" ============================================================================= " Filename: autoload/calendar/day/japan.vim " Author: itchyny " License: MIT License " Last Change: 2015/03/29 06:29:01. " ============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " TODO: In Japan, The calendar before switching to Gregorian's calendar was " not Julian's. It was a lunisolar calendar. Therefore, the day before 1873/1/1 " was 1872/12/3, not 1872/12/19. For more infomation, see: " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenp%C5%8D_calendar let s:constructor = calendar#constructor#day_hybrid#new(1873, 1, 1) function! calendar#day#japan#new(y, m, d) abort return s:constructor.new(a:y, a:m, a:d) endfunction function! calendar#day#japan#new_mjd(mjd) abort return s:constructor.new_mjd(a:mjd) endfunction function! calendar#day#japan#today() abort return s:constructor.today() endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo