local spec = require('cmp.utils.spec') local entry = require('cmp.entry') describe('entry', function() before_each(spec.before) it('one char', function() local state = spec.state('@.', 1, 3) state.input('@') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { label = '@', }) assert.are.equal(e:get_offset(), 3) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(e:get_offset()).word, '@') end) it('word length (no fix)', function() local state = spec.state('a.b', 1, 4) state.input('.') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { label = 'b', }) assert.are.equal(e:get_offset(), 5) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(e:get_offset()).word, 'b') end) it('word length (fix)', function() local state = spec.state('a.b', 1, 4) state.input('.') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { label = 'b.', }) assert.are.equal(e:get_offset(), 3) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(e:get_offset()).word, 'b.') end) it('semantic index (no fix)', function() local state = spec.state('a.bc', 1, 5) state.input('.') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { label = 'c.', }) assert.are.equal(e:get_offset(), 6) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(e:get_offset()).word, 'c.') end) it('semantic index (fix)', function() local state = spec.state('a.bc', 1, 5) state.input('.') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { label = 'bc.', }) assert.are.equal(e:get_offset(), 3) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(e:get_offset()).word, 'bc.') end) it('[vscode-html-language-server] 1', function() local state = spec.state(' </>', 1, 7) state.input('.') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { label = '/div', textEdit = { range = { start = { line = 0, character = 0, }, ['end'] = { line = 0, character = 6, }, }, newText = ' </div', }, }) assert.are.equal(e:get_offset(), 5) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(e:get_offset()).word, '</div') end) it('[clangd] 1', function() --NOTE: clangd does not return `.foo` as filterText but we should care about it. --nvim-cmp does care it by special handling in entry.lua. local state = spec.state('foo', 1, 4) state.input('.') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { insertText = '->foo', label = ' foo', textEdit = { newText = '->foo', range = { start = { character = 3, line = 1, }, ['end'] = { character = 4, line = 1, }, }, }, }) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(4).word, '->foo') assert.are.equal(e:get_filter_text(), '.foo') end) it('[typescript-language-server] 1', function() local state = spec.state('Promise.resolve()', 1, 18) state.input('.') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { label = 'catch', }) -- The offset will be 18 in this situation because the server returns `[Symbol]` as candidate. assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(18).word, '.catch') assert.are.equal(e:get_filter_text(), 'catch') end) it('[typescript-language-server] 2', function() local state = spec.state('Promise.resolve()', 1, 18) state.input('.') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { filterText = '.Symbol', label = 'Symbol', textEdit = { newText = '[Symbol]', range = { ['end'] = { character = 18, line = 0, }, start = { character = 17, line = 0, }, }, }, }) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(18).word, '[Symbol]') assert.are.equal(e:get_filter_text(), '.Symbol') end) it('[lua-language-server] 1', function() local state = spec.state("local m = require'cmp.confi", 1, 28) local e -- press g state.input('g') e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { insertTextFormat = 2, label = 'cmp.config', textEdit = { newText = 'cmp.config', range = { ['end'] = { character = 27, line = 1, }, start = { character = 18, line = 1, }, }, }, }) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(19).word, 'cmp.config') assert.are.equal(e:get_filter_text(), 'cmp.config') -- press ' state.input("'") e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { insertTextFormat = 2, label = 'cmp.config', textEdit = { newText = 'cmp.config', range = { ['end'] = { character = 27, line = 1, }, start = { character = 18, line = 1, }, }, }, }) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(19).word, 'cmp.config') assert.are.equal(e:get_filter_text(), 'cmp.config') end) it('[lua-language-server] 2', function() local state = spec.state("local m = require'cmp.confi", 1, 28) local e -- press g state.input('g') e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { insertTextFormat = 2, label = 'lua.cmp.config', textEdit = { newText = 'lua.cmp.config', range = { ['end'] = { character = 27, line = 1, }, start = { character = 18, line = 1, }, }, }, }) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(19).word, 'lua.cmp.config') assert.are.equal(e:get_filter_text(), 'lua.cmp.config') -- press ' state.input("'") e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { insertTextFormat = 2, label = 'lua.cmp.config', textEdit = { newText = 'lua.cmp.config', range = { ['end'] = { character = 27, line = 1, }, start = { character = 18, line = 1, }, }, }, }) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(19).word, 'lua.cmp.config') assert.are.equal(e:get_filter_text(), 'lua.cmp.config') end) it('[intelephense] 1', function() local state = spec.state('\t\t', 1, 4) -- press g state.input('$') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { kind = 6, label = '$this', sortText = '$this', textEdit = { newText = '$this', range = { ['end'] = { character = 3, line = 1, }, start = { character = 2, line = 1, }, }, }, }) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(e:get_offset()).word, '$this') assert.are.equal(e:get_filter_text(), '$this') end) it('[#47] word should not contain \\n character', function() local state = spec.state('', 1, 1) -- press g state.input('_') local e = entry.new(state.manual(), state.source(), { kind = 6, label = '__init__', insertTextFormat = 1, insertText = '__init__(self) -> None:\n pass', }) assert.are.equal(e:get_vim_item(e:get_offset()).word, '__init__(self) -> None:') assert.are.equal(e:get_filter_text(), '__init__') end) end)