mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 01:27:53 +08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'Gabirel/dev' into markdown
This commit is contained in:
@ -153,13 +153,13 @@ function! SpaceVim#mapping#leader#defindWindowsLeader(key) abort
\ :<C-u>b#<CR>
\ :<C-u>b#<CR>
let g:_spacevim_mappings_windows['\'] = ['b#',
let g:_spacevim_mappings_windows['\'] = ['b#',
\ 'Switch to the last buffer']
\ 'Switch to the last buffer']
nnoremap <silent> [Window]q
\ :<C-u>close<CR>
let g:_spacevim_mappings_windows.q = ['close',
\ 'Close current windows']
nnoremap <silent> [Window]Q
nnoremap <silent> [Window]Q
\ :<C-u>close<CR>
let g:_spacevim_mappings_windows.Q = ['close',
\ 'Close current windows']
nnoremap <silent> [Window]q
\ :<C-u>call SpaceVim#mapping#close_current_buffer()<CR>
\ :<C-u>call SpaceVim#mapping#close_current_buffer()<CR>
let g:_spacevim_mappings_windows.Q = ['call SpaceVim#mapping#close_current_buffer()',
let g:_spacevim_mappings_windows.q = ['call SpaceVim#mapping#close_current_buffer()',
\ 'delete current windows']
\ 'delete current windows']
nnoremap <silent> [Window]c
nnoremap <silent> [Window]c
\ :<C-u>call SpaceVim#mapping#clearBuffers()<CR>
\ :<C-u>call SpaceVim#mapping#clearBuffers()<CR>
@ -7,140 +7,140 @@ description: "General documentation about how to using SpaceVim, including the q
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- [Core Pillars](#core-pillars)
* [Core Pillars](#core-pillars)
- [Mnemonic](#mnemonic)
* [Mnemonic](#mnemonic)
- [Discoverable](#discoverable)
* [Discoverable](#discoverable)
- [Consistent](#consistent)
* [Consistent](#consistent)
- [Crowd-Configured](#crowd-configured)
* [Crowd-Configured](#crowd-configured)
- [Highlighted features](#highlighted-features)
* [Highlighted features](#highlighted-features)
- [Screenshots](#screenshots)
* [Screenshots](#screenshots)
- [welcome page](#welcome-page)
* [welcome page](#welcome-page)
- [working flow](#working-flow)
* [working flow](#working-flow)
- [Who can benefit from this?](#who-can-benefit-from-this)
* [Who can benefit from this?](#who-can-benefit-from-this)
- [Update and Rollback](#update-and-rollback)
* [Update and Rollback](#update-and-rollback)
- [Update SpaceVim itself](#update-spacevim-itself)
* [Update SpaceVim itself](#update-spacevim-itself)
- [Automatic Updates](#automatic-updates)
* [Automatic Updates](#automatic-updates)
- [Updating from the SpaceVim Buffer](#updating-from-the-spacevim-buffer)
* [Updating from the SpaceVim Buffer](#updating-from-the-spacevim-buffer)
- [Updating Manually with git](#updating-manually-with-git)
* [Updating Manually with git](#updating-manually-with-git)
- [Update plugins](#update-plugins)
* [Update plugins](#update-plugins)
- [Get SpaceVim log](#get-spacevim-log)
* [Get SpaceVim log](#get-spacevim-log)
- [Configuration layers](#configuration-layers)
* [Configuration layers](#configuration-layers)
- [Purpose](#purpose)
* [Purpose](#purpose)
- [Structure](#structure)
* [Structure](#structure)
- [Custom Configuration](#custom-configuration)
* [Custom Configuration](#custom-configuration)
- [Automatic Generation](#automatic-generation)
* [Automatic Generation](#automatic-generation)
- [Alternative directory](#alternative-directory)
* [Alternative directory](#alternative-directory)
- [Concepts](#concepts)
* [Concepts](#concepts)
- [Transient-states](#transient-states)
* [Transient-states](#transient-states)
- [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui)
* [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui)
- [Colorschemes](#colorschemes)
* [Colorschemes](#colorschemes)
- [Font](#font)
* [Font](#font)
- [UI Toggles](#ui-toggles)
* [UI Toggles](#ui-toggles)
- [Statusline && tabline](#statusline--tabline)
* [Statusline && tabline](#statusline--tabline)
- [statusline](#statusline)
* [statusline](#statusline)
- [tabline](#tabline)
* [tabline](#tabline)
- [Manual](#manual)
* [Manual](#manual)
- [Completion](#completion)
* [Completion](#completion)
- [Unite/Denite](#unitedenite)
* [Unite/Denite](#unitedenite)
- [Mappings within unite/denite buffer](#mappings-within-unitedenite-buffer)
* [Mappings within unite/denite buffer](#mappings-within-unitedenite-buffer)
- [Discovering](#discovering)
* [Discovering](#discovering)
- [Mappings](#mappings)
* [Mappings](#mappings)
- [Mappings guide](#mappings-guide)
* [Mappings guide](#mappings-guide)
- [Unide/Denite describe key bindings](#unidedenite-describe-key-bindings)
* [Unide/Denite describe key bindings](#unidedenite-describe-key-bindings)
- [Getting help](#getting-help)
* [Getting help](#getting-help)
- [Available layers](#available-layers)
* [Available layers](#available-layers)
- [Available plugins in SpaceVim](#available-plugins-in-spacevim)
* [Available plugins in SpaceVim](#available-plugins-in-spacevim)
- [New packages from ELPA repositories](#new-packages-from-elpa-repositories)
* [New packages from ELPA repositories](#new-packages-from-elpa-repositories)
- [Toggles](#toggles)
* [Toggles](#toggles)
- [Navigating](#navigating)
* [Navigating](#navigating)
- [Point/Cursor](#pointcursor)
* [Point/Cursor](#pointcursor)
- [Vim motions with vim-easymotion](#vim-motions-with-vim-easymotion)
* [Vim motions with vim-easymotion](#vim-motions-with-vim-easymotion)
- [quick-jump-link mode (TODO)](#quick-jump-link-mode-todo)
* [quick-jump-link mode (TODO)](#quick-jump-link-mode-todo)
- [Unimpaired bindings](#unimpaired-bindings)
* [Unimpaired bindings](#unimpaired-bindings)
- [Jumping, Joining and Splitting](#jumping-joining-and-splitting)
* [Jumping, Joining and Splitting](#jumping-joining-and-splitting)
- [Jumping](#jumping)
* [Jumping](#jumping)
- [Joining and splitting](#joining-and-splitting)
* [Joining and splitting](#joining-and-splitting)
- [Window manipulation](#window-manipulation)
* [Window manipulation](#window-manipulation)
- [Window manipulation key bindings](#window-manipulation-key-bindings)
* [Window manipulation key bindings](#window-manipulation-key-bindings)
- [Buffers and Files](#buffers-and-files)
* [Buffers and Files](#buffers-and-files)
- [Buffers manipulation key bindings](#buffers-manipulation-key-bindings)
* [Buffers manipulation key bindings](#buffers-manipulation-key-bindings)
- [Create a new empty buffer](#create-a-new-empty-buffer)
* [Create a new empty buffer](#create-a-new-empty-buffer)
- [Special Buffers](#special-buffers)
* [Special Buffers](#special-buffers)
- [Files manipulations key bindings](#files-manipulations-key-bindings)
* [Files manipulations key bindings](#files-manipulations-key-bindings)
- [Vim and SpaceVim files](#vim-and-spacevim-files)
* [Vim and SpaceVim files](#vim-and-spacevim-files)
- [File tree](#file-tree)
* [File tree](#file-tree)
- [File tree navigation](#file-tree-navigation)
* [File tree navigation](#file-tree-navigation)
- [Open file with file tree.](#open-file-with-file-tree)
* [Open file with file tree.](#open-file-with-file-tree)
- [Commands starting with `g`](#commands-starting-with-g)
* [Commands starting with `g`](#commands-starting-with-g)
- [Commands starting with `z`](#commands-starting-with-z)
* [Commands starting with `z`](#commands-starting-with-z)
- [Auto-saving](#auto-saving)
* [Auto-saving](#auto-saving)
- [Searching](#searching)
* [Searching](#searching)
- [With an external tool](#with-an-external-tool)
* [With an external tool](#with-an-external-tool)
- [Useful key bindings](#useful-key-bindings)
* [Useful key bindings](#useful-key-bindings)
- [Searching in current file](#searching-in-current-file)
* [Searching in current file](#searching-in-current-file)
- [Searching in all loaded buffers](#searching-in-all-loaded-buffers)
* [Searching in all loaded buffers](#searching-in-all-loaded-buffers)
- [Searching in an arbitrary directory](#searching-in-an-arbitrary-directory)
* [Searching in an arbitrary directory](#searching-in-an-arbitrary-directory)
- [Searching in a project](#searching-in-a-project)
* [Searching in a project](#searching-in-a-project)
- [Background searching in a project](#background-searching-in-a-project)
* [Background searching in a project](#background-searching-in-a-project)
- [Searching the web](#searching-the-web)
* [Searching the web](#searching-the-web)
- [Searching on the fly](#searching-on-the-fly)
* [Searching on the fly](#searching-on-the-fly)
- [Persistent highlighting](#persistent-highlighting)
* [Persistent highlighting](#persistent-highlighting)
- [Editing](#editing)
* [Editing](#editing)
- [Paste text](#paste-text)
* [Paste text](#paste-text)
- [Auto-indent pasted text](#auto-indent-pasted-text)
* [Auto-indent pasted text](#auto-indent-pasted-text)
- [Text manipulation commands](#text-manipulation-commands)
* [Text manipulation commands](#text-manipulation-commands)
- [Text insertion commands](#text-insertion-commands)
* [Text insertion commands](#text-insertion-commands)
- [Increase/Decrease numbers](#increasedecrease-numbers)
* [Increase/Decrease numbers](#increasedecrease-numbers)
- [Commenting](#commenting)
* [Commenting](#commenting)
- [Multi-Encodings](#multi-encodings)
* [Multi-Encodings](#multi-encodings)
- [Errors handling](#errors-handling)
* [Errors handling](#errors-handling)
- [Managing projects](#managing-projects)
* [Managing projects](#managing-projects)
- [Searching files in project](#searching-files-in-project)
* [Searching files in project](#searching-files-in-project)
- [EditorConfig](#editorconfig)
* [EditorConfig](#editorconfig)
- [Vim Server](#vim-server)
* [Vim Server](#vim-server)
- [Connecting to the Vim server](#connecting-to-the-vim-server)
* [Connecting to the Vim server](#connecting-to-the-vim-server)
- [Achievements](#achievements)
* [Achievements](#achievements)
- [issues](#issues)
* [issues](#issues)
- [Stars, forks and watchers](#stars-forks-and-watchers)
* [Stars, forks and watchers](#stars-forks-and-watchers)
- [Features](#features)
* [Features](#features)
- [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui-1)
* [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui-1)
- [Mnemonic key bindings](#mnemonic-key-bindings)
* [Mnemonic key bindings](#mnemonic-key-bindings)
- [Language specific mode](#language-specific-mode)
* [Language specific mode](#language-specific-mode)
- [Key Mapping](#key-mapping)
* [Key Mapping](#key-mapping)
- [c/c++ support](#cc-support)
* [c/c++ support](#cc-support)
- [go support](#go-support)
* [go support](#go-support)
- [python support](#python-support)
* [python support](#python-support)
- [Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim.](#neovim-centric---dark-powered-mode-of-spacevim)
* [Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim.](#neovim-centric---dark-powered-mode-of-spacevim)
- [Modular configuration](#modular-configuration)
* [Modular configuration](#modular-configuration)
- [Multiple leader mode](#multiple-leader-mode)
* [Multiple leader mode](#multiple-leader-mode)
- [Global origin vim leader](#global-origin-vim-leader)
* [Global origin vim leader](#global-origin-vim-leader)
- [Local origin vim leader](#local-origin-vim-leader)
* [Local origin vim leader](#local-origin-vim-leader)
- [Windows function leader](#windows-function-leader)
* [Windows function leader](#windows-function-leader)
- [Unite work flow leader](#unite-work-flow-leader)
* [Unite work flow leader](#unite-work-flow-leader)
- [Unite centric work-flow](#unite-centric-work-flow)
* [Unite centric work-flow](#unite-centric-work-flow)
- [Plugin Highlights](#plugin-highlights)
* [Plugin Highlights](#plugin-highlights)
- [Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#non-lazy-loaded-plugins)
* [Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#non-lazy-loaded-plugins)
- [Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#lazy-loaded-plugins)
* [Lazy-Loaded Plugins](#lazy-loaded-plugins)
- [Language](#language)
* [Language](#language)
- [Commands](#commands)
* [Commands](#commands)
- [Commands](#commands-1)
* [Commands](#commands-1)
- [Completion](#completion-1)
* [Completion](#completion-1)
- [Unite](#unite)
* [Unite](#unite)
- [Operators & Text Objects](#operators--text-objects)
* [Operators & Text Objects](#operators--text-objects)
- [Custom Key bindings](#custom-key-bindings)
* [Custom Key bindings](#custom-key-bindings)
- [File Operations](#file-operations)
* [File Operations](#file-operations)
- [Editor UI](#editor-ui)
* [Editor UI](#editor-ui)
- [Window Management](#window-management)
* [Window Management](#window-management)
- [Native functions](#native-functions)
* [Native functions](#native-functions)
- [Plugin: Unite](#plugin-unite)
* [Plugin: Unite](#plugin-unite)
- [Plugin: neocomplete](#plugin-neocomplete)
* [Plugin: neocomplete](#plugin-neocomplete)
- [Plugin: NERD Commenter](#plugin-nerd-commenter)
* [Plugin: NERD Commenter](#plugin-nerd-commenter)
- [Plugin: Goyo and Limelight](#plugin-goyo-and-limelight)
* [Plugin: Goyo and Limelight](#plugin-goyo-and-limelight)
- [Plugin: ChooseWin](#plugin-choosewin)
* [Plugin: ChooseWin](#plugin-choosewin)
- [Plugin: Bookmarks](#plugin-bookmarks)
* [Plugin: Bookmarks](#plugin-bookmarks)
- [Plugin: Gina/Gita](#plugin-ginagita)
* [Plugin: Gina/Gita](#plugin-ginagita)
- [Plugin: vim-signify](#plugin-vim-signify)
* [Plugin: vim-signify](#plugin-vim-signify)
- [Misc Plugins](#misc-plugins)
* [Misc Plugins](#misc-plugins)
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@ -1795,15 +1795,15 @@ Unite work flow leader can only be used in normal mode. Unite leader need unite
| `s`+`t` | Normal | Open new tab (:tabnew) |
| `s`+`t` | Normal | Open new tab (:tabnew) |
| `s`+`o` | Normal | Close other windows (:only) |
| `s`+`o` | Normal | Close other windows (:only) |
| `s`+`x` | Normal | Remove buffer, leave blank window |
| `s`+`x` | Normal | Remove buffer, leave blank window |
| `s`+`q` | Normal | Closes current buffer (:close) |
| `s`+`q` | Normal | Remove current buffer, left buffer in the tabline will be displayed. If there is no buffer on the left, the right buffer will be displayed; if this is the last buffer in the tabline, then an empty buffer will be displayed. |
| `s`+`Q` | Normal | Removes current buffer, left buffer in the tabline will be displayed, if there is no buffer on the left, the right buffer will be displayed, if this is the last buffer in the tabline, then an empty buffer will be displayed. |
| `s`+`Q` | Normal | Close current buffer (:close) |
| `Tab` | Normal | Next window or tab |
| `Tab` | Normal | Next window or tab |
| `Shift`+`Tab` | Normal | Previous window or tab |
| `Shift`+`Tab` | Normal | Previous window or tab |
| `<leader>`+`sv` | Normal | Split with previous buffer |
| `<leader>`+`sv` | Normal | Split with previous buffer |
| `<leader>`+`sg` | Normal | Vertical split with previous buffer |
| `<leader>`+`sg` | Normal | Vertically split with previous buffer |
SpaceVim has mapped normal <kbd>q</kbd> as smart buffer close, the normal func of <kbd>q</kbd>
SpaceVim has mapped normal <kbd>q</kbd> as smart buffer close, the normal func of <kbd>q</kbd>
can be get by <kbd>`<leader>` q r</kbd>
can be get by <kbd><leader> q r</kbd>
##### Native functions
##### Native functions
Reference in New Issue
Block a user