local util = require 'lspconfig.util' local bin_name = 'glint-language-server' local cmd = { bin_name } if vim.fn.has 'win32' == 1 then cmd = { 'cmd.exe', '/C', bin_name } end return { default_config = { cmd = cmd, on_new_config = function(config, new_root_dir) local project_root = util.find_node_modules_ancestor(new_root_dir) -- Glint should not be installed globally. local node_bin_path = util.path.join(project_root, 'node_modules', '.bin') local path = node_bin_path .. util.path.path_separator .. vim.env.PATH if config.cmd_env then config.cmd_env.PATH = path else config.cmd_env = { PATH = path } end end, filetypes = { 'html.handlebars', 'handlebars', 'typescript', 'typescript.glimmer', 'javascript', 'javascript.glimmer', }, root_dir = util.root_pattern( '.glintrc.yml', '.glintrc', '.glintrc.json', '.glintrc.js', 'glint.config.js', 'package.json' ), }, docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/typed-ember/glint https://typed-ember.gitbook.io/glint/ `glint-language-server` is installed when adding `@glint/core` to your project's devDependencies: ```sh npm install @glint/core --save-dev ``` or ```sh yarn add -D @glint/core ``` or ```sh pnpm add -D @glint/core ``` ]], }, }