# Contributing to `nvim-web-devicons` Thank you for your contribution! ## Name Please name your commits and the PR simply e.g. add .tex update makefile icon update .kt colors ## Prerequisites Add [vim-colortemplate](https://github.com/lifepillar/vim-colortemplate) to &runtimepath. The easiest way to do this is via your package manager. Code is formatted using stylua and linted using luacheck. You can install these with: ```sh cargo install stylua luarocks install luacheck ``` or via your OS package manager e.g. Arch linux: ```sh pacman -S stylua pacman -S luacheck ``` ## Building Following your changes, please run: ```sh make ``` This will: 1. Generate cterm colors 2. Generate light color variants 3. Check style 4. Lint You can automatically fix any style issues via: ```sh make style-fix ``` ## Generate Colors Add or update icons in `scripts/nvim-web-devicons.lua`. There are two tables where icons can be added: 1. icons_by_filename 2. icons_by_file_extension Add the icon in table 1. if the icon is for a file that is always named that way, for example `.gitconfig`. Add to table 2. if the icon is for all files with an extension. Each icon must have the following (this is an example): ```lua [".gitconfig"] = { icon = "", color = "#41535b", cterm_color = "0", name = "GitConfig", }, ``` ___Key/value pairs must appear in the same exact order!___ - `color` must contain a color in the html notation - `cterm_color` must be below `color`, and it must contain a number (any number) - the correct value for `cterm_color` will be generated by the script Ensure your current working directory is the repo root. Run `make`. This will: - Update `cterm_color` based on `color` - Generate `nvim-web-devicons-light.lua` Please commit both `nvim-web-devicons.lua` and `nvim-web-devicons-light.lua` ## Pull Request Please reference any issues in the description e.g. "resolves #1234". Please check "allow edits by maintainers" to allow nvim-web-devicons maintainers to make small changes such as documentation tweaks. ## Documentation When modifying or adding API, please update [Usage](README.md#Usage)