass
syn match hssClass "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained
syn match hssAmpersand "&" nextgroup=cssPseudoClass
syn match hssOperator "+" contained
syn match hssOperator "-" contained
syn match hssOperator "/" contained
syn match hssOperator "*" contained
syn match hssNestedSelector "[^/]* {"me=e-1 contained contains=cssTagName,cssAttributeSelector,hssIdChar,hssClassChar,hssAmpersand,hssVariable,hssMixin,hssFunction,@hssControl,hssInterpolation,hssNestedProperty
syn match hssNestedProperty "[[:alnum:]]\+:"me=e-1 contained
" syn match hssDebug "@debug"
" syn match hssWarn "@warn"
syn match hssDefault "!default" contained
" syn match hssIf "@if"
" syn match hssElse "@else"
" syn match hssElseIf "@else if"
" syn match hssWhile "@while"
" syn match hssFor "@for" nextgroup=hssVariable
" syn match hssFrom " from "
" syn match hssTo " to "
" syn match hssThrough " through "
" syn match hssEach "@each" nextgroup=hssVariable
" syn match hssIn " in "
" syn cluster hssControl contains=hssIf,hssElse,hssElseIf,hssWhile,hssFor,hssFrom,hssTo,hssThrough,hssEach,hssIn
syn match hssComment "//.*$" contains=@Spell
syn region hssImportStr start="\"" end="\""
syn region hssImport start="@import" end=";" contains=hssImportStr,hssComment,cssComment,cssUnicodeEscape,cssMediaType
hi def link hssVariable Identifier
hi def link hssVariableValue Constant
hi def link hssMixin PreProc
hi def link hssMixinName Function
hi def link hssFunction PreProc
hi def link hssFunctionName Function
hi def link hssReturn Statement
hi def link hssInclude PreProc
hi def link hssExtend PreProc
hi def link hssComment Comment
hi def link hssColor Constant
hi def link hssIdChar Special
hi def link hssClassChar Special
hi def link hssId Identifier
hi def link hssClass Identifier
hi def link hssAmpersand Character
hi def link hssNestedProperty Type
hi def link hssDebug Debug
hi def link hssWarn Debug
hi def link hssDefault Special
hi def link hssIf Conditional
hi def link hssElse Conditional
hi def link hssElseIf Conditional
hi def link hssWhile Repeat
hi def link hssFor Repeat
hi def link hssFrom Repeat
hi def link hssTo Repeat
hi def link hssThrough Repeat
hi def link hssEach Repeat
hi def link hssIn Repeat
hi def link hssInterpolation Delimiter
hi def link hssImport Include
hi def link hssImportStr Include
hi def link hssTodo Todo
let b:current_syntax = "hss"
if main_syntax == 'hss'
unlet main_syntax

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Author : Justin Donaldson (jdonaldson@gmail.com)
" Based extensively on a version by Ganesh Gunasegaran(me at itsgg.com)
" Language : hxml
if !exists("main_syntax")
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let main_syntax='hxml'
" Simple TODO/comment handling
syntax keyword hxmlTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
syntax match hxmlComment "#.*$" contains=hxmlTodo
" basic flags
syntax match hxmlType "-v"
syntax match hxmlType "-x"
syntax match hxmlType "-D"
"target/config flags
syntax match hxmlType "--\?as3"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?cmd"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?cp"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?cpp"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?cppia"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?java"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?cs"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?debug"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?help"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?js"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?lib"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?lua"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?main"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?neko"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?php"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?python"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?prompt"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?resource"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?swf"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?swf-header"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?swf-lib"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?swf-version"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?swf9"
syntax match hxmlType "--\?xml"
" haxe 3.0 flags
syntax match hxmlType "--/?dce"
syntax match hxmlType "--/?swf-lib-extern"
syntax match hxmlType "--/?version"
syntax match hxmlType "--/?help-metas"
syntax match hxmlType "--/?help-defines"
" advanced flags
syntax match hxmlStatement "--connect"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--cwd"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--dead-code-elimination"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--display"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--flash-strict"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--flash-use-stage"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--gen-hx-classes"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--help"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--interp"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--js-modern"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--macro"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--next"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--no-inline"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--no-opt"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--no-output"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--no-traces"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--php-front"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--php-lib"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--php-prefix"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--remap"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--times"
syntax match hxmlStatement "--wait"
" Highlight them
highlight link hxmlType Type
highlight link hxmlStatement Statement
highlight link hxmlComment Comment
highlight link hxmlTodo Todo

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
git remote add vimsyntax https://github.com/jdonaldson/vim-haxe-syntax.git

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
filetypes=(haxe nmml hxml)
for target_ft in ${filetypes[*]}
mkdir -p $target_dir
python ~/.vim/bundle/Ultisnips/utils/convert_snipmate_snippets.py $ULTISNIPS_SOURCE > $ULTISNIPS_OUTPUT
echo '# This file is autogenerated by tools/create_ultisnips.sh, any edits will be overwritten.
# (Edit' $ULTISNIPS_SOURCE 'instead.)' | cat - $ULTISNIPS_OUTPUT > temp && mv temp $ULTISNIPS_OUTPUT

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
git fetch vimsyntax master
git subtree pull --prefix=syntax --squash vimsyntax master

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
git subtree push --prefix=syntax --squash vimsyntax master

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# This file is autogenerated by tools/create_ultisnips.sh, any edits will be overwritten.
# (Edit /Users/jdonaldson/.vim/bundle/vaxe/snippets/haxe.snippets instead.)
snippet doc "doc"
snippet switch "switch"
case ${2}: ${3}
snippet case "case"
case ${1}: ${2}
snippet try "try"
${3:// Ignore any errors.}
snippet for "for"
for( ${1:var} in ${2:itr} ){
snippet class "HAXE"
class `!v expand('%:t:r')` {
public function new(${1}) {
${2://initialize variables}
static function main() {
${3:trace("hello world");}
snippet main "main"
static function main() {
${1:trace("hello world");}
snippet new "new"
public function new(${1:arg}) {
snippet fn "func"
function(${1:arg}) {
snippet fu "function"
function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet prifu "private function"
private function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet pufu "public function"
public function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet pustafu "public static function"
public static function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet pristafu "private static function"
private static function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) {
snippet trace "trace"
snippet desc "function"
trace(${1} + " is the value for $1");
snippet cast "cast"
cast(${1:cast_this}, ${2:type})
snippet interface "interface"
interface ${1:name}${2: implements this}${3:, implements other}{
snippet #if "#if"
#if js, php, cpp, flash
snippet typedef "typedef"
typedef ${1}${2:<T>} = {
var ${3}:$2;
snippet untyped "untyped"
untyped{ ${1} }${2}
snippet enum "enum"
enum ${1:Name} {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# This file is autogenerated by tools/create_ultisnips.sh, any edits will be overwritten.
# (Edit /Users/jdonaldson/.vim/bundle/vaxe/snippets/hxml.snippets instead.)
snippet resource "resource"
-resource ${1:file}${2:@name(optional)}
snippet neko "neko"
-main ${1:Main}
-neko ${2:bin/}$1.n
snippet flash9 "flash9"
-main ${1:Main}
-swf9 ${2:bin/}$1.v9.swf
snippet flash "flash"
-main ${1:Main}
-swf ${2:bin/}$1.swf
snippet php "php"
-main ${1:Main}
-php php
snippet js "js"
-main ${1:Main}
-js $2$1.js
snippet cpp "cpp"
-main ${1:Main}
-cpp cpp
snippet remap "remap"
--remap ${1:neko}:$2
snippet all "all"
-main ${1:Main}
-neko ${2:bin/}$1.n
-main $1
-swf9 $2$1.v9.swf
-main $1
-swf $2$1.v8.swf
-main $1
-php php
-main $1
-js $2$1.js
-main $1
-cpp cpp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# This file is autogenerated by tools/create_ultisnips.sh, any edits will be overwritten.
# (Edit /Users/jdonaldson/.vim/bundle/vaxe/snippets/nmml.snippets instead.)
snippet meta "meta"
<meta title="${1:NmeProject}" package="${2:com.example.app}" version="${3:1.0.0}" company="${4}" />
snippet app "app"
<app file="${1:Main}" main="${2:Main}" path="${3:bin}" />
snippet assets "assets"
<assets path="${1}" rename="${2}" include="${3}" exclude="${4}"/>
snippet graphics "graphics"
<assets path="${1:assets/graphics}" rename="${2:gfx}" include="${3:*.png|*.jpg}" />
snippet audio "audio"
<assets path="${1:assets/audio}" rename="${2:sfx}" include="${3:*.mp3} if="flash" />
<assets path="${1}" rename="${2}" include="${4:*.wav|*.ogg}" unless="flash" />
snippet font "font"
<assets path="${1:assets/font}" rename="${2:font}" include="${3:*.ttf}" />
snippet source "source"
<source path="${1:src}" />
snippet lib "lib"
<haxelib name="${1:nme}" />
snippet fps "fps"
<window fps="${1:30}" orientation="${2:portrait}" background="${3:0x333333}" />
snippet fullscren "fullscren"
<window fullscreen="${1:true}" ${2:if="mobile"} />
snippet window "window"
<window width="${1:640}" height="${2:480}" resizable="${3:true}" ${4:unless="mobile"} />
snippet haxeflag "haxeflag"
<haxeflag name="${1:--dead-code-elimination}" if="${2:html5}" />
snippet ndll "ndll"
<ndll name="${1:nme}" ${2:haxelib="nme"} />
snippet icon "icon"
<icon path="${1:assets/nme.svg}" />