"============================================================================= " FILE: t/smartsign_spec.vim " AUTHOR: haya14busa " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= " Test for `smartsign` feature for find motions " Avoid source test files {{{ if expand("%:p") ==# expand("<sfile>:p") finish endif "}}} " Setup {{{ let s:root_dir = matchstr(system('git rev-parse --show-cdup'), '[^\n]\+') execute 'set' 'rtp +=./'.s:root_dir runtime! plugin/EasyMotion.vim "}}} " Functions for Test {{{ function! AddLine(str) put! =a:str endfunction function! CursorPos() return [line('.'), col('.'), getline('.')[col('.')-1]] endfunction "}}} " Smartsign configulation {{{ describe 'Smartsign configulation' it 'provide default dictionary' let smartdict_us = g:EasyMotion#sticky_table#us let smartdict_jp = g:EasyMotion#sticky_table#jp Expect smartdict_us !=# {} Expect smartdict_jp !=# {} end end "}}} " Basic Smartsign feature with 1-key findmotions with US layout {{{ describe 'Basic Smartsign feature with 1-key findmotions with US layout' before new let g:EasyMotion_keys = '123456789' let g:EasyMotion_use_smartsign_us = 1 map s <Plug>(easymotion-s) call EasyMotion#init() call AddLine(' -_ =+ ;: [{ ]} `~ ''" \|') call AddLine(' 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0)') call AddLine(' ,< .> /?') " 123456789012345678901234567890 " 1 2 3 " " ',' : '<', '.' : '>', '/' : '?', " '1' : '!', '2' : '@', '3' : '#', '4' : '$', '5' : '%', " '6' : '^', '7' : '&', '8' : '*', '9' : '(', '0' : ')', '-' : '_', '=' : '+', " ';' : ':', '[' : '{', ']' : '}', '`' : '~', "'" : "\"", '\' : '|', end after close! end it 'works well for all sign as a target char' " Default position normal! 0 let l = line('.') Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] " ,< normal s,1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,2,','] normal! 0 normal s,2 Expect CursorPos() == [l,3,'<'] normal! 0 normal s<1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,3,'<'] normal! 0 normal s,3 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 " .> normal s.1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,5,'.'] normal! 0 normal s.2 Expect CursorPos() == [l,6,'>'] normal! 0 normal s>1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,6,'>'] normal! 0 normal s.3 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 " /? normal s/1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,8,'/'] normal! 0 normal s/2 Expect CursorPos() == [l,9,'?'] normal! 0 normal s?1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,9,'?'] normal! 0 normal s/3 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 " 1! normal s11 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,2,'1'] normal! 0 normal s12 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,3,'!'] normal! 0 normal s!1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,3,'!'] normal! 0 normal s13 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " 2@ normal s21 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,5,'2'] normal! 0 normal s22 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,6,'@'] normal! 0 normal s@1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,6,'@'] normal! 0 normal s23 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " 3# normal s31 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,8,'3'] normal! 0 normal s32 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,9,'#'] normal! 0 normal s#1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,9,'#'] normal! 0 normal s33 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " 4$ normal s41 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,11,'4'] normal! 0 normal s42 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,12,'$'] normal! 0 normal s$1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,12,'$'] normal! 0 normal s43 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " 5% normal s51 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,14,'5'] normal! 0 normal s52 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,15,'%'] normal! 0 normal s%1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,15,'%'] normal! 0 normal s53 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " 6^ normal s61 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,17,'6'] normal! 0 normal s62 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,18,'^'] normal! 0 normal s^1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,18,'^'] normal! 0 normal s63 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " 7& normal s71 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,20,'7'] normal! 0 normal s72 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,21,'&'] normal! 0 normal s&1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,21,'&'] normal! 0 normal s73 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " 8* normal s81 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,23,'8'] normal! 0 normal s82 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,24,'*'] normal! 0 normal s*1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,24,'*'] normal! 0 normal s83 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " 9( normal s91 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,26,'9'] normal! 0 normal s92 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,27,'('] normal! 0 normal s(1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,27,'('] normal! 0 normal s93 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " 0) normal s01 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,29,'0'] normal! 0 normal s02 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,30,')'] normal! 0 normal s)1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,30,')'] normal! 0 normal s03 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 " -_ normal s-1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,2,'-'] normal! 0 normal s-2 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,3,'_'] normal! 0 normal s_1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,3,'_'] normal! 0 normal s-3 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,1,' '] normal! 0 " =+ normal s=1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,5,'='] normal! 0 normal s=2 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,6,'+'] normal! 0 normal s+1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,6,'+'] normal! 0 normal s=3 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,1,' '] normal! 0 " ;: normal s;1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,8,';'] normal! 0 normal s;2 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,9,':'] normal! 0 normal s:1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,9,':'] normal! 0 normal s;3 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,1,' '] normal! 0 " [{ normal s[1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,11,'['] normal! 0 normal s[2 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,12,'{'] normal! 0 normal s{1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,12,'{'] normal! 0 normal s[3 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,1,' '] normal! 0 " ]} normal s]1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,14,']'] normal! 0 normal s]2 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,15,'}'] normal! 0 normal s}1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,15,'}'] normal! 0 normal s]3 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,1,' '] normal! 0 " `~ normal s`1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,17,'`'] normal! 0 normal s`2 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,18,'~'] normal! 0 normal s~1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,18,'~'] normal! 0 normal s`3 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,1,' '] normal! 0 " '" normal s'1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,20,''''] normal! 0 normal s'2 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,21,'"'] normal! 0 normal s"1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,21,'"'] normal! 0 normal s'3 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,1,' '] normal! 0 " \| normal s\1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,23,'\'] normal! 0 normal s\2 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,24,'|'] normal! 0 normal s|1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,24,'|'] normal! 0 normal s\3 Expect CursorPos() == [l+2,1,' '] normal! 0 end end "}}} " Smartsign with 2-key find motions with US layout {{{ describe 'Smartsign with 2-key find motions with US layout' before new let g:EasyMotion_keys = '123456789' let g:EasyMotion_use_smartsign_us = 1 map s <Plug>(easymotion-s2) call EasyMotion#init() call AddLine(' -_ =+ ;: [{ ]} `~ ''" \|') call AddLine(' 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0)') call AddLine(' ,< .> /?') call AddLine(' -_ =+ ;: [{ ]} `~ ''" \|') call AddLine(' 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0)') call AddLine(' ,< .> /?') " 123456789012345678901234567890 " 1 2 3 end after close! end it 'works well' " Default position normal! 0 let l = line('.') Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] " ,< normal s,,1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,2,','] normal! 0 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal s,,3 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 normal s, 1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,3,'<'] normal! 0 normal s<<1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 normal s,<1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,2,','] normal! 0 normal s<,1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 end it ': s,,3' normal! 0 let l = line('.') Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal s,,3 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 end it 'escape * asterisc #151' normal! 0 let l = line('.') Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal s1*22 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 normal s8*1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,23,'8'] normal! 0 normal s881 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,23,'8'] normal! 0 normal s**1 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 normal s*81 Expect CursorPos() == [l+1,1,' '] normal! 0 end end "}}} " Smartsign with 2-key find motions with JP layout {{{ describe 'Smartsign with 2-key find motions with JP layout' before new let g:EasyMotion_keys = '123456789' let g:EasyMotion_use_smartsign_jp = 1 map s <Plug>(easymotion-s2) call EasyMotion#init() call AddLine(' -= ^~ ;+ :* [{ ]} @` \|') call AddLine(' 1! 2" 3# 4$ 5% 6& 7'' 8( 9) 0_') call AddLine(' ,< .> /?') call AddLine(' -= ^~ ;+ :* [{ ]} @` \|') call AddLine(' 1! 2" 3# 4$ 5% 6& 7'' 8( 9) 0_') call AddLine(' ,< .> /?') " 123456789012345678901234567890 " 1 2 3 " "',' : '<', '.' : '>', '/' : '?', "'1' : '!', '2' : '"', '3' : '#', '4' : '$', '5' : '%', "'6' : '&', '7' : "'", '8' : '(', '9' : ')', '0' : '_', '-' : '=', '^' : '~', "';' : '+', ':' : '*', '[' : '{', ']' : '}', '@' : '`', '\' : '|', " end after close! end it 'works well' " Default position normal! 0 let l = line('.') Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] " ,< normal s,,1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,2,','] normal! 0 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal s,,3 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 normal s, 1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,3,'<'] normal! 0 normal s<<1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 normal s,<1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,2,','] normal! 0 normal s<,1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 end it ': s,,3' normal! 0 let l = line('.') Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal s,,3 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 end end "}}} " Smartsign with n-key find search motions {{{ describe 'Smartsign with n-key find search motions' before new let g:EasyMotion_keys = '123456789' let g:EasyMotion_use_smartsign_jp = 1 map / <Plug>(easymotion-sn) call EasyMotion#init() call AddLine(' -= ^~ ;+ :* [{ ]} @` \|') call AddLine(' 1! 2" 3# 4$ 5% 6& 7'' 8( 9) 0_') call AddLine(' ,< .> /?') call AddLine(' -= ^~ ;+ :* [{ ]} @` \|') call AddLine(' 1! 2" 3# 4$ 5% 6& 7'' 8( 9) 0_') call AddLine(' ,< .> /?') end after close! end it 'do not work' " Default position normal! 0 let l = line('.') Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] " ,< normal /,,1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 normal /,<1 Expect CursorPos() == [l,1,' '] normal! 0 end end "}}} " __END__ {{{ " vim: expandtab softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 " vim: foldmethod=marker " }}}