let s:String = vital#gina#import('Data.String') let s:Git = vital#gina#import('Git') let s:SCHEME = gina#command#scheme(expand('<sfile>')) let s:messages = {} function! gina#command#commit#call(range, args, mods) abort call gina#core#options#help_if_necessary(a:args, s:get_options()) if s:is_raw_command(a:args) " Remove non git options let args = a:args.clone() call args.pop('--group') call args.pop('--opener') " Call raw git command return gina#command#_raw#call(a:range, args, a:mods) endif let git = gina#core#get_or_fail() let args = s:build_args(git, a:args) let bufname = gina#core#buffer#bufname(git, s:SCHEME) call gina#core#buffer#open(bufname, { \ 'mods': a:mods, \ 'group': args.params.group, \ 'opener': args.params.opener, \ 'cmdarg': args.params.cmdarg, \ 'callback': { \ 'fn': function('s:init'), \ 'args': [args], \ } \}) endfunction function! gina#command#commit#complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort let args = gina#core#args#new(matchstr(a:cmdline, '^.*\ze .*')) if a:arglead =~# '^\%(-C\|--reuse-message=\|-c\|--reedit-message=\|--fixup=\|--squash=\)' let leading = matchstr( \ a:arglead, \ '^\%(-C\|--reuse-message=\|-c\|--reedit-message\|--fixup=\|--squash=\)' \) let candidates = gina#complete#commit#any( \ matchstr(a:arglead, '^' . leading . '\zs.*'), \ a:cmdline, a:cursorpos, \) return map(candidates, 'leading . v:val') elseif a:arglead[0] ==# '-' || !empty(args.get(1)) let options = s:get_options() return options.complete(a:arglead, a:cmdline, a:cursorpos) elseif a:cmdline !~# '\s--\s' return gina#complete#filename#any(a:arglead, a:cmdline, a:cursorpos) endif return gina#complete#filename#tracked(a:arglead, a:cmdline, a:cursorpos) endfunction " Private -------------------------------------------------------------------- function! s:get_options() abort let options = gina#core#options#new() call options.define( \ '-h|--help', \ 'Show this help.', \) call options.define( \ '--opener=', \ 'A Vim command to open a new buffer.', \ ['edit', 'split', 'vsplit', 'tabedit', 'pedit'], \) call options.define( \ '--group=', \ 'A window group name used for a buffer.', \) call options.define( \ '--restore', \ 'Restore the previous buffer when the window is closed.', \) call options.define( \ '-a|--all', \ 'Commit all changed files', \) call options.define( \ '-C|--reuse-message=', \ 'Reuse message from specified commit', \) call options.define( \ '-c|--reedit-message=', \ 'Reuse and edit message from specified commit', \) call options.define( \ '--fixup=', \ 'Use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit', \) call options.define( \ '--squash=', \ 'Use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit', \) call options.define( \ '--reset-author', \ 'The commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)', \) call options.define( \ '-F|--file=', \ 'Read message from file', \) call options.define( \ '--author=', \ 'Override the commit author', \) call options.define( \ '--date=', \ 'Override the author date used in the commit', \) call options.define( \ '-m|--message=', \ 'Use the given message as the commit message', \) call options.define( \ '-t|--template=', \ 'Read message from file and use it as a template', \) call options.define( \ '-s|--signoff', \ 'Add Signed-off-by:', \) call options.define( \ '--allow-empty', \ 'Allow empty commit', \) call options.define( \ '--allow-empty-message', \ 'Allow empty commit message', \) call options.define( \ '--cleanup=', \ 'How to strip spaces and #comments from message', \ ['strip', 'whitespace', 'verbatim', 'scissors', 'default'], \) call options.define( \ '-e|--edit', \ 'Force edit of commit', \) call options.define( \ '--no-edit', \ 'Use the selected commit message without editing', \) call options.define( \ '--amend', \ 'Replace the tip of the current branch by creating a new commit', \) call options.define( \ '-i|--include', \ 'Add specified files to index for commit', \) call options.define( \ '-o|--only', \ 'Commit only specified files', \) call options.define( \ '-u|--untracked-files=', \ 'Show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no (Default: all)', \ ['no', 'normal', 'all'], \) call options.define( \ '-v|--verbose', \ 'Show unified diff between the HEAD commit and what would be committed', \) call options.define( \ '-q|--quiet', \ 'Suppress commit summary message', \) call options.define( \ '--dry-run', \ 'Do not create a commit, but show a list of paths that are to be committed', \) call options.define( \ '--status', \ 'Include status in commit message template', \) call options.define( \ '--no-status', \ 'Do not include status in commit message template', \) call options.define( \ '-S|--gpg-sign', \ 'GPG sign commit', \) call options.define( \ '--no-gpg-sign', \ 'Do not GPG sign commit', \) return options endfunction function! s:build_args(git, args) abort let args = a:args.clone() let args.params.group = args.pop('--group', '') let args.params.opener = args.pop('--opener', '') let args.params.restore = args.pop( \ '--restore', \ empty(args.params.opener) || args.params.opener ==# 'edit', \) let args.params.amend = args.get('--amend') call gina#core#args#extend_diff(a:git, args, '') return args.lock() endfunction function! s:is_raw_command(args) abort if a:args.get('-e|--edit') return 0 elseif a:args.get('--no-edit') return 1 elseif a:args.get('--dry-run') return 1 elseif !empty(a:args.get('-C|--reuse-message', '')) return 1 elseif !empty(a:args.get('-c|--reedit-message', '')) return 0 elseif a:args.get('-F|--file') return 1 elseif !empty(a:args.get('-m|--message', '')) return 1 elseif a:args.get('-t|--template') return 0 elseif !empty(a:args.get('--fixup', '')) return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! s:init(args) abort call gina#core#meta#set('args', a:args) silent! unlet b:gina_QuitPre silent! unlet b:gina_BufWriteCmd if exists('b:gina_initialized') return endif let b:gina_initialized = 1 setlocal nobuflisted setlocal buftype=acwrite setlocal bufhidden=hide setlocal noswapfile setlocal modifiable augroup gina_command_commit_internal autocmd! * <buffer> autocmd BufReadCmd <buffer> call s:BufReadCmd() autocmd BufWriteCmd <buffer> call s:BufWriteCmd() autocmd QuitPre <buffer> call s:QuitPre() autocmd WinLeave <buffer> call s:WinLeave() autocmd WinEnter <buffer> silent! unlet! b:gina_QuitPre augroup END nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>(gina-commit-amend) \ :<C-u>call <SID>toggle_amend()<CR> if a:args.get('-v|--verbose') nnoremap <buffer><silent> <Plug>(gina-diff-jump) \ :<C-u>call gina#core#diffjump#jump()<CR> nnoremap <buffer><silent> <Plug>(gina-diff-jump-split) \ :<C-u>call gina#core#diffjump#jump('split')<CR> nnoremap <buffer><silent> <Plug>(gina-diff-jump-vsplit) \ :<C-u>call gina#core#diffjump#jump('vsplit')<CR> if g:gina#command#commit#use_default_mappings nmap <buffer> <CR> <Plug>(gina-diff-jump) endif endif endfunction function! s:BufReadCmd() abort let git = gina#core#get_or_fail() let args = gina#core#meta#get_or_fail('args') if v:cmdbang let content = s:get_commitmsg_template(git, args) else let content = s:get_commitmsg(git, args) endif call gina#core#buffer#assign_cmdarg() call gina#core#writer#replace('%', 0, -1, content) call gina#core#emitter#emit('command:called', s:SCHEME) setlocal filetype=gina-commit endfunction function! s:BufWriteCmd() abort let b:gina_BufWriteCmd = 1 let git = gina#core#get_or_fail() let args = gina#core#meta#get_or_fail('args') call gina#core#revelator#call( \ function('s:set_commitmsg'), \ [git, args, getline(1, '$')] \) setlocal nomodified endfunction function! s:QuitPre() abort " Restore the previous buffer if 'restore' is specified let args = gina#core#meta#get('args', v:null) if args isnot# v:null && get(args.params, 'restore') let win_id = win_getid() if !empty(bufname('#')) && bufnr('#') isnot# -1 silent keepalt keepjumps 1split # else silent keepalt keepjumps 1new endif call win_gotoid(win_id) endif " Do not perform commit when user hit :q! if histget('cmd', -1) !~# '^q\%[uit]!' let b:gina_QuitPre = 1 " If this is a last window, open a new window to prevent quit if tabpagenr('$') == 1 && winnr('$') == 1 let win_id = win_getid() silent keepalt keepjumps 1new call win_gotoid(win_id) endif endif " Clear the flag set by :w but keep it when user hit :wq if histget('cmd', -1) !~# '^\(wq\|x\%[it]\|exi\%[t]\)' silent! unlet b:gina_BufWriteCmd endif endfunction " NOTE: " :w -- BufWriteCmd " <C-w>p -- WinLeave " :wq -- QuitPre -> BufWriteCmd -> WinLeave (-8.2.2899) " BufWriteCmd -> QuitPre -> WinLeave (8.2.2900-) " :q -- QuitPre -> WinLeave function! s:WinLeave() abort if exists('b:gina_QuitPre') let git = gina#core#get_or_fail() let args = gina#core#meta#get_or_fail('args') if exists('b:gina_BufWriteCmd') " User execute 'wq' so do not confirm call gina#core#revelator#call( \ function('s:commit_commitmsg'), \ [git, args] \) else " User execute 'q' so confirm if commit message is written if !empty(s:get_cached_commitmsg(git, args)) call gina#core#revelator#call( \ function('s:commit_commitmsg_confirm'), \ [git, args] \) else redraw | echo '' endif endif endif endfunction function! s:toggle_amend() abort let args = gina#core#meta#get_or_fail('args') let args = args.clone() if args.get('--amend') call args.pop('--amend') else call args.set('--amend', 1) endif call gina#core#meta#set('args', args) edit endfunction function! s:get_cleanup(git, args) abort let config = gina#core#repo#config(a:git) if a:args.get('--cleanup') return a:args.get('--cleanup') endif return get(config, 'commit.cleanup', 'strip') endfunction function! s:get_commitmsg(git, args) abort let content = s:get_cached_commitmsg(a:git, a:args) if empty(content) return s:get_commitmsg_template(a:git, a:args) else call gina#core#console#debug('Use a cached commit message:') return s:get_commitmsg_cleanedup(a:git, a:args, content) endif endfunction function! s:get_commitmsg_template(git, args) abort let args = a:args.clone() let filename = s:Git.resolve(a:git, 'COMMIT_EDITMSG') let previous_content = filereadable(filename) \ ? readfile(filename) \ : [] try " Build a new commit message template call args.pop('--no-edit') call args.set('-e|--edit', 1) let result = gina#process#call(a:git, args) if !result.status || ( \ match(result.stderr, 'error: unable to start editor') is# -1 && \ match(result.stderr, 'error: There was a problem with the editor') is# -1 \) " While git is executed with '-c core.editor=false', the command above " should fail after that create a COMMIT_EDITMSG for the current " situation throw gina#process#errormsg(result) endif " Get a built commitmsg template return readfile(filename) finally " Restore the content call writefile(previous_content, filename) endtry endfunction " Note: " Commit the cached messate temporary to build a correct COMMIT_EDITMSG " This hacky implementation is required due to the lack of cleanup command. " https://github.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/issues/37#issuecomment-281661605 " Note: " It is not possible to remove diff content when user does " 1. Gina commit --verbose " 2. Save content " 3. Gina commit " 4. The diff part is cached so shown and no chance to remove that " This is a bit anoyying but I don't have any way to remove that so I just " ended up. PRs for this issue is welcome. " https://github.com/lambdalisue/gina.vim/issues/37#issuecomment-281687325 function! s:get_commitmsg_cleanedup(git, args, content) abort let args = a:args.clone() let filename = s:Git.resolve(a:git, 'COMMIT_EDITMSG') let previous_content = readfile(filename) let tempfile = tempname() try call writefile(a:content, tempfile) call args.set('--cleanup', s:get_cleanup(a:git, args)) call args.set('-F|--file', tempfile) call args.set('--no-edit', 1) call args.set('--allow-empty', 1) call args.set('--allow-empty-message', 1) call args.pop('-C|--reuse-message') call args.pop('-m|--message') call args.pop('-e|--edit') call gina#process#call_or_fail(a:git, args) " Reset the temporary commit and remove all logs call gina#process#call_or_fail(a:git, ['reset', '--soft', 'HEAD@{1}']) call gina#process#call_or_fail(a:git, ['reflog', 'delete', 'HEAD@{0}']) call gina#process#call_or_fail(a:git, ['reflog', 'delete', 'HEAD@{0}']) " Get entire content of commitmsg return readfile(filename) finally call delete(tempfile) call writefile(previous_content, filename) endtry endfunction function! s:set_commitmsg(git, args, content) abort call s:set_cached_commitmsg(a:git, a:args, a:content) endfunction function! s:commit_commitmsg(git, args) abort let args = a:args.clone() let content = s:get_cached_commitmsg(a:git, args) let tempfile = tempname() try call writefile(content, tempfile) call args.set('--no-edit', 1) call args.set('--cleanup', s:get_cleanup(a:git, args)) call args.set('-F|--file', tempfile) call args.pop('-C|--reuse-message') call args.pop('-m|--message') call args.pop('-e|--edit') let result = gina#process#call(a:git, args) call gina#process#inform(result) call s:remove_cached_commitmsg(a:git) call gina#core#emitter#emit('command:called:commit') bwipeout finally call delete(tempfile) endtry endfunction function! s:commit_commitmsg_confirm(git, args) abort if gina#core#console#confirm('Do you want to commit changes?', 'y') call s:commit_commitmsg(a:git, a:args) else redraw | echo '' endif endfunction function! s:get_cached_commitmsg(git, args) abort let wname = a:git.worktree let cname = a:args.get('--amend') ? 'amend' : '_' let s:messages[wname] = get(s:messages, wname, {}) return get(s:messages[wname], cname, []) endfunction function! s:set_cached_commitmsg(git, args, commitmsg) abort let wname = a:git.worktree let cname = a:args.get('--amend') ? 'amend' : '_' let s:messages[wname] = get(s:messages, wname, {}) let s:messages[wname][cname] = a:commitmsg endfunction function! s:remove_cached_commitmsg(git) abort let cname = a:git.worktree let s:messages[cname] = {} endfunction " Event ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function! s:on_command_called_commit(...) abort call gina#core#emitter#emit('modified:delay') endfunction if !exists('s:subscribed') let s:subscribed = 1 call gina#core#emitter#subscribe( \ 'command:called:commit', \ function('s:on_command_called_commit') \) endif " Config --------------------------------------------------------------------- call gina#config(expand('<sfile>'), { \ 'use_default_mappings': 1, \})