diff --git a/.ci/bootstrap b/.ci/bootstrap
deleted file mode 100755
index 0c1041c1d..000000000
--- a/.ci/bootstrap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# usage: script/bootstrap
-cd docs && bundle install
diff --git a/.ci/build-production b/.ci/build-production
deleted file mode 100755
index d49c0c57a..000000000
--- a/.ci/build-production
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# usage: script/build-production
-# Run the jekyll build
-cd docs && bundle exec jekyll build
diff --git a/.ci/common/github_commenter.vim b/.ci/common/github_commenter.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e8d8731f..000000000
--- a/.ci/common/github_commenter.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-exe 'set nocp'
-set rtp+=/build/GitHub.vim
-set rtp+=/API
-so /build/GitHub.vim/plugin/github.vim
-let s:LIST = SpaceVim#api#import('data#list')
-let s:log = filereadable('build_log') ? system('cat build_log') : ''
-let g:githubapi_verbose = 1
-function! s:update_log(log, summary, new_log) abort
- let log = split(a:log, "\n")
- let begin = -1
- let end = -1
- for i in range(len(log))
- if log[i] =~ a:summary
- let begin = i
- endif
- if begin != -1 && log[i] ==# ''
- let end = i
- endif
- endfor
- if begin != -1 && end != -1
- return s:LIST.replace(log, begin, end, split(a:new_log, "\n"))
- else
- return a:log . "\n" . a:new_log
- endif
-if !empty(s:log)
- if $LINT ==# 'vader'
- let s:summary = $VIM . ' ' . $LINT . ' build log'
- else
- let s:summary = $LINT . ' build log'
- endif
- let s:log = '' . s:summary . "
\n" . s:log . "\n "
- let s:comments = github#api#issues#List_comments('SpaceVim', 'SpaceVim',$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST ,'')
- if empty(s:comments)
- call github#api#issues#Create_comment('SpaceVim','SpaceVim', $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST, {'body': s:log}, 'SpaceVimBot', $BOTSECRET)
- else
- let s:nr = 0
- for s:comment in s:comments
- if s:comment.user.login ==# 'SpaceVimBot'
- let s:nr = s:comment.id
- break
- endif
- endfor
- if s:nr == 0
- call github#api#issues#Create_comment('SpaceVim','SpaceVim', $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST, {'body': s:log}, 'SpaceVimBot', $BOTSECRET)
- else
- call github#api#issues#Edit_comment('SpaceVim','SpaceVim', s:nr,
- \ {'body': s:update_log(s:comment.body, s:summary, s:log)}, 'SpaceVimBot', $BOTSECRET)
- endif
- endif
- if $LINT ==# 'vader'
- let s:summary = $VIM . ' ' . $LINT . ' build log'
- else
- let s:summary = $LINT . ' build log'
- endif
- let s:log = '' . s:summary . "
\n" . s:log . "\n "
- let s:comments = github#api#issues#List_comments('SpaceVim', 'SpaceVim',$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST ,'')
- if !empty(s:comments)
- let s:nr = 0
- for s:comment in s:comments
- if s:comment.user.login ==# 'SpaceVimBot'
- let s:nr = s:comment.id
- break
- endif
- endfor
- if s:nr != 0
- call github#api#issues#Edit_comment('SpaceVim','SpaceVim', s:nr,
- \ {'body': s:update_log(s:comment.body, s:summary, s:log)}, 'SpaceVimBot', $BOTSECRET)
- endif
- endif
-echom v:shell_error
diff --git a/.ci/detach_plugin.sh b/.ci/detach_plugin.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 798bc126e..000000000
--- a/.ci/detach_plugin.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-_detact () {
- cp -f ../../$1 $1
-_detact_bundle () {
- cp -f ../../bundle/$1/$2 $2
-_checkdir () {
- if [[ ! -d "$1" ]]; then
- mkdir -p $1
- fi
-_default_readme () {
- cat < README.md
-# $1
-> $2
-This plugin is automatically detach from [SpaceVim](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/). you can use it without SpaceVim.
-main () {
- case "$1" in
- flygrep)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/FlyGrep.vim.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _checkdir syntax/
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/neovim
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/data
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/mapping
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/plugins
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/flygrep.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/logger.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/buffer.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/regex.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/compatible.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/floating.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/highlight.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/statusline.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/window.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/neovim/floating.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/data/dict.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/data/list.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/data/json.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/data/string.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/prompt.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/job.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/file.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/system.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/time.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/mapping/search.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/logger.vim
- # detach lua version flygrep
- _checkdir lua/spacevim/api
- _checkdir lua/spacevim/api/vim
- _checkdir lua/spacevim/plugin
- _detact lua/spacevim/plugin/flygrep.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/plugin/search.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/logger.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/logger.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/prompt.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/notify.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/password.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/vim.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/system.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/vim/compatible.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/vim/highlight.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/vim/regex.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/vim/keys.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/vim/buffer.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/vim/window.lua
- _detact lua/spacevim/api/vim/statusline.lua
- # detach syntax/ftplugin etc
- _detact syntax/SpaceVimFlyGrep.vim
- # detach bundle
- _checkdir plugin
- _detact_bundle FlyGrep plugin/FlyGrep.vim
- _detact_bundle FlyGrep README.md
- _detact_bundle FlyGrep addon-info.json
- _checkdir doc/
- _detact_bundle FlyGrep doc/FlyGrep.txt
- # detach LICENSE
- _detact LICENSE
- # detach test vimrc
- _checkdir test
- _detact_bundle FlyGrep test/vimrc
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update based on https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- git remote add wsdjeg_flygrep https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/FlyGrep.vim.git
- git push wsdjeg_flygrep master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- dein-ui)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/dein-ui.vim.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _checkdir syntax/
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/data
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/mapping
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/plugins
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/manager.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/commands.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/logger.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/job.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/system.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/data/list.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/compatible.vim
- _detact syntax/SpaceVimPlugManager.vim
- _detact LICENSE
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update based on https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- git remote add wsdjeg_dein_ui https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/dein-ui.vim.git
- git push wsdjeg_dein_ui master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- iedit)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/iedit.vim.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/data
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/plugins
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/compatible.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/highlight.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/data/string.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/iedit.vim
- _checkdir autoload/plugin
- cat < autoload/plugin/iedit.vim
-" iedit.vim --- multiple cursor support for neovim and vim
-" Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Shidong Wang & Contributors
-" Author: Shidong Wang < wsdjeg@outlook.com >
-" URL: https://github.com/wsdjeg/iedit.vim
-" License: MIT license
-" @section Introduction, intro
-" @stylized iedit.vim
-" @library
-" @order intro version dicts functions exceptions layers api faq
-" multiple cursor in vim, written in pure vim script for MacVim, gvim and vim version
-" 8.0+.
-command! -nargs=0 Iedit call SpaceVim#plugins#iedit#start()
- _detact LICENSE
- _default_readme "iedit.vim" "multiple cussor support for Vim/Neovim"
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update"
- git remote add wsdjeg_vim_todo https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/iedit.vim.git
- git push wsdjeg_vim_todo master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- vim-todo)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/vim-todo.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _checkdir syntax/
- _detact syntax/SpaceVimTodoManager.vim
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/data
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/plugins
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/mapping
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/logger.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/job.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/system.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/data/string.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/file.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/buffer.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/regex.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/compatible.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/logger.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/mapping/search.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/todo.vim
- _checkdir plugin
- cat < plugin/todo.vim
-" todo.vim --- todo manager for SpaceVim
-" Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Wang Shidong & Contributors
-" Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com >
-" URL: https://spacevim.org
-" License: GPLv3
-command! OpenTodo call todo#open()
- _detact LICENSE
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update"
- git remote add wsdjeg_vim_todo https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/vim-todo.git
- git push wsdjeg_vim_todo master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- vim-chat)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/vim-chat.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _detact LICENSE
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/job.vim
- _checkdir autoload/chat/
- _detact_bundle vim-chat autoload/chat.vim
- _detact_bundle vim-chat autoload/chat/gitter.vim
- _detact_bundle vim-chat autoload/chat/logger.vim
- _detact_bundle vim-chat autoload/chat/notify.vim
- _detact_bundle vim-chat autoload/chat/qq.vim
- _detact_bundle vim-chat autoload/chat/weixin.vim
- _checkdir doc/
- _detact_bundle vim-chat doc/vim-chat.txt
- _checkdir syntax/
- _detact_bundle vim-chat syntax/vimchat.vim
- _detact_bundle vim-chat addon-info.json
- _detact_bundle vim-chat README.md
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update based on https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- git remote add wsdjeg_vim_chat https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/vim-chat.git
- git push wsdjeg_vim_chat master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- JavaUnit.vim)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/JavaUnit.vim.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- # _detact LICENSE
- # _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api
- # _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api.vim
- # _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/job.vim
- # _checkdir autoload/chat/
- _detact_bundle JavaUnit.vim README.md
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update based on https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- git remote add wsdjeg_javaunit_vim https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/JavaUnit.vim.git
- git push wsdjeg_javaunit_vim master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- git.vim)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/git.vim.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/job.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim LICENSE
- _detact_bundle git.vim README.md
- _detact_bundle git.vim addon-info.json
- _checkdir autoload/git/branch
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/add.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/blame.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/branch.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/branch/manager.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/checkout.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/cherry_pick.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/clean.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/commit.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/config.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/diff.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/fetch.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/log.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/logger.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/merge.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/mv.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/pull.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/push.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/rebase.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/reflog.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/remote.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/reset.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/rm.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/stash.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim autoload/git/status.vim
- _checkdir doc
- _detact_bundle git.vim doc/git.txt
- _checkdir plugin
- _detact_bundle git.vim plugin/git.vim
- _checkdir syntax
- _detact_bundle git.vim syntax/git-blame.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim syntax/git-commit.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim syntax/git-config.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim syntax/git-log.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim syntax/git-rebase.vim
- _detact_bundle git.vim syntax/git-reflog.vim
- _checkdir test
- _detact_bundle git.vim test/vimrc
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update based on https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- git remote add wsdjeg_git_vim https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/git.vim.git
- git push wsdjeg_git_vim master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- vim-cheat)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/vim-cheat.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _checkdir plugin/
- _checkdir autoload/
- _detact LICENSE
- _detact_bundle vim-cheat autoload/cheat.vim
- _detact_bundle vim-cheat plugin/cheat.vim
- _detact_bundle vim-cheat README.md
- _detact_bundle vim-cheat .travis.yml
- _detact_bundle vim-cheat .vintrc.yaml
- _checkdir doc/
- _detact_bundle vim-cheat doc/vim-cheat.txt
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update based on https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- git remote add wsdjeg_vim_cheat https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/vim-cheat.git
- git push wsdjeg_vim_cheat master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- xmake.vim)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/xmake.vim.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _checkdir plugin/
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim plugin/xmake.vim
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim plugin/xmgen.py
- _checkdir autoload/
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim autoload/xmake.vim
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim autoload/spy.lua
- _detact LICENSE
- _default_readme "xmake.vim" "xmake support for neovim/vim"
- _checkdir autoload/xmake/
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim autoload/xmake/log.vim
- _checkdir doc/
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim doc/xmake.txt
- _checkdir UltiSnips/
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim UltiSnips/lua.snippets
- _checkdir rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/xmake.py
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/add_defines
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/add_defines
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/add_deps
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/add_files
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/add_headers
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/add_includedirs
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/add_linkdirs
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/add_links
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/add_subdirs
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/is_os
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/is_plat
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_basename
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_headerdir
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_kind
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_languages
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_objectdir
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_optimize
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_project
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_strip
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_symbols
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_targetdir
- _detact_bundle xmake.vim rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/docs/set_warnings
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update based on https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- git remote add wsdjeg_xmake_vim https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/xmake.vim.git
- git push wsdjeg_xmake_vim master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- scrollbar.vim)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/scrollbar.vim.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/buffer.vim
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/api/vim/window.vim
- _checkdir autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/
- _detact autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/scrollbar.vim
- _detact LICENSE
- _default_readme "scrollbar.vim" "floating scrollbar support for neovim/vim[wip]"
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update based on https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- git remote add wsdjeg_scrollbar https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/scrollbar.vim.git
- git push wsdjeg_scrollbar master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- github.vim)
- git clone https://github.com/wsdjeg/GitHub.vim.git detach/$1
- cd detach/$1
- _checkdir plugin/
- _checkdir autoload/
- _detact LICENSE
- _detact_bundle github.vim autoload/github.vim
- _detact_bundle github.vim plugin/github.vim
- _default_readme "GitHub.vim" "GitHub API support for neovim/vim[wip]"
- _checkdir doc/
- _detact_bundle github doc/github.txt
- git add .
- git config user.email "wsdjeg@qq.com"
- git config user.name "SpaceVimBot"
- git commit -m "Auto Update based on https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/commit/${GITHUB_SHA}"
- git remote add wsdjeg_github_vim https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@github.com/wsdjeg/GitHub.vim.git
- git push wsdjeg_github_vim master
- cd -
- rm -rf detach/$1
- exit 0
- ;;
- spacevim-theme)
- exit 0
- esac
-main $@
diff --git a/.ci/install/linux.sh b/.ci/install/linux.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2551a49de..000000000
--- a/.ci/install/linux.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Fail on unset variables and command errors
-set -ue -o pipefail
-# Prevent commands misbehaving due to locale differences
-export LC_ALL=C
-install_vim() {
- local URL=https://github.com/vim/vim
- local tag=$1
- local ext=$([[ $tag == "nightly" ]] && echo "" || echo "-b $tag")
- local tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
- local out="${DEPS}/_vim/$tag"
- mkdir -p $out
- git clone --depth 1 --single-branch $ext $URL $tmp
- cd $tmp
- # Apply Vim patch v8.0.1635 to fix build with Python.
- if grep -q _POSIX_THREADS src/if_python3.c; then
- sed -i '/#ifdef _POSIX_THREADS/,+2 d' src/if_python3.c
- fi
- ./configure \
- --with-features=huge \
- --enable-pythoninterp \
- --enable-python3interp \
- --enable-luainterp \
- --prefix=${out}
- make
- make install
-install_nvim() {
- local URL=https://github.com/neovim/neovim
- local tag=$1
- local tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
- local out="${DEPS}/_neovim/$tag"
- mkdir -p $out
- curl -o $tmp/nvim-linux64.tar.gz -L "https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/$tag/nvim-linux64.tar.gz"
- tar -xzvf $tmp/nvim-linux64.tar.gz -C $tmp
- cp -r $tmp/nvim-linux64/* $out
- chmod +x $out/bin/nvim
- # fix ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools'
- python3 -m pip install -U setuptools
- python3 -m pip install pynvim
-install() {
- local vim=$1
- local tag=$2
- if [[ -d "${DEPS}/_$vim/$tag/bin" ]]; then
- echo "Use a cached version '$HOME/_$vim/$tag'."
- return
- fi
- if [[ $vim == "nvim" ]]; then
- install_nvim $tag
- else
- install_vim $tag
- fi
-install $@
diff --git a/.ci/install/windows.ps1 b/.ci/install/windows.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index df50f0810..000000000
--- a/.ci/install/windows.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-function install_vim($ver)
- if ($ver -eq "nightly")
- {
- $url = 'https://github.com/vim/vim-win32-installer/releases/download/v8.2.3361/gvim_8.2.3361_x86.zip'
- }
- else
- {
- $ver = $ver -replace "^v", ""
- $url = 'https://github.com/vim/vim-win32-installer/releases/download/v' + $ver + '/gvim_' + $ver + '_x86.zip'
- }
- $Env:VIM_BIN = $Env:DEPS + '\vim\vim82\vim.exe'
- $zip = $Env:DEPS + '\vim.zip'
- echo "download: $url"
- echo "path: $zip"
- (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $zip)
- [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.IO.Compression.FileSystem') > $null
- [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zip, $Env:DEPS)
-function install_nvim($ver)
- if ($ver -eq "nightly")
- {
- $url = 'https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/nightly/nvim-win64.zip'
- }
- else
- {
- $url = 'https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases/download/' + $ver + '/nvim-win64.zip'
- }
- $zip = $Env:DEPS + '\nvim.zip'
- (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $zip)
- [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.IO.Compression.FileSystem') > $null
- [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zip, $Env:DEPS)
- if (Test-Path '$DEPS\Neovim\bin\nvim.exe') {
- $Env:VIM_BIN = $Env:DEPS + '\Neovim\bin\nvim.exe'
- }else{
- $Env:VIM_BIN = $Env:DEPS + '\nvim-win64\bin\nvim.exe'
- }
- echo "VIM_BIN is: $Env:VIM_BIN"
-function download_lua()
- $url = 'https://github.com/wsdjeg/vim-galore-zh_cn/releases/download/downdows/lua53.zip'
- $zip = $Env:DEPS + '\lua53.zip'
- (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $zip)
- [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.IO.Compression.FileSystem') > $null
- [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zip, $Env:DEPS + '\vim\vim82')
-if ($Env:VIM_BIN.StartsWith("nvim"))
- mkdir $Env:DEPS
- install_nvim $Env:VIM_TAG
-elseif ($Env:VIM_BIN.StartsWith("vim"))
- mkdir $Env:DEPS
- install_vim $Env:VIM_TAG
- download_lua
diff --git a/.ci/push_baidu.sh b/.ci/push_baidu.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index bf0d6f32b..000000000
--- a/.ci/push_baidu.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-date_en=`cat docs/_site/sitemap.xml`
-date_cn=`cat docs/_site/cn/sitemap.xml`
-echo $date_en | grep -oP 'https://spacevim[^\<]*' > urls_en.txt
-echo $date_cn | grep -oP 'https://spacevim[^\<]*' > urls_cn.txt
-curl -H 'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @urls_en.txt "http://data.zz.baidu.com/urls?site=spacevim.org&token=4MYgdYW7QHIaM01P"
-curl -H 'Content-Type:text/plain' --data-binary @urls_cn.txt "http://data.zz.baidu.com/urls?site=spacevim.org&token=4MYgdYW7QHIaM01P"
diff --git a/.ci/script.sh b/.ci/script.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 3b36ef20b..000000000
--- a/.ci/script.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -ex
-if [ "$LINT" = "vimlint" ]; then
- if [[ -f build_log ]]; then
- rm build_log
- fi
- for file in $(git ls-files | grep SpaceVim.*.vim);
- do
- /tmp/vimlint/bin/vimlint.sh -l /tmp/vimlint -p /tmp/vimlparser $file >> build_log 2>&1;
- done
- if [[ -s build_log ]]; then
- exit 2
- fi
-elif [ "$LINT" = "vimlint-errors" ]; then
- if [[ -f build_log ]]; then
- rm build_log
- fi
- for file in $(git ls-files | grep SpaceVim.*.vim);
- do
- /tmp/vimlint/bin/vimlint.sh -E -l /tmp/vimlint -p /tmp/vimlparser $file >> build_log 2>&1;
- done
- if [[ -s build_log ]]; then
- exit 2
- fi
-elif [ "$LINT" = "file-encoding" ]; then
- if [[ -f build_log ]]; then
- rm build_log
- fi
- for file in $(git diff --name-only HEAD master);
- do
- # get the encoding of a file, based on:
- # https://superuser.com/a/351658/618193
- # It should be -b instead of -bi
- encoding=`file -b --mime-encoding $file`
- if [ $encoding != "utf-8" ] && [ $encoding != "us-ascii" ];
- then
- echo $file " " $encoding >> build_log
- fi
- done
- if [[ -s build_log ]]; then
- exit 2
- fi
-elif [ "$LINT" = "vint" ]; then
- if [[ -f build_log ]]; then
- rm build_log
- fi
- for file in $(git ls-files | grep SpaceVim.*.vim);
- do
- vint --enable-neovim $file >> build_log 2>&1;
- done
- if [[ -s build_log ]]; then
- exit 2
- fi
-elif [ "$LINT" = "vint-errors" ]; then
- if [[ -f build_log ]]; then
- rm build_log
- fi
- for file in $(git ls-files | grep SpaceVim.*.vim);
- do
- vint --enable-neovim --error $file >> build_log 2>&1;
- done
- if [[ -s build_log ]]; then
- exit 2
- fi
-elif [ "$LINT" = "vader" ]; then
- if [ "$VIM_BIN" = "nvim" ]; then
- export PATH="${DEPS}/_neovim/${VIM_TAG}/bin:${PATH}"
- export VIM="${DEPS}/_neovim/${VIM_TAG}/share/nvim/runtime"
- else
- export PATH="${DEPS}/_vim/${VIM_TAG}/bin:${PATH}"
- export VIM="${DEPS}/_vim/${VIM_TAG}/share/vim"
- fi
- echo "\$PATH: \"${PATH}\""
- echo "\$VIM: \"${VIM}\""
- echo "================= ${VIM_BIN} version ======================"
- $VIM_BIN --version
- pip install covimerage
- pip install codecov
- python -c 'import os,sys,fcntl; flags = fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL); fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags&~os.O_NONBLOCK);'
- make test_coverage
- covimerage -vv xml --omit 'build/*'
- codecov -X search gcov pycov -f coverage.xml
-elif [ "$LINT" = "jekyll" ]; then
- .ci/build-production
-set +x
diff --git a/.ci/update_mirror.sh b/.ci/update_mirror.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c7ed94075..000000000
--- a/.ci/update_mirror.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-usage () {
- echo ".ci/update_remote.sh [option] [target]"
- git remote add gitee https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@gitee.com/spacevim/SpaceVim.git
- git push gitee master -f
- git remote add gitlab https://SpaceVimBot:${BOTSECRET}@gitlab.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git
- git push gitlab master -f
- git remote add coding https://spacevim%40outlook.com:${CODINGBOTSECRET}@e.coding.net/spacevim/SpaceVim.git
- git push coding master -f
-main () {
- case $1 in
- --help|-h)
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- gitee)
- push_gitee
- exit 0
- ;;
- gitlab)
- push_gitlab
- exit 0
- ;;
- coding)
- push_coding
- exit 0
- ;;
- esac
-main $@