; CREDITS @stumash (stuart.mashaal@gmail.com) ;; variables (identifier) @variable ((identifier) @variable.builtin (#lua-match? @variable.builtin "^this$")) (interpolation) @none ; Assume other uppercase names constants. ; NOTE: In order to distinguish constants we highlight ; all the identifiers that are uppercased. But this solution ; is not suitable for all occurrences e.g. it will highlight ; an uppercased method as a constant if used with no params. ; Introducing highlighting for those specific cases, is probably ; best way to resolve the issue. ((identifier) @constant (#lua-match? @constant "^[A-Z]")) ;; types (type_identifier) @type (class_definition name: (identifier) @type) (object_definition name: (identifier) @type) (trait_definition name: (identifier) @type) (type_definition name: (type_identifier) @type) ; method definition (class_definition body: (template_body (function_definition name: (identifier) @method))) (object_definition body: (template_body (function_definition name: (identifier) @method))) (trait_definition body: (template_body (function_definition name: (identifier) @method))) ; imports (import_declaration path: (identifier) @namespace) ((stable_identifier (identifier) @namespace)) ((import_declaration path: (identifier) @type) (#lua-match? @type "^[A-Z]")) ((stable_identifier (identifier) @type) (#lua-match? @type "^[A-Z]")) ((import_selectors (identifier) @type) (#lua-match? @type "^[A-Z]")) ; method invocation (call_expression function: (identifier) @function.call) (call_expression function: (field_expression field: (identifier) @method.call)) ((call_expression function: (identifier) @constructor) (#lua-match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")) (generic_function function: (identifier) @function.call) ( (identifier) @function.builtin (#lua-match? @function.builtin "^super$") ) ; function definitions (function_definition name: (identifier) @function) (parameter name: (identifier) @parameter) ; expressions (field_expression field: (identifier) @property) (field_expression value: (identifier) @type (#lua-match? @type "^[A-Z]")) (infix_expression operator: (identifier) @operator) (infix_expression operator: (operator_identifier) @operator) (infix_type operator: (operator_identifier) @operator) (infix_type operator: (operator_identifier) @operator) ; literals (boolean_literal) @boolean (integer_literal) @number (floating_point_literal) @float [ (symbol_literal) (string) (character_literal) (interpolated_string_expression) ] @string (interpolation "$" @punctuation.special) ;; keywords [ "abstract" "case" "class" "extends" "final" "finally" ;; `forSome` existential types not implemented yet "implicit" "lazy" ;; `macro` not implemented yet "object" "override" "package" "private" "protected" "sealed" "trait" "type" "val" "var" "with" ] @keyword (null_literal) @keyword (wildcard) @keyword ;; special keywords "new" @keyword.operator [ "else" "if" "match" ] @conditional [ "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" ] @punctuation.bracket [ "." "," ] @punctuation.delimiter [ "do" "for" "while" "yield" ] @repeat "def" @keyword.function [ "=>" "<-" "@" ] @operator "import" @include [ "try" "catch" "throw" ] @exception "return" @keyword.return (comment) @comment @spell ;; `case` is a conditional keyword in case_block (case_block (case_clause ("case") @conditional))