; ; Intended for consumption by nvim-treesitter ; ; Default capture names for nvim-treesitter found here: ; ; https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/blob/e473630fe0872cb0ed97cd7085e724aa58bc1c84/lua/nvim-treesitter/highlight.lua#L14-L104 ; ; In this file, captures defined later take precedence over captures defined earlier ; Keywords [ "ACTION" "ASSUME" "ASSUMPTION" "AXIOM" "BY" "CASE" "CHOOSE" "CONSTANT" "CONSTANTS" "COROLLARY" "DEF" "DEFINE" "DEFS" "DOMAIN" "ELSE" "ENABLED" "EXCEPT" "EXTENDS" "HAVE" "HIDE" "IF" "IN" "INSTANCE" "LAMBDA" "LEMMA" "LET" "LOCAL" "MODULE" "NEW" "OBVIOUS" "OMITTED" "ONLY" "OTHER" "PICK" "PROOF" "PROPOSITION" "PROVE" "QED" "RECURSIVE" "SF_" "STATE" "SUBSET" "SUFFICES" "TAKE" "TEMPORAL" "THEN" "THEOREM" "UNCHANGED" "UNION" "USE" "VARIABLE" "VARIABLES" "WF_" "WITH" "WITNESS" (address) (all_map_to) (assign) (case_arrow) (case_box) (def_eq) (exists) (forall) (gets) (label_as) (maps_to) (set_in) (temporal_exists) (temporal_forall) ] @keyword ; Pluscal keywords [ (pcal_algorithm_start) "algorithm" "assert" "await" "begin" "call" "define" "end" "fair" "goto" "macro" "or" "procedure" "process" "skip" "variable" "variables" "when" "with" ] @keyword (pcal_with ("=") @keyword) (pcal_process ("=") @keyword) [ "if" "then" "else" "elsif" (pcal_end_if) "either" (pcal_end_either) ] @conditional [ "while" "do" (pcal_end_while) "with" (pcal_end_with) ] @repeat ("return") @keyword.return ("print") @function.macro ; Literals (binary_number (format) @keyword) (binary_number (value) @number) (boolean) @boolean (boolean_set) @type (hex_number (format) @keyword) (hex_number (value) @number) (int_number_set) @type (nat_number) @number (nat_number_set) @type (octal_number (format) @keyword) (octal_number (value) @number) (real_number) @number (real_number_set) @type (string) @string (escape_char) @string.escape (string_set) @type ; Namespaces (extends (identifier_ref) @namespace) (instance (identifier_ref) @namespace) (module name: (identifier) @namespace) (pcal_algorithm name: (identifier) @namespace) ; Operators, functions, and macros (bound_infix_op symbol: (_) @operator) (bound_nonfix_op symbol: (_) @operator) (bound_postfix_op symbol: (_) @operator) (bound_prefix_op symbol: (_) @operator) ((prefix_op_symbol) @operator) ((infix_op_symbol) @operator) ((postfix_op_symbol) @operator) (function_definition name: (identifier) @function) (module_definition name: (_) @include) (operator_definition name: (_) @function.macro) (pcal_macro_decl name: (identifier) @function.macro) (pcal_macro_call name: (identifier) @function.macro) (pcal_proc_decl name: (identifier) @function.macro) (pcal_process name: (identifier) @function) (recursive_declaration (identifier) @function.macro) (recursive_declaration (operator_declaration name: (_) @function.macro)) ; Constants and variables (constant_declaration (identifier) @constant) (constant_declaration (operator_declaration name: (_) @constant)) (pcal_var_decl (identifier) @variable) (pcal_with (identifier) @parameter) ((".") . (identifier) @attribute) (record_literal (identifier) @attribute) (set_of_records (identifier) @attribute) (variable_declaration (identifier) @variable) ; Parameters (choose (identifier) @parameter) (choose (tuple_of_identifiers (identifier) @parameter)) (lambda (identifier) @parameter) (module_definition (operator_declaration name: (_) @parameter)) (module_definition parameter: (identifier) @parameter) (operator_definition (operator_declaration name: (_) @parameter)) (operator_definition parameter: (identifier) @parameter) (pcal_macro_decl parameter: (identifier) @parameter) (pcal_proc_var_decl (identifier) @parameter) (quantifier_bound (identifier) @parameter) (quantifier_bound (tuple_of_identifiers (identifier) @parameter)) (unbounded_quantification (identifier) @parameter) ; Delimiters [ (langle_bracket) (rangle_bracket) (rangle_bracket_sub) "{" "}" "[" "]" "]_" "(" ")" ] @punctuation.bracket [ "," ":" "." "!" ";" (bullet_conj) (bullet_disj) (prev_func_val) (placeholder) ] @punctuation.delimiter ; Proofs (assume_prove (new (identifier) @parameter)) (assume_prove (new (operator_declaration name: (_) @parameter))) (assumption name: (identifier) @constant) (pick_proof_step (identifier) @parameter) (proof_step_id "<" @punctuation.bracket) (proof_step_id (level) @label) (proof_step_id (name) @label) (proof_step_id ">" @punctuation.bracket) (proof_step_ref "<" @punctuation.bracket) (proof_step_ref (level) @label) (proof_step_ref (name) @label) (proof_step_ref ">" @punctuation.bracket) (take_proof_step (identifier) @parameter) (theorem name: (identifier) @constant) ; Comments and tags (block_comment "(*" @comment) (block_comment "*)" @comment) (block_comment_text) @comment (comment) @comment (single_line) @comment (_ label: (identifier) @label) (label name: (_) @label) (pcal_goto statement: (identifier) @label) ; Reference highlighting with the same color as declarations. ; `constant`, `operator`, and others are custom captures defined in locals.scm ((identifier_ref) @constant (#is? @constant constant)) ((identifier_ref) @function (#is? @function function)) ((identifier_ref) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro)) ((identifier_ref) @include (#is? @include import)) ((identifier_ref) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter)) ((identifier_ref) @variable (#is? @variable var)) ((prefix_op_symbol) @constant (#is? @constant constant)) ((prefix_op_symbol) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro)) ((prefix_op_symbol) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter)) ((infix_op_symbol) @constant (#is? @constant constant)) ((infix_op_symbol) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro)) ((infix_op_symbol) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter)) ((postfix_op_symbol) @constant (#is? @constant constant)) ((postfix_op_symbol) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro)) ((postfix_op_symbol) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter)) (bound_prefix_op symbol: (_) @constant (#is? @constant constant)) (bound_prefix_op symbol: (_) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro)) (bound_prefix_op symbol: (_) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter)) (bound_infix_op symbol: (_) @constant (#is? @constant constant)) (bound_infix_op symbol: (_) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro)) (bound_infix_op symbol: (_) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter)) (bound_postfix_op symbol: (_) @constant (#is? @constant constant)) (bound_postfix_op symbol: (_) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro)) (bound_postfix_op symbol: (_) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter)) (bound_nonfix_op symbol: (_) @constant (#is? @constant constant)) (bound_nonfix_op symbol: (_) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro)) (bound_nonfix_op symbol: (_) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter))