--- title: "SpaceVim edit layer" description: "Improve code edit expr in SpaceVim, provide more text opjects." --- # [Available Layers](../) >> edit <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [Description](#description) - [Features](#features) - [Options](#options) - [Key bindings](#key-bindings) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ## Description This layer provides many edit key bindings for SpaceVim, and also provides more text objects. ## Features - change surround symbol via vim-surround - repeat latest action via vim-repeat - multiple cursor - align - set justification for paragraph - highlight whitespaces at the end of a line - load editorconfig config, need `+python` or `+python3` ## Options - `textobj`: specified a list of text objects to be enabled, the avaliable list is :`indent`, `line`, `entire` ## Key bindings | Key bindings | Descraptions | | --------------------- | -------------------------------- | | `SPC x a {delimiter}` | align content based on delimiter | **default delimiters** - `=`: align `===`, `==`, `!=`, `>=` etc. - `&`: align `&` - `¦`: align `¦` - `|`: align `|` - `;`: align `;` - `:`: align `:` - `,`: align `,` - `.`: align `.` - `[`: align `[` - `(`: align `(` - `{`: align `{` - `]`: align `]` - `}`: align `}` - `)`: align `)` - `[SPC]`: align `[SPC]` - `o`: align `+ - * / % ^` etc. - `r`: align user specified regular expression. | Key bindings | Descraptions | | ------------ | ------------------------------------ | | `SPC x j c` | set the justification to center | | `SPC x j f` | set the justification to full (TODO) | | `SPC x j l` | set the justification to left | | `SPC x j n` | set the justification to none (TODO) | | `SPC x j r` | set the justification to right | | `SPC x u` | set the selected text to lower case | | `SPC x U` | set the selected text to upper case | | `SPC x w c` | count the words in the select region |