"============================================================================= " FILE: autoload/incsearch/highlight.vim " AUTHOR: haya14busa " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= scriptencoding utf-8 " Saving 'cpoptions' {{{ let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " }}} let s:TRUE = !0 let s:FALSE = 0 let s:DIRECTION = { 'forward': 1, 'backward': 0 } " see :h v:searchforward " Utility Helper: let s:U = incsearch#util#import() " Management: let s:hi = vital#incsearch#import('Coaster.Highlight').make() let g:incsearch#highlight#_hi = s:hi function! incsearch#highlight#update() abort " it's intuiive to call incsearch#highlight#on() & off() but there are no " need to execute `:nohlsearch` when updating. call s:hi.disable_all() call s:hi.enable_all() endfunction function! incsearch#highlight#on() abort call s:hi.enable_all() if ! g:incsearch#no_inc_hlsearch let &hlsearch = &hlsearch endif endfunction function! incsearch#highlight#off() abort call s:hi.disable_all() if ! g:incsearch#no_inc_hlsearch nohlsearch endif endfunction function! s:init_hl() abort hi default link IncSearchMatch Search hi default link IncSearchMatchReverse IncSearch hi default link IncSearchCursor Cursor hi default link IncSearchOnCursor IncSearch hi default IncSearchUnderline term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline endfunction call s:init_hl() augroup plugin-incsearch-highlight autocmd! autocmd ColorScheme * call s:init_hl() augroup END let s:default_highlight = { \ 'visual' : { \ 'group' : '_IncSearchVisual', \ 'priority' : '10' \ }, \ 'match' : { \ 'group' : 'IncSearchMatch', \ 'priority' : '49' \ }, \ 'match_reverse' : { \ 'group' : 'IncSearchMatchReverse', \ 'priority' : '49' \ }, \ 'on_cursor' : { \ 'group' : 'IncSearchOnCursor', \ 'priority' : '50' \ }, \ 'cursor' : { \ 'group' : 'IncSearchCursor', \ 'priority' : '51' \ }, \ } function! incsearch#highlight#hgm() abort " highlight group management let hgm = copy(s:default_highlight) for key in keys(hgm) call extend(hgm[key], get(g:incsearch#highlight, key, {})) endfor return hgm endfunction " hldict: { 'name' : lhs, 'highlight': rhs } " Util: " @return hldict function! incsearch#highlight#capture(hlname) abort " Based On: https://github.com/t9md/vim-ezbar " https://github.com/osyo-manga/vital-over let hlname = a:hlname if !hlexists(hlname) return endif while 1 let save_verbose = &verbose let &verbose = 0 try redir => HL_SAVE execute 'silent! highlight ' . hlname redir END finally let &verbose = save_verbose endtry if !empty(matchstr(HL_SAVE, 'xxx cleared$')) return '' endif " follow highlight link let ml = matchlist(HL_SAVE, 'links to \zs.*') if !empty(ml) let hlname = ml[0] continue endif break endwhile let HL_SAVE = substitute(matchstr(HL_SAVE, 'xxx \zs.*'), \ '[ \t\n]\+', ' ', 'g') return { 'name': hlname, 'highlight': HL_SAVE } endfunction function! incsearch#highlight#turn_off(hldict) abort execute 'highlight' a:hldict.name 'NONE' endfunction function! incsearch#highlight#turn_on(hldict) abort execute 'highlight' a:hldict.name a:hldict.highlight endfunction " Wrapper: " @return hlobj function! incsearch#highlight#get_visual_hlobj() abort if ! exists('s:_visual_hl') let s:_visual_hl = incsearch#highlight#capture('Visual') endif return s:_visual_hl endfunction augroup incsearch-update-visual-highlight autocmd! autocmd ColorScheme * if exists('s:_visual_hl') | unlet s:_visual_hl | endif augroup END " Visual Highlighting Emulation: let s:INT = { 'MAX': 2147483647 } " NOTE: " Default highlight for visual selection has always higher priority than " defined highlight, so you have to turn off default visual highlight and " emulate it. All this function do is pseudo highlight visual selected area " args: mode, visual_hl, v_start_pos, v_end_pos function! incsearch#highlight#emulate_visual_highlight(...) abort let is_visual_now = s:U.is_visual(mode(1)) let mode = get(a:, 1, is_visual_now ? mode(1) : visualmode()) let visual_hl = get(a:, 2, incsearch#highlight#get_visual_hlobj()) " Note: the default pos value assume visual selection is not cleared. " It uses curswant to emulate visual-block let v_start_pos = get(a:, 3, \ (is_visual_now ? [line('v'),col('v')] : [line("'<"), col("'<")])) " See: https://github.com/vim-jp/issues/issues/604 " getcurpos() could be negative value, so use winsaveview() instead let end_curswant_pos = \ (exists('*getcurpos') ? getcurpos()[4] : winsaveview().curswant + 1) let v_end_pos = get(a:, 4, (is_visual_now \ ? [line('.'), end_curswant_pos < 0 ? s:INT.MAX : end_curswant_pos ] \ : [line("'>"), col("'>")])) let pattern = incsearch#highlight#get_visual_pattern(mode, v_start_pos, v_end_pos) let hgm = incsearch#highlight#hgm() let v = hgm.visual " NOTE: Update highlight execute 'hi' 'clear' v.group execute 'hi' v.group visual_hl['highlight'] call s:hi.add(v.group, v.group, pattern, v.priority) call incsearch#highlight#update() endfunction function! incsearch#highlight#get_visual_pattern(mode, v_start_pos, v_end_pos) abort " NOTE: highlight doesn't work if the range is over screen height, so " limit pattern to visible window. let [_, v_start, v_end, _] = s:U.sort_pos([ \ a:v_start_pos, \ a:v_end_pos, \ [line('w0'), 1], \ [line('w$'), s:U.get_max_col(line('w$'))] \ ]) if a:mode ==# 'v' if v_start[0] == v_end[0] return printf('\v%%%dl%%%dc\_.*%%%dl%%%dc', \ v_start[0], \ min([v_start[1], s:U.get_max_col(v_start[0])]), \ v_end[0], \ min([v_end[1], s:U.get_max_col(v_end[0])])) else return printf('\v%%%dl%%%dc\_.{-}%%%dl|%%%dl\_.*%%%dl%%%dc', \ v_start[0], \ min([v_start[1], s:U.get_max_col(v_start[0])]), \ v_end[0], \ v_end[0], \ v_end[0], \ min([v_end[1], s:U.get_max_col(v_end[0])])) endif elseif a:mode ==# 'V' return printf('\v%%%dl\_.*%%%dl', v_start[0], v_end[0]) elseif a:mode ==# "\<C-v>" " @vimlint(EVL102, 1, l:min_c) let [min_c, max_c] = s:U.sort_num([v_start[1], v_end[1]]) let max_c += 1 " increment needed let max_c = max_c < 0 ? s:INT.MAX : max_c let mapfunc = " \ printf('%%%dl%%%dc.*%%%dc', \ v:val, min_c, min([max_c, s:U.get_max_col(v:val)])) \ " return '\v'.join(map(range(v_start[0], v_end[0]), mapfunc), '|') else throw 'incsearch.vim: unexpected mode ' . a:mode endif endfunction " Incremental Highlighting: function! incsearch#highlight#incremental_highlight(pattern, ...) abort let should_separate_highlight = get(a:, 1, s:FALSE) let direction = get(a:, 2, s:DIRECTION.forward) let start_pos = get(a:, 3, getpos('.')[1:2]) let hgm = incsearch#highlight#hgm() let [m, r, o, c] = [hgm.match, hgm.match_reverse, hgm.on_cursor, hgm.cursor] let on_cursor_pattern = '\m\%#\(' . a:pattern . '\m\)' if '' =~# a:pattern " Do not highlight for patterns which match everything call s:hi.delete_all() elseif ! should_separate_highlight call s:hi.add(m.group, m.group, a:pattern, m.priority) if ! g:incsearch#no_inc_hlsearch let @/ = a:pattern let &hlsearch = &hlsearch endif else let [p1, p2] = (direction == s:DIRECTION.forward) \ ? [incsearch#highlight#forward_pattern(a:pattern, start_pos) \ ,incsearch#highlight#backward_pattern(a:pattern, start_pos)] \ : [incsearch#highlight#backward_pattern(a:pattern, start_pos) \ ,incsearch#highlight#forward_pattern(a:pattern, start_pos)] call s:hi.add(m.group , m.group , p1 , m.priority) " right direction call s:hi.add(r.group , r.group , p2 , r.priority) " reversed direction endif call s:hi.add(o.group , o.group , on_cursor_pattern , o.priority) call s:hi.add(c.group , c.group , '\v%#' , c.priority) call incsearch#highlight#update() endfunction function! incsearch#highlight#forward_pattern(pattern, from_pos) abort let [line, col] = a:from_pos return printf('\v(%%>%dl|%%%dl%%>%dc)\m\(%s\m\)', line, line, col, a:pattern) endfunction function! incsearch#highlight#backward_pattern(pattern, from_pos) abort let [line, col] = a:from_pos return printf('\v(%%<%dl|%%%dl%%<%dc)\m\(%s\m\)', line, line, col, a:pattern) endfunction " Restore 'cpoptions' {{{ let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " }}} " __END__ {{{ " vim: expandtab softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 " vim: foldmethod=marker " }}}