# vim: set fdm=marker ts=4 sw=4 et: # ============================================================================ # File: mundo.py # Description: vim global plugin to visualize your undo tree # Maintainer: Hyeon Kim <simnalamburt@gmail.com> # License: GPLv2+ -- look it up. # Notes: Much of this code was thieved from Mercurial, and the rest was # heavily inspired by scratch.vim and histwin.vim. # # ============================================================================ import re import tempfile import vim from mundo.node import Nodes import mundo.util as util import mundo.graphlog as graphlog # Python Vim utility functions --------------------------------------------#{{{ MISSING_BUFFER = "Cannot find Mundo's target buffer (%s)" MISSING_WINDOW = "Cannot find window (%s) for Mundo's target buffer (%s)" def _check_sanity(): """ Check to make sure we're not crazy. Ensures that: * The target buffer exists, is loaded and is present in the tab. * That neovim is not in terminal mode. """ global nodesData if not nodesData: nodesData = Nodes() # Check that the target buffer exists, is loaded and is present in the tab b = int(vim.eval('g:mundo_target_n')) if not vim.eval('bufloaded(%d)' % int(b)): vim.command('echo "%s"' % (MISSING_BUFFER % b)) return False w = int(vim.eval('bufwinnr(%d)' % int(b))) if w == -1: vim.command('echo "%s"' % (MISSING_WINDOW % (w, b))) return False # Check if we are in terminal mode. mode = vim.eval('mode()') if mode == 't': return False return True INLINE_HELP = '''\ " Mundo (%d) - Press ? for Help: " j/k - Next/Prev undo state. " J/K - Next/Prev write state. " i - Toggle 'inline diff' mode. " / - Find changes that match string. " n/N - Next/Prev undo that matches search. " P - Play current state to selected undo. " d - Vert diff of undo with current state. " p - Diff of selected undo and current state. " r - Diff of selected undo and prior undo. " q - Quit! " <cr> - Revert to selected state. ''' # }}} nodesData = Nodes() # from profilehooks import profile # @profile(immediate=True) def MundoRenderGraph(force=False):# {{{ """ Renders the undo graph if necessary, updating it to reflect changes in the target buffer's undo tree. Arguments --------- force : bool If True, the graph will always be rendered. If False, then the graph may not be rendered - when is already current for example. """ if not _check_sanity(): return util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo__') first_visible_line = int(vim.eval("line('w0')")) last_visible_line = int(vim.eval("line('w$')")) verbose = vim.eval('g:mundo_verbose_graph') == "1" target = int(vim.eval('g:mundo_target_n')) header = [] if int(vim.eval('g:mundo_header')): if int(vim.eval('g:mundo_help')): header = (INLINE_HELP % target).splitlines() else: header = [(INLINE_HELP % target).splitlines()[0], '\n'] show_inline_undo = int(vim.eval("g:mundo_inline_undo")) == 1 mundo_last_visible_line = int(vim.eval("g:mundo_last_visible_line")) mundo_first_visible_line = int(vim.eval("g:mundo_first_visible_line")) if not force and not nodesData.is_outdated() and ( not show_inline_undo or ( mundo_first_visible_line == first_visible_line and mundo_last_visible_line == last_visible_line ) ): return result = graphlog.generate( verbose, len(header)+1, first_visible_line, last_visible_line, show_inline_undo, nodesData ) vim.command("let g:mundo_last_visible_line=%s"%last_visible_line) vim.command("let g:mundo_first_visible_line=%s"%first_visible_line) output = [] # right align the dag and flip over the y axis: flip_dag = int(vim.eval("g:mundo_mirror_graph")) == 1 dag_width = 1 for line in result: if len(line[0]) > dag_width: dag_width = len(line[0]) for line in result: if flip_dag: dag_line = (line[0][::-1]).replace("/","\\") output.append("%*s %s"% (dag_width,dag_line,line[1])) else: output.append("%-*s %s"% (dag_width,line[0],line[1])) vim.command('call s:MundoOpenGraph()') vim.command('setlocal modifiable') lines = (header + output) lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in lines] vim.current.buffer[:] = lines vim.command('setlocal nomodifiable') i = 1 for line in output: try: line.split('[')[0].index('@') i += 1 break except ValueError: pass i += 1 vim.command('%d' % (i+len(header)-1)) # }}} def MundoRenderPreview():# {{{ """ Opens the preview window if necessary and renders a preview diff. """ if not _check_sanity(): return target_state = MundoGetTargetState() target_n = int(vim.eval('g:mundo_target_n')) # If there's no target state or the buffer has changed, update the cached # undo tree data, redraw the graph and abort preview rendering if target_state is None or nodesData.target_n != target_n: nodesData.make_nodes() MundoRenderGraph(True) return util._goto_window_for_buffer(target_n) nodes, nmap = nodesData.make_nodes() node_after = nmap[target_state] node_before = node_after.parent vim.command('call s:MundoOpenPreview()') util._output_preview_text(nodesData.preview_diff(node_before, node_after)) # Mark the preview as up-to-date vim.command('call mundo#MundoPreviewOutdated(0)') # }}} def MundoGetTargetState():# {{{ """ Get the current undo number that mundo is at. """ util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo__') target_line = vim.eval("getline('.')") matches = re.match('^[^\[]* \[([0-9]+)\] .*$', target_line) if matches: return int(matches.group(1)) return 0 # }}} def GetNextLine(direction,move_count,write,start="line('.')"):# {{{ """ Recursively finds the line number resulting from undo graph traversal according to the given parameters. """ start_line_no = int(vim.eval(start)) start_line = vim.eval("getline(%d)" % start_line_no) mundo_verbose_graph = vim.eval('g:mundo_verbose_graph') if mundo_verbose_graph != "0": distance = 2 # If we're in between two nodes we move by one less to get back on track. if start_line.find('[') == -1: distance = distance - 1 else: distance = 1 nextline = vim.eval("getline(%d)" % (start_line_no+direction)) idx1 = nextline.find('@') idx2 = nextline.find('o') idx3 = nextline.find('w') # if the next line is not a revision - then go down one more. if (idx1+idx2+idx3) == -3: distance = distance + 1 next_line = start_line_no + distance*direction if move_count > 1: return GetNextLine(direction,move_count-1,write,str(next_line)) elif write: newline = vim.eval("getline(%d)" % (next_line)) if newline.find('w ') == -1: # make sure that if we can't go up/down anymore that we quit out. if direction < 0 and next_line == 1: return next_line if direction > 0 and next_line >= len(vim.current.window.buffer): return next_line return GetNextLine(direction,1,write,str(next_line)) return next_line # }}} def MundoMove(direction,move_count=1,relative=True,write=False):# {{{ """ Move within the undo graph in the direction specified (or to the specific undo node specified). Parameters: direction - -1/1 (up/down). when 'relative' if False, the undo node to move to. move_count - how many times to perform the operation (irrelevent for relative == False). relative - whether to move up/down, or to jump to a specific undo node. write - If True, move to the next written undo. """ if relative: target_n = GetNextLine(direction,move_count,write) else: updown = 1 if MundoGetTargetState() < direction: updown = -1 target_n = GetNextLine(updown,abs(MundoGetTargetState()-direction),write) # Bound the movement to the graph. help_lines = 0 if int(vim.eval('g:mundo_header')): help_lines = 3 elif int(vim.eval('g:mundo_help')): help_lines = len(INLINE_HELP.split('\n')) if target_n <= help_lines: vim.command("call cursor(%d, 0)" % help_lines) else: vim.command("call cursor(%d, 0)" % target_n) line = vim.eval("getline('.')") # Move to the node, whether it's an @, o, or w idx1 = line.find('@ ') idx2 = line.find('o ') idx3 = line.find('w ') idxs = [] if idx1 != -1: idxs.append(idx1) if idx2 != -1: idxs.append(idx2) if idx3 != -1: idxs.append(idx3) if len(idxs)==0: minidx=0 else: minidx=min(idxs) if idx1 == minidx: vim.command("call cursor(0, %d + 1)" % idx1) elif idx2 == minidx: vim.command("call cursor(0, %d + 1)" % idx2) else: vim.command("call cursor(0, %d + 1)" % idx3) # Mark the preview as outdated vim.command('call mundo#MundoPreviewOutdated(1)') # }}} def MundoSearch():# {{{ try: search = vim.eval("input('/')") except: return if len(search) == 0: return vim.command('let @/="%s"' % search.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"')) MundoNextMatch() # }}} def MundoPrevMatch():# {{{ MundoMatch(-1) # }}} def MundoNextMatch():# {{{ MundoMatch(1) # }}} def MundoMatch(down):# {{{ """ Jump to the next node that matches the current pattern. If there is a next node, search from the next node to the end of the list of changes. Stop on a match. """ if not _check_sanity(): return # save the current window number (should be the navigation window) # then generate the undo nodes, and then go back to the current window. util._goto_window_for_buffer(int(vim.eval('g:mundo_target_n'))) nodes, nmap = nodesData.make_nodes() total = len(nodes) - 1 util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo__') mundo_node = MundoGetTargetState() found_version = -1 if total > 0: therange = range(mundo_node-1,-1,-1) if down < 0: therange = range(mundo_node+1,total+1) for version in therange: util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo__') undochanges = nodesData.preview_diff(nmap[version].parent, nmap[version]) # Look thru all of the changes, ignore the first two b/c those are the # diff timestamp fields (not relevent): for change in undochanges[3:]: match_index = vim.eval('match("%s",@/)'% change.replace("\\","\\\\").replace('"','\\"')) # only consider the matches that are actual additions or # subtractions if int(match_index) >= 0 and (change.startswith('-') or change.startswith('+')): found_version = version break # found something, lets get out of here: if found_version != -1: break util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo__') if found_version >= 0: MundoMove(found_version,1,False) # }}} def MundoRenderPatchdiff():# {{{ """ Call MundoRenderChangePreview and display a vert diffpatch with the current file. """ if MundoRenderChangePreview(): # if there are no lines, do nothing (show a warning). util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo_Preview__') if vim.current.buffer[:] == ['']: # restore the cursor position before exiting. util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo__') vim.command('unsilent echo "No difference between current file and undo number!"') return False # quit out of mundo main screen util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo__') vim.command('quit') # save the __Mundo_Preview__ buffer to a temp file. util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo_Preview__') (handle,filename) = tempfile.mkstemp() vim.command('silent! w %s' % (filename)) # exit the __Mundo_Preview__ window vim.command('bdelete') # diff the temp file vim.command('silent! keepalt vert diffpatch %s' % (filename)) vim.command('set buftype=nofile bufhidden=delete') return True return False # }}} def MundoGetChangesForLine():# {{{ if not _check_sanity(): return False target_state = MundoGetTargetState() # Check that there's an undo state. There may not be if we're talking about # a buffer with no changes yet. if target_state == None: util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo__') return False else: target_state = int(target_state) util._goto_window_for_buffer(int(vim.eval('g:mundo_target_n'))) nodes, nmap = nodesData.make_nodes() node_after = nmap[target_state] node_before = nmap[nodesData.current()] return nodesData.change_preview_diff(node_before, node_after) # }}} def MundoRenderChangePreview():# {{{ """ Render a diff of the target buffer and the selected undo tree node. Returns True on success, False otherwise. """ if not _check_sanity(): return vim.command('call s:MundoOpenPreview()') util._output_preview_text(MundoGetChangesForLine()) util._goto_window_for_buffer('__Mundo__') # Mark the preview as up-to-date vim.command('call mundo#MundoPreviewOutdated(0)') return True # }}} def MundoRenderToggleInlineDiff():# {{{ """ Toggles g:mundo_inline_undo and redraws the graph window. """ show_inline = int(vim.eval('g:mundo_inline_undo')) if show_inline == 0: vim.command("let g:mundo_inline_undo=1") else: vim.command("let g:mundo_inline_undo=0") line = int(vim.eval("line('.')")) nodesData.clear_oneline_diffs() MundoRenderGraph(True) vim.command("call cursor(%d,0)" % line) # }}} def MundoToggleHelp():# {{{ """ Toggles g:mundo_help and redraws the graph window. """ show_help = int(vim.eval('g:mundo_help')) if show_help == 0: vim.command("let g:mundo_help=1") else: vim.command("let g:mundo_help=0") line = int(vim.eval("line('.')")) column = int(vim.eval("col('.')")) old_line_count = int(vim.eval("line('$')")) MundoRenderGraph(True) new_line_count = int(vim.eval("line('$')")) vim.command( "call cursor(%d, %d)" % (line + new_line_count - old_line_count, column) ) # Mundo undo/redo}}} def MundoRevert():# {{{ """ Reverts the target buffer to the state associated with a selected node in the undo graph. """ if not _check_sanity(): return target_n = MundoGetTargetState() back = int(vim.eval('g:mundo_target_n')) util._goto_window_for_buffer(back) util._undo_to(target_n) MundoRenderGraph() if int(vim.eval('g:mundo_return_on_revert')): util._goto_window_for_buffer(back) if int(vim.eval('g:mundo_close_on_revert')): vim.command('MundoToggle') # }}} def MundoPlayTo():# {{{ """ Replays changes between the current state and a selected state in real-time. """ if not _check_sanity(): return target_n = MundoGetTargetState() back = int(vim.eval('g:mundo_target_n')) delay = int(vim.eval('g:mundo_playback_delay')) util._goto_window_for_buffer(back) util.normal('zn') nodes, nmap = nodesData.make_nodes() start = nmap[nodesData.current()] end = nmap[target_n] def _walk_branch(origin, dest):# {{{ rev = origin.n < dest.n nodes = [] if origin.n > dest.n: current, final = origin, dest else: current, final = dest, origin while current.n > final.n: nodes.append(current) current = current.parent if current.n != final.n: return None nodes.append(current) if rev: return reversed(nodes) else: return nodes # }}} branch = _walk_branch(start, end) if not branch: vim.command('unsilent echo "No path to that node from here!"') util.normal('zN') return for node in branch: util._undo_to(node.n) MundoRenderGraph() util.normal('zz') util._goto_window_for_buffer(back) vim.command('redraw | sleep %dm' % delay) util.normal('zN') # }}} # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79 fdm=marker et :