mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-23 01:09:56 +08:00

Update doc for file manager

This commit is contained in:
wsdjeg 2017-09-10 13:22:16 +08:00
parent fa31eb382f
commit 868e42e6d3
2 changed files with 139 additions and 137 deletions

View File

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#space#init() abort
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', '/'], 'bel vs | wincmd w', 'split-window-right', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', '/'], 'bel vs | wincmd w', 'split-window-right', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'v'], 'bel vs | wincmd w', 'split-window-right', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'v'], 'bel vs | wincmd w', 'split-window-right', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', '-'], 'bel split | wincmd w', 'split-window-below', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', '-'], 'bel split | wincmd w', 'split-window-below', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 's'], 'bel split | wincmd w', 'split-window-below', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'S'], 'bel split', 'split-focus-window-below', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', '2'], 'silent only | vs | wincmd w', 'layout-double-columns', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', '2'], 'silent only | vs | wincmd w', 'layout-double-columns', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', '3'], 'silent only | vs | vs | wincmd H', 'split-window-below', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', '3'], 'silent only | vs | vs | wincmd H', 'split-window-below', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'V'], 'bel vs', 'split-window-right-focus', 1) call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['w', 'V'], 'bel vs', 'split-window-right-focus', 1)

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ SpaceVim 是一个社区驱动的模块化 vim/neovim 配置集合,其中包
| 微信 | 支付宝 | | 微信 | 支付宝 |
| ------------------------- | ----------------------------- | | ------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| ![weixin](img/weixin.png) | ![zhifubao](img/zhifubao.png) | | ![weixin](img/weixin.png =200x200) | ![zhifubao](img/zhifubao.png =200x200) |
**以下为SpaceVim中文手册部分内容还未完成翻译为了方便大家查询相关信息已提前发布官网上后面会逐渐更新完成感谢大家一直以来的支持** **以下为SpaceVim中文手册部分内容还未完成翻译为了方便大家查询相关信息已提前发布官网上后面会逐渐更新完成感谢大家一直以来的支持**
@ -93,15 +93,15 @@ SpaceVim 是一个社区驱动的模块化 vim/neovim 配置集合,其中包
- [合并,拆分](#合并拆分) - [合并,拆分](#合并拆分)
- [窗口操作](#窗口操作) - [窗口操作](#窗口操作)
- [窗口操作常用快捷键](#窗口操作常用快捷键) - [窗口操作常用快捷键](#窗口操作常用快捷键)
- [Buffers and Files](#buffers-and-files) - [文件和 Buffer 操作](#文件和-buffer-操作)
- [Buffers manipulation key bindings](#buffers-manipulation-key-bindings) - [Buffer 操作相关快捷键](#buffer-操作相关快捷键)
- [Create a new empty buffer](#create-a-new-empty-buffer) - [新建空白 buffer](#新建空白-buffer)
- [Special Buffers](#special-buffers) - [特殊 buffer](#特殊-buffer)
- [Files manipulations key bindings](#files-manipulations-key-bindings) - [文件操作相关快捷键](#文件操作相关快捷键)
- [Vim and SpaceVim files](#vim-and-spacevim-files) - [Vim 和 SpaceVim 相关文件](#vim-和-spacevim-相关文件)
- [File tree](#file-tree) - [文件树](#文件树)
- [File tree navigation](#file-tree-navigation) - [文件树中的常用操作](#文件树中的常用操作)
- [Open file with file tree.](#open-file-with-file-tree) - [文件树中打开文件](#文件树中打开文件)
- [Commands starting with `g`](#commands-starting-with-g) - [Commands starting with `g`](#commands-starting-with-g)
- [Commands starting with `z`](#commands-starting-with-z) - [Commands starting with `z`](#commands-starting-with-z)
- [Auto-saving](#auto-saving) - [Auto-saving](#auto-saving)
@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [
窗口操作相关快捷键(以 `SPC w` 为前缀) 窗口操作相关快捷键(以 `SPC w` 为前缀)
| 快捷键 | 描述 | | 快捷键 | 描述 |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `SPC w TAB`/`<Tab>` | 在统一标签内进行窗口切换 | | `SPC w TAB`/`<Tab>` | 在统一标签内进行窗口切换 |
| `SPC w =` | 对齐分离的窗口 | | `SPC w =` | 对齐分离的窗口 |
| `SPC w b` | force the focus back to the minibuffer (TODO) | | `SPC w b` | force the focus back to the minibuffer (TODO) |
@ -838,152 +838,152 @@ let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [
| `SPC w F` | 新建一个新的标签页 | | `SPC w F` | 新建一个新的标签页 |
| `SPC w h` | 移至左边窗口 | | `SPC w h` | 移至左边窗口 |
| `SPC w H` | 将窗口向左移动 | | `SPC w H` | 将窗口向左移动 |
| `SPC w j` | move to window below | | `SPC w j` | 移至下方窗口 |
| `SPC w J` | move window to the bottom | | `SPC w J` | 将窗口移至下方 |
| `SPC w k` | move to window above | | `SPC w k` | 移至上方窗口 |
| `SPC w K` | move window to the top | | `SPC w K` | 将窗口移至上方 |
| `SPC w l` | move to window on the right | | `SPC w l` | 移至右方窗口 |
| `SPC w L` | move window to the right | | `SPC w L` | 将窗口移至右方 |
| `SPC w m` | maximize/minimize a window (maximize is equivalent to delete other windows) (TODO, now only support maximize) | | `SPC w m` | 最大化/最小化窗口(最大化相当于关闭其他窗口)(TODO, now only support maximize) |
| `SPC w M` | swap windows using vim-choosewin | | `SPC w M` | 选择窗口进行替换 |
| `SPC w o` | cycle and focus between tabs | | `SPC w o` | 按序切换标签页 |
| `SPC w p m` | open messages buffer in a popup window (TODO) | | `SPC w p m` | open messages buffer in a popup window (TODO) |
| `SPC w p p` | close the current sticky popup window (TODO) | | `SPC w p p` | close the current sticky popup window (TODO) |
| `SPC w r` | rotate windows forward | | `SPC w r` | 按序切换窗口 |
| `SPC w R` | rotate windows backward | | `SPC w R` | 逆序切换窗口 |
| `SPC w s or SPC w -` | horizontal split | | `SPC w s or SPC w -` | 水平分割窗口 |
| `SPC w S` | horizontal split and focus new window | | `SPC w S` | 水平分割窗口,并切换至新窗口 |
| `SPC w u` | undo window layout (used to effectively undo a closed window) (TODO) | | `SPC w u` | undo window layout (used to effectively undo a closed window) (TODO) |
| `SPC w U` | redo window layout (TODO) | | `SPC w U` | redo window layout (TODO) |
| `SPC w v or SPC w /` | vertical split | | `SPC w v or SPC w /` | 垂直分离窗口 |
| `SPC w V` | vertical split and focus new window | | `SPC w V` | 垂直分离窗口,并切换至新窗口 |
| `SPC w w` | cycle and focus between windows | | `SPC w w` | 切换至前一窗口 |
| `SPC w W` | select window using vim-choosewin | | `SPC w W` | 选择一个窗口 |
#### Buffers and Files ##### 文件和 Buffer 操作
##### Buffers manipulation key bindings ###### Buffer 操作相关快捷键
Buffer manipulation commands (start with `b`): Buffer 操作相关快捷键都是已 `SPC b` 为前缀的:
| Key Binding | Description | | 快捷键 | 描述 |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `SPC TAB` | switch to alternate buffer in the current window (switch back and forth) | | `SPC TAB` | 切换至前一buffer可用于两个 buffer 来回切换 |
| `SPC b .` | buffer transient state | | `SPC b .` | 启用 buffer 临时快捷键 |
| `SPC b b` | switch to a buffer (via denite/unite) | | `SPC b b` | 切换至某一 buffer通过 Unite/Denite 进行筛选 |
| `SPC b d` | kill the current buffer (does not delete the visited file) | | `SPC b d` | 删除当前 buffer但保留 Vim 窗口 |
| `SPC u SPC b d` | kill the current buffer and window (does not delete the visited file) (TODO) | | `SPC u SPC b d` | kill the current buffer and window (does not delete the visited file) (TODO) |
| `SPC b D` | kill a visible buffer using vim-choosewin | | `SPC b D` | 选择一个窗口,并删除其 buffer |
| `SPC u SPC b D` | kill a visible buffer and its window using ace-window(TODO) | | `SPC u SPC b D` | kill a visible buffer and its window using ace-window(TODO) |
| `SPC b C-d` | kill other buffers | | `SPC b C-d` | 删除其他 buffer |
| `SPC b C-D` | kill buffers using a regular expression(TODO) | | `SPC b C-D` | kill buffers using a regular expression(TODO) |
| `SPC b e` | erase the content of the buffer (ask for confirmation) | | `SPC b e` | 清除当前 buffer 内容,需要手动确认 |
| `SPC b h` | open _SpaceVim_ home buffer | | `SPC b h` | 打开 _SpaceVim_ 欢迎界面 |
| `SPC b n` | switch to next buffer avoiding special buffers | | `SPC b n` | 切换至下一个 buffer排除特殊插件的 buffer |
| `SPC b m` | open _Messages_ buffer | | `SPC b m` | 打开 _Messages_ buffer |
| `SPC u SPC b m` | kill all buffers and windows except the current one(TODO) | | `SPC u SPC b m` | kill all buffers and windows except the current one(TODO) |
| `SPC b p` | switch to previous buffer avoiding special buffers | | `SPC b p` | 切换至前一个 buffer排除特殊插件的 buffer |
| `SPC b P` | copy clipboard and replace buffer (useful when pasting from a browser) | | `SPC b P` | 使用剪切板内容替换当前 buffer |
| `SPC b R` | revert the current buffer (reload from disk) | | `SPC b R` | 从磁盘重新读取当前 buffer 所对应的文件 |
| `SPC b s` | switch to the _scratch_ buffer (create it if needed) | | `SPC b s` | switch to the _scratch_ buffer (create it if needed) (TODO) |
| `SPC b w` | toggle read-only (writable state) | | `SPC b w` | 切换只读权限 |
| `SPC b Y` | copy whole buffer to clipboard (useful when copying to a browser) | | `SPC b Y` | 将整个 buffer 复制到剪切板 |
| `z f` | Make current function or comments visible in buffer as much as possible (TODO) | | `z f` | Make current function or comments visible in buffer as much as possible (TODO) |
##### Create a new empty buffer ###### 新建空白 buffer
| Key Binding | Description | | 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | ----------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| `SPC b N h` | create new empty buffer in a new window on the left | | `SPC b N h` | 在左侧新建一个窗口,并在其中新建空白 buffer |
| `SPC b N j` | create new empty buffer in a new window at the bottom | | `SPC b N j` | 在下方新建一个窗口,并在其中新建空白 buffer |
| `SPC b N k` | create new empty buffer in a new window above | | `SPC b N k` | 在上方新建一个窗口,并在其中新建空白 buffer |
| `SPC b N l` | create new empty buffer in a new window below | | `SPC b N l` | 在右侧新建一个窗口,并在其中新建空白 buffer |
| `SPC b N n` | create new empty buffer in current window | | `SPC b N n` | 在当前窗口新建一个空白 buffer |
##### Special Buffers ###### 特殊 buffer
In SpaceVim, there are many special buffers, these buffers are created by plugins or SpaceVim isself. and all of this buffers are not listed. 在 SpaceVim 中,有很多特殊的 buffer这些 buffer 是由插件或者 SpaceVim 自身新建的,并不会被列出。
##### Files manipulations key bindings ###### 文件操作相关快捷键
Files manipulation commands (start with f): 文件操作相关的快捷键都是以 `SPC f` 为前缀的:
| Key Binding | Description | | 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| `SPC f b` | go to file bookmarks | | `SPC f b` | 跳至文件书签 |
| `SPC f c` | copy current file to a different location(TODO) | | `SPC f c` | copy current file to a different location(TODO) |
| `SPC f C d` | convert file from unix to dos encoding | | `SPC f C d` | 修改文件编码 unix -> dos |
| `SPC f C u` | convert file from dos to unix encoding | | `SPC f C u` | 修改文件编码 dos -> unix |
| `SPC f D` | delete a file and the associated buffer (ask for confirmation) | | `SPC f D` | 删除文件以及 buffer需要手动确认 |
| `SPC f E` | open a file with elevated privileges (sudo edit)(TODO) | | `SPC f E` | open a file with elevated privileges (sudo edit)(TODO) |
| `SPC f f` | open file | | `SPC f f` | 打开文件 |
| `SPC f F` | try to open the file under point | | `SPC f F` | 打开光标下的文件 |
| `SPC f o` | open a file using the default external program(TODO) | | `SPC f o` | open a file using the default external program(TODO) |
| `SPC f R` | rename the current file(TODO) | | `SPC f R` | rename the current file(TODO) |
| `SPC f s` | save a file | | `SPC f s` | 保存文件 |
| `SPC f S` | save all files | | `SPC f S` | 保存所有文件 |
| `SPC f r` | open a recent file | | `SPC f r` | 打开文件历史 |
| `SPC f t` | toggle file tree side bar | | `SPC f t` | 切换侧栏文件树 |
| `SPC f T` | show file tree side bar | | `SPC f T` | 打开文件树侧栏 |
| `SPC f y` | show and copy current file absolute path in the cmdline | | `SPC f y` | 复制当前文件,并且显示当前文件路径 |
##### Vim and SpaceVim files ###### Vim 和 SpaceVim 相关文件
Convenient key bindings are located under the prefix `SPC f v` to quickly navigate between Vim and SpaceVim specific files. SpaceVim 相关的快捷键均以 `SPC f v` 为前缀,这便于快速访问 SpaceVim 的配置文件:
| Key Binding | Description | | 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------- | | ----------- | ------------------------------ |
| `SPC f v v` | display and copy SpaceVim version | | `SPC f v v` | 复制并显示当前 SpaceVim 的版本 |
| `SPC f v d` | open SpaceVim custom configuration file | | `SPC f v d` | 打开 SpaceVim 的用户配置文件 |
#### File tree ##### 文件树
SpaceVim use vimfiler as the default file tree, and the default key binding is `F3`, and SpaceVim also provide `SPC f t` and `SPC f T` to open the file tree. to change the file explore to nerdtree: SpaceVim 使用 vimfiler 作为默认的文件树插件,默认的快捷键是 `F3`, SpaceVim 也提供了另外一组快捷键 `SPC f t``SPC f T` 来打开文件树,如果需要使用 nerdtree 作为默认文件树,需要设置:
```vim ```vim
" the default value is vimfiler " the default value is vimfiler
let g:spacevim_filemanager = 'nerdtree' let g:spacevim_filemanager = 'nerdtree'
``` ```
VCS integration is supported, there will be a column status, this feature maybe make vimfiler slow, so it is not enabled by default. to enable this feature, add `let g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_gitstatus = 1` to your custom config. here is any picture for this feature: SpaceVim 的文件树提供了版本控制信息的借口,但是这一特性需要分析文件夹内容,会使得文件树插件比较慢,因此默认没有打开,如果需要使用这一特性,可向配置文件中加入 `let g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_gitstatus = 1`,启用后的截图如下:
![file-tree](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13142418/26881817-279225b2-4bcb-11e7-8872-7e4bd3d1c84e.png) ![file-tree](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13142418/26881817-279225b2-4bcb-11e7-8872-7e4bd3d1c84e.png)
##### File tree navigation ###### 文件树中的常用操作
Navigation is centered on the `hjkl` keys with the hope of providing a fast navigation experience like in [vifm](https://github.com/vifm): 文件树中主要以 `hjkl` 为核心,这类似于 [vifm](https://github.com/vifm) 中常用的快捷键:
| Key Binding | Description | | 快捷键 | 描述 |
| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | | -------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| `<F3>` or `SPC f t` | Toggle file explorer | | `<F3>` or `SPC f t` | 切换文件树 |
| **Within _VimFiler_ buffers** | | | **文件树内的快捷键** | |
| `<Left>` or `h` | go to parent node and collapse expanded directory | | `<Left>` or `h` | 移至父目录,并关闭文件夹 |
| `<Down>` or `j` | select next file or directory | | `<Down>` or `j` | 向下移动光标 |
| `<Up>` or `k` | select previous file or directory | | `<Up>` or `k` | 向上移动光标 |
| `<Right>` or `l` | open selected file or expand directory | | `<Right>` or `l` | 展开目录,或打开文件 |
| `Ctrl`+`j` | Un-map | | `Ctrl`+`j` | 未使用 |
| `Ctrl`+`l` | Un-map | | `Ctrl`+`l` | 未使用 |
| `E` | Un-map | | `E` | 未使用 |
| `.` | toggle visible ignored files | | `.` | 切换显示隐藏文件 |
| `sv` | Split edit | | `sv` | 分屏编辑该文件 |
| `sg` | Vertical split edit | | `sg` | 垂直分屏编辑该文件 |
| `p` | Preview | | `p` | 预览文件 |
| `i` | Switch to directory history | | `i` | 切换至文件夹历史 |
| `v` | Quick look | | `v` | 快速查看 |
| `gx` | Execute with vimfiler associated | | `gx` | 使用相关程序执行该文件(TODO) |
| `'` | Toggle mark current line | | `'` | 切换标签 |
| `V` | Clear all marks | | `V` | 标记该文件 |
| `Ctrl`+`r` | Redraw | | `Ctrl`+`r` | 刷新页面 |
##### Open file with file tree. ###### 文件树中打开文件
If there is only one file buffer opened, a file is opened in the active window, otherwise we need to use vim-choosewin to select a window to open the file. 如果只有一个可编辑窗口,则在该窗口中打开选择的文件,否则则需要制定窗口来打开文件:
| Key Binding | Description | | 快捷键 | 描述 |
| -------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | -------------- | ---------------- |
| `l` or `Enter` | open file in one window | | `l` or `Enter` | 打开文件 |
| `sg` | open file in an vertically split window | | `sg` | 分屏打开文件 |
| `sv` | open file in an horizontally split window | | `sv` | 垂直分屏打开文件 |
### Commands starting with `g` ### Commands starting with `g`