title: "Sponsors"
description: "The companies or individuals contributing a monthly amount to help sustain SpaceVim's development."

# [Home](../) >> Sponsors

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- [Backers](#backers)
- [Donation](#donation)
- [Historical Spending](#historical-spending)

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SpaceVim is an open source project. Please consider supporting SpaceVim by:

- [Become a backer on BountySource](https://www.bountysource.com/teams/spacevim)
- [Become a backer on opencollective](https://opencollective.com/spacevim)

Also, you can buy us a coffee:

<a href='https://ko-fi.com/SpaceVim' target='_blank'><img height='36' style='border:0px;height:36px;' src='https://az743702.vo.msecnd.net/cdn/kofi4.png?v=f' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com' /></a>

| wechat                                                                   | alipay                                                                     |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <img src="https://spacevim.org/img/weixin.png" height="150" width="150"> | <img src="https://spacevim.org/img/zhifubao.png" height="150" width="150"> |

Bitcoin: 1DtuVeg81c2L9NEhDaVTAAbrCR3pN5xPFv

## Backers

| Name           | Description                 |
| -------------- | --------------------------- |
| Song Zheng     | \$20/month since 2019-08-09 |
| michael-wojcik | \$5/month since 2020-05-19  |

## Donation

These are the companies or individuals contributing a monthly amount to help sustain SpaceVim's development.
See the [Bountysource campaign](https://www.bountysource.com/teams/spacevim) for more details.

| Date         | Amount   | Description         |
| ------------ | -------- | ------------------- |
| 2016-09-26   | ¥ 100    | \*好                |
| 2016-09-26   | ¥ 300    | \*好                |
| 2016-11-22   | ¥ 20     | \*续                |
| 2017-02-23   | ¥ 40     | \*拔                |
| 2017-02-14   | ¥ 100    | \*洁                |
| 2017-03-18   | ¥ 20     | z\*t                |
| 2017-03-30   | ¥ 20     | l\*n                |
| 2017-04-07   | ¥ 20     | \*酱                |
| 2017-06-20   | \$ 2.57  | Шепелев Григорий    |
| 2017-06-24   | \$ 14.04 | Vowell Jason        |
| 2017-06-24   | \$ 2.57  | Senaud Nicolas      |
| 2017-09-16   | \$ 2.57  | D'Avezac Mayeul     |
| 2017-09-24   | ¥ 0.99   | 1\*5                |
| 2017-11-02   | ¥ 10     | \*下                |
| 2017-11-02   | ¥ 10     | \*下                |
| 2017-11-20   | ¥ 1.6    | \*瑞                |
| 2017-11-26   | \$ 14.04 | Hermans Tim         |
| 2017-12-13   | \$ 5.44  | Ma Fei              |
| 2017-12-27   | \$ 8.30  | Módolo Marcelo      |
| 2017-12-28   | ¥ 20     | s\*n                |
| 2017-12-28   | ¥ 10.24  | bts                 |
| 2017-12-29   | ¥ 10     | \*哥                |
| 2018-01-22   | ¥ 10     | \*强                |
| 2018-01-24   | ¥ 20     | unlockingc          |
| 2018-02-05   | \$ 2.57  | Samuel Mitchell     |
| 2018-02-13   | \$ 45    | talktopete          |
| 2018-02-14   | ¥ 20     | \*川                |
| 2018-02-14   | ¥ 188    | \*黑 8              |
| 2018-02-18   | ¥ 66.6   | \*谨                |
| 2018-02-22   | \$ 9     | sei40kr             |
| 2018-02-24   | \$ 6     | kapkabnh            |
| 2018-03-14   | ¥ 1      | \*目                |
| 2018-03-20   | \$ 10    | kovaski             |
| 2018-03-26   | ¥ 0.01   | \*丰                |
| 2018-03-28   | \$ 2.57  | 小林                |
| 2018-03-30   | ¥ 10     | 林\*                |
| 2018-03-31   | ¥ 18.88  | s\*n                |
| 2018-04-04   | ¥ 10     | 童\*                |
| 2018-04-06   | ¥ 9.99   | Galaxy              |
| 2018-04-20   | ¥ 5      | 可\*)               |
| 2018-04-29   | ¥ 5      | \*中                |
| 2018-05-07   | ¥ 6.6    | \*浪                |
| 2018-05-09   | ¥ 10     | S\*R                |
| 2018-05-16   | \$ 2.57  | Daniel Beste        |
| 2018-06-18   | \$ 11.17 | Charalambos         |
| 2018-06-20   | \$ 2.57  | Jingpeng Wu         |
| 2018-06-24   | ¥ 50     | 青\*                |
| 2018-06-25   | \$ 14.04 | Core Enable, LLC    |
| 2018-07-16   | ¥ 5      | L_Collection        |
| 2018-07-26   | \$ 5.44  | John Femiani        |
| 2018-07-31   | ¥ 10     | w\*d                |
| 2018-08-04   | ¥ 50     | \*建                |
| 2018-08-12   | ¥ 20     | leo 陶              |
| 2018-08-15   | ¥ 300    | 睿                  |
| 2018-09-12   | ¥ 50     | 鉴\*o               |
| 2018-09-21   | \$ 200   | chvanikoff          |
| 2018-10-23   | \$ 2.57  | Hongjun Fu          |
| 2018-10-26   | \$ 2.57  | Vladimir Kravtsov   |
| 2018-10-23   | \$ 2.57  | Hongjun Fu          |
| 2018-11-13   | ¥ 8.8    | 开源                |
| 2018-11-14   | \$ 14.04 | Mateusz             |
| 2018-12-26   | \$ 2.57  | CelikOkan           |
| 2019-01-03   | \$ 5.44  | DywanChristian      |
| 2019-01-07   | \$ 2.57  | Administrateur      |
| 2019-04-08   | \$ 8.3   | Mateusz Grzeliński  |
| 2018-12-04   | ¥ 30     | 兵焦                |
| 2018-12-17   | ¥ 1      | \*歌                |
| 2018-12-17   | ¥ 100    | 涛                  |
| 2018-12-20   | ¥ 20.19  | \*尘                |
| 2019-01-18   | ¥ 6.66   | f\*n                |
| 2019-04-09   | ¥ 10     | 东海                |
| 2019-03-17   | ¥ 1000   | falls               |
| 2019-03-18   | ¥ 10     | \*人                |
| 2019-01-24   | ¥ 10     | 重剑                |
| 2019-04-24   | \$171.78 | LLIP                |
| 2019-04-24   | \$2.57   | Isaac               |
| 2019-05-02   | \$2.57   | Peter Kuchar        |
| 2019-05-03   | \$2.57   | Ozon-Web82          |
| 2019-06-15   | \$10     | James G Deville     |
| 2019-06-18   | \$8.30   | Stefan Lendl        |
| 2019-06-24   | \$5.44   | Colin Barnabas      |
| 2019-07-06   | \$2.57   | Alejandro Vega      |
| 2019-07-18   | ¥ 10     | z\*t                |
| 2019-07-21   | \$20     | Ben Morrison        |
| 2019-07-27   | \$2.57   | Sahani Pranav       |
| 2019-08-12   | ¥ 6.6    | \*陶                |
| 2019-08-20   | ¥ 20     | \*m                 |
| 2019-09-24   | ¥ 5      | o\*4                |
| 2019-10-01   | \$2.57   | Angers Martin       |
| 2019-10-03   | \$5.44   | Thorne Ross         |
| 2019-11-06   | ¥ 10     | zju\*\*\*           |
| 2019-11-22   | ¥ 50     | \*好                |
| 2019-11-25   | ¥ 20     | \*哥                |
| 2020-01-05   | \$30     | Michael Jackson     |
| 2020-01-21   | \$50     | Sava Kahn           |
| 2020-02-21   | ¥ 50     | \*尚                |
| 2020-03-01   | \$ 25    | Brendan Copp        |
| 2020-03-06   | ¥ 20     | J\*8                |
| 2020-03-14   | ¥ 5      | \*童                |
| 2020-04-06   | \$2.57   | KuropatwinskiMarcin |
| 2020-04-06   | \$2.57   | Ali                 |
| 2020-04-10   | ¥ 1      | 付\*#               |
| 2020-04-16   | ¥ 50     | N\*L                |
| 2020-04-17   | \$2.57   | 小林大              |
| 2020-04-18   | ¥ 5      | \*流                |
| 2020-05-24   | \$ 10    | Ryein Goddard       |
| 2020-05-30   | ¥ 1      | l\*t                |
| 2020-05-31   | ¥ 30     | \*刚                |
| 2020-07-24   | ¥ 5      | P\*e                |
| 2020-07-26   | \$19.78  | GliraPhilipp        |
| 2020-08-07   | \$5.44   | GillinMitchell      |

## Historical Spending

| Date       | Amount    | Description |
| ---------- | --------- | ----------- |
| 2019-09-29 | - ¥ 18.74 | Host        |
| 2019-04-11 | - ¥ 525   | Domain      |
| 2017-06-10 | - \$ 5    | Host        |
| 2017-01-03 | - ¥ 225   | Domain      |