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synced 2025-03-23 17:49:57 +08:00
docs(tasks): update :h SpaceVim-usage-tasks
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@ -6,13 +6,179 @@
" License: GPLv3
" License: GPLv3
if exists('s:is_loaded')
let s:is_loaded = 1
" this plugin is based on vscode task Scheme
" this plugin is based on vscode task Scheme
" https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks-appendix
" https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks-appendix
" @section tasks, usage-tasks
" @section tasks, usage-tasks
" @parentsection usage
" @parentsection usage
" general guide for tasks manager in SpaceVim.
" To integrate with external tools, SpaceVim introduced a task manager system,
" which is similar to VSCode's tasks-manager.
" There are two kinds of task configurations file:
" - `~/.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml`: global tasks configuration
" - `.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml`: project local tasks configuration
" The tasks defined in the global tasks configuration can be overrided by
" project local tasks configuration.
" @subsection Key bindings
" >
" Key binding Description
" SPC p t l list all available tasks
" SPC p t e edit project tesk
" SPC p t r pick tesk to run
" SPC p t c clear tasks
" <
" @subsection custom task
" This is a basic task configuration for running `echo hello world`,
" and print the results to the runner window.
" >
" [my-task]
" command = 'echo'
" args = ['hello world']
" <
" To run the task in the background, you need to set `isBackground` to `true`:
" >
" [my-task]
" command = 'echo'
" args = ['hello world']
" isBackground = true
" <
" The following task properties are available:
" 1. `command`: The actual command to execute.
" 2. `args`: The arguments passed to the command, it should be a list of strings and may be omitted.
" 3. `options`: Override the defaults for `cwd`,`env` or `shell`.
" 4. `isBackground`: Specifies whether the task should run in the background. by default, it is `false`.
" 5. `description`: Short description of the task
" 6. `problemMatcher`: Problems matcher of the task
" Note: When a new task is executed, it will kill the previous task.
" If you want to keep the task, run it in background by setting
" `isBackground` to `true`.
" SpaceVim supports variable substitution in the task properties,
" The following predefined variables are supported:
" - `{workspaceFolder}`: The project's root directory
" - `{workspaceFolderBasename}`: The name of current project's root directory
" - `{file}`: The path of current file
" - `{relativeFile}`: The current file relative to project root
" - `{relativeFileDirname}`: The current file's dirname relative to workspaceFolder
" - `{fileBasename}`: The current file's basename
" - `{fileBasenameNoExtension}`: The current file's basename without file extension
" - `{fileDirname}`: The current file's dirname
" - `{fileExtname}`: The current file's extension
" - `{cwd}`: The task runner's current working directory on startup
" - `{lineNumber}`: The current selected line number in the active file
" For example: Supposing that you have the following requirements:
" A file located at `/home/your-username/your-project/folder/file.ext` opened in your editor;
" The directory `/home/your-username/your-project` opened as your root workspace.
" So you will have the following values for each variable:
" - `{workspaceFolder}`: `/home/your-username/your-project/`
" - `{workspaceFolderBasename}`: `your-project`
" - `{file}`: `/home/your-username/your-project/folder/file.ext`
" - `{relativeFile}`: `folder/file.ext`
" - `{relativeFileDirname}`: `folder/`
" - `{fileBasename}`: `file.ext`
" - `{fileBasenameNoExtension}`: `file`
" - `{fileDirname}`: `/home/your-username/your-project/folder/`
" - `{fileExtname}`: `.ext`
" - `{lineNumber}`: line number of the cursor
" @subsection Task Problems Matcher
" Problem matcher is used to capture the message in the task output
" and show a corresponding problem in quickfix windows.
" `problemMatcher` supports `errorformat` and `pattern` properties.
" If the `errorformat` property is not defined, the `&errorformat` option will be used.
" >
" [test_problemMatcher]
" command = "echo"
" args = ['.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml:6:1 test error message']
" isBackground = true
" [test_problemMatcher.problemMatcher]
" useStdout = true
" errorformat = '%f:%l:%c\ %m'
" <
" If `pattern` is defined, the `errorformat` option will be ignored.
" Here is an example:
" >
" [test_regexp]
" command = "echo"
" args = ['.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml:12:1 test error message']
" isBackground = true
" [test_regexp.problemMatcher]
" useStdout = true
" [test_regexp.problemMatcher.pattern]
" regexp = '\(.*\):\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\)\s\(\S.*\)'
" file = 1
" line = 2
" column = 3
" #severity = 4
" message = 4
" <
" @subsection Task auto-detection
" Currently, SpaceVim can auto-detect tasks for npm.
" the tasks manager will parse the `package.json` file for npm packages.
" @subsection Task provider
" Some tasks can be automatically detected by the task provider. For example,
" a Task Provider could check if there is a specific build file, such as `package.json`,
" and create npm tasks.
" To build a task provider, you need to use the Bootstrap function.
" The task provider should be a vim function that returns a task object.
" here is an example for building a task provider.
" >
" function! s:make_tasks() abort
" if filereadable('Makefile')
" let subcmds = filter(readfile('Makefile', ''), "v:val=~#'^.PHONY'")
" let conf = {}
" for subcmd in subcmds
" let commands = split(subcmd)[1:]
" for cmd in commands
" call extend(conf, {
" \ cmd : {
" \ 'command': 'make',
" \ 'args' : [cmd],
" \ 'isDetected' : 1,
" \ 'detectedName' : 'make:'
" \ }
" \ })
" endfor
" endfor
" return conf
" else
" return {}
" endif
" endfunction
" call SpaceVim#plugins#tasks#reg_provider(function('s:make_tasks'))
" <
" With the above configuration, you will see the following tasks in the SpaceVim repo:
let s:TOML = SpaceVim#api#import('data#toml')
let s:TOML = SpaceVim#api#import('data#toml')
let s:JSON = SpaceVim#api#import('data#json')
let s:JSON = SpaceVim#api#import('data#json')
@ -5551,7 +5551,173 @@ The available scopes and corresponding keys are:
TASKS *SpaceVim-usage-tasks*
TASKS *SpaceVim-usage-tasks*
general guide for tasks manager in SpaceVim.
To integrate with external tools, SpaceVim introduced a task manager system,
which is similar to VSCode's tasks-manager. There are two kinds of task
configurations file:
`~/.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml`: global tasks configuration
`.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml`: project local tasks configuration
The tasks defined in the global tasks configuration can be overrided by
project local tasks configuration.
Key binding Description
SPC p t l list all available tasks
SPC p t e edit project tesk
SPC p t r pick tesk to run
SPC p t c clear tasks
This is a basic task configuration for running `echo hello world`, and print
the results to the runner window.
command = 'echo'
args = ['hello world']
To run the task in the background, you need to set `isBackground` to `true`:
command = 'echo'
args = ['hello world']
isBackground = true
The following task properties are available:
1. `command`: The actual command to execute.
2. `args`: The arguments passed to the command, it should be a list of
strings and may be omitted.
3. `options`: Override the defaults for `cwd`,`env` or `shell`.
4. `isBackground`: Specifies whether the task should run in the background.
by default, it is `false`.
5. `description`: Short description of the task
6. `problemMatcher`: Problems matcher of the task
Note: When a new task is executed, it will kill the previous task. If you want
to keep the task, run it in background by setting `isBackground` to `true`.
SpaceVim supports variable substitution in the task properties, The following
predefined variables are supported:
`{workspaceFolder}`: The project's root directory
`{workspaceFolderBasename}`: The name of current project's root directory
`{file}`: The path of current file
`{relativeFile}`: The current file relative to project root
`{relativeFileDirname}`: The current file's dirname relative to
`{fileBasename}`: The current file's basename
`{fileBasenameNoExtension}`: The current file's basename without file
`{fileDirname}`: The current file's dirname
`{fileExtname}`: The current file's extension
`{cwd}`: The task runner's current working directory on startup
`{lineNumber}`: The current selected line number in the active file
For example: Supposing that you have the following requirements:
A file located at `/home/your-username/your-project/folder/file.ext` opened in
your editor; The directory `/home/your-username/your-project` opened as your
root workspace. So you will have the following values for each variable:
`{workspaceFolder}`: `/home/your-username/your-project/`
`{workspaceFolderBasename}`: `your-project`
`{file}`: `/home/your-username/your-project/folder/file.ext`
`{relativeFile}`: `folder/file.ext`
`{relativeFileDirname}`: `folder/`
`{fileBasename}`: `file.ext`
`{fileBasenameNoExtension}`: `file`
`{fileDirname}`: `/home/your-username/your-project/folder/`
`{fileExtname}`: `.ext`
`{lineNumber}`: line number of the cursor
Problem matcher is used to capture the message in the task output and show a
corresponding problem in quickfix windows.
`problemMatcher` supports `errorformat` and `pattern` properties.
If the `errorformat` property is not defined, the `&errorformat` option will
be used.
command = "echo"
args = ['.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml:6:1 test error message']
isBackground = true
useStdout = true
errorformat = '%f:%l:%c\ %m'
If `pattern` is defined, the `errorformat` option will be ignored. Here is an
command = "echo"
args = ['.SpaceVim.d/tasks.toml:12:1 test error message']
isBackground = true
useStdout = true
regexp = '\(.*\):\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\)\s\(\S.*\)'
file = 1
line = 2
column = 3
#severity = 4
message = 4
Currently, SpaceVim can auto-detect tasks for npm. the tasks manager will
parse the `package.json` file for npm packages.
Some tasks can be automatically detected by the task provider. For example, a
Task Provider could check if there is a specific build file, such as
`package.json`, and create npm tasks.
To build a task provider, you need to use the Bootstrap function. The task
provider should be a vim function that returns a task object.
here is an example for building a task provider.
function! s:make_tasks() abort
if filereadable('Makefile')
let subcmds = filter(readfile('Makefile', ''), "v:val=~#'^.PHONY'")
let conf = {}
for subcmd in subcmds
let commands = split(subcmd)[1:]
for cmd in commands
call extend(conf, {
\ cmd : {
\ 'command': 'make',
\ 'args' : [cmd],
\ 'isDetected' : 1,
\ 'detectedName' : 'make:'
\ }
\ })
return conf
return {}
call SpaceVim#plugins#tasks#reg_provider(function('s:make_tasks'))
With the above configuration, you will see the following tasks in the SpaceVim
UNDO-TREE *SpaceVim-usage-undotree*
UNDO-TREE *SpaceVim-usage-undotree*
Reference in New Issue
Block a user