# Support SpaceVim ## Development happens in the GitHub repository. [](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim) ## Report bugs If you get any issues, please open an issue with the ISSUE_TEMPLATE. It is useful for me to debug for this issue. ## Contribute Layers 1. fork SpaceVim repo 2. add a layer file `autoload/SpaceVim/layers/foo.vim` for `foo` layer. 3. edit layer file, check out the example below: ```vim function! SpaceVim#layers#foo#plugins() abort let plugins = [] call add(plugins, ['Shougo/foo.vim', {'option' : 'value'}]) return plugins endfunction function! SpaceVim#layers#foo#config() abort " here you can set some value or mappings endfunction ``` 4. send PR to SpaceVim.