*pydocstring.txt*	Generate Python docstring to your Python code.

Version: 2.5.0
Author: Shinya Ohynagi <sohyanagi@gmail.com>
Repository: http://github.com/heavenshell/vim-pydocstring/
License: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

CONTENTS					*pydocstring-vim-contents*

Introduction		|pydocstring-introduction|
Install			|pydocstring-install|
Tutorial		|pydocstring-tutorial|
Template		|pydocstring-template|
Variables		|pydocstring-variables|

INTRODUCTION					*pydocstring-vim-introduction*

|Pydocstring| is a generater of Python docstring.

 * Insert one-line docstring.
 * Insert multi-line docstring.

This plugin is heavily inspired by phpdoc.vim and sonictemplate.vim.
- phpdoc.vim
- sonictemplate.vim

INSTALL						*pydocstring-vim-install*

Install the distributed files into Vim runtime directory which is usually
~/.vim/, or $HOME/vimfiles on Windows.

If you install pathogen that provided from Tim Pope, you should extract the
file into 'bundle' directory.

Pydocstring v2 is support only Vim8 and depends on `doq`.

Install `doq` first.
  $ make install
If you want install `doq` manually, you can install from `PyPi`.
  $ python3 -m venv ./venv
  $ ./venv/bin/pip3 install doq
Than set installed `doq` path to |g:pydocstring_doq_path|.

Activated venv needs to be deactivated before insatll doq.

TUTORIAL					*pydocstring-vim-tutorial*

1. def keyword.
  Define function to your code.
  def foo(arg1, arg2):
  Set cursor on `def` line and type following.
  Then docstring put under `def` line.
  def foo(arg1, arg2):

      :param arg1:
      :param arg2:

2. class keyword.
  Define class to your code.
  class Foo(object):
      def foo(self):

      def arg1(self, arg1):
  Set cursor on `class` line and type following.
  Then one-line docstring put under `class` line.
  class Foo(object):

      def foo(self):

      def bar(self, arg1):
  Set cursor on `def foo` line and type following.
  Then one-line docstring put under `def foo` line.
  class Foo(object):

      def foo(self):

      def bar(self, arg1):
  Set cursor on `def bar` line and type following.
  Then one-line docstring put under `def bar` line.
  class Foo(object):

      def foo(self):

      def bar(self, arg1):

        :param arg1:
3. Visual select format
  class Foo(object):
      def foo(self):

      def bar(self, arg1):
  Visual select `v3j` and type following

  Then docstrings put under `class Foo(object):` and `def bar` line.
  class Foo(object):

      def foo(self):

4. Format current buffer

  type following
  Then docstrings will put under class, def keywords.

TEMPLATE					*pydocstring-vim-template*

If you don't like default docstring, You can modify docstring template.
  let g:pydocstring_templates_path = '/path/to/your/template/directory'
You can create custom template.
See `tests/templates' for example.

VARIABLES					*pydocstring-vim-variables*

pydocstring_formatter				*g:pydocstring_formatter*
		Formatter option.
		'sphinx', 'google', 'numpy'
		Default value is 'sphinx'

g:pydocstring_templates_path			*g:pydocstring_templates_path*
		Path to your own template file.
		Refer template/pydocstring/ about the default value.

g:pydocstring_doq_path				*g:pydocstring_doq_path*
		Path to doq command.
		Default value is 'lib/doq'

g:pydocstring_enable_mapping			*g:pydocstring_enable_mapping*
		Disable this option to prevent pydocstring from creating any
		key mapping to the `:Pydocstring` command.
		Note: this value is overridden if you explicitly create a
		mapping in your vimrc, such as if you do:

    nmap <silent> <C-m> <Plug>(pydocstring)

		Default value is '1'

g:pydocstring_ignore_init			*g:pydocstring_ignore_init*
		Ignore to generate __init__ method docstring.
		This option only available at `:PydocstringFormat`
		Default value is '0'
