title: "SpaceVim checkers layer"
description: "Syntax checking automatically within SpaceVim, display error on the sign column and statusline."

# [Available Layers](../) >> checkers

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- [Description](#description)
- [Install](#install)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Key bindings](#key-bindings)

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## Description

This layer provides syntax checking feature.

## Install

To use this configuration layer, add following snippet to your custom configuration file.

  name = "checkers"

## Configuration

**Layer options:**

By default, the error will be display below current line, if you want to disabled this
feature, you may need to load this layer with `show_cursor_error` to `false`.

  name = "checkers"
  show_cursor_error = false

**Global options:**

the following options are SpaceVim option, you need to config them in `[options]` section.

| Name              | default value | description                                              |
| ----------------- | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `enable_neomake`  | `true`        | Use neomake as default checking tools                    |
| `enable_ale`      | `false`       | Use ale as default checking tools                        |
| `lint_on_the_fly` | `false`       | Syntax checking on the fly feature, disabled by default. |

**NOTE:** if you want to use  ale, you need:

    enable_neomake = false
    enable_ale = true

and if you want to use syntastic, set this two options to `false`.

## Key bindings

| Key       | mode   | description                                                  |
| --------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `SPC e .` | Normal | open error-transient-state                                   |
| `SPC e c` | Normal | clear errors                                                 |
| `SPC e h` | Normal | describe current checker                                     |
| `SPC e n` | Normal | jump to the position of next error                           |
| `SPC e N` | Normal | jump to the position of previous error                       |
| `SPC e p` | Normal | jump to the position of previous error                       |
| `SPC e l` | Normal | display a list of all the errors                             |
| `SPC e L` | Normal | display a list of all the errors and focus the errors buffer |
| `SPC e e` | Normal | explain the error at point                                   |
| `SPC e s` | Normal | set syntax checker (TODO)                                    |
| `SPC e S` | Normal | set syntax checker executable (TODO)                         |
| `SPC e v` | Normal | verify syntax setup                                          |
| `SPC t s` | Normal | toggle syntax                                                |