Use plugin: CompleteParameter.
If <tab> expandable_or_jumpable failed and pumvisible is false, check
can jump to next parameter or not, if yes, then jump to the next
parameter, else return "<tab>"
### Commands starting with `z`
after pressing prefix `z` in normal mode, if you do not remember the mappings, you will see the guide which will tell you the functional of all mappings starting with `z`.
Key Binding | Description
-----------| -----------
`z<Right>` | scroll screen N characters to left
`z+` | cursor to screen top line N
`z-` | cursor to screen bottom line N
`z.` | cursor line to center
`z<CR>` | cursor line to top
`z=` | spelling suggestions
`zA` | toggle folds recursively
`zC` | close folds recursively
`zD` | delete folds recursively
`zE` | eliminate all folds
`zF` | create a fold for N lines
`zG` | mark good spelled(update internal-wordlist)
`zH` | scroll half a screenwidth to the right
`zL` | scroll half a screenwidth to the left
`zM` | set `foldlevel` to zero
`zN` | set `foldenable`
`zO` | open folds recursively
`zR` | set `foldlevel` to deepest fold
`zW` | mark wrong spelled
`zX` | re-apply `foldleve`
`z^` | cursor to screen bottom line N
`za` | toggle a fold
`zb` | redraw, cursor line at bottom
`zc` | close a fold
`zd` | delete a fold
`ze` | right scroll horizontally to cursor position
`zf` | create a fold for motion
`zg` | mark good spelled
`zh` | scroll screen N characters to right
`zi` | toggle foldenable
`zj` | mode to start of next fold
`zk` | mode to end of previous fold
`zl` | scroll screen N characters to left
`zm` | subtract one from `foldlevel`
`zn` | reset `foldenable`
`zo` | open fold
`zr` | add one to `foldlevel`
`zs` | left scroll horizontally to cursor position
`zt` | cursor line at top of window
`zv` | open enough folds to view cursor line
`zx` | re-apply foldlevel and do "zV"
`zz` | smart scroll
`z<Left>` | scroll screen N characters to right