mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-12 17:55:41 +08:00

Add debug transient state

This commit is contained in:
wsdjeg 2017-12-14 21:58:22 +08:00
parent 814f833514
commit ed3a3fceee
2 changed files with 68 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#debug#config() abort
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'c'], 'VBGcontinue', 'Continue the execution', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'o'], 'VBGstepOver', 'step over', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'i'], 'VBGstepIn', 'step into functions', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'o'], 'VBGstepOut', 'step out of current function', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'O'], 'VBGstepOut', 'step out of current function', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'k'], 'VBGkill', 'Terminates the debugger', 1)
let g:_spacevim_mappings_space.d.e = {'name' : '+Evaluate/Execute'}
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'e', 's'], 'VBGevalSelectedText', 'Evaluate and print the selected text', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'e', 'e'], 'VBGevalWordUnderCursor', 'Evaluate the <cword> under the cursor', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', 'e', 'S'], 'VBGexecuteSelectedText', 'Execute the selected text', 1)
call SpaceVim#mapping#space#def('nnoremap', ['d', '.'], 'call call('
\ . string(s:_function('s:buffer_transient_state')) . ', [])',
\ 'debug transient state', 1)
function! SpaceVim#layers#debug#launching(ft) abort
@ -30,3 +33,61 @@ function! SpaceVim#layers#debug#launching(ft) abort
echohl None
function! s:buffer_transient_state() abort
let state = SpaceVim#api#import('transient_state')
call state.set_title('Debug Transient State')
call state.defind_keys(
\ {
\ 'layout' : 'vertical split',
\ 'left' : [
\ {
\ 'key' : 'o',
\ 'desc' : 'step over',
\ 'func' : '',
\ 'cmd' : 'VBGstepOver',
\ 'exit' : 0,
\ },
\ {
\ 'key' : 'i',
\ 'desc' : 'step into functions',
\ 'func' : '',
\ 'cmd' : 'VBGstepIn',
\ 'exit' : 0,
\ },
\ ],
\ 'right' : [
\ {
\ 'key' : 'O',
\ 'desc' : 'step out of current function',
\ 'func' : '',
\ 'cmd' : 'VBGstepOut',
\ 'exit' : 0,
\ },
\ {
\ 'key' : 'k',
\ 'desc' : 'Terminates the debugger',
\ 'func' : '',
\ 'cmd' : 'VBGkill',
\ 'exit' : 1,
\ },
\ ],
\ }
\ )
call state.open()
" function() wrapper
if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch1170')
function! s:_function(fstr) abort
return function(a:fstr)
function! s:_SID() abort
return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze__SID$')
let s:_s = '<SNR>' . s:_SID() . '_'
function! s:_function(fstr) abort
return function(substitute(a:fstr, 's:', s:_s, 'g'))

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@ -36,3 +36,9 @@ To use this configuration layer, add `call SpaceVim#layers#load('debug')` to you
| `SPC d e e` | Evaluate the `<cword>` under the cursor |
| `SPC d e S` | Execute the selected text |
| `SPC d k` | Terminates the debugger |
**Debug Transient State**
key bindings is too long? use `SPC d .` to open the debug transient state:
![Debug Transient State](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13142418/33995923-16171792-e0a5-11e7-8a10-3624adcbba91.png)