scriptencoding utf-8 let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Workaround issues #12 function! s:escape_substitute_sub(str) return substitute(a:str, '&', '\\&', "g") endfunction function! s:extend_list(list) return empty(a:list) ? {} \ : len(a:list) == 1 ? a:list[0] \ : extend(deepcopy(a:list[0]), s:extend_list(a:list[1:])) endfunction function! jplus#getchar() let c = nr2char(getchar()) return c =~ '[[:print:]]' ? c : "" endfunction function! s:join_list(list, c, ignore, left_match, right_match) let list = filter(a:list, 'len(v:val) && !(a:ignore != "" && (v:val =~ a:ignore))') if empty(list) return [] endif let result = list[0] for i in list[1:] let result = matchstr(result, a:left_match) . a:c . matchstr(i, a:right_match) endfor return result endfunction function! s:add_comment_leader_pattern(current_pattern) if &formatoptions !~ 'j' return a:current_pattern endif let flags = '\(^:\|m\)' let to_consider = filter(split(&comments, ','), 'v:val =~ flags') call map(to_consider, 'split(v:val, ":")[-1]') if len(to_consider) == 0 return a:current_pattern endif " Escape special characters let to_escape = '\([*.]\)' let replace_with = '\\\1' call map(to_consider, 'substitute(v:val, to_escape, replace_with, "g")') " Construct patterns let before = '^\s*' let after = '\s*\zs.*' call map(to_consider, 'before . v:val . after') " Note: a:current_pattern MUST come at the end since it might contain '.*' " in the pattern, which will match even to comment leaders return '\%(' . join(to_consider, '\|') . '\|' . a:current_pattern . '\)' endfunction function! s:join(config) let ignore = a:config.ignore_pattern let left_matchstr = a:config.left_matchstr_pattern let right_matchstr = s:add_comment_leader_pattern(a:config.right_matchstr_pattern) let delimiter = s:escape_substitute_sub(a:config.delimiter) let c = substitute(a:config.delimiter_format, '%d', delimiter, "g") let start = a:config.firstline let lastline = a:config.firstline + a:config.line_num let end = lastline + (start == lastline) if end > line("$") return endif let line = s:join_list(getline(start, end), c, ignore, left_matchstr, right_matchstr) let view = winsaveview() let new_col = len(line) - len(matchstr(getline(end), right_matchstr)) let view['col'] = new_col - 1 call setline(start, line) if start+1 <= end silent execute start+1 . ',' . end 'delete _' endif if end <= line("$") normal! -1 endif call winrestview(view) endfunction let g:jplus#default_config = { \ "_" : { \ "left_matchstr_pattern" : '.\{-}\ze\s*$', \ "right_matchstr_pattern" : '\s*\zs.*', \ "ignore_pattern" : '', \ "delimiter" : " ", \ "delimiter_format" : "%d", \ }, \ "bash" : { \ "left_matchstr_pattern" : '^.\{-}\%(\ze\s*\\$\|$\)', \ }, \ "c" : { \ "left_matchstr_pattern" : '^.\{-}\%(\ze\s*\\$\|$\)', \ }, \ "cpp" : { \ "left_matchstr_pattern" : '^.\{-}\%(\ze\s*\\$\|$\)', \ }, \ "ruby" : { \ "left_matchstr_pattern" : '^.\{-}\%(\ze\s*\\$\|$\)', \ }, \ "python" : { \ "left_matchstr_pattern" : '^.\{-}\%(\ze\s*\\$\|$\)', \ }, \ "vim" : { \ "right_matchstr_pattern" : '^\s*\\\s*\zs.*\|\s*\zs.*', \ }, \ "zsh" : { \ "left_matchstr_pattern" : '^.\{-}\%(\ze\s*\\$\|$\)', \ }, \} let g:jplus#config = get(g:, "jplus#config", {}) function! jplus#get_config(filetype, ...) return s:extend_list([ \ get(g:jplus#default_config, "_", {}), \ get(g:jplus#config, "_", {}), \ get(g:jplus#default_config, a:filetype, {}), \ get(g:jplus#config, a:filetype, {}), \ get(a:, 1, {}) \ ]) endfunction let g:jplus#input_config = get(g:, "jplus#input_config", {}) function! jplus#get_input_config(input, filetype, ...) let empty_keyword = a:input ==# "" ? "__EMPTY__" : a:input return s:extend_list([ \ get(g:jplus#default_config, "_", {}), \ get(g:jplus#config, "_", {}), \ get(g:jplus#input_config, "__DEFAULT__", {}), \ get(g:jplus#default_config, a:filetype, {}), \ get(g:jplus#config, a:filetype, {}), \ { "delimiter" : a:input }, \ get(g:jplus#input_config, empty_keyword, {}), \ get(a:, 1, {}) \ ]) endfunction function! jplus#join(config) range if &modifiable == 0 return endif let config = extend({ \ "firstline" : a:firstline, \ "line_num" : a:lastline - a:firstline, \ }, a:config) let s:latest_config = a:config let s:latest_config.line_num = config.line_num let &operatorfunc = "jplus#operatorfunc_latest_repeat" call feedkeys("g@g@", "n") " execute "normal!" (mode() =~# "[vV\<C-v>]") ? "g@" : "g@g@" endfunction function! jplus#join_latest_repeat() if exists("s:latest_config") let config = extend({ \ "firstline" : a:firstline, \ "line_num" : a:lastline - a:firstline, \ }, s:latest_config) call s:join(config) endif endfunction function! jplus#mapexpr_join(...) let g:jplus_tmp_config = get(a:, 1, {}) return ":call jplus#join(g:jplus_tmp_c, g:jplus_tmp_config)\<CR>" endfunction function! s:operatorfunc(wise, ...) let base = get(a:, 1, {}) let first = getpos("'[")[1] let last = getpos("']")[1] let config = base call jplus#join(extend({ \ "firstline" : first, \ "lastline" : last, \ }, config)) endfunction function! jplus#operatorfunc(wise) return s:operatorfunc(a:wise, jplus#get_config(&filetype)) endfunction function! jplus#operatorfunc_input(wise) return s:operatorfunc(a:wise, jplus#get_input_config(input("Input joint delimiter : "), &filetype)) endfunction function! jplus#operatorfunc_getchar(wise) return s:operatorfunc(a:wise, jplus#get_input_config(jplus#getchar(), &filetype)) endfunction function! jplus#operatorfunc_latest_repeat(...) return jplus#join_latest_repeat() endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo