/** * Comments are here */ class SomeClass { val someval = SomeObject.makeWithSomething var somevar = SomeObject.makeWithSomething def someBracedDef = { case ASingleLineCase => a.statement case AMultiLineCase => if (this) then else that } def aSingleLineDef = someval + 12 def main(args: Array[String]) = run(20000, 20000) def multilineParams( x: Int, y: Int ) = { ??? } // This def aMultiLineSingleStatementDefWithBraces = { SomeObject.makeWithSomething } // This def aMultiLineSingleStatementDefWithNoBraces = new X { def something = 5 } def aMultiLineSingleStatementDefWithNoBraces = SomeObject.makeWithSomething def someFunc = { if (b) 1 else { if (b) 2 else 3 } } def someOtherFunc = if (this) that else theOther def someOtherOtherFunc = { if (b) 1 else { if (b) 2 else 3 } /** * The following stuff doesn't work, but honestly, it's pretty * pathological stuff... format your code differently. * * ---- 1. ---- * * if (b) 1 * else * if (c) 2 * else 3 // Should be the same as the above 'if' * * Do this instead: * * if (b) 1 * else { * if (c) 2 * else 3 * } * * * ---- 2. ---- * * if (b) 1 * else * if (c) * 2 * else 3 * * Do this instead: * * if (b) 1 * else { * if (c) 2 * else 3 * } * * or this... * * if (b) 1 * else { * if (c) * 2 * else * 3 * } * * ---- 3. ---- * * if (b) 1 * else { * if (c) * 2 * else 3 * } * * Do the same as in number 2 */ if (b) { statement } else thing if (b) statement bare_statement if (b) { statement } else { thing that } if (statement(nested statement(another nested statement))) func(statement) if (statement(nested statement(another nested statement))) statement if (b) { statement statement } else if (b) { statement statement } else if (c) { statement statement } else dohicky if (b) { // comment statement statement } else if (b) { // comment statement statement } else if (c) { // comment statement statement } else // comment dohicky if (b) statement else { statement statement } val a = if (b) { 10 } else { statement } val a = func( 10 ).goThere() val a = func( 10 ) if (b) (statement) else 2 if (b) 1 else 2 if (b) 1 else if (b) 2 else if (b) 2 else 3 4 if (b) 1 else if (b) 2 else 3 4 } /** * This */ def SomeOtherFunc = ... /** This */ def blah = ... def func = { val reply = new Something() some.block { def foo("string", bar("string")) new X { statement statement } } () => goAndDo.something } def func(param: Int) = new this.Something.Or.Other( new SillyObject { override def booger() = { statement statement } }, otherParam) // comment class AnotherSomeClass { this: Actor => def func = { booger } } /** * Pulled this stuff from the fors.scala example file in the source distribution */ def findNums(n: Int): Iterable[(Int, Int)] = for (i <- 1 until n; j <- 1 until (i-1); if isPrime(i+j)) yield (i, j) val books = List( Elem(prefix, "book", e, scope, Elem(prefix, "title", e, scope, Text("Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Abelson, Harald")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Sussman, Gerald J."))), Elem(prefix, "book", e, scope, Elem(prefix, "title", e, scope, Text("Principles of Compiler Design")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Aho, Alfred")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Ullman, Jeffrey"))), Elem(prefix, "book", e, scope, Elem(prefix, "title", e, scope, Text("Programming in Modula-2")), Elem(prefix, "author", e, scope, Text("Wirth, Niklaus"))) ) def mufync(statement): Int = { val x = function(thing) if (statement) func(statement) else func(statement) } def SomeOtherFunc = statement def receive = { case Something => case OrOther => here case There => } def func[A <: B](one: One, two: Two) : ReturnType = ... def func(one: One, two: Two) : ReturnType = ... def func(one: (A, B) => B) : ReturnType = ... def func(one: One, two: Two) = ... def func(one: One, two: Two) = ... def func[A <: B](one: One, two: Two) : ReturnType = ... def func(one: One, two: Two, three: Three, four: Four, five: Five) : ReturnType = ... def func(one: One, two: Two, three: Three, four: Four, five: Five) = ... def func = oneliner private def func = oneliner private[thing] def func = oneliner protected def func = oneliner protected[thing] def func = oneliner override def func = oneliner abstract override def func = oneliner override abstract def func = oneliner protected override def func = oneliner protected abstract override def func = oneliner protected override abstract def func = oneliner protected[thing] override def func = oneliner protected[thing] abstract override def func = oneliner protected[thing] override abstract def func = oneliner private override def func = oneliner private abstract override def func = oneliner private override abstract def func = oneliner private[thing] override def func = oneliner private[thing] abstract override def func = oneliner private[thing] override abstract def func = oneliner <outertag> <innertag> <in-innertag> Something </in-innertag> </innertag> </outertag> val someXML = <outertag> <innertag> <in-innertag> Something </in-innertag> </innertag> </outertag> private[somepackage] abstract override def somethingWithDots = { SomeObject.build .withSomething .withSomethingElse .withSomethingElseAgain } private def oneLineFunc = actorOf(new Actor { def receive = { case _ => thing } }) private def oneLineFunc = factory( arg1, arg2, arg3).build def someFunction[T <: U]( x: Int): SomeType = { val someValue: Option[Int] = { someValue match { some stuff here } } } def someFunction[T <: U]( x: Int, y: Int, z: Long): SomeType = { val someValue: Option[Int] = { someValue match { some stuff here } } } /** annotations should not change indent, also allow modifiers for vals */ @annotation.tailrec def someFunction = some stuff here final def foo2 = some stuff here final val someValue = some stuff here private val someValue = some stuff here lazy val someValue = some stuff here @annotation.foo val someValue = some stuff here private[this] def followingFunction = oneliner val someFunction: List[(Option[T], Option[U])] = TODO }